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Conference bookie::movies

Title:Movie Reviews and Discussion
Notice:Please do DIR/TITLE before starting a new topic on a movie!
Created:Thu Jan 28 1993
Last Modified:Thu Jun 05 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1249
Total number of notes:16012

884.0. "The Indian In The Cupboard" by RNDHSE::WALL (Show me, don't tell me) Tue Jul 18 1995 20:24

    dir/title revealed no entry for this.
    I saw this movie by accident.  We went to try and catch a showing of
    Apollo 13, and despite it being on three screens at the Framingham
    General Cinema (which is without doubt the scariest movie theater I've
    ever been in) it was packed solid and sold out.  A cry went up for The
    Indian in the Cupboard, and there we were.
    Considering I had no intention of seeing this, I rather enjoyed it. 
    It's most definitely targeted at children, but it isn't sufficiently
    idyllic to bore adults.  Indeed, despite being mistaken for a god and
    having a cupboard and key that nearly make him one, the little boy
    seems considerably more true to life than Forrest Gump.  Indeed, the
    movie has a real respect for children -- the hero is confronts a major
    issue and comes to the realization more quickly than the average U.S.
    Senator would have.
884.1wonder if they'll do the sequels?USCTR1::WOOLNERYour dinner is in the supermarketWed Jul 19 1995 16:286
    What .0 said!  Intelligent, and true to the book.  There was one
    wonderful scare that had my mother, me and my (10-year-old) daughter
    all jump out of our seats  :-) and a couple of sniffly parts; we were
    all expecting less and were very pleasantly surprised.
884.2good for what age kids?NOODLE::ANDERSONThu Jul 20 1995 16:247
Can anyone who's seen this comment on the suitability of this movie for 
a 6-year-old?  Scariness, violence, complexity, etc.  I'd really like to 
see it and take my son but I can't tell whether it's right for him or not.

884.3kids give thumbs upKOOLIT::KEEFEThu Jul 20 1995 17:055
    My 5- and 6-year-olds loved it.  It's nice for lots of reasons. For
    example, the parents aren't depicted as morons for a change. The
    characters are given depth and treated with respect.  
    It's a great kids film, good for adults too.