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Conference 7.286::digital

Title:The Digital way of working
Created:Fri Feb 14 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:5321
Total number of notes:139771

2089.0. "Can you use recycled magtapes?" by WMOIS::RAINVILLE (Tape engineers get reel wound up!) Wed Sep 02 1992 19:01

	Is there any interest in recycling used magnetic media,
	that is, Magtapes, TK50Ks or 3.5" floppies internally?

	The quantity of material is considerable, and it is
	concievable that a steady supply of many thousands of
	pieces/year could be maintained.  The cost of quality
	assurance is not zero, but it is a fraction of the
	new replacement cost.

	Should this material be given away or shredded?

	Looking for potential internal customers.   mike
2089.1CAFEIN::PFAUjust me and my hammer...Wed Sep 02 1992 19:159
2089.2CVG::THOMPSONRadical CentralistWed Sep 02 1992 19:1716
>	Is there any interest in recycling used magnetic media,
>	that is, Magtapes, TK50Ks or 3.5" floppies internally?

	I don't know about the tapes but I bet we have a lot of employees
	who'd buy the extra 3.5" floppies for use with home PCs. I suspect
	that running them through a quick eracing would take care of any
	security concerns. The company could probably give employees a real
	bargin and still recover most if not all of the origional media cost.

	One wouldn't want to sell used media to external customers for a lot
	of reasons (quality control, re-labeling, etc) but for employees it
	might be ok. I'd buy some.

	Suggest the idea through DELTA.

2089.3Are You Kiddin'WHOS01::BOWERSDave Bowers @WHOWed Sep 02 1992 19:328
    Considering the perennial scarcity of TK50s and 70s in the field, I
    expect if you made the availability of these items known, and allowed
    ordering through DIAL, you could get rids of large numbers.
    9-track tapes are much less interesting, but 3.5" floppies could, as
    noted, find an enthusiastic employee purchase marjet.
2089.4DELTA's been TriedHEAT::BOLDThat is a definite maybeWed Sep 02 1992 20:1110
    I made the suggestion to DELTA as I have boxes of tapes that only take
    up room.  I assumed it was studied, but I don't think anything came of
    it.  I was never given any indication of the final disposition of the
    suggestion.  This was right after DELTA started, so I assume nothing
    was put into place.
    The good news is that I don't get anything on mag tape anymore, so the
    boxes aren't filling up.  I even use one occaisionly to send a customer
    some data.  I figure at the rate I am going, I have enough tapes to
    last until 2010.
2089.5large numbersWMOIS::RAINVILLETape engineers get reel wound up!Wed Sep 02 1992 20:186
    Just for sizing the problem, we are talking about some
    	20,000 TK50Ks
    	90,000 MagTapes
    	Uncounted floppies
2089.6We'll take someXLIB::BRUNELLUsed to be BJ6000::DAVEWed Sep 02 1992 21:125
    Our organization regularly makes tapes for third parties.  Send me mail
    and perhaps we can take some of these off your hands.
    	Dave Brunell
    	Independent Software Vendor Group
2089.7TK50Ks are SCARCE in the field!GUIDUK::FARLEEInsufficient Virtual...um...er...Wed Sep 02 1992 22:236
Last time we backed up our district DS5000, we had to scrounge TK50s
from the four corners of the earth.  We would be GLAD to take some off your
Please send me mail.

2089.8WMOIS::RAINVILLETape engineers get reel wound up!Wed Sep 02 1992 23:296
    Thanks for the response so far.  I have forwarded this string and
    MAIL> recieved on the subject to the person who has the media.
    It would seem there may be some merit in pursuing this.  Of course,
    the media will have to be de-labeled, degaussed & shipped, and
    the cost of shipping will have to be less than local acquisition
    of media to be practical.  Please continue to respond.  mwr
2089.9I thought we'd given up on recycling 1/2" magtape16BITS::DELBALSOI (spade) my (dog face)Thu Sep 03 1992 01:1224
A brief history of my personal experiences with 1/2" magtape over the past 15
years in S/W Eng. -

1977-1981 - 
  Magtape was almost as valuable as hard disks. A lot of what we used as
  "scratch media" were tapes we'd gotten from customers. DEC-issue
  certified tapes were used only rarely. Tapes were only discarded if
  they were physically damaged, fell on the floor, etc.

1981-1987 - 
  We had a scratch media store available for tapes to be used for
  "incidentals", project use, or basically anything not being submitted to
  the SDC. "Used once" DEC-issue tapes (e.g. old kits) were used to make
  Field test (customer) kits. New DEC-issue certified tapes were used for
  anything being submitted to the SDC.

1987-present -
  No scratch media is generally available unless you've saved it as such
  yourself. If you don't have any "scratch", you get new DEC-issue certified
  media for any purpose. Most media is discarded after any use. The ZKO
  labs all have D-containers which accumulate viable media for destruction
  on a regular basis.

