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Posting history for user AYOV40::JVEITCH

3 notes across 3 conferences

Summary of Posts

Click on conference filespec to scroll down to
Conference Title
ayrmis::ayr_fyi1Ayr FYI
giadev::decstation1DECstation PC Conference
7.286::postscript1PostScript, the language. Please read 1.*

Conference ayrmis::ayr_fyi (Ayr FYI)

1 posts
TOPIC254.0Wed May 19 1993 12:54 VAUXHAUL CAVALIER SRI FOR SALE 14 lines

Conference giadev::decstation (DECstation PC Conference)

1 posts
TOPIC3246.0Fri Jan 22 1993 06:56 DECpc333sxLP and serial lines 12 lines

Conference 7.286::postscript (PostScript, the language. Please read 1.*)

1 posts
TOPIC1232.0Wed Dec 16 1992 09:12 Ventura and postscript to ACSII 13 lines

Additional information

First Post:Wed Dec 16 1992
Last Post:Wed May 19 1993
# Topics:3
# Replies:0
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Total memory used by this script: 1,050,216 (4,194,304)