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Conference 7.286::atarist

Title:Atari ST, TT, & Falcon
Notice:Please read note 1.0 and its replies before posting!
Created:Mon Apr 04 1988
Last Modified:Tue May 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1433
Total number of notes:10312

707.0. "3d plotter and rotator in assembler" by COMICS::RADBURN (Neanderthal answer to Einstein) Mon Dec 18 1989 11:32

    Hi there.
    	Some time ago I wrote a program in assembler to plot 3D objects
    and rotate them in all three axis (how is the plural spelt?). I
    thought that the time has come to share the code.
    	The program has been adapted from the original (Analog magazine,
    issue 16) which was written in basic, for the 8-bit Atari, and did
    not run in real time.
    	The code is commented and needs Fast Basic to run but only because
    I did not have an assembler at the time (I now have Devpac 2 - really
    good) so therefore strip off the top and bottom and you have pure
    assembler code.
    	I am hoping that some people will create new objects for the
    program and post the point and line data in this note as one object
    will soon become tiresome. Feel free to change the code to improve
    speed, add new functions etc - I do not claim to be God's (or whoever
    you believe in) gift to programming :-)
    Points to bear in mind
    	a and b are temp storage areas for point data. Currently set
    to 100 so if more than 100 points increase this size.
    	nopoints is the number of points that make up the object
    	nolines is the number of lines that make up the object - simple
    The numbers should be on quite a large scale as when rounding down
    small objects could become distorted.
    Apart from that I hope the program is useful and I look forward
    to any new objects/additions that anyone may have.
    Cheers for now,
    UK CSC
707.13d program listing :-)COMICS::RADBURNNeanderthal answer to EinsteinMon Dec 18 1989 11:35639
\               3-D Plotter and Rotator
\            Written in 68000 Machine Code
\          Using the Assembler in Fast Basic
\                         By
\                    Gary Radburn
\                    12 July 1988

\*Reserve space for program
RESERVE code,$C000                 

FOR pass=0 TO 2
OPT pass,"L-W-"
ORG code

     MOVE.L     #scrspace,D0       \Get address                             
     ADD.L      #256,D0            \of second screen
     AND.L      #$FFFF00,D0        \for page
     MOVE.L     D0,screen1         \flipping and store it
     MOVE.W     #2,-(SP)           \Get address
     TRAP       #14                \of current
     ADDQ.L     #2,SP              \screen
     MOVE.L     D0,screen0         \and store it

     MOVE.L     #contrl,A0         \Get control field address
     MOVE.W     #100,(A0)          \and set parameters to
     MOVE.W     #6,4(A0)           \open a virtual workstation
     MOVE.W     #11,6(A0)
     MOVE.W     #45,8(A0)
     MOVE.L     #intin,A0
     MOVE.W     #0,D0
     MOVE.W     #1,(A0)+
     ADDQ.W     #1,D0
     CMPI.W     #10,D0
     BNE        set
     MOVE.W     #2,(A0)
     BSR        vdi                \Open the workstation

     MOVE.L     #contrl,A0
     MOVE.W     12(A0),device      \Store device handle number
     MOVE.L     #intout,A0
     MOVE.W     (A0),D0            \Get width of screen
     LSR.W      #1,D0              \Divide by two
     MOVE.L     D0,oa              \and store it
     MOVE.W     2(A0),D0           \Get height of screen
     LSR.W      #1,D0              \Divide by two
     MOVE.L     D0,ob              \and store it

     MOVE.L     #contrl,A0
	MOVE.W     #129,(A0)          \Set the clipping rectangle
     MOVE.W     #2,2(A0)
     MOVE.W     #1,6(A0)
     MOVE.L     #ptsin,A1          \Specify corners
     MOVE.L     #intout,A0
     MOVE.W     #0,(A1)
     MOVE.W     #0,2(A1)           \as 0,0
     MOVE.W     (A0),4(A1)
     MOVE.W     2(A0),6(A1)        \and width,height
     MOVE.W     #1,intin           \turn it on
     BSR        vdi

