TOPIC | 75.0 | Stock prices |
| 75.48 | Thu Mar 31 1994 22:53 | It's just not worth it. | 6 lines |
TOPIC | 2785.0 | Should I be forced to quit? |
| 2785.22 | Tue Mar 15 1994 02:37 | Have a good life ... | 9 lines |
TOPIC | 2909.0 | I forgot... |
| 2909.14 | Fri Feb 25 1994 13:04 | Are you "saying" what I'm "hearing?" | 39 lines |
| 2909.17 | Sat Feb 26 1994 04:01 | Amazing ... | 10 lines |
TOPIC | 2915.0 | DEC doing poorly? Take away our tool sets so we can continue to do so! |
| 2915.45 | Thu Mar 17 1994 02:27 | May as well go for the gold ... | 25 lines |
TOPIC | 2925.0 | Morale |
| 2925.53 | Tue Mar 15 1994 02:32 | What's missing for you? Does this help? | 25 lines |
TOPIC | 2926.0 | Are you a 1 ? |
| 2926.11 | Wed Mar 02 1994 13:29 | My best friend has earned 1s. | 11 lines |
| 2926.56 | Thu Mar 17 1994 02:33 | Karma and Justice in action | 4 lines |
| 2926.58 | Sat Mar 19 1994 14:10 | I'm with you, Jeff. | 8 lines |
TOPIC | 2961.0 | Let's do something about it! |
| 2961.6 | Mon Mar 28 1994 03:27 | I'm with you, Anker. | 18 lines |
| 2961.9 | Mon Mar 28 1994 15:00 | Each of us CAN change the person at a time. | 17 lines |
| 2961.21 | Thu Mar 31 1994 23:02 | That's one. | 8 lines |
TOPIC | 2966.0 | Digital off Preferred Vendor's List |
| 2966.2 | Tue Mar 29 1994 13:25 | Some suggestions, a challenge, and an offer ... | 27 lines |
TOPIC | 2974.0 | It's a whole new way of living... |
| 2974.51 | Sat Apr 02 1994 16:29 | What's in a name? | 19 lines |
| 2974.73 | Tue Apr 05 1994 14:18 | You get what you "pay" for. | 21 lines |
| 2974.124 | Mon Apr 11 1994 19:43 | Maybe we all know now. I could have been the last. | 7 lines |
| 2974.131 | Tue Apr 12 1994 14:20 | Hyperbole doesn't encourage trust ... | 24 lines |
TOPIC | 2977.0 | 5 steps to improve morale at Digital |
| 2977.30 | Fri Apr 08 1994 05:03 | Give ignorance its due. | 35 lines |
TOPIC | 2986.0 | Internet junk mail sighted |
| 2986.18 | Tue Apr 12 1994 14:46 | Works for me. | 18 lines |
TOPIC | 2995.0 | Alpha and Rdb triple TPS-A world record with 3692 TPS |
| 2995.4 | Tue Apr 12 1994 14:33 | You had me worried for a second there. | 12 lines |
TOPIC | 3096.0 | Q4 layoffs - anything happening? |
| 3096.47 | Sat May 28 1994 19:46 | 11-11.5% of IDC were hit last Tuesday. | 14 lines |
TOPIC | 3107.0 | I'm History !! |
| 3107.75 | Fri Jun 17 1994 13:31 | 1/8 of what you hear; 1/4 of what you read; ... | 11 lines |
TOPIC | 3117.0 | The Why type of question people dare not ask !!!! |
| 3117.17 | Wed Jun 01 1994 14:23 | Any chance that we can get back to the original topic? | 0 lines |
TOPIC | 3174.0 | Digital - Virtual reality game |
| 3174.23 | Thu Jun 30 1994 19:54 | Try asking what the letters CD bring to mind. | 13 lines |
TOPIC | 3238.0 | A Question for Engineering - Is Technical Writing Valuable? |
| 3238.151 | Sun Jul 31 1994 22:28 | If it makes you feel any better ... | 14 lines |
| 3238.209 | Sat Sep 24 1994 05:21 | Anonymity doesn't preclude the need for Accuracy. | 25 lines |
| 3238.211 | Mon Sep 26 1994 14:04 | Can't tell the ratios without the numbers. | 27 lines |
TOPIC | 3249.0 | Nobody told me about this death... |
| 3249.16 | Mon Jul 18 1994 13:41 | So ... Is Ken dead yet? ;^) | 0 lines |
| 3249.19 | Mon Jul 18 1994 14:11 | Christmas in July? | 6 lines |
TOPIC | 3268.0 | DIGITAL Today, Special Edition. |
| 3268.7 | Tue Jul 26 1994 13:29 | Re: .6 | 13 lines |
TOPIC | 3273.0 | critical mass |
| 3273.16 | Thu Jul 28 1994 04:44 | If all else fails, ... | 8 lines |
