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Conference hanzi::asian_products

Title:Asian Language Software and Hardware Products Information
Notice:Welcome to the world of multibyte characters. Read 1.*.
Created:Tue Feb 23 1988
Last Modified:Thu Apr 10 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:415
Total number of notes:1383

408.0. "chinese filename + pathworks" by TPSPS5::SYSTEM () Tue Jan 28 1997 16:33

    Both Windows-NT/chinese, Windows 95/chinese in Taiwan support 
    filename/foldername contains chinese characters, but this feature
    does not work with Pathworks V5.0D ECO2! 
    The abnormals include some words/codes mapping incorrect, some 
    filename(with chinese chars inside) cannot be changed, or sometimes
    cannot access existing folder(foldername with chinese characters)...
    Has anyone notice above this? 
    By the way, what are the status for Pathworks/Asian-language products
    (including Pathworks-VMS/OSF1/Hanyu, Pathworks-NT/Hanyu and 
    Thanks for any reply!
408.1worldwide support in next release (on unix)SMURF::WOODBURNThu Jan 30 1997 05:0627
	Hi, Norbert,

	Here is some status on the Asian support in Pathworks
	for Digital UNIX.  I am working on that support for the next
	release of Pathworks (I think it will be V7.0).

	The current and previous releases (V6.1 and back) do not
	have any Asian support.  They assume that all characters are
	Latin-1 characters (ASCII + Western European).

	The next release will support Japanese and possibly
	other Asian languages.  Would you like me to include Chinese
	support too?  Would your customers?

	The reason I ask is that the Japanese support is currently
	at the top of the list.  The Chinese support is lower for two
	reasons:  It is more difficult to implement (because of the
	plane 2 characters) and there has been less market demand for
	it.  If you and your customers really need it, please let me
	know, as well as my product manager, Anne Milliard


	Tom Woodburn

408.2customer want everythingTPSPS5::SYSTEMThu Jan 30 1997 14:4631
    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for your reply!
>	The current and previous releases (V6.1 and back) do not
>	have any Asian support.  They assume that all characters are
>	Latin-1 characters (ASCII + Western European).
>	The next release will support Japanese and possibly
>	other Asian languages.  Would you like me to include Chinese
>	support too?  Would your customers?

    We and our customers would certainly need chinese support on 
    both Pathworks servers and clients! 

    Especially for some client utilities like VT382 and SETHOST 
    that supported in "Pathworks/Hanyu for DOS/Windows V5.0"! 
    These utilities do not work in Windows-NT/95 chinese versions.

    As for chinese-filename problem for Pathworks/OVMS, we had found
    the cause of the problem -> VMS convert lowercase characters to 
    uppercase! VMS does not support storing filename in lowercase! 
    To solve this problem, either VMS needs to support lowercase filename
    (like Unix) or Pathworks Server changes the filename encoding method. 

    Anyway, I'll pass these information to my direct manager and 
    thanks again for your reply!

    Norbert Lai / TSC Taiwan