     MOVE.L     #contrl,A0         \Hide mouse cursor
     MOVE.W     #123,(A0)
     BSR vdi

\Main Program Loop

     BSR        rotate
     BSR        changescreen
     BSR        cls
     BSR        draw
     BSR        checkkey
     CMPI.L     #0,keypress        \If a key is pressed
     BNE        end                \then finish up
     BSR        increment          \Else increment the orientation
     BRA        again              \and repeat
     MOVE.W     #101,contrl        \Close the workstation
     BSR        vdi
     MOVE.L     #contrl,A0         \Show mouse cursor
     MOVE.W     #122,(A0)
     MOVE.W     #1,6(A0)
     BSR        vdi
     RTS                           \End of Main Program

\********** Start of Subroutines **********

     LEA        contrl,A0          \Draw a line between two points
     MOVE.W     #6,(A0)
     MOVE.W     #2,2(A0)
     LEA        ptsin,A0
     MOVE.W     xstart,(A0)        \Set x start position
     MOVE.W     ystart,2(A0)       \Set y start position
     MOVE.W     xfinish,4(A0)      \Set x finish position
     MOVE.W     yfinish,6(A0)      \Set y finish position
     BSR        vdi                \Draw it

     LEA        contrl,A0          \Execute the vdi routine
     MOVE.W     device,12(A0)      \specified
     LEA        vdipb,A0
     MOVE.L     A0,D1
     MOVE.W     #$73,D0
     TRAP       #2

\** Subroutine to caclulate the position of all the points
\** within 3-D space

     MOVE.L     #cos,A0                \Get COS t
     MOVE.W     t,D0
     LSL.W      #2,D0
     MOVE.L     0(A0,D0.W),ct          \and store it
     MOVE.W     u,D0                   \Get COS u
     LSL.W      #2,D0
     MOVE.L     0(A0,D0.W),cu          \and store it
     MOVE.W     v,D0                   \Get COS v
     LSL.W      #2,D0
     MOVE.L     0(A0,D0.W),cv          \and store it
     MOVE.L     #sin,A0                \Get SIN t
     MOVE.W     t,D0
     LSL.W      #2,D0
     MOVE.L     0(A0,D0.W),st          \and store it
     MOVE.W     u,D0                   \Get SIN u
     LSL.W      #2,D0
     MOVE.L     0(A0,D0.W),su          \and store it
     MOVE.W     v,D0                   \Get SIN v
     LSL.W      #2,D0
     MOVE.L     0(A0,D0.W),sv          \and store it
     MOVE.W     #0,D1                  \Counter for points done
     MOVE.L     #points,A0             \Address of Data

     MOVE.L    (A0)+,x                 \Get x
     MOVE.L    (A0)+,y                 \Get y
     MOVE.L    (A0)+,z                 \Get z

\Rotate on X axis
     MOVE.L     y,D2                   \Three D calculations
     MOVE.L     ct,D4
     MOVE.L     st,D5
     MULS       D4,D2

     ASR.L      #8,D2                  \Divide result by 1024
     ASR.L      #2,D2

     MOVE.L     z,D3
     MULS       D5,D3
     ASR.L      #8,D3
     ASR.L      #2,D3
     ADD.L      D2,D3                  \Work out temp=y*ct+z*st
     MOVE.L     D3,temp

     MOVE.L     z,D2
     MULS       D4,D2
     ASR.L      #8,D2
     ASR.L      #2,D2
     MOVE.L     y,D3
     MULS       D5,D3
     ASR.L      #8,D3
     ASR.L      #2,D3
     SUB.L      D3,D2                  \Work out z=z*ct-y*st
     MOVE.L     D2,z

     MOVE.L     temp,y                 \Put y=temp

\Rotate on Y axis
     MOVE.L     x,D2
     MOVE.L     cu,D4
     MOVE.L     su,D5
     MULS       D4,D2
     ASR.L      #8,D2
     ASR.L      #2,D2
     MOVE.L     z,D3
     MULS       D5,D3
     ASR.L      #8,D3
     ASR.L      #2,D3
     SUB.L      D3,D2
     MOVE.L     D2,temp                \Work out temp=x*cu-z*su