| 3273.34 | Fri Jul 29 1994 13:21 | Maybe they're still trainable. | 6 lines |
TOPIC | 3329.0 | Largest private E-Mail network |
| 3329.1 | Sun Aug 14 1994 16:33 | Does this extract from VTX EASYNET help? | 23 lines |
| 3329.4 | Mon Aug 15 1994 03:42 | When is a computer not a computer? | 7 lines |
TOPIC | 3345.0 | What does TFSO mean? |
| 3345.46 | Sat Sep 10 1994 15:23 | How do you spell that? | 7 lines |
TOPIC | 3348.0 | You'll know we're out of trouble when... |
| 3348.48 | Sat Sep 10 1994 15:26 | | 4 lines |
TOPIC | 3351.0 | Ethics, anyone? |
| 3351.44 | Fri Sep 02 1994 21:12 | | 4 lines |
TOPIC | 3364.0 | Up the Corporate Ladder |
| 3364.4 | Thu Sep 01 1994 04:07 | The Peter Perscription | 17 lines |
TOPIC | 3371.0 | Palmer, Graduated Income Tax |
| 3371.71 | Sat Sep 10 1994 15:37 | Exactly what I've learned to expect ... | 10 lines |
TOPIC | 3429.0 | Employee Theft |
| 3429.116 | Thu Oct 20 1994 20:01 | Is Thomas Darwin Newton a pseudonym for Hari Seldon? | 2 lines |
TOPIC | 3442.0 | Acronyms = Stress reduction |
| 3442.36 | Sat Oct 15 1994 14:58 | IITYWYBAD? | 5 lines |
TOPIC | 3447.0 | SES <- IDC <- CUIP <- CUP, ESDP,TNpubs,DCD,etc. |
| 3447.81 | Sat Nov 12 1994 12:37 | Nobody can abuse you without your consent. | 70 lines |
| 3447.87 | Tue Nov 15 1994 02:07 | Still looks like one company to me. | 63 lines |
TOPIC | 3505.0 | Is it just me? |
| 3505.12 | Sat Nov 12 1994 12:57 | The Chicken and the Egg | 27 lines |
TOPIC | 3528.0 | TV Advert |
| 3528.4 | Fri Nov 25 1994 14:32 | This ain't no magazine. | 22 lines |
TOPIC | 3529.0 | Holiday gifts for Digital |
| 3529.1 | Sun Nov 27 1994 01:33 | All of it in a single package ... | 6 lines |
TOPIC | 3543.0 | Digital India - Where are the ethics ? |
| 3543.17 | Sat Dec 03 1994 16:55 | How else to "stop payment" electronically? | 12 lines |
TOPIC | 1494.0 | 46 nodes MI Cluster hangs very often |
| 1494.9 | Sat Apr 21 1990 06:31 | SYSMAN can sometimes find problem nodes too ...
| 31 lines |
TOPIC | 3077.0 | 1 node cluster, do I need a VAXCLUSTER lic. |
| 3077.8 | Fri May 06 1994 13:51 | Maybe you should write about it ... | 5 lines |
TOPIC | 3714.0 | ?? about cluster operations but for 1 node |
| 3714.2 | Sun Aug 15 1993 02:44 | You can use a detached process ... | 39 lines |
TOPIC | 3757.0 | LAT printer queues across a VAXcluster? |
| 3757.3 | Sun Aug 22 1993 05:20 | 2 nodes + 2 printers ---> 1 generic queue | 14 lines |
TOPIC | 3775.0 | Satellite won't join cluster |
| 3775.4 | Thu Apr 21 1994 02:56 | Still working? | 8 lines |
| 3775.7 | Fri Apr 22 1994 12:51 | It works and it's great. | 5 lines |
| 3837.2 | Fri Oct 22 1993 04:16 | Another (less elegant?) approach ... | 28 lines |
TOPIC | 3867.0 | Avoiding v5.5 queue conflicts with logical names? |
| 3867.2 | Fri Nov 19 1993 11:33 | I've used that technique for years. | 10 lines |
| 3867.3 | Fri Nov 19 1993 11:36 | The parameter is LNMSHASHTBL. | 0 lines |
TOPIC | 3920.0 | Booting a cluster with many satellites takes forev |
| 3920.5 | Thu Jan 13 1994 11:39 | Keep the datanase small in hidden areas. | 7 lines |
TOPIC | 3956.0 | Switching nodenames and addresses in a VAXcluster |
| 3956.2 | Tue Feb 01 1994 13:16 | You can avoid the NETCONFIGs and AUTOGENS. | 29 lines |
| 3956.4 | Wed Feb 02 1994 12:34 | Just don't reboot one untill you're ready to reboot all. | 31 lines |
TOPIC | 4546.0 | read manuals ! please ! |
| 4546.6 | Sat Apr 29 1995 12:36 | Low flame on ... | 104 lines |
