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Conference cookie::notes$archive:cd_v1

Title:Welcome to the CD Notes Conference
Notice:Welcome to COOKIE
Created:Mon Feb 17 1986
Last Modified:Fri Mar 03 1989
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1517
Total number of notes:13349

741.0. "NEW BEATLES CDS" by JACOB::RADLER () Fri May 01 1987 14:05

        I just have a few words to say about the new Beatles cd's. They
    are awesome. I couldn't believe the clarity. And in Stereo. Help
    with only two covers was definitely and excellent album especially
    if you compare it to the US release which had 7 Beatle songs and
    instrumentals from the movie. It seems weird to have Yesterday on
    the same album with Help and Dizzy Miss Lizzy. Which were on 3 different
    american releases. Rubber Soul and Revolver contain 14 Beatle songs
    each and no covers. Their is practically no hiss what so ever. I
    hope they eventually clean up the Master tapes and release the Stereo
    versions of Beatles for Sale and A Hard Days Night. It will be
    interesting to see what they do with the remaining extra songs.
    If they will combine them or keep them in their original formats
    and make us pay for duplicate recordings. Talking about duplicates
    when I opened up my Help cd I was surprized to find 2 cd's in the
    same jewel box. One on top of the other. Did anybody else receive
    this extra added bonus?
741.1VLNVAX::KARLSONOnly 238 shopping days until Xmas!Fri May 01 1987 14:339
    I also have a few words to say!  There are at least three other
    notes (complete with replies) that deal with the Beatles and their
    CD's.  Please do a DIR/TITLE before writing a new topic.  If everyone
    wants -- I will make directory listings available at an ENet location
    (I know what a pain in the ass it is to have it inside of notes)
    so you can copy it.
741.2Perhaps a keyword...COOKIE::ROLLOWMurphy's Law applies.Fri May 01 1987 21:341
741.3BPOV09::DANEKFri May 01 1987 21:4324
Reply to < Note 741.1 by VLNVAX::KARLSON "Only 238 shopping days until Xmas!" >

>   I also have a few words to say!  There are at least three other
>   notes (complete with replies) that deal with the Beatles and their
>   CD's.  Please do a DIR/TITLE before writing a new topic.  If everyone
>   wants -- I will make directory listings available at an ENet location
>   (I know what a pain in the ass it is to have it inside of notes)
>   so you can copy it.

Maybe I'm using VAXnotes very inefficiently.  I have it setup a-la-carte.  I
rather enjoy seeing a separate note about the Beatles CD...as this discusses
the three new releases.  The older note discusses the releases that came out a
few months ago...and that's old news.  I don't now have to go back to the
previous note just to see if anyone has added something about this new event!
it's right up there, in cronological order, with what's going on now!

I probably wouldn't have even noticed the announcecment/comment about the
three new releases if the note was a reply to the older stuff.

Would DIR/TITLE have helped me?  Probably not...as I wouldn't have had to have
thought to look for new stuff on the Beatles in the first place to see the
note (or am I wrong about this?).

741.4PDVAX::P_DAVISaka SARAH::P_DAVISFri May 01 1987 21:5020
    VAX NOTES is pretty good at keeping track of what you've seen and
    what you haven't, including new topics and replies to old topics.
    If you don't mess with it, it will automatically give the the "next
    unseen" note whenever you open a conference.
    From there, you really can get away with only knowing 3 keys, and
    still be sure of getting all the news:
    	"Enter" key on numeric keypad  - this will give you everything,
    		including multiple screens on long notes, and each unseen
    		reply or topic.
        "3" key on numeric keypad - says "Skip the rest of this note,
    		and just get the next reply"
    	"," key on numeric keypad - says "Skip the rest of this note,
    		AND all the replies after it, and get me to the next
    		new note or reply".
    That's all you need.
741.5BPOV09::DANEKSat May 02 1987 13:2629
Reply to < Note 741.4 by PDVAX::P_DAVIS "aka SARAH::P_DAVIS" >

>   VAX NOTES is pretty good at keeping track of what you've seen and
>   what you haven't, including new topics and replies to old topics.
>   If you don't mess with it, it will automatically give the the "next
>   unseen" note whenever you open a conference.
>   	"," key on numeric keypad - says "Skip the rest of this note,
>   		AND all the replies after it, and get me to the next
>   		new note or reply".