2089.10Our skids runneth overTLE::AMARTINAlan H. MartinThu Sep 03 1992 04:427
>The ZKO labs all have D-containers which accumulate viable media for
>destruction on a regular basis.

In ZK2-3 alone, we're talking a few cubic yards of TK50's, DECtape-II's, 8",
5.25", 9-track (all lengths), various disk packs & cassettes - just about
anything from the past decade but 3.5" floppy and 4mm tape.
2089.11We'll take some!ETGSYS::RSOMERVILLECompetitive Teardown & Analysis AyrThu Sep 03 1992 09:4611
    We in the Ayr Technology Group would be very grateful for some free
    3.5" floppies.
    If possible could you send me the E net node of person who has such
    spare media. 
    Robin Somerville
    DTN 823 3277
    Is it really Christmas time?  :^)
2089.12PDC STORESOLVIT::DESMARAISThu Sep 03 1992 11:379
    You might want to try using the Property Disposition Center.
    DTN 267-2225
    It can also be found in VTX     VTX PDCSTORE
    The PDC Store sells used equipment/tools/supplies/etc. to DEC
2089.13We could use about 100 tk50'sMCIS2::COLLETONTHE THIEF OF BADGAGSThu Sep 03 1992 12:2010
    We can use some tk50's in our group as well...
    If you can ship us 100 tk50's that would be great.
      send to:
      MR02 - LA data center
       att:Bill Colleton
2089.14...Get in touch...DVLP00::ABERTCarl Abert WFO/C8 DTN:242-2521Thu Sep 03 1992 12:386
2089.15Can always use them in the field... OMDEMO::HICKSChas Hicks @OMO, WB0LJPThu Sep 03 1992 15:4711
	We order TK50's from DECdirect for use in the field all the time
	(at a very high price...)

	We could easily use 100-200 TK50's and dozens/hundreds of 3.5" floppies.

	Is there something we can do to get them?

		--chas hicks
2089.16AIMHI::BOWLESThu Sep 03 1992 18:436
    This note seems to have touched a nerve (and a real need).  I wonder if
    any of the DELTA who read this note could tell us why the original
    suggestion was never pursued and, perhaps, how they intent to help with
    implementing the plan at this point?
2089.17ESD93::BROWERThu Sep 03 1992 19:206
       Re:-1 It certainly did strike a nerve. Ironically there're probably 
    hundreds of depts. that throw away stuff that other groups are paying
    full price for. I hope the storage media mentioned in re:0 isn't just the 
    tip of an iceberg of potential cost savings for DEC.
2089.18feedback forwardedWMOIS::RAINVILLETape engineers get reel wound up!Thu Sep 03 1992 21:0217
    The media in question is currently being held at PDC pending 
    disposition, which will be an incinerator unless an alternative
    is found.  I entered this note to help those folks asses the internal
    'market', if any, for this material.  Here at the SSB, we only recycle
    media which has not left our control (out-of-rev-on-shelf), as the
    small savings we might realize could be overshadowed by any risk of
    production or customer problems.  I believe the note has served its'
    purpose, and i conclude, and will pass on, the following;
    	Magtapes:  No large internal use for this material.
    	TK50K:     Make available internally for some reasonable price.
    	3.5" RX    Make avail. internally & thru PDC store.
    There is still the matter of degaussing, delabeling, inspecting,
    distributing the material, and setting a reasonable price.
    Thanks for the replies and the mail...mwr
2089.19Why bother with all that process?MU::PORTER\0Thu Sep 03 1992 21:4511
> There is still the matter of degaussing, delabeling, inspecting,
>   distributing the material, and setting a reasonable price.

Given you were going to burn it, which presumably costs money,
what's wrong with simply piling it all in a tub and putting
a notice on it saying "come and get it, it's free".  Don't
delabel it, don't degauss it.   It's DEC software and this
is DEC, so you're not giving anything away (it's obsolete anyway,
right?).   Your bank balance is now zero instead of negative,
so you're ahead, anyway.
2089.20I agree with .19 OMDEMO::HICKSChas Hicks @OMO, WB0LJPThu Sep 03 1992 22:2126
	I agree with .19.  We use whatever tapes we can get our hands on
	now.  We end up using old product distribution tapes now, write
	over them and re-label them for our own use.

	If you end up pooring additional manpower into this "surplus"
	to to enable us to use it then I question it's overall value.

	(Although it might save some souls job???!)

	Why not just charge $x per 100 tapes for handling/shipping and let us
	get at them.  If you have thousands, bundle them in quantities of 50
	or a hundred.  Simple, easy and cheap.  One price, almost no handling.

