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Conference decc::radio_radioes]radio_radio

Title:Alternative to what?
Notice:Boston club listings in 825.lastLA in 925, London in 991
Created:Thu Apr 28 1988
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1126
Total number of notes:31528

859.0. "Frank Black" by RAB::KARDON (Do not wand) Wed Apr 28 1993 17:47

859.1Frank Black & the Rev. Horton HeatRAB::KARDONDo not wandWed Apr 28 1993 17:5924
859.2GOES11::G_HOUSESon of SpamWed Apr 28 1993 19:144
859.3Getting lots of air here in SeattleTLE::OUELLETTEBugs `r' UsWed Apr 28 1993 22:5512
859.4AYOV11::SROBERTSONThu Apr 29 1993 14:596
859.5the cranberries (tangent)TLE::OUELLETTEBugs `r' UsTue May 04 1993 00:455
859.6Some more infoRANGER::CERQUAThu