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Conference napalm::guitar

Title:GUITARnotes - Where Every Note has Emotion
Notice:Discussion of the finer stringed instruments
Created:Thu Aug 14 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:3280
Total number of notes:61432

2237.0. "Alesis MEQ-230 30 Band Graphic EQ" by SMURF::GALLO (Danger: Slow Thinker at Work) Thu Jun 20 1991 10:54

*** Cross posted from DNEAST::COMMUSIC ***

	Recently, I bought an Alesis M-EQ230 two channel 30 band
EQ.  I've been pleased with it so far and thought I'd pass along some data
on it.

From the manual:

The Alesis MEQ-230 is a two channel 30 band/channel 1/3rd octave
graphic equalizer which features a relay based power up delay switching
circuit to eliminate transients in sound systems.

Each channel features 30 bands of 1/3 octave equalization with ANSI
and ISO standard center frequencies.  Each band is adjusted by a center
detented fader with +/- 12db of gain available and  a master fader controls
system gain for that channel. Clip and signal present leds as well as a bypass
switch are also provided on each channel. 

Inputs and outputs for each channel are via both 1/4" and RCA jack. The
unit can be mounted in only one rack space.

My impressions:

	I've used it a few times to do same recording of my bass, which
is the primary reason for buying it. It performs very well for that purpose,
since I get the granularity of control that I need to get rid of the junk in the
signal. I haven't used it for anything else yet. Also, it seems fairly noise
free.  The manual (if you could call it that) is fairly well written,  if you
know anything at all about EQs, it doesn't really say much.  It's interesting
to note that though it's a 1 rack space box, it is very deep, which makes it
hard to stack other boxes on, if you don't have a rack. The problem with
this is that the EQ is *very*  lightweight and slides around a lot if you
put it at the top of a stack of gear.  I havethree other nits:

	1. 9v wall bug power.. (Yuck!)
	2. Little itty-bitty sliders that are hard that get "hang up"
	    when sliding through the center detent. 
	3. Seems kinda cheaply made. I'd say it's a good studio toy, 	
	     but doesn't seem "roadworthy".

	All in all, I'm pretty please with it. IMHO, it represents a real
drop in EQ pricing. This one ought to go for $225 or so mail order. That's 
the price I got at a local music store. It had a sticker on it for $249, which
for 1/3 octave EQs is very good. 