	Maybe even make a statement to the effect that we can expect only
	80% of them to be useable, or something like that.  (No deposit, No

	Make sure everyone knows that they are for internal use only, not
	to be re-sold, etc.  



2089.21Keep it simple!!GUIDUK::FARLEEInsufficient Virtual...um...er...Thu Sep 03 1992 22:3418
I strongly agree.
Set whatever policies need to be set surrounding the use of the media:
* You must de-label it
* You must de-gauss before it goes outside Digital's control 
* etc.

Then just make the tapes available for the cost of boxing, shipping, and

This is all internal to Digital.  It should be no different than us
re-using a distribution tape for backups (which we do all the time, since
that's about the only way to get tapes around here...)

Why take on the additional expense if there is not a clear need to do so?

Is there a liability issue that we are missing?

2089.22OXNARD::KOLLINGKaren/Sweetie/Holly/Little Bit Ca.Thu Sep 03 1992 23:5012
    There are methods in place for making "semi-useless" (i.e., not free)
    and "useless" (free. except maybe for shipping charges) material
    available to the rest of the corporation.
    At least, I remember one of the ordering gurus at DEC src once
    mentioning this to me when I was looking at automating their property
    info.  It probably gets put on some VTX list, but my memory has dimmed.
    I can believe that the "original" owners of the magtapes would be
    responsible for full erasure before it goes out of their hands, since
    that eliminates the possibility of a slipup further down the line.
2089.23WMOIS::RAINVILLETape engineers get reel wound up!Fri Sep 04 1992 00:1012
    Yes, there are liability and copyright issues which require degaussing
    media and strongly suggest delabeling.  No, the employee who sent it
    to the disposal center is not required to degauss it, probably does
    not have the means, and such a policy would be impossible to enforce.
    Some of the tapes could be backups of files which may be sensitive,
    some may be 3rd party software, not DECs, and some may be proprietary
    and reasonable steps must be take to insure copyright.  Also, magnetic
    media is less prone to a host of overwrite and file termination
    problems i will not boar you with reciting, and is more suitable for
    reuse on unknown machines if degaussed before dispersion.
    trust me   ...   8^)    mwr
2089.24WIDGET::KLEINFri Sep 04 1992 14:106
>>  <<< Note 2089.23 by WMOIS::RAINVILLE "Tape engineers get reel wound up!" >>>
>>    trust me   ...   8^)    mwr

To do what?

2089.25Send them hereTELGAR::WAKEMANLAYou Bloated Sack of ProtoplasmFri Sep 04 1992 15:2010
2089.26reduce, reuse, recycle ...HACMAN::HACKDon Hack, NIS Consultant, DTN: 471.5365Fri Sep 04 1992 16:308
Who do we have to memo in order to "save Digital money" by reducing what we
internally need to order and reuse what we've paid for already??

In times like now, burning tapes makes zero sense.  Internal usage by any
division is still internal usage.

