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Conference hydra::amiga_v1

Notice:Join us in the *NEW* conference - HYDRA::AMIGA_V2
Created:Sat Apr 26 1986
Last Modified:Wed Feb 05 1992
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:5378
Total number of notes:38326

1172.0. "SHELL Questions." by AYOV10::ATHOMSON (Equal Rites) Tue Feb 16 1988 10:44

    I recieved a copy of Shell 2.06 yesterday and spent a couple of
    hours last night learning my way round it. Fantastic utility !!
    especially for single drive owners (like me :-( ).
    A couple of questions came up though....
    What is the difference between SHELL_A.206 and SHELL_U.206 ? Is
    it just the command names ? i.e. just use the one you're most
    comfortable with ?
    I typed in the .login file from the SHAR document and the date routine
    didn't work, the line was (from memory):-
    echo -n "set date [DD-MMM-YY HH:MM] ";input new; DATE $new
    this gave me the invalid args message and wouldn't set the date.
    Typing set at the CLI prompt showed that $new was set to the correct
    date and time and in the correct format so I tried typing DATE $new
    at the CLI prompt and I got the same result.
    Am I doing something wrong ?
    				Alan T.
1172.1MVCAD3::BAEDERD. Scott DTN 237-2961 SHR1-3/E19Tue Feb 16 1988 12:0111
    re the versions...yes, the "vax" version is just different commands,
    but you can always do the same with alias...
    as for the date command, should be ok...but when you say cli prompt,
    you mean shell???  right???   
    also, 2.07 is the most recent, and steve is looking for input on
    2.08!  (great job steve/matt)
1172.2ANGORA::SMCAFEESteve McAfeeTue Feb 16 1988 12:3817
    Shell uses some of the DOS commands like Date and Run.  The command
    "DATE $new" caused the shell to go looking for the AmigaDOS Date command.

    Two things:  1) When shell can't find a command, the command fails.
                    You don't get a requestor.  This is a feature.

                 2) If you enter a command that begins with a capital
                    letter, shell assumes you are talking about a program
                    outside of shell.  Therefore "date" invokes the shell
                    command to tell you the date/time, while "Date" invokes
                    the AmigaDOS command to either tell you or set the
    steve mcafee
1172.3Same problem MLNVMS::MILOSTue Feb 16 1988 15:3226
    I also had the date problem.
    I'm not sure whether it was a version 2.6 bug or not.
    Any way The same .login file that worked with version 2.5M didn't
    work with 2.6M and now works with 2.7M.
    I by-passed this problem putting the entire string in a file and
    sourced it.
    For examples :
    echo  >ram:foo Date $new  
    source ram:foo
    rm ram:foo
    In ram:foo there was the correct string needed to set the date like:
    "Date 24-JAN-88 19:00"
    Again this problem doesn't exist with version 2.7M of the shell
1172.4'nother shell questionFRAIS2::ZIMMERMANNNCP> DEF MOD WORK DEST NL:Sat Jul 01 1989 12:3614
    I copied over SHELL301a. With the archive comes an ARP.LIBRARY (I
    don't know the version) which is SIGNIFICANT smaller than the
    ARP.LIBRARY, which comes with the 'official' ARPREL13.ZOO.
    Following question:
    	Is it possible to copy the 'newer' ARP.LIBRARY to LIBS: and
    	use this instead of the Library which comes with SHELL301a ??
    Thanks for help,
1172.5compatibility?WJG::GUINEAUSat Jul 01 1989 14:5511

Should work unless the shell checks for the specific version of the (old) 
library (very doubtfull). 

Try it and see!


1172.6CShell 3.01a and Arp.library 1.3 works togetherFRA04::LUKASDieter, SWAS-Advisory Net&Comms, @FRSMon Jul 03 1989 08:428
    re .4
    Yes, it is possible. I have done it and I haven't seen any problems
    so far.
    regards from the 3. Floor,