TOPIC | 2.0 | Topic: Teams |
| 2.73 | Sat Jul 10 1993 05:53 | So ... How're we doing? | 70 lines |
| 2.75 | Wed Jul 14 1993 18:38 | I glad to hear that there's still SOMEBODY out there ... | 42 lines |
| 2.78 | Wed Jul 14 1993 18:57 | I think that any of our teams should be open to discussion. | 12 lines |
| 2.83 | Thu Jul 15 1993 02:17 | IDC > CUIP + DCD | 20 lines |
| 2.98 | Mon Jul 19 1993 22:54 | Re: .95 | 11 lines |
| 2.109 | Fri Jul 23 1993 22:14 | On the other side of the looking glass ... | 39 lines |
| 2.111 | Mon Jul 26 1993 21:51 | What I meant by "level organization" ... | 8 lines |
| 2.115 | Fri Jul 22 1994 15:05 | Yes ... | 31 lines |
| 2.119 | Fri Jul 22 1994 17:57 | Sorry about that ... | 30 lines |
| 2.120 | Fri Jul 22 1994 17:59 | Notes collision ... | 12 lines |
| 97.3 | Fri Apr 16 1993 15:46 | The best thing to do with rumors ... | 14 lines |
TOPIC | 101.0 | Job Classification Changes... |
| 101.1 | Thu Apr 22 1993 21:11 | Not all Educational Consultants are Technical Writers ... | 13 lines |
TOPIC | 103.0 | A Moment with Ebit 661.
| 103.7 | Tue Apr 27 1993 20:45 | Nothing's ever "poured in concrete" ... | 26 lines |
| 103.23 | Thu Apr 29 1993 02:48 | That's 10 items or FEWER ... | 15 lines |
| 103.38 | Fri Apr 30 1993 13:52 | A bit less blame and a little more help ... | 13 lines |
TOPIC | 104.0 | LT News |
| 104.18 | Wed Jun 30 1993 22:15 | The Leadership Team (and the coaches) HAVE been a bit busy lately ... | 6 lines |
| 104.27 | Wed Aug 25 1993 03:55 | Great analogy ... Excellent response! | 0 lines |
TOPIC | 108.0 | Layoffs, Age, and Management in IDC |
| 108.4 | Thu May 06 1993 16:57 | They've been disappearing from the other side of the fence too ... | 6 lines |
TOPIC | 109.0 | IM and Strategic Flip-Flops |
| 109.3 | Tue May 18 1993 11:40 | If ya' ain't part of the solution, yer part of the problem! | 23 lines |
| 109.10 | Thu May 20 1993 02:02 | If not IDC, please identify your organization. | 42 lines |
| 109.12 | Fri May 21 1993 15:02 | The cost question wasn't clear to me ... | 42 lines |
TOPIC | 133.0 | Multi-file Search and Replace |
| 133.2 | Fri Jun 04 1993 21:00 | Is this significantly better than the DCL command files? | 5 lines |
TOPIC | 145.0 | Budget question |
| 145.3 | Fri Aug 20 1993 21:25 | Those in an information group need to watch out for disinformation. | 12 lines |
TOPIC | 149.0 | Maybe some discussion around 123.13 and .14? |
| 149.3 | Thu Aug 19 1993 03:28 | When can I get an EasyNet address for my TV? | 64 lines |
TOPIC | 150.0 | a writing coach |
| 150.2 | Fri Aug 13 1993 04:11 | Good idea! | 10 lines |
| 150.4 | Fri Aug 13 1993 16:04 | I'm not sure that I understand how you arrived at some of you conclusions. | 26 lines |
| 150.6 | Sat Aug 14 1993 02:23 | Don't forget what the letters IDC stand for. | 47 lines |
TOPIC | 159.0 | Is IDC too expensive? |
| 159.2 | Wed Aug 25 1993 03:47 | Great answer ... well, almost ... | 40 lines |
| 159.4 | Wed Aug 25 1993 13:44 | You may find that the short run is longer now. | 12 lines |
| 159.11 | Fri Aug 27 1993 15:03 | Wanna run that one by me again? | 9 lines |
| 159.14 | Fri Aug 27 1993 17:58 | First, we need to figure out what we're dealing with. | 40 lines |
TOPIC | 176.0 | Difference Between a Writer and a Course Developer |
| 176.1 | Wed Sep 29 1993 21:25 | Extending the question and giving my answer | 67 lines |
| 176.8 | Thu Sep 30 1993 20:24 | What ya' see ain't what ya' get. | 36 lines |
