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Posting history for user PADIS::ENGSTROM

6 notes across 3 conferences

Summary of Posts

Click on conference filespec to scroll down to
Conference Title
turris::ada3DEC Ada
noted::dup_old_ultrix2Volume 3, Take a RISC with ULTRIX...
molar::msu1DECmcc Management Station for ULTRIX

Conference turris::ada (DEC Ada)

3 posts
TOPIC2792.0Thu May 06 1993 12:52 hang during task elaboration 18 lines
2792.1Fri May 07 1993 09:32 small error in previous message 4 lines
2792.3Mon May 10 1993 12:53 no signals, big hang 12 lines

Conference molar::msu (DECmcc Management Station for ULTRIX)

1 posts
TOPIC310.0Wed Oct 30 1991 08:07 SET AUTOCOMMIT not supported 20 lines

Conference noted::dup_old_ultrix (Volume 3, Take a RISC with ULTRIX...)

2 posts
TOPIC7169.0Mon Nov 18 1991 07:20 Going backwards in time with SIGALARM 18 lines
7169.2Tue Nov 19 1991 11:07 why 19 lines

Additional information

First Post:Wed Oct 30 1991
Last Post:Mon May 10 1993
# Topics:3
# Replies:3
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