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Conference giadev::decstation

Title:DECstation PC Conference
Notice:register note 2, see notes 3 & 4
Created:Tue Jan 10 1989
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:7470
Total number of notes:34994

7424.0. ""Demo" CMOS setup utility for DECpc LP 433?" by QUARK::LIONEL (Free advice is worth every cent) Mon Apr 28 1997 14:26

A customer with a DECpc LP 433 asked for a copy of the system utilities so he
could change his CMOS settings.  Easy, I thought - I pointed him at
UGT2000A.EXE on the BBS, which claims to contain such a utility.  And it sort
of does - sort of, in that it does have a SETUP.COM, but when you run it,
it tells you that it's a "demo" version and will change the date/time only!!!!

Curious, I found LPMTUTIL.ZIP on SUTRA:: to see if it had the same problem,
and indeed it does.

I never heard of a "demo" CMOS setup utility before - is this someone's idea
of a joke?  Is the "real" utility available and can the bogus one on the BBS
be updated to include it?

7424.1LP Utilities diskette, probably the correct version now.SUTRA::, speeding, I'm always speedingTue Apr 29 1997 12:1612


	I did some research to our LP archives and found another LP setup diskette.
	I zipped it to \\sutra.vbo.dec.com\systems\lp\lpmtutl2.zip
	I've got no LP systems alive here (either in the stock rooms, or canabalized)
	so I'm not sure if this one solves the problem.
	Can you get this customer to tries this version?
	If it is the correct one, I'll forward it to Bill so the real BBS can be updated.

7424.2wrapped to <80 columns - Thanks Pjotrr, I'll watch outcome.TARKIN::LINBill LinTue Apr 29 1997 13:0321
<<< Note 7424.1 by SUTRA::
              "Speeding, speeding, I'm always speeding" >>>
         -< LP Utilities diskette, probably the correct version now. >-


I did some research to our LP archives and found another LP setup diskette.

I zipped it to \\sutra.vbo.dec.com\systems\lp\lpmtutl2.zip

I've got no LP systems alive here (either in the stock rooms, or
canabalized) so I'm not sure if this one solves the problem.

Can you get this customer to tries this version?

If it is the correct one, I'll forward it to Bill so the real BBS can be

7424.3QUARK::LIONELFree advice is worth every centTue Apr 29 1997 16:573
I'll send it to the customer and let you know what happens.  Thanks.

7424.4QUARK::LIONELFree advice is worth every centWed Apr 30 1997 14:4510
The customer thanks us for adding to his collection of "demo" setup utilities,
but says that he has more than he needs at present, and would appreciate a
"real" one.

BTW, you don't need a 433LP to determine which version utility you have - just
run it on any PC, and you'll see in the opening screen whether or not it's
a demo (the demo version says so.)  You can even run it from a DOS window under
Windows (for the purpose of identification.)

7424.5TARKIN::LINBill LinWed Apr 30 1997 14:5410
    re: .4 by QUARK::LIONEL
    >> customer thanks us for adding to his collection of "demo" setup
    >> utilities,
    That's too bad...  I don't know these machines all that well.  Didn't
    it have a ROM-based setup like the other, later machines?  I guess if
    the customer is desperate, we can suggest some shareware/freeware ones.
7424.6ftp site.PCBUOA::WHITECParrot_TrooperWed Apr 30 1997 15:337
    anyone try ftp://winnah.mro.dec.com
    that used to be the site for all this support when pc's were a novelty
    in digital.
7424.7QUARK::LIONELFree advice is worth every centWed Apr 30 1997 15:436
No, it didn't have ROM-based setup.

Is there anyone out there with an LP 433 who has a "real" setup disk they'd
be willing to let be copied?

7424.8TUXEDO::WRAYJohn Wray, Distributed Processing EngineeringWed Apr 30 1997 16:055
    Isn't the LP the Tiger II (same as the MT series, but with only 3 ISA
    expansion slots on a short riser)?  That model does have a ROM-based
    setup (at least, my 425sxLP did).
7424.9QUARK::LIONELFree advice is worth every centWed Apr 30 1997 18:154
I think it was the LP+ series that had the BIOS setup - the LP doesn't seem

7424.10TUXEDO::WRAYJohn Wray, Distributed Processing EngineeringThu May 01 1997 13:3415
    I think "LP" refers to more than one line, then.  My DECpcLP (no "+")
    definitely had a Phoenix BIOS with 2-page setup in ROM.  The "demo"
    setup you referred to had "lpmt" in its name, and both the DECpc LP and
    MT lines were based on the same Tiger II design, and wouldn't need a
    real setup utility.
    I think there was another "LP" line available in Europe (perhaps built
    by Olivetti) - is this what the customer has?
    There were also some of the very old Tandy DECstation line that had a
    "LP" designation (I still have a DECstation 212LP putting in sterling
    service as a print-server).  But if the customer's machine says "DECpc"
    rather than "DECstation", then it's not one of these.
7424.11wagKEIKI::WHITEThu May 01 1997 18:4214
    	I have seen references to a BIOS setup disable inside the BIOS
    itself for some machines from this era. Is it possible that the
    capability to enter CMOS setup has been disabled and we don't
    have the setup utility to reenable this capability?
    	Possibly discharging the CMOS battery using J3, if this
    is a tiger II would re-enable the setup function.
7424.12EMIL::KANDERIt's never too late to give up.Tue May 06 1997 07:107
    I have a bunch of old 'olivetti' setup floppies, none tahts labeled 
    425 lp though... If you give me the the PN in the back of the macine
    I'll se what I can come up with. 
7424.13QUARK::LIONELFree advice is worth every centTue May 06 1997 15:133

7424.14I have it !EMIL::KANDERIt's never too late to give up.Wed May 07 1997 07:5410
        I have placed a file called pc433425.img on 
        EMIL::USER$SRC:[KANDER.PUBLIC.MISC]   , It's an image of the 
        setup floppy for decpc 425 and decpc 433. (BA313 and BA315 
        mother boards...)  Use dosimage.exe to restore it to a floppy.
        I use this disk quite often so I'm sure it's no demo version ;-)

7424.15QUARK::LIONELFree advice is worth every centWed May 07 1997 15:403
Thanks, I'll pass that along to the customer and we'll see how it goes...

7424.16QUARK::LIONELFree advice is worth every centFri May 09 1997 15:574
Node EMIL has been unreachable since Wednesday afternoon (I have an FTSV
job trying to copy the file.)

7424.17TARKIN::LINBill LinFri May 09 1997 16:275
    re: .16 by QUARK::LIONEL
    I have a copy in tarkin::acad77:[lin.public]pc433425.img temporarily.
7424.18QUARK::LIONELFree advice is worth every centSun May 11 1997 13:314
    That one works great, the customer says.  Thanks!  Bill, please have
    this copy put up on the BBS.
7424.19TARKIN::LINBill LinSun May 11 1997 13:481
    Consider it done.