     MOVE.L     z,D2
     MULS       D4,D2
     ASR.L      #8,D2
     ASR.L      #2,D2
     MOVE.L     x,D3
     MULS       D5,D3
     ASR.L      #8,D3
     ASR.L      #2,D3
     ADD.L      D3,D2
     MOVE.L     D2,z                   \Work out z=z*cu+x*su
     MOVE.L     temp,x                 \Put x=temp

\Rotate on Z axis
     MOVE.L     x,D2
     MOVE.L     cv,D4
     MOVE.L     sv,D5
     MULS       D4,D2
     ASR.L      #8,D2
     ASR.L      #2,D2
     MOVE.L     y,D3
     MULS       D5,D3
     ASR.L      #8,D3
     ASR.L      #2,D3
     SUB.L      D3,D2                  \Work out temp=x*cv-y*sv
     MOVE.L     D2,temp

     MOVE.L     y,D2
     MULS       D4,D2
     ASR.L      #8,D2
     ASR.L      #2,D2
     MOVE.L     x,D3
     MULS       D5,D3
     ASR.L      #8,D3
     ASR.L      #2,D3
     ADD.L      D3,D2                  \Work out y=y*cv+x*sv
     MOVE.L     D2,y
     MOVE.L     temp,x                 \Put x=temp
\End of Rotate

\Convert the 3D co-ordinates in 2D co-ordinates

     MOVE.L     x,D2                   \Calculate the x position
     MOVE.L     viewdist,D3            \on the screen
     MULS       D3,D2
     ADD.L      viewdepth,D3
     SUB.L      z,D3
     DIVS       D3,D2
     ADD.L      oa,D2
     MOVE.L     #a,A1                  \and store in the
     LSL.W      #1,D1                  \space defined by label a
     MOVE.W     D2,0(A1,D1.W)
     LSR.W      #1,D1

     MOVE.L     y,D2                   \Calculate the y position
     MOVE.L     viewdist,D3            \on the screen
     MULS       D3,D2
     ADD.L      viewdepth,D3
     SUB.L      z,D3
     DIVS       D3,D2
     MOVE.L     ob,D3
     SUB.L      D2,D3
     MOVE.L     #b,A1                  \and store in the 
     LSL.W      #1,D1                  \space defined by label b
     MOVE.W     D3,0(A1,D1.W)

     LSR.W      #1,D1                  \Check if all the
     ADDQ.W     #1,D1                  \points have been
     CMP.W      nopoints,D1            \calculated
     BNE        looping                \If not then loop again

\** Subroutine to draw all the lines of the object

     MOVE.L     #lines,A2              \Get the address of lines
     MOVE.L     #a,A3                  \Address of x coords
     MOVE.L     #b,A4                  \Address of y coords
     MOVE.W     #0,D4                  \Zero out counter
     MOVE.W     (A2)+,D2               \Get start point of line
     MOVE.W     (A2)+,D3               \Get end point of line
     SUBQ.W     #1,D2
     SUBQ.W     #1,D3
     LSL.W      #1,D2
     LSL.W      #1,D3
     MOVE.W     0(A3,D2.W),xstart      \Get start x coord
     MOVE.W     0(A4,D2.W),ystart      \Get start y coord
     MOVE.W     0(A3,D3.W),xfinish     \Get finish x coord
     MOVE.W     0(A4,D3.W),yfinish     \Get finish y coord
     BSR        line                   \and draw it
     ADDQ.W     #1,D4                  \Increment counter
     CMP.W      nolines,D4             \If another line left
     BNE        nextline               \then repeat it