| 176.11 | Tue Oct 12 1993 03:03 | Looks good to me, Rose. | 6 lines |
| 176.13 | Thu May 05 1994 21:32 | Sloppy definitions degrade everybody. | 17 lines |
TOPIC | 189.0 | Funding Model - I need some help understanding... |
| 189.5 | Thu Nov 04 1993 03:49 | My two (or three or four) cents ... | 54 lines |
| 189.8 | Fri Nov 05 1993 13:14 | Why not say what you mean when you say it? | 35 lines |
| 189.11 | Fri Nov 05 1993 22:04 | I apologize for MY poor communication. | 23 lines |
TOPIC | 190.0 | PC vs Mainframe, ease-of-use is only one factor |
| 190.3 | Wed Nov 10 1993 12:43 | It's hard to hit a moving target. | 31 lines |
TOPIC | 202.0 | The myth of the intuitive software product |
| 202.1 | Tue Jan 04 1994 19:26 | Sounds right to me ... | 117 lines |
TOPIC | 220.0 | Help "set" me straight. |
| 220.1 | Wed Mar 09 1994 11:41 | The curse of "made up" words ... | 7 lines |
TOPIC | 223.0 | Better, Cheaper, Faster Program |
| 223.2 | Sun Mar 13 1994 17:59 | Be glad that we have that much latitude. | 8 lines |
TOPIC | 227.0 | Empowerment, and what it means to me |
| 227.2 | Wed Mar 23 1994 03:36 | Just ask Spiderman ... | 3 lines |
| 227.4 | Wed Mar 23 1994 19:32 | Who are these people? | 13 lines |
| 227.6 | Thu Mar 24 1994 01:55 | "We have met the enemy and he is us." | 6 lines |
| 227.18 | Tue Mar 29 1994 04:20 | What's in a name? | 24 lines |
| 227.20 | Tue Mar 29 1994 12:51 | ... or to build a better mousetrap? | 0 lines |
TOPIC | 231.0 | Mon Mar 28 1994 04:21 | Great topic cross-posted from HUMANE::DIGITAL. | 204 lines |
TOPIC | 244.0 | Discussion: how can we help? |
| 244.2 | Fri Apr 29 1994 13:08 | Might our departure not make things worse? | 17 lines |
| 244.9 | Mon May 02 1994 19:24 | Did the Leaders and Coaches have any choice in this? | 13 lines |
| 244.13 | Tue May 03 1994 14:32 | It's a done deal ... let's keep moving. | 60 lines |
| 244.21 | Wed May 04 1994 06:37 | I'd like to know how it ISN'T a mistake! | 45 lines |
| 244.23 | Wed May 04 1994 16:07 | Will IDC pay for SES's savings? | 14 lines |
TOPIC | 259.0 | Will IDC exist after the SES reorg? |
| 259.4 | Tue Jun 28 1994 17:12 | FWIW, IDC as just about 3/4 of SES anyway. | 0 lines |
| 259.6 | Wed Jun 29 1994 20:13 | IDC is just the big slice of the pie. | 10 lines |
TOPIC | 260.0 | Outsourcing-related proposal |
| 260.7 | Wed Jun 29 1994 20:05 | All the news ... fit to print or not. | 5 lines |
TOPIC | 263.0 | SES Future State Information |
| 263.5 | Fri Jul 08 1994 02:58 | Where did this "managers only" whining come from? | 37 lines |
| 263.7 | Fri Jul 08 1994 14:08 | Re: .6 | 3 lines |
| 263.25 | Thu Jul 14 1994 13:11 | Knowledge Systems, Inc. | 5 lines |
| 263.38 | Wed Aug 03 1994 23:06 | At least one member of SES/ETS doesn't know any more than you do. | 0 lines |
TOPIC | 277.0 | A Moment with EBIT 998 "Employment Strategies" |
| 277.13 | Thu Aug 18 1994 14:47 | It COULD be worse ... | 14 lines |
TOPIC | 278.0 | IDC is obsolete |
| 278.2 | Wed Aug 17 1994 19:56 | This is the REALLY scary part. | 13 lines |
| 278.11 | Fri Aug 19 1994 14:12 | IDC <> Tech Writers | 31 lines |
TOPIC | 283.0 | Rushing to apply for SES jobs anyone? |
| 283.2 | Sat Sep 03 1994 15:20 | What SES jobs? | 9 lines |
TOPIC | 285.0 | Planfully |
| 285.18 | Mon Sep 12 1994 20:44 | At least the "questionable grammar" in this topic's title is intentional ... | 6 lines |
TOPIC | 295.0 | SES Notes Conference DOA? |
| 295.21 | Sat Feb 25 1995 15:13 | ... and what are your priorities? | 35 lines |