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Posting history for user ZINFAN::ROSE

31 notes across 9 conferences

Summary of Posts

Click on conference filespec to scroll down to
Conference Title
smurf::notes$archive:ultrix_v216It's OK to say the U... word, Volume #2
clt::decwindows_user_interface2DECwindows User Interface Design
hanzi::asian_products2Asian Language Software and Hardware Products Information
rdvax::x2The X Window System
turris::porting_to_ultrix2Porting Software to Ultrix
7.286::osf_archive1Open Software Foundation -- the Organization
bulova::decw_jan-89_to_nov-901DECWINDOWS 26-JAN-89 to 29-NOV-90
taveng::decwindows_programming1DECwindows Programming hints/kinks

Conference smurf::notes$archive:ultrix_v2 (It's OK to say the U... word, Volume #2)

16 posts
TOPIC 292.0 How to qar? Should I qar?
292.7Fri May 12 1989 20:00 The true way? 7 lines
292.14Thu May 25 1989 18:19 Still confused about the right path 11 lines
TOPIC 925.0 vi beeps and capitalizes
925.29Fri May 12 1989 19:49 Ancient history 19 lines
925.31Thu May 18 1989 17:28 ????? 21 lines
TOPIC 1430.0 GKS on DECwindows on DECstation ?
1430.1Thu Apr 20 1989 17:32 Product manager? 4 lines
TOPIC 1504.0 SPRs and hotline support
1504.12Fri May 12 1989 20:26 LORs might help... 19 lines
1504.24Thu May 25 1989 18:12 We know about QARs... our concern is SPRs 59 lines
1504.30Fri May 26 1989 18:15 If your goal is really reducing duplicates... 14 lines
1504.33Fri May 26 1989 21:03 You can accomplish what you do today *and* be on-line 6 lines
1504.35Sat May 27 1989 00:59 Enlightenment arrives 17 lines
TOPIC 1585.0 Wanted: ULTRIX Guru
1585.1Tue May 16 1989 23:43 Cross reference note 949 9 lines
TOPIC 1614.0 FONTS for a LN03 printer
1614.1Mon May 22 1989 23:53 Some pointers 14 lines
1618.1Tue May 23 1989 00:32 Two down, n to go 8 lines
TOPIC 1626.0 Vax Fortran calling VAX c subroutine ?
1626.1Tue May 23 1989 16:28 Jacket Building Language 4 lines
TOPIC 1630.0 VMS <-> ULTRIX task-to-task
1630.1Tue May 23 1989 23:47 cross-reference 2 lines
TOPIC 1661.0 UIL debugger ???
1661.2Wed May 31 1989 04:06 Use gdb... 3 lines

Conference clt::decwindows_user_interface (DECwindows User Interface Design)

2 posts
TOPIC 388.0 I can't find Xmu and XC_gumby.
388.1Fri May 12 1989 18:52 Can't find the cross-reference, but... 2 lines
388.2Fri May 12 1989 20:47 Found it 2 lines

Conference hanzi::asian_products (Asian Language Software and Hardware Products Information)

2 posts
TOPIC 67.0 Hangul support on DECwindows/Ultrix?
67.5Fri May 12 1989 09:35 Maybe hints for doing it ourselves? 46 lines
67.8Sat May 13 1989 06:19 Great...but now a couple more questions 23 lines

Conference 7.286::osf_archive (Open Software Foundation -- the Organization)

1 posts
TOPIC 127.0 XUI and OSF -- Are they really perfect together?
127.4Mon May 22 1989 23:32 ??? 2 lines

Conference rdvax::x (The X Window System)

2 posts
TOPIC643.0Tue May 23 1989 19:50 How to write 'undroppable' clients? 33 lines
TOPIC 652.0 Polygon Edges...
652.1Mon May 29 1989 22:24 Vague memory of something like that on GPX 6 lines

Conference turris::porting_to_ultrix (Porting Software to Ultrix)

2 posts
TOPIC 121.0 VMS/ULTRIX callable if.
121.10Thu May 25 1989 18:34 JBL solved a problem, but in a suboptimal way... 20 lines
TOPIC 126.0 link
126.1Wed May 31 1989 17:06 I think so but can't recall details 10 lines

Conference bulova::decw_jan-89_to_nov-90 (DECWINDOWS 26-JAN-89 to 29-NOV-90)

1 posts
TOPIC 863.0 Terminal Emulators (xterm ..DECterm) ..
863.2Thu Jun 01 1989 17:34 What I like about xterm 23 lines

Conference turris::clx (CLX)

4 posts
TOPIC56.0Wed May 10 1989 02:35 Lisp bindings -- beyond CLX 6 lines
56.3Wed May 10 1989 21:02 Interesting! 8 lines
TOPIC60.0Fri May 26 1989 23:40 CLX event handling feels unnatural 21 lines
60.6Thu Jun 01 1989 20:29 Maybe not so bad 25 lines

Conference taveng::decwindows_programming (DECwindows Programming hints/kinks)

1 posts
TOPIC 74.0 The DECwindows QAR system
74.9Tue May 09 1989 23:54 Ultrix DW QARs 7 lines

Additional information

First Post:Thu Apr 20 1989
Last Post:Thu Jun 01 1989
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