\** Subroutine to clear the workstation

     MOVE.W     #3,contrl
     BSR vdi

\** Subroutine to flip between screens for animation

     MOVE.W     #-1,-(SP)              \Do not change resolution
     CMPI.W     #1,screenflip          \Which screen?
     BNE        scr1                   \Bring on other one
     MOVE.L     screen0,-(SP)          \Physical screen
     MOVE.L     screen1,-(SP)          \Logical screen
     MOVE.W     #0,screenflip          \Change flag
     BRA        setit                  \and change screen
     MOVE.L     screen1,-(SP)          \Physical screen
     MOVE.L     screen0,-(SP)          \Logical screen
     MOVE.W     #1,screenflip          \Change flag
     MOVE.W     #5,-(SP)               \Code for screen flip
     TRAP       #14                    \and do it
     ADD.L #12,SP                      \Clean up stack
     MOVE.W     #37,-(SP)              \Wait for the vertical blank
     TRAP       #14
     ADDQ.L     #2,SP                  \Before returning

\** Subroutine to check for key press

     MOVE.W     #255,-(SP)             \Read a character
     MOVE.W     #6,-(SP)               \Code to read one
     TRAP       #1                     \Look at keyboard
     ADDQ.L     #4,SP                  \Clean up stack
     MOVE.L     D0,keypress            \Store the keypress

\** Subroutine to increment all three angles

     MOVE.W     tstep,D0               \Increment t
     ADD.W      D0,t
     CMPI.W     #360,t                 \If less than 360
     BLO        incu                   \then ok
     SUB.W      #360,t
     MOVE.W     ustep,D0               \Increment u
     ADD.W      D0,u
     CMPI.W     #360,u                 \If less than 360
     BLO        incv                   \then ok
     SUB.W      #360,u
     MOVE.W vstep,D0                   \Increment v
     ADD.W D0,v
     CMPI.W #360,v                     \If less than 360
     BLO fininc                        \then ok
     SUB.W #360,v


\* VDI parameter block
vdipb      DC.L contrl,intin,ptsin,intout,ptsout
contrl     DS.W 32,0
intin      DS.W 128,0
ptsin      DS.W 128,0
intout     DS.W 128,0
ptsout     DS.W 128,0

t          DS.W 1                      \Current angles
u          DS.W 1                      \in the three
v          DS.W 1                      \planes
device     DS.W 1                      \Device number of screen
xstart     DS.W 1                      \Line Start x
ystart     DS.W 1                      \Line Start y
xfinish    DS.W 1                      \Line Finish x
yfinish    DS.W 1                      \Line Finish y
a          DS.W 100                    \Storage for x coords
b          DS.W 100                    \Storage for y coords
x          DS.L 1                      \x calc storage
y          DS.L 1                      \y calc storage
z          DS.L 1                      \z calc storage
ct         DS.L 1                      \COS t storage
cu         DS.L 1                      \COS u storage
cv         DS.L 1                      \COS v storage
st         DS.L 1                      \SIN t storage
su         DS.L 1                      \SIN u storage
sv         DS.L 1                      \SIN v storage
temp       DS.L 1                      \Temp calc storage
oa         DS.L 1                      \Screen x centre
ob         DS.L 1                      \Screen y centre
screenflip DS.L 1                      \Screen change flag
keypress   DS.L 1                      \Key press indicator
screen0    DS.L 1                      \Address of screen 0
screen1    DS.L 1                      \Address of screen 1
tstep      DC.W 2                      \Degree step in t
ustep      DC.W 5                      \Degree step in u
vstep      DC.W 1                      \Degree step in v
nopoints   DC.W 44                     \Number of points in object
nolines    DC.W 58                     \Number of lines in object
viewdist   DC.L 200                    \Viewer distance (from 0)
viewdepth  DC.L 400                    \Object distance (from 0)

