T.R | Title | User | Personal Name | Date | Lines |
3861.1 | short-shipped | WKOL10::WALLACE | David Wallace, Desktop Sales, WKO | Sun Aug 01 1993 20:00 | 13 |
3861.2 | Ordered/received S3 805, but no expl or disks. | IJSAPL::WOODROW | From E101 to VAX and beyond... | Mon Aug 02 1993 15:09 | 11 |
3861.3 | sequence | WKOL10::WALLACE | David Wallace, Desktop Sales, WKO | Mon Aug 02 1993 16:42 | 16 |
3861.4 | Thanks, will give it a try. | IJSAPL::WOODROW | From E101 to VAX and beyond... | Tue Aug 03 1993 10:30 | 14 |
3861.5 | | GIAENG::ROGICH | | Tue Aug 03 1993 12:21 | 9 |
3861.6 | DECpc 466d2 MTE FIS "LoadFail = s31k4.drv Failure code is 00" | LGP30::FLEISCHER | without vision the people perish (381-0899 ZKO2-2/T63) | Thu Aug 05 1993 19:42 | 29 |
3861.7 | Windows may not be fully installed... | CAPVAX::GAGNON | | Thu Aug 05 1993 21:11 | 13 |
3861.8 | | LGP30::FLEISCHER | without vision the people perish (381-0899 ZKO2-2/T63) | Thu Aug 05 1993 21:29 | 19 |
3861.9 | | CAPEW1::GAGNON | | Fri Aug 06 1993 13:36 | 20 |
3861.10 | tis a puzzlement | LGP30::FLEISCHER | without vision the people perish (381-0899 ZKO2-2/T63) | Fri Aug 06 1993 15:16 | 66 |
3861.11 | I finally managed the process. | IJSAPL::WOODROW | From E101 to VAX and beyond... | Sun Aug 08 1993 15:06 | 30 |
3861.12 | the UltraStor USPI driver wasn't loaded | LGP30::FLEISCHER | without vision the people perish (Bob, DTN 223-8576, MSO2-2/A2, | Mon Aug 09 1993 21:48 | 31 |
3861.13 | DEVICEHIGH = Loaded high | NWTIMA::PETERSEN_EJ | Bank the Twig | Mon Aug 09 1993 22:59 | 11 |
3861.14 | FIS problem is now fixed... | CAM2::GAGNON | | Tue Aug 10 1993 12:26 | 10 |
3861.15 | still having the dead mouse/KB problem | LGP30::FLEISCHER | without vision the people perish (Bob, DTN 223-8576, MSO2-2/A2, | Tue Aug 10 1993 15:19 | 17 |
3861.16 | More help (1024*768) needed with MTE S3805... | IJSAPL::WOODROW | From E101 to VAX and beyond... | Sun Sep 26 1993 09:19 | 47 |
3861.17 | i did it and it worked | WKOL10::WALLACE | David Wallace, PC Sales, WKO | Mon Sep 27 1993 01:20 | 12