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Conference hydra::amiga_v1

Notice:Join us in the *NEW* conference - HYDRA::AMIGA_V2
Created:Sat Apr 26 1986
Last Modified:Wed Feb 05 1992
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:5378
Total number of notes:38326

4055.0. "RayTracer for Amiga and Vax " by STKHLM::REVEMAN ("Scan his brain, it must be there somewhere...") Tue Aug 28 1990 07:25

	What is the use of upgrading your amy with a 68030 and a mathcop,
	when the obvious solution would be to use the number crunching power
	you've got in your VAX during the night for building animations and
	other heavy time consuming calulations?

	What I'm wondering is this: Are there any nice raytracers with an calc
	executable for the VAX systems? The dream would be if you could use the 
	AMIGA as an editor for your picture/animation and then upload your s
	cript to the VAX, raytrace, and if it was an animation pack frames, 
	download animation to AMIGA and ShowAnim or whatever.

	Is this possible, or have I missed something?

4055.1often not possibleSALEM::LEIMBERGERTue Aug 28 1990 09:0118
    Ideally this might be nice. However in the real world it may not be
    permissable for everyone to do so. There are many instances where the
    Vax are used to run data intensive jobs during the off hours. This 
    aside you have the problem of systems going off line. I have seen 
    people twisting their hands in anguish because their term paper was
    on a vax that was not available. Another thought is that the 68030
    is good for more than raytracing. I have seen animations that run
    jumpy on a 2000,but smooth on the 68030 systems. If you have an 
    intense animation you want to put to video you may well need the speed
    of the 68030 system. I know because I only have a standard 2000, and
    have faced the above mentioned problem more than once. You can work 
    around it by compromising when you create your video,but this can put
    a serious crimp in your creative juices. Their is a conference in the
    notes file on Ray_Tracing. It contains several pointers to the various
    rendering software available on the vax.
    ps. I once told my wife that Disk space,memory,and processor speed are
    like money. You can never have too much.
4055.2LEDS::ACCIARDILarger than life, and twice as uglyTue Aug 28 1990 11:307
    FWIW, benchmarks indicate that 68020/68030/68882 equipped Amigas can
    easily match or even outperform many VAX models in floating point