\* Data for object goes here
\DC.L     X,  Y,  Z

     DC.L -55,-55,0
     DC.L -80,-10,0
     DC.L -80,30,0
     DC.L -160,140,0
     DC.L -160,170,0
     DC.L -55,210,0
     DC.L 0,160,25
     DC.L 0,0,25
     DC.L -25,0,12
     DC.L -25,-65,12
     DC.L 0,-75,25
     DC.L -13,-20,15
     DC.L -13,-75,15
     DC.L -25,185,12
     DC.L -45,220,65
     DC.L -45,180,65
     DC.L -32,130,30
     DC.L -25,55,12
     DC.L -40,-60,0
     DC.L -40,-75,0
     DC.L 0,-260,0
     DC.L 40,-75,0
     DC.L 40,-60,0
     DC.L 12,-75,15
     DC.L 12,-20,15
     DC.L 25,0,12
     DC.L 25,-65,12
     DC.L 55,-55,0
     DC.L 55,210,0
     DC.L 25,185,12
     DC.L 45,220,65
     DC.L 45,180,65
     DC.L 32,130,30
     DC.L 25,55,12
     DC.L 160,170,0
     DC.L 160,140,0
     DC.L 80,30,0
     DC.L 80,-10,0
     DC.L 35,-95,2
     DC.L 5,-95,20
     DC.L 5,-190,6
     DC.L -5,-95,20
     DC.L -35,-95,2
     DC.L -5,-190,6
\* Data for lines
\DC.W     Start point,   End Point
     DC.W 7,6
     DC.W 6,29
     DC.W 29,7
     DC.W 29,35
     DC.W 35,36
     DC.W 36,37
     DC.W 37,38
     DC.W 38,28
     DC.W 28,29
     DC.W 6,5
     DC.W 5,4
     DC.W 4,3
     DC.W 3,2
     DC.W 2,1
     DC.W 1,6
     DC.W 7,8
     DC.W 8,9
     DC.W 9,10
     DC.W 10,1
     DC.W 8,26
     DC.W 26,27
     DC.W 27,28
     DC.W 30,31
     DC.W 31,32
     DC.W 32,33
     DC.W 33,34
     DC.W 34,30
     DC.W 14,15
     DC.W 15,16
     DC.W 16,17
     DC.W 17,18
     DC.W 18,14
     DC.W 10,13
     DC.W 13,12
     DC.W 12,9
     DC.W 12,8
     DC.W 13,11
     DC.W 11,8
     DC.W 8,25
     DC.W 25,26
     DC.W 11,24
     DC.W 24,25
     DC.W 27,24
     DC.W 24,23
     DC.W 23,22
     DC.W 22,24
     DC.W 13,19
     DC.W 19,20
     DC.W 20,13
     DC.W 11,21
     DC.W 21,22
     DC.W 20,21
     DC.W 42,43
     DC.W 43,44
     DC.W 44,42
     DC.W 39,40
     DC.W 40,41
     DC.W 41,39

