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Conference lgp30::christian-perspective

Title:Discussions from a Christian Perspective
Notice:Prostitutes and tax collectors welcome!
Created:Mon Sep 17 1990
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1362
Total number of notes:61362

797.0. "Jesus Born December 25: Fact or Myth?" by CSC32::J_CHRISTIE (On loan from God) Wed Dec 15 1993 17:27

    Pure legend, I say.
797.1A tradition of manDEBUG::HUMPHRYWed Dec 15 1993 18:007
    Christmas is a tradition of mankind.  Many of its customs come from
    pagan cultures.  There is no Biblical support for Christ being born
    on December 25th.  The Bible does not state what day Christ was born
797.2THOLIN::TBAKERDOS with Honor!Thu Dec 16 1993 12:186
    I don't think it really matters.

    In the mean time....  JOY TO THE WORLD!!!

797.3Light of the worldWELLER::FANNINSun Dec 19 1993 05:2010
    The Winter Solstice is around Dec 21st.  The days do not actually start
    getting perceptibly longer until about 3 days later.  We celebrate the
    birth of Jesus, bringer of Christ Light into the world when the light
    begins to win over darkness once again each year.

    Actually, it is theorized that Jesus was born in March or April.  I
    believe that one of the reasons is because shepherds didn't watch their
    flocks at night---except when the lambs were being born.  They wanted
    to make sure that the birthings went well.  Otherwise they brought
    the sheep into enclosures at night for safekeeping.  
797.4COVERT::COVERTJohn R. CovertSun Dec 19 1993 21:3325
Christmas, Christ-Mass, is the official birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Church's selection of the date, December 25, appears to have originated
in Rome during the early fourth century in order to pre-empt the pagan
festival of "Natalis Solis Invicti".  The beginning of the daylight's
lengthening at the Winter Solstice provided a tribute to the commencement
of the Light of God's grace in the Birth of the Sun of Righteousness, Jesus
Christ our Lord.

The date is not only fitting, but the era of its first selection is also
highly significant.  In the same period in history the Nicene Creed was
set forth to clarify the Deity of Jesus Christ as God's eternal Word and
Son: "begotten of His Father before all worlds... very God of very God...
being of one substance with the Father ... who for us men and for our
salvation came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of
the Virgin Mary and was made man."

Christmas is celebrated in the Western Catholic rites, of which classical
Anglicanism is an example, by three Masses: of the night, of the dawn, and
of the day.  These Masses have been held to symbolize the three-fold Birth
of Christ: eternally from the bosom of the Father, temporally from the womb
of the Virgin Mary His Mother, and mystically in the soul of the Christian

					-- Fr. Andrew C. Mead
					   Rector, The Church of the Advent
797.5Thanks JohnWELLER::FANNINMon Dec 20 1993 15:5321
    re .4, Thanks John -- that is a lovely explanation of date of
    Christmas.  I'd like to cross post it over to America On-line (AOL).

    I *love* Christmas!  But not all Christians think that it is a good
    idea.  A conversation is going on in the Ethics and Debate/Christianity
    II bulletin board on AOL between militant (and somewhat angry)
    self-pronounced Pagans and militant (and somewhat angry)
    self-pronounced Fundamentalist Christians.

    The Pagans are sneeringly saying that since the Christians just ripped
    off their holiday they have no right to celebrate it.

    The Christians are saying that this is true and that since Christmas is
    Pagan it is sinful and the Christmas tree is a form of idolatry.  I
    think they need some of the real church history on Christmas and I
    think your lovely passage will shed some light on the subject.

    I don't get it.  When I look in my little girl's eyes as she gazes at
    the pretty lights, I *know* that Christmas is good.

797.6CSC32::J_CHRISTIEOn loan from GodTue Dec 21 1993 00:166
    .5  Christmas *is* good.  If you walked on water, some people would
    criticize your apparent inability to do the Australian crawl.
    Heavenly peace,
797.7Just in for a peekRANGER::TBAKERDOS With HonorThu Dec 23 1993 01:235
    RE: .5
    Some people will fight about anything  :-)