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Posting history for user TPOVC::PAULHSU

4 notes across 4 conferences

Summary of Posts

Click on conference filespec to scroll down to
Conference Title
noted::ultrix1Volume 4, Take a RISC with ULTRIX
molar::msu1DECmcc Management Station for ULTRIX
7.286::postscript1PostScript, the language. Please read 1.*
zydeco::decrti1DECRTI Development Conference

Conference noted::ultrix (Volume 4, Take a RISC with ULTRIX)

1 posts
TOPIC1884.0Tue Feb 09 1993 07:33 pixie can't generate 59 lines

Conference molar::msu (DECmcc Management Station for ULTRIX)

1 posts
TOPIC641.0Tue Sep 07 1993 02:03 MSU running on 4.3a or .... ? 7 lines

Conference 7.286::postscript (PostScript, the language. Please read 1.*)

1 posts
TOPIC1260.0Wed Mar 10 1993 07:44 Can't print it in lps20 but ln03r 752 lines

Conference zydeco::decrti (DECRTI Development Conference)

1 posts
TOPIC591.0Wed Apr 21 1993 09:16 Can't find lib_show_ when compile 32 lines

Additional information

First Post:Tue Feb 09 1993
Last Post:Tue Sep 07 1993
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