\* Start of trigonometric lookup tables

     DC.L 0, 17, 35, 53, 71, 89
     DC.L 107, 124, 142, 160, 177, 195
     DC.L 212, 230, 247, 264, 282, 299
     DC.L 316, 333, 350, 366, 383, 400
     DC.L 416, 432, 448, 464, 480, 496
     DC.L 511, 527, 542, 557, 572, 587
     DC.L 601, 616, 630, 644, 658, 671
     DC.L 685, 698, 711, 723, 736, 748
     DC.L 760, 772, 784, 795, 806, 817
     DC.L 828, 838, 848, 858, 868, 877
     DC.L 886, 895, 904, 912, 920, 927
     DC.L 935, 942, 949, 955, 962, 968
     DC.L 973, 979, 984, 989, 993, 997
     DC.L 1001, 1005, 1008, 1011, 1013, 1016
     DC.L 1018, 1020, 1021, 1022, 1023, 1023
     DC.L 1023, 1023, 1023, 1022, 1021, 1020
     DC.L 1018, 1016, 1014, 1011, 1008, 1005
     DC.L 1001, 997, 993, 989, 984, 979
     DC.L 973, 968, 962, 956, 949, 942
     DC.L 935, 928, 920, 912, 904, 895
     DC.L 887, 877, 868, 859, 849, 839
     DC.L 828, 818, 807, 796, 784, 773
     DC.L 761, 749, 736, 724, 711, 698
     DC.L 685, 672, 658, 644, 630, 616
     DC.L 602, 587, 573, 558, 543, 527
     DC.L 512, 496, 481, 465, 449, 433
     DC.L 416, 400, 384, 367, 350, 333
     DC.L 316, 299, 282, 265, 248, 230
     DC.L 213, 195, 178, 160, 143, 125
     DC.L 107, 89, 72, 54, 36, 18
     DC.L 0, -18, -36, -53, -71, -89
     DC.L -107, -125, -142, -160, -178, -195
     DC.L -213, -230, -248, -265, -282, -299
     DC.L -316, -333, -350, -367, -383, -400
     DC.L -416, -433, -449, -465, -481, -496
     DC.L -512, -527, -543, -558, -573, -587
     DC.L -602, -616, -630, -644, -658, -672
     DC.L -685, -698, -711, -724, -737, -749
     DC.L -761, -773, -784, -796, -807, -818
     DC.L -828, -839, -849, -859, -868, -878
     DC.L -887, -896, -904, -913, -921, -928
     DC.L -936, -943, -950, -956, -962, -968
     DC.L -974, -980, -985, -989, -994, -998
     DC.L -1002, -1006, -1009, -1012, -1014, -1017
     DC.L -1019, -1021, -1022, -1023, -1024, -1024
     DC.L -1024, -1024, -1024, -1023, -1022, -1021
     DC.L -1019, -1017, -1015, -1012, -1009, -1006
     DC.L -1002, -998, -994, -990, -985, -980
     DC.L -975, -969, -963, -957, -950, -943
     DC.L -936, -929, -921, -913, -905, -897
     DC.L -888, -879, -869, -860, -850, -840
     DC.L -830, -819, -808, -797, -786, -774
     DC.L -762, -750, -738, -725, -713, -700
     DC.L -686, -673, -660, -646, -632, -618
     DC.L -603, -589, -574, -559, -544, -529
     DC.L -513, -498, -482, -466, -450, -434
     DC.L -418, -402, -385, -369, -352, -335
     DC.L -318, -301, -284, -267, -249, -232
     DC.L -215, -197, -179, -162, -144, -126
     DC.L -109, -91, -73, -55, -37, -20

     DC.L 1024, 1023, 1023, 1022, 1021, 1020
     DC.L 1018, 1016, 1014, 1011, 1008, 1005
     DC.L 1001, 997, 993, 989, 984, 979
     DC.L 973, 968, 962, 956, 949, 942
     DC.L 935, 928, 920, 912, 904, 895
     DC.L 886, 877, 868, 858, 848, 838
     DC.L 828, 817, 807, 795, 784, 772
     DC.L 761, 749, 736, 724, 711, 698
     DC.L 685, 671, 658, 644, 630, 616
     DC.L 602, 587, 572, 557, 542, 527
     DC.L 512, 496, 480, 465, 449, 432
     DC.L 416, 400, 383, 367, 350, 333
     DC.L 316, 299, 282, 265, 247, 230
     DC.L 213, 195, 178, 160, 142, 125
     DC.L 107, 89, 71, 53, 36, 18
     DC.L 0, -18, -36, -54, -72, -89
     DC.L -107, -125, -143, -160, -178, -196
     DC.L -213, -231, -248, -265, -282, -300
     DC.L -317, -334, -350, -367, -384, -400
     DC.L -417, -433, -449, -465, -481, -497
     DC.L -512, -528, -543, -558, -573, -587
     DC.L -602, -616, -631, -645, -658, -672
     DC.L -685, -699, -712, -724, -737, -749
     DC.L -761, -773, -785, -796, -807, -818
     DC.L -829, -839, -849, -859, -869, -878
     DC.L -887, -896, -904, -913, -921, -928
     DC.L -936, -943, -950, -956, -963, -969
     DC.L -974, -980, -985, -989, -994, -998
     DC.L -1002, -1006, -1009, -1012, -1014, -1017
     DC.L -1019, -1021, -1022, -1023, -1024, -1024
     DC.L -1024, -1024, -1024, -1023, -1022, -1021
     DC.L -1019, -1017, -1015, -1012, -1009, -1006
     DC.L -1002, -998, -994, -990, -985, -980
     DC.L -975, -969, -963, -957, -950, -943
     DC.L -936, -929, -921, -913, -905, -896
     DC.L -888, -879, -869, -860, -850, -840
     DC.L -829, -819, -808, -797, -785, -774
     DC.L -762, -750, -738, -725, -712, -699
     DC.L -686, -673, -659, -646, -632, -617
     DC.L -603, -588, -574, -559, -544, -529
     DC.L -513, -498, -482, -466, -450, -434
     DC.L -418, -401, -385, -368, -352, -335
     DC.L -318, -301, -284, -266, -249, -232
     DC.L -214, -197, -179, -162, -144, -126
     DC.L -108, -91, -73, -55, -37, -19
     DC.L -1, 16, 34, 52, 70, 88
     DC.L 106, 123, 141, 159, 176, 194
     DC.L 211, 229, 246, 264, 281, 298
     DC.L 315, 332, 349, 366, 382, 399
     DC.L 415, 431, 447, 463, 479, 495
     DC.L 511, 526, 541, 556, 571, 586
     DC.L 601, 615, 629, 643, 657, 671
     DC.L 684, 697, 710, 723, 735, 748
     DC.L 760, 772, 783, 795, 806, 817
     DC.L 827, 838, 848, 858, 867, 877
     DC.L 886, 895, 903, 911, 919, 927
     DC.L 935, 942, 949, 955, 961, 967
     DC.L 973, 978, 984, 988, 993, 997
     DC.L 1001, 1004, 1008, 1011, 1013, 1016
     DC.L 1018, 1019, 1021, 1022, 1023, 1023