OK, I tried it.  I pressed the "'" key on the keypad and I was pushed down to
5.2.  That's probably a note/reply I really never looked at!  I pressed it
again and ended up at 2.2! ...can't say I ever really looked at that ever
either.  Now, would I have to look at every single note with the "," key to
get to 741.5 (assuming that's really the next unseen note I want to see)?

I really don't want to be forced to look at notes on P.D.Q Bach or Problems
with the JVC Model XL330!  This is probably why I stopped using the notebook
mode and started using the a-la-carte mode of VAXnotes.

...so having "new news" entered as it's own note really helps.  I don't think
separate notes really make the conference itself that much larger (they're the
same number of bytes to store) and you can probably still find such notes with
title searches or keywords (if people use them).  Other that redundant infor-
mation entries (which ISN'T the case here), are there other problems created
from using separate note entries?

741.6Try thisCASPRO::DLONGa.k.a. HULK::DJPLMon May 04 1987 13:345
    You might want to try looking at HUMAN::ETIQUETTE.
    Lots of NOTES etiquette there.
    Press KP7 to add it to your notebook.
741.7PDVAX::P_DAVISaka SARAH::P_DAVISMon May 04 1987 14:3113
    Re/ .5:
    Yes, the assumption that VAX NOTES makes is that you at least look
    at ALL the new notes, whether your interested in the topic at hand
    or not.  If you're only interested in certain topics, you'll have
    to do a bit more work by hand.
    The problem with writing new notes all the time is that is makes
    it that much harder for the rest of use to find anything.  If we're
    looking for discussion of Beatles' CDs, we have to look at all the
    various notes and replies on the subject.
741.8Back to the discs! Sgt. PepperDSSDEV::STRANGEBeing for the benefit of Mr. KiteTue Jun 02 1987 13:2022
    Getting back to the subject at hand...
    I picked up the Sgt. Pepper disk yesterday for $12.99 at Rockit
    in Nashua.  I am quite impressed!  They actually have a full-lenth
    booklet this time, with new photos and all the lyrics, plus some
    info about when things were recorded, etc.  Tape hiss is very evident,
    especially with headphones, but it is not too annoying, and a lot
    better than previous releases.  Included at the end is a 15 KHz
    signal that John Lennon insisted be on the original british release,
    "to annoy your dog".  Then comes about 30 seconds of gibberish that
    was on the playout groove on the original british release.  "A Day
    In The Life" sounds incredible, and I can even hear people talking
    in the background during the middle section where Paul sings and
    at the end during the 42-second chord.  Has anyone else heard the
    disk?  I don't remember if George Martin remixed this album, but
    he did remix Help and Rubber Soul to clean them up.  The rest are
    the original masters.
    Has anyone heard any hype on the radio concerning the 20th anniversary
    of the release of this album?  (June 1, 1967 in UK, June 2 in US.)
    I sort of expected some promotion, and a lot of stations playing
    the whole album through...  maybe today.
741.9Sgt. Pepper HypeFDCV09::XXDEV3Tue Jun 02 1987 17:027
    WBCN Boston played the whole thing yesterday.  I'm also very surprised
    at the lack of hype in the media.  There has been a lot of mention
    about the 20th anniversary but little on the CD release.  Maybe
    they expect word of mouth to take care of sales.  I hope the tape
    hiss isn't too bad on "A Day in the Life" because I have to listen
    to that with the phones on.
741.10VLNVAX::KARLSONOnly 206 shopping days until Xmas!Tue Jun 02 1987 17:1117
    RE: .-1
    	Channel 5 (ABC), or Channel 6 (PBS) -- can't remember which
    station I was tuned to the other night -- and I think it was Friday
    or Saturday, had at least a half an hour special on the Beatles.
    	I've heard mention of the CD on a couple of different radio
    stations, seen adds in the papers, a newsbrief on CNN ...
    	The release (in my eyes) of SPLHCB has gotten almost as much
    attention as the initial release of the first four CD's.
    	The CD's that got virtually no covereage were the three (help!
    Rubber Soul! and whatever the third one was) in between.
741.11What do you mean no hype? Plenty here!STAR06::SELBYTue Jun 02 1987 17:3716
    I'm in Atlanta, and the stations here have had nothing but promos
    all week.  One local station was giving away SPLHCB discs *and*
    the disc player to play it on each hour.  96 Rock was playing music,
    commercials, news, etc..  from June 1, 1967.  Funny listening to
    the old Bacaruda (Baracuda) commercials again.  There were psychadelic
    parties in the local clubs.  The Today show had Paul McCartney and
    George Harrison. (I was told, did not see it).  Listened to several
    different interviews with George Martin, the Beatles, Mike Love
    about SPLHCB.
    Actually...   I'm kind of tired of all the hype.  Just want the
    discs.   :^)
741.12but what about Day Tripper?REGENT::POWERSWed Jul 08 1987 13:126
The CD versions of Help, Revolver, and Rubber Soul contain all the songs
from the American release of the LP Yesterday and Today EXCEPT "Day Tripper,"
one of my all-time favorites.
Any idea when/where it will show up?

