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Conference decc::radio_radioes]radio_radio

Title:Alternative to what?
Notice:Boston club listings in 825.lastLA in 925, London in 991
Created:Thu Apr 28 1988
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1126
Total number of notes:31528

1118.0. "Vistor to Boston, info. needed..." by WOTVAX::STONEG (Magician Among the Spirits.........) Tue Feb 18 1997 10:49

    Fellow Noters, I'll be in Boston this Friday & Saturday before attending
    a course in North Andover next week, returning to Boston on Friday evening.
    This will be my first visit to Boston (in fact to the US) so I'd appreciate
    any pointers to venues, clubs, bars etc worth visiting as well as any that
    aren't and especially ones to stay away from. Of course if anyone would
    like to meet up for a few beers, see a band or whatever then I won't take
    much persuading %^)
    I will be staying at The Milner Hotel, Charles street south, if this
    makes a difference...
    Graham Stone @OLO
1118.1DECCXL::OUELLETTETue Feb 18 1997 16:4117
Boston's small enough that you can walk across the most significant
parts of the city in about 20 minutes.  I think Charles St south means
that you'll be just south of the Boston Common and Public Gardens.
You're pretty much in the center.  Central Square is where (IMO) the
best music on Friday & Saturday is taking place.  That's $.85 away
on the Red line MBTA subway.  Getting back after public transit closes
will cost probably more than $5, but certainly less than $10 by cab.

Catch the Trona show for sure on Saturday.  Maybe get stamped twice
and also see Boy Wonder on Saturday (TT's and the Middle East are
about 100 feet apart).  Miracle Legion on Friday might also be worthwhile.
The various shows should cost between $6 and $8.  The first band usually
starts at about 9PM and closing time is either 1AM or 2AM (depending
upon the club...  TT's is 1AM.  Most others are 2AM, but some, like
the Paradise open for dancing after shows, and so start earlier).

1118.2CSLALL::PLEVINETue Feb 18 1997 17:108
    A fun THURS nite ( i know you said FRI & SAT, but just in case you can
    get out on Thurs ) further down MASS AVE in Porter Sq Cambridge is a
    place called the Lizard Lounge that features Brother Cleve (of
    Combustable Edison, Del Fuegos, Barrance Whitfield fame) spinning THE
    best LOUNGE/SURF/EXOTICA music around (FOR FREE). Then it's off to
    Franks Steak House 1/2 mile further down MASS AVE for Preacher Jack who
    is the craziest boogie piano player in Boston , also for free!
1118.3ASDG::GASSAWAYInsert clever personal name hereTue Feb 18 1997 18:578
    Actually the Cosmic Psychos are in town this weekend.  They're a pub
    band from Australia.  When I saw them play the Rat a few years back it
    was one of the 3 most out-of-control shows I've attended.
    Problem is that it's SUNDAY  night at TT's.
1118.4thanks....WOTVAX::STONEGMagician Among the Spirits.........Wed Feb 19 1997 07:4512
    Thanks for the info, any additions welcome too ! 
    Roland thanks for the offer, I'll certainly give you a call when I arrive
    - that is if you don't mind a folically challenged, 30 something, Hippy
    type person tagging along %^)
    BTW, I have a soft spot for any band from Australia, my favourite band -
    The Church - are after all Australian %^)