\* Storage space for second screen

scrspace   DS.L 8192

\**** End of Code ****
CALL code

707.2A source of 3-D data pointsPRNSYS::LOMICKAJJeffrey A. LomickaTue Dec 19 1989 19:4115
For a large quantitiy of 3-d data, look in PRNSYS::DUA2:[LOMICKAJ.3DSTUFF]*.GEO.

The .GEB files are (VAX floating point) binary files that contain
exactly the same data as the .GEO text files.  The GEO.C file contains
code for reading the data (either one) into memory, and can be used to
decode the file format.  The rest of the files make up the SHOWGEO.EXE
program which may be used to preview these files on a DECwindows display.

I also have a version of this program at home on the Atari.  It uses
the emulated floating point in Mark Williams C, so it gets real slow
when the database is large. I'd be glad to upload it if anybody wants it.

Note that it doesn't do 3-D clipping, so don't pick viewpoints that are
inside the bounding sphere of the object itself, or the display will
look like junk.
707.3SIEVAX::JAMIEUse me, Use me... Ooops! Excuse me!Mon Jan 14 1991 08:134
    I tried to run .1 through Devpac 2 - it assembled ok but when it ran I
    just got a flashing screen! No object or anything.
    Has anyone else done this successfully ? Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
707.4An edumacted guess????PAPERS::RADBURN"One of the PC Robot Jox"Tue Jan 15 1991 08:5614
It has been a lonnnnng time since I programmed in 68000 - so rusty is not the
word - more like complete seizure :-)

However, there is a command in the Fast Basic assembler called EVEN which aligns
words on an even boundary. This is used just before all the data and storage 
space. It could be that DEVPAC 2 is taking this as a label rather than a command
and thus the data area will get corrupted. I seem to remember an equivalent
command in DEVPAC 2 but cannot remember it exactly. I will have to dig out a
manual to find it - unless someone knows off the top of their head.

Sorry to sound vague but it has been a long time.

Gary...... I think :-)
707.5SIEVAX::JAMIEUse me, Use me... Ooops! Excuse me!Tue Jan 15 1991 09:3114
    EVEN is valid in Devpac2 as well. In this case, the program actually
    ran; it just didn't display anything; it just appeared to flicker
    (perhaps the result of continuously swapping the workspace and the
    screen addresses ?).
    Actually it MAY be the EVEN causing the problem; I don't recall if the
    EVEN can be in column 1 or not; maybe that's the problem!
    I'll try it later,