- tom]
741.13Not for a while...DSSDEV::STRANGEBeing for the benefit of Mr. KiteWed Jul 08 1987 20:5615
      Day Tripper (also one of my favorites) was a b-side to We Can
    Work It Out (also not on the CDs) in the UK.  It did show up on
    the British LP "A Collection of Oldies", which was released after
    Revolver and before Sgt. Pepper.  Apparently Capitol has decided
    not to release this British LP, the only one of the 13 that they
    don't plan on doing.  This is unfortunate, as there are some other
    great single-only songs on there, like She Loves You, From Me To
    You, and some others.  I imagine it will be released sometime in
    '88, probably on The Beatles/1962-1966 (red greatest hits album),
    which is bound to come out eventually.  BTW, both records from that
    album will fit on one CD, let's hope they do it that way.
741.14REGENT::SCHMIEDERThu Jul 09 1987 17:2814
I am not sure that they plan to release "red" and "blue".  Those have some, 
but not much, overlap with the British LP's, but are mostly 45's.  At that, 
they are mostly just A-sides, unless both sides were hits (as in "Day 
Tripper"/"We Can Work It Out").  "Rarities" collects the other obscurities, 
but does it poorly.  Hopefully, EMI will release brand new records that cover 
the non-album material chronologically, in true stereo.  This is the 
impression I got from several articles I read.

"Day Tripper" was a pivotal song in The Beatles' career, and is often cited as 
the bridge between the early-mid beat period ("Help!"/"Rubber Soul") and the 
late-mid psychedelic period ("Revolver"/"Sgt. Pepper"/"Magical Mystery Tour").

741.15Which 45s are missing?VINO::GSCOTTGreg ScottThu Jul 09 1987 19:534
    Are "Rain" and "Paperback Writer" on "red" or "blue"?
    GAS Looking_to_complete_my_Beatles_collection
741.16no RainDSSDEV::STRANGEBeing for the benefit of Mr. KiteThu Jul 09 1987 22:034
    "Paperback Writer" is on Red, "Rain" is not on either one, but is
    on "Hey Jude" in the US.
741.17"Thank You, Girl"TLE::WARDJohn WardFri Jul 10 1987 00:228
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe "Thank You, Girl" is
    included on any of the CDs released so far.  It is, however, available
    on that Japanese import multi-volume collection -- Volume 1, I think.
    [I was tempted to buy this CD just for that song!]

    Was this song ever released on a British album?  If not, the `Oldie CD'
    will have to be pretty comprehensive to include this one -- don't you
741.18REGENT::SCHMIEDERFri Jul 10 1987 20:03132
"Thank You Girl" is a weird one.  It's one of those rare songs where the U.S. 
and U.K. mixes were so completely different (as in "I;m Only Sleeping") that 
it seems like a completely different song (in fact, the U.S. version has an 
entirely different ending).  This is the one case I can think of where I 
actually prefer the U.S. version.  The U.S. reverb really helps on this one.  
After all, it's rather inappropriate to have "dry" sound on a "German drinking 
song", don't you think?

It's on "Rarities" in the U.K.

Since most people here apparantly haven't read the earlier discussion in MUSIC 
notes, I'll nip all further questions in the bud by listing the songs that 
never appeared on the original U.K. albums nor on the red and blue 
anthologies (I have to apologise for already forgetting the lesson in German 
capitalisation that someone here taught me earlier):

1.  Komm, gib mir deine Hande ("I Want to Hold Your Hand", in German) - this 
      is NOT the same instrumental tracks with German overdubs, but an 
      entirely different recording, with rhythms altered slightly to 
      accomodate the cadence of the German language.  Nevertheless, I find it 
      rather stilted sounding.  It appeared in the U.S. on "Something New".