(who needs some old tapes to go with his old VS II assembled from parts)
2089.27Do you know what's in your dumpster?MARX::BAIRDSIS - Stow, MA dtn 276-9711Fri Sep 04 1992 19:0522
    It's even worse than 'just' burning, we pay big bucks to dispose of not
    only media but, many items that can be yanked out of the waste stream.
    It's a major effort to get folks attention to the costs involved but
    the dollars really add up. 
    Besides your normal, wage type activity, pick an area and a product and
    make a difference in the overall structure.
    "reduce, reuse, recycle" and my particular "hobby" - redirection.
    Reduction is the greatest cost savings and least overhead. (internal)
    Reuse is the solution to consumption gone unchecked.  (internal)        
    Recycling has both cost and social responsibilty implications.
    Redirection of the waste stream is the last chance for savings.
    (external - but, not disposal)
    Plenty of room for lots of players and real impact.
    John B.
2089.28Some reasons why this idea is popular nowTOOK::MORRISONBob M. LKG2-2/BB9 226-7570Mon Sep 07 1992 20:1321
  A few replies back, someone asked why the idea of recycling media apparently
didn't go anywhere when it was submitted to Delta, but posting it in this file
has generated lots of interest.
  Delta has been available company-wide for about two years, and this idea was
submitted to Delta shortly after it started. Two years ago, we were just be-
ginning to think about waste reduction, and most people thought it was too much
trouble to do it. Today, waste reduction is being driven from the top (Bob Pal-
mer) and at several other levels. The PDC, which formerly threw away millions
of dollars worth of stuff, is seriously trying to reduce waste, and tighter re-
strictions on purchasing have created an internal "market" for second-hand
materials. One more change is that DIAL, which was formerly almost useless as
a means of giving away used materials such as media, is now on VTX and is much
more effective. So now it's worth the trouble for people who have stockpiles of
used materials such as media to find "takers" instead of destroying the stuff
or just letting it sit there.
  A few years ago I thought I would save the company some money and use a sec-
ond-hand mag tape instead of a new one. I spent half a day trying to use it be-
fore I figured out that it's very difficult to overwrite a mag tape that was 
previously recorded on an incompatible system. At that time we didn't have the
use of a bulk eraser (degausser). Degaussing is definitely right thing to do
when reusing old tapes.
2089.29DELTA says this costs too much $$OURGNG::HEDRICKWorking harder than ever!Wed Sep 09 1992 16:5320
    ref -ALL.  
    I submitted this the day I first received word of DELTA.  I had told off
    all the magtapes, TK50's, and all to the DELTA group.  After a lengthy
    wait I received mail and a follow-up on the phone from someone in
    Basically what they said, that to implement this into Digital, erasing,
    distribution, part #'s, etc... that this would be too costly.  The
    return phone call to see if I was satisfied, was no but what can I do! 
    I am sure with all the media laying around, we could ship it all to a
    central repository with a BIG magnetnetic filed and ZAP!  Now
    I will look for my response from DELTA on this issue and post it here
    if I find it!
2089.30ECADSR::SHERMANECADSR::Sherman DTN 223-3326Wed Sep 09 1992 17:3910
    Hmm.  How come it has to be erased and needs a part number?  Sounds to
    me like the classic situation where it is ass-u-med that the overhead
    is necessary to make the project successful.  Aren't there situations
    where nobody cares about whether the media is erased?  Is it really
    necessary to have part numbers assigned?  Is it really necessary to
    have ANY involvement from third parties?  Why can't, for example, a
    special note file be created where folks can self-manage used media
    transactions on a voluntary basis?
2089.31much ado about nuttin'CSOADM::ROTHHold on now-Wed Sep 09 1992 18:477
    I find it interesting that worries arise about sending old, outdated
    software media for internal use without 'erasure'... meanwhile, any
    of our customers can purchase from DEC a set CDroms with nearly all
    of our VMS or Ultrix software offerings on them.
2089.32DELTA reply . . .CAPNET::CROWTHERMaxine 276-8226Mon Sep 14 1992 14:3215
    From DELTA - (sorry to be so late - I was on vacation)
    re.4  Steve Bold - your idea was responded within a week back in 1990.
    We tried to contact you for followup and got no respnse.  I will
    re-send the response to you.
    re . 4 and .29 Hedrick -  both responses say approximately the same
    thing and that is that the PDC has control over these issues and should
    be the point of contact for folks who have media that can be
    I would like to put forth an idea - DELTA would be more than happy to
    sponsor a "swap shop" conference to put people who have BUSINESS
    oriented media etc they would like to get rid of that others would
    be willing to take AS IS.  What do you think??   
2089.33YES!SCAACT::AINSLEYLess than 150 kts is TOO slowMon Sep 14 1992 15:4510
    re: .32
    YES! DO IT!
    I was going to offer to host such a conference, but we are already
    having trouble stuffing 10 lbs of stuff into a 5 lb bag as it is.
    Thanks for the offer.
                       -< EasyNet Conference Directory >-
Note 3704.0*              Announcing the DELTA SWAPSHOP               No replies
CAPNET::CROWTHER "Maxine 276-8226"                   21 lines  18-SEP-1992 13:23
    DELTA is proud to sponsor a new notesfile in support of Employee

    Welcome to the SWAP SHOP.  The purpose of this conference is give
    Digital employees the ability to list excess expendable product that
    others in the company may need.  This conference does NOT take the
    place of either the DIAL process or the Property Disposition Center
    process.  This conference is NOT for personal items or use or for 
    So if you have 100 magtapes that you don't need, list them here!
    Those 4000 slash folders in mint green that you have left over
    from your last really big meeting - list them here!

    Want 50 spiral binders - ask here! 
    This conference is really intended as a bulletin board - the deals you
    make are your own responsiblity!

    Use KP7 or ADD ENTRY CAPNET::DELTA_SWAPSHOP to add this entry.
2089.35NEED TAPES FOR PATCHESCSC32::HADDOCKDon't Tell My Achy-Breaky BackFri Oct 16 1992 17:068
    Here at Customer Support Center in Colorado Springs, we send out
    a lot of patches to customers.  We can use a lot of tapes.  Especially
    the tk50 and tk70's.  Contact Lyvonne Simpkins at DTN 592-5459,
    CSC32::VON, Mail Stop CX03-2/J3.
2089.36You may have missed a reply . .CAPNET::CROWTHERMaxine 276-8226Fri Oct 16 1992 18:208
     <<< Note 2089.35 by CSC32::HADDOCK "Don't Tell My Achy-Breaky Back" >>>
                          -< NEED TAPES FOR PATCHES >-

SEE NOTE 2089.34!!