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Posting history for user TSG::FINNEGAN

5 notes across 1 conferences

Summary of Posts

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Conference Title
rdvax::x5The X Window System

Conference rdvax::x (The X Window System)

5 posts
TOPIC 230.0 XV11 Availability.
230.1Mon Aug 10 1987 13:22 6 lines
239.1Fri Aug 28 1987 13:33 I can answer the first 12 lines
239.2Fri Aug 28 1987 13:41 Addenum 10 lines
TOPIC 289.0 uwm X11 questions
289.1Fri Oct 30 1987 12:26 I've seen the last but only in older system 13 lines
TOPIC 300.0 Need an .Xdefaults file!
300.1Fri Nov 20 1987 02:37 Depends on how you put it there 20 lines

Additional information

First Post:Mon Aug 10 1987
Last Post:Fri Nov 20 1987
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# Replies:5
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