2.  Sie liebte Dich ("She Loves You", in German) - same as above.

3.  "Thank You Girl" = B-side to "She Loves You".  American version on "Second 
      Album" has lots of reverb and an entirely different (and much more 
      exciting) ending.

4.  "The Inner Light" = B-side to "Lady Madonna".  Now one of my favourite 
      Beatles songs, this is the only one to feature true Indian classical 
      musicians.  George overdubbed the vocals back in England, several months 
      after recording the backing tracks (on which he does not play) in India. 
      This is also only one of two songs that likewise never appeared on an 
      album in the U.S.

5.  "You Know My Name (Just Look Up the Number)" = B-side to "Let It Be".  The 
      other song that never appeared on a U.S. album, this track was recorded 
      during the Sgt. Pepper sessions and was actually considered as a 
      potential A-side at that time (to be backed by "What's the News, Mary
      Jane").  The proposed single came so close to actual production that 
      there is an assigned Parlophone catalogue number for it!  This is a joke 
      song that flirts briefly with practically every musical genre that The 
      Beatles have named as influences.  Contrary to what might be expected 
      based on "Your Mother Should Know" and the McCartney TV special, among 
      other cabaret-influenced McCartney work, this is a Lennon song.

6.  "Bad Boy" = unique case.  This song appeared on "Beatles VI" in America, 
      but was never released in the U.K. either on an album or a 45 B-side.  
      It did pop up on "A Collection of Oldies", which was released in 
      Christmas of 1965 to make up for the fact that "Revolver" was behind 
      schedule (henceforth, The Beatles would give up on attempting to produce 
      two albums a year), but was already a year old at the time.  It comes 
      from the same sessions that produced "Dizzy Miss Lizzy" (not surprising, 
      considering both tunes are by Larry Williams) and a few other tracks 
      from side two of the U.K. version of "Help!".  I didn't used to like 
      this song in the context of "Beatles VI", but paired with the songs 
      that were recorded during the same sessions, it fits right in.  It has 
      a nice subtle shuffle to the beat, something many people accuse Ringo 
      of doing accidentally due to incompetence (I do not concur on this).

7.  "Long Tall Sally"/"I Call Your Name"/"Slow Down"/"Matchbox" - an EP (7") 
      in England that was split in the U.S. between "Second Album" and 
      "Something New".  The latter two songs strike me as rather lame 
      performances, but the first two really capture the spirit of the very 
      early Beatles better than any two songs I can think of.  "Long Tall 
      Sally" is a rocker, with McCartney belting out the vocals.  "I Call Your 
      Name" goes back to the Hamburg days, and the U.K. mix is markedly 
      different in terms of feel.  It has more "swing" to it; the U.S. version 
      having been drowned in a sea of reverb.  Other subtle differences exist.

8.  "Rain" = B-side to "Paperback Writer".  I always figured this had been a 
      double A-side.  "Rarities", unfortunately, includes a mono version of 
      the mix, incorrectly labeled as stereo (the labelling on this album, in 
      general, is full of falsehoods).  The mono mix, as could be expected, 
      destroys the song, since this was the FIRST Beatles song to really 
      utilise stereo in the conception of the song itself.  It could be called 
      The Beatles' first true psychedelic song, though "Day Tripper" planted 
      the seed (or should that read, "weed"?).  Todd Rundgren did an 
      exceptional cover of this song on his "Faithful" album in 1975.  The 
      song did not appear in the U.S., I believe, until the "Hey Jude" album.

9.  "Across the Universe" = unique.  This was a contribution to some sort of 
      environmentalist collection, or peace collection.  I forget which.  It 
      was recorded around about the time of the Magical Mystery Tour sessions, 
      and includes all of The Beatles (minus Ringo, I believe, since I don't 
      recall any drums or percussion work).  It also includes Yoko, and Paul's 
      objections to her presence on the song are the main reason it did not 
      also pop up on the White Album.  I find the performance rather lame, and 
      sounding somewhat like a demo version.  Still, the arrangement is nice 
      and far more bearable than the Spectorised version on "Let It Be" (an 
      entirely different recording of the song, by the way, and not a remix of 
      the version mentioned here).  I don't believe the compilation came out 
      in the U.S., but I could be wrong.  I think the compilation came out a 
      fair amount of time after the song was actually recorded.  Lennon later 
      revised the song again with David Bowie for his "Young Americans" album. 
      That version remains my favourite, in terms of the arrangement, though 
      Bowie's drugged-out transquilised slo-mo performances on that album put 
      me to sleep and depress me (though "Fame" somehow escapes the fate of 
      the other songs, perhaps because it uses a different set of backing 
      musicians from the rest of the album).

10. "Yes It Is" = B-side to "Ticket to Ride".  This song is eerie.  It appears 
      in the U.S. on Beatles VI.  It is supposedly from a movie, but I forget 
      the name.  Definitely one of The Beatles' weirdest songs, and the only 
      one I can think of off-hand that prominently features pedal steel 

11. "I'm Down" = B-side to "Help!".  A screamer.  Didn't appear in the U.S. 
      until the "Rock 'n' Roll" anthology.  I personally think it would have 
      worked a bit better if it didn't combine McCartney's screaming with his 
      attempts to reach beyond his natural vocal range.

12. "She's a Woman" = B-side to "I Feel Fine".  Here's another case where I 
      prefer the U.S. version with reverb and other changes.  The guitar 
      thrashing on this song, and the bizarre melodic approach, are precursors 
      of the West Coast psychedelic movement.  Appeared on "Beatles '65" in 
      the U.S.

13. "This Boy" = B-side to "From Me to You".  A beautiful song, with bizarre 
      harmonies that have been analysed by musicologists to the point of 
      ridicule.  The Beatles weren't forging forward so much as they had no 
      inhibitions and just did what felt natural and musical to them.  I 
      believe this appeared in the U.S. on "Meet the Beatles", and it's 
      another case where I thought it was a double-sided hit single.  In fact, 
      in this case, I have a difficult time understanding how the A-side got 
      to be the hit!  Although that's partly because I still have trouble 
      blocking out "flashbacks" of the U.S. reverbed version when I listen to 
      my "clean" U.K. version.  I don't think the "This Boy" mixes vary.

741.19The next twoAKOV75::BOYAJIANI want a hat with cherriesWed Jul 22 1987 05:365
    The release calendar at Rockit Records in Nashua lists
    THE BEATLES (the "White Album") and YELLOW SUBMARINE as
    being released on August 25th.
    --- jerry
741.20NEW NEWSWFOVX6::ROBERTSMon Jul 27 1987 16:5717
                             -< RECORDS ON VINYL >-
Note 176.50                      Beatles News                           50 of 50
WFOVX6::ROBERTS                                       9 lines  24-JUL-1987 05:34
                     -< And now for the rest of the story >-

    I know this isn't the CD conference but...
    I heard on the radio that Paul,Yuko and George are suing Capitol/EMI
    for delaying the release of the Beatles work on Cd's by 2 years.
    More to it than we thought?
    					Doug Roberts
741.21an article...KIRIN::J_WESTOn a clear disk you can seek foreverTue Jul 28 1987 14:276
    There is a article about this in yesterdays (27 Jul 87) Wall Street
    Journal.  It is in section 2 and I forget the exact page number.
                                -=> Jim <=-
741.22Heres The ArticleWFOVX6::ROBERTSWed Jul 29 1987 12:2160
John's Widow, Paul's Firm, George and Ringo 
Charge Distributor With Delays
By Rifka Rosenwein Reprinted Without Permission From
The Wall Street Journal July 27,1987 Section 2
NEW YORK-It's been a long and winding roadfor the
Beatles' compact disks. 

Members of the group felt it took so long to get their
disks released in the U.S. that last week, George
Harrison, Ringo Starr, Yoko Ono, the widow of John
Lennon, and Apple Records, in which Paul McCartney has
a 25 % stake, sued Capitol Records, Inc., the groups
U.S. distributor.

The lawsuit, which asks for $40 million, charges Capitol
Records with delaying release of the compact disks for
several years in an effort to force the group to settle
another lawsuit. The suit also charges the record company
with depriving the group of royalties by overcharging for
packaging costs on the disks.

The two suits were filed in New York State Supreme Court
against Capitol Records and EMI Records Ltd. of London,
both subsidiaries of Capitol Industries-EMI Inc.

