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Conference 7.286::visualc

Title:Microsoft Visual C/C++
Created:Tue Mar 16 1993
Last Modified:Wed Jun 04 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1121
Total number of notes:4385

1113.0. "Windows Sockets 2 extension question" by PTHRED::VIVENEY (Bob Viveney) Mon Apr 21 1997 20:03

The document entitled 'Windows Sockets 2 Protocol-Specific Annex', July 1996
lists some extensions to the TCP/IP protocol. I'm trying to use the ioctl() API
with command SIO_GET_INTERFACE_LIST but I get a WSAENOBUFS error which doesn't
seem right since I am still in the initialization phase in the application.
I have NT 4.0 (intel) installed and MSVC++ V5.0. I am linked with ws2_32.dll.

Is there a later version of this library or a different library that I need?
Anyone have any insight into this ioctl() call I am making that will help.

1113.1Its a BugPTHRED::VIVENEYBob ViveneyMon May 05 1997 14:052
Microsoft confirmed this is a bug with NT 4.0 and will be fixed in 5.0.
It will also be fixed with the Windows Sockets 2 for Windows 95 release.
1113.2SPELNK::curlessTue May 06 1997 17:296
When and if we ever see the Winsock 2 release for Windows 95.... :-(

Oh, and ... it has a brand new TCP/IP stack as well
