TOPIC | 19.0 | KARMA |
| 19.20 | Tue Jan 30 1990 14:04 | Karma and Bodhicitta | 49 lines |
TOPIC | 27.0 | Buddhism and hell |
| 27.13 | Tue Jan 30 1990 14:24 | Time warps and hell realms | 26 lines |
TOPIC | 36.0 | Comparative Religion. |
| 36.13 | Tue Jan 30 1990 14:49 | on suffering | 30 lines |
TOPIC | 38.0 | Alan Watts |
| 38.21 | Tue Jan 30 1990 14:56 | my two bits | 10 lines |
TOPIC | 44.0 | INDIA |
| 44.11 | Mon Jan 29 1990 20:06 | Were allied with royalty... | 9 lines |
TOPIC | 59.0 | Science and Buddhism |
| 59.7 | Tue Jan 30 1990 18:33 | Another Shambala book | 29 lines |
TOPIC | 62.0 | Buddhist Center Addresses |
| 62.8 | Mon Jan 29 1990 20:12 | Tibetan Buddhist in Boston | 14 lines |
| 62.9 | Mon Jan 29 1990 20:17 | Tibetan Sakya center | 9 lines |
TOPIC | 79.0 | Spiritual Teachers |
| 79.21 | Tue Jan 30 1990 18:56 | What the Kadampas' have to say | 19 lines |
| 79.25 | Thu Feb 01 1990 20:20 | Geshe Rabten's advice | 25 lines |
| 79.28 | Fri Feb 02 1990 16:14 | | 8 lines |
| 79.30 | Thu Feb 15 1990 13:22 | | 27 lines |
| 79.32 | Mon Feb 19 1990 14:12 | Geshe/lama | 60 lines |
TOPIC | 115.0 | Soygal Rimpoche ? |
| 115.7 | Wed Jan 31 1990 17:33 | update on S. R. | 12 lines |
TOPIC | 118.0 | Oren Lyons Speech |
| 118.3 | Wed Jan 31 1990 17:37 | Hopis and tibetans | 7 lines |
TOPIC | 283.0 | New Centres & Teacher in USA |
| 283.3 | Tue May 03 1994 16:49 | Update on Boston? | 5 lines |
TOPIC | 294.0 | Thu Jun 02 1994 16:36 | Rinzai Teacher in Boston June 6 94 | 63 lines |
TOPIC | 314.0 | Homosexuality and Buddhism |
| 314.4 | Wed May 03 1995 13:22 | Tibetan views that I have heard... | 33 lines |
TOPIC | 316.0 | Mon May 15 1995 12:12 | Panchen Lama has been found and recognized | 113 lines |
| 316.1 | Mon May 15 1995 19:38 | Recent articles in British and U.S. papers on Panchen announcement | 226 lines |
| 316.2 | Tue May 16 1995 17:15 | History and Background on Tibetan - Chinese relations with respect to the Panchen Lama | 212 lines |
TOPIC | 317.0 | Buddhist Population... |
| 317.1 | Mon Jul 10 1995 12:30 | Interesting topic | 13 lines |
TOPIC | 320.0 | Wed Jul 19 1995 12:40 | His Holiness will be in Boston in September - tickets available for public talk | 18 lines |
| 320.2 | Wed Jul 26 1995 17:06 | | 42 lines |
| 320.3 | Fri Aug 04 1995 12:18 | More information on His Holiness the Dalai Lamas trip to the U.S. - schedule/information | 91 lines |
| 320.4 | Tue Aug 15 1995 16:26 | This will be open to anyone in the Chinese community of Boston | 35 lines |
| 320.5 | Tue Sep 05 1995 15:56 | Tibet awareness week - prelude to visit by Dalai Lama | 46 lines |
| 320.6 | Wed Sep 06 1995 18:29 | Meet the Press has been cancelled - But live interview on Chrisopher Lydon Radio - WBUR | 9 lines |
TOPIC | 323.0 | The Death Penalty |
| 323.1 | Wed Jul 26 1995 16:39 | Tibet and Thailand | 12 lines |
TOPIC | 328.0 | Dalai Lama Movies |
| 328.4 | Thu Oct 19 1995 18:06 | FYI: Article on TWO movies with or about His Holiness. | 88 lines |
TOPIC | 330.0 | What Practices Have You Explored -- or commited to? |
| 330.1 | Wed Oct 25 1995 17:15 | There are some tibetan groups... | 6 lines |
TOPIC | 336.0 | "full catastrophe" living ? |
| 336.1 | Tue Apr 23 1996 14:43 | Full Catastrophe Book - Stress management | 16 lines |
TOPIC | 337.0 | Childless Married Couples... |
| 337.7 | Tue Apr 23 1996 15:03 | | 19 lines |
| 337.14 | Thu May 02 1996 16:26 | Tibetan lama view on "too many people" | 23 lines |
TOPIC | 338.0 | What Vesak means to you |
| 338.1 | Tue May 28 1996 16:26 | When is vesak...? | 5 lines |
TOPIC | 340.0 | "Buddhism In America" conference, Jan. 1997 |
| 340.1 | Wed Sep 04 1996 16:32 | dharma-rama | 19 lines |
| 341.1 | Wed Sep 11 1996 14:37 | | 9 lines |
| 341.4 | Fri Sep 27 1996 20:39 | Thanks for the background | 4 lines |
TOPIC | 343.0 | Collective/Group Karma? |
| 343.5 | Tue Oct 22 1996 13:58 | The laws of karma can sound offensive sometimes... | 31 lines |
| 343.9 | Fri Oct 25 1996 15:29 | | 4 lines |
TOPIC | 20.0 | TRAVEL - Places to visit in India |
| 20.66 | Thu Jan 11 1990 15:40 | How about that advisory... | 7 lines |
| 111.2 | Thu Nov 02 1989 19:28 | A friend to the Tibetans. | 5 lines |
TOPIC | 112.0 | Dalai Lama gets Nobel Peace Prize |
| 112.15 | Thu Nov 02 1989 19:36 | Indias support | 9 lines |
TOPIC | 125.0 | Mon Oct 30 1989 15:07 | visa for a U.S. citizen going to India | 10 lines |
| 125.2 | Tue Oct 31 1989 14:32 | must be student visas? | 8 lines |
| 125.5 | Wed Nov 01 1989 16:10 | thanks | 4 lines |
TOPIC | 166.0 | Vedic Chronolgy |
| 166.2 | Fri Dec 15 1989 13:25 | How does buddhism fit? | 9 lines |
| 166.9 | Mon Dec 18 1989 16:21 | language issue | 4 lines |
TOPIC | 174.0 | US interventation in Panama |
| 174.3 | Thu Dec 21 1989 19:25 | So what is the situation in Nepal? | 7 lines |
| 174.12 | Fri Dec 22 1989 17:31 | nepal-china-india | 11 lines |
TOPIC | 176.0 | SRI LANKA: actual situation please! |
| 176.4 | Thu Jan 04 1990 14:49 | Tell us more about your trip! | 5 lines |
TOPIC | 1124.0 | Wed May 11 1994 12:34 | 25% duty on A personal computer | 15 lines |
| 1124.5 | Tue May 17 1994 20:13 | thanks | 2 lines |