A Capitol Records spokeswoman emphatically denied that the
company was trying to delay the disks, saying they were
slowed by "manufacturing capability problems."

The earlier lawsuit, brought by the Beatles' Apple Records
in 1979, dealt with the group's albums and tapes. It charged
Capitol Records with fraud, unjust enrichment and breach
of contract. Earlier this year, a state judge dismissed most
of the claims. Two remaining breach-of-contract claims are
still pending in the New York Supreme Court.

The latest suit alleges that while Capitol Records released
compact disks of the hit records of other big-name stars, like
Tina Turner and Duran Duran, in 1984 and 1985, it deliberately
withheld release of Beatles compact disks until February
of this year. The Beatles claim the delay cost them millions
of dollars in royalties.

The Capitol Records spokeswoman said compact disks that were 
released earlier were those of current albums. The company
didn't start releasing disks of older albums until early
this year. The company said it has been paying the group
"appropriate royalties."

As a postscript, they are also suing Nike for $10 million
for using Revolution on their commercials. Nike states that
they obtained permission from Capitol Records Inc. The Beatles
allege that usage of their work in this manner defiles and
debases there value.
741.23is it a collectable?VAXWRK::SCHNEIDERI'll eat anything bright blueThu Aug 20 1987 22:535
    Regarding the Sgt. Pepper CD, is anyone saving the cardboard cover
    that the jewel box is packaged in?  Its got the old "cutout" dolls
    and things from the original album, which is why I ask.
741.24Millbury dump...JAWS::COTEPractice Safe SysexFri Aug 21 1987 12:403
    It does?
    Edd who_threw_his_away.
741.25Now, cut it out!COMET1::LEVETTThey're all a bunch of Baggums!Fri Aug 21 1987 14:394
    	I cut mine out and inserted them in the little book for safe
    keeping.  Not much room though.
741.26Saved by my daughterCASEE::CLARKWard ClarkSat Aug 22 1987 21:3211
    I bought Sgt. Pepper during a stateside trip (along with too many other
    CDs) and threw all the boxes away without thinking.  Then I came upon a
    review that mentioned the box.  Sigh!!!

    But my stateside daughter rescued me by sending me another copy in the
    box for Father's Day.  (She forgot to declare it as a gift, so I had to
    pay French duty on it, but that's another story ...)

    The 1st copy is now offered for trade (see the CDSWAP Conference).

    -- Ward
741.27Sept 22 for MAGICAL MYSTERY TOURAKOV68::BOYAJIANScience Is GoldenThu Aug 27 1987 06:4923
    After having read the previous few replies, I was upset to
    think that I threw away the outer box for my SGT. PEPPERS
    disc. But, just this morning, on an off-chance, I checked
    the trash bag in the back seat of my car, and there it was!
    Occasionally, I open up the boxes when I get to my car to
    look over the "documentation" in the CD and throw the outer
    boxes into the trash bag. There are things to be said for not
    cleaning out the car every week!
    By the way, regarding the rumored CD release of MAGICAL MYSTERY
    TOUR, I was in Rockit Records today, and they have it listed
    on their release calendar for Sept 22. I asked the guy there
    if it was the American LP version or the British EP version,
    but he didn't know. He's assuming the American, but said that
    it's not a remote possibility that it will be the British EP,
    at a reduced price. The distributor hasn't solicited orders for
    it yet, so he couldn't even guess which version it will be based
    on what the price is.
    If it's the American LP version, I hope it includes the movie
    --- jerry
741.28REGENT::SCHMIEDERFri Aug 28 1987 17:4217
RE: .27

Jerry, I have the British EP, and it has the movie booklet too, only it works 
better in that format I think.

The song order is different on the EP.

I hope, at any rate, that they revert to the (previously unreleased) 
FULL_LENGTH version of "Flying".  It was only cut short to fit, the way the EP 
was structured.  There was always room on the album for the long version, but 
MMT was the most savagely butchered of any of The Beatles albums (I don't even 
remember what generation Capital used for its masters in this country, or how 
many times the music had been transribed back and forth between mono and fake 
stereo by the time it got released).

