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Conference hanzi::asian_products

Title:Asian Language Software and Hardware Products Information
Notice:Welcome to the world of multibyte characters. Read 1.*.
Created:Tue Feb 23 1988
Last Modified:Thu Apr 10 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:415
Total number of notes:1383

404.0. "hanzi printing on lps17" by PRCFS1::SOCHUNWAH () Wed Oct 23 1996 13:22

404.1My 2 centsSTAR::CHANThu Feb 20 1997 08:2313
RE: -1

I am curious if you have to reboot the printer after the font is loaded
to the LPS17. The procedure, ASPS$LPS17_SETUP.COM, will update the 
LPSRESOURCES.printer file after you choose the font to down-load to the 
printer. Then, you have to reboot the printer so that the new configuration  
information will be used. 

Lastly, the problem still exists after you increase the memory to 20M??  

- Chris