741.29New Release, Past MastersWFOVX7::ROBERTSThu Feb 04 1988 11:487
    Good News!
      A new Beatles Cd Entitled "Past Masters" is set for release on
      or about March 8. It will contain 30 cuts and include almost all
      the A, double A and B sides not previously released on CD.
    				Doug Roberts
741.3030 cuts!!!!TOOK::MICHAUDJeff MichaudThu Feb 04 1988 19:164
    Re: .-1
    30 cuts!  Are they actually going to give us one long playing CD
    or are they going to rook us into a double CD?
741.31LESLIE::LESLIEAndy, CSSE DECnet/OSI Program, WG5Fri Feb 05 1988 01:571
    "Details!" he cried...
741.32looks like two discsVXSTAR::SELBYFri Feb 05 1988 20:2910
    I checked with my local retailer and....
    35 cuts, no titles listed.
    2 single discs.
    They did not have an exact release date, but said 'middle March'.
741.33possible listNOVA::ARNOLDMon Feb 08 1988 16:0931
    Here is a list of songs that might appear on the new Beatles CD.
I compiled it by comparing the available CDs to the American LP releases
(including Rarities) to see what was missing. I was able to come up with
*exactly* 30 songs...

 1) I Want To Hold Your Hand (English)	16) I'll Be Back
 2) I Want To Hold Your Hand (German)	17) We Can Work It Out
 3) This Boy				18) Day Tripper
 4) She Loves You (English)		19) Hey Jude
 5) She Loves You (German)		20) Revolution
 6) Thank You Girl			21) Paperback Writer
 7) Long Tall Sally			22) Lady Madonna
 8) I Call Your Name			23) Don't Let Me Down
 9) I'll Get You			24) Ballard of John and Yoko
10) Slow Down				25) Rain
11) Matchbox				26) Old Brown Shoe
12) Bad Boy				27) I'm Down 
13) Yes It Is				28) Inner Light
14) She's a Woman			29) You Know My Name
15) I Feel Fine				30) Across the Universe (original)

The total time of all thirty songs comes to about 83 minutes
(about 8 minutes too long to fit on one CD).

If there are 35 cuts instead of 30, I don't know what the other could be.
Maybe one of them could be the single version of "Let It Be".

Can anyone think of any songs that are missing??

741.34screwing up my noting dutiesJULIET::MAY_BRUse an accordian, go to jailFri Feb 12 1988 17:456
    I'm afraid to enter this in here.  I saw an article in the paper
    yesterday (trashed now) about this.  It said there would be 2 seperate
    discs.  .33 had most of the titles as well as I can remember.
    Sorry for not keeping the paper.
741.35updateWFOVX6::ROBERTSTue Mar 01 1988 10:4414
                                -< The Beatles >-
Note 97.3                        Past Masters                             3 of 3
WFOVX6::ROBERTS                                       6 lines   1-MAR-1988 06:30
                          -< Update On Past Masters >-

    An update on this disc(s). I heard a preview on WBCN this Saturday
    including I want to hold your hand, I'm Down, Get Back (single version)
    and Let it be (single version). One disc will cover 62-66 and the
    other 67-70. Release date is March 8.
    				Doug Roberts
741.3635?ROCKON::RADLERTue Mar 08 1988 10:429
           There will be 2 separate discs. 31. Get Back (single version)
    32. Let it be (single version) 33 Love me Do (rarer version) 34
    From me to you. I can't think of what 35 could be.
          As far as all material available!!! What about Live at the
    Hollywood Bowl? I really enjoy that concert.
741.37Only 33ROCKON::RADLERTue Mar 08 1988 15:016
          The discs have only 33 songs. I'll be back is on A hard day's night
    I think.

741.38ConfusedAQUA::ROSTTush, tush, you lose your pushTue Mar 08 1988 17:039
    Anyone seen them yet???
    I saw an ad in today's Boston Globe, $11.98 each (plus all other
    Beatles) til Saturday, but it said *13* songs each
741.3918/15BETHE::LICEA_KANETue Mar 08 1988 21:1530
741.40AKOV11::BOYAJIAN$50 never killed anybodyWed Mar 09 1988 02:314
    They are out. I picked up mine Tuesday at Rockit Records ($12.99
    each). Sound great.
    --- jerry
741.41discs made in UK, packaged in USSYZYGY::ALLENWed Mar 09 1988 13:555
    I picked mine up Tuesday at Lechmere in Nashua, $11.98 as advertised.
    They had lots of them. Also the rest of the Beatles CDs are on sale at
    $11.98, and a few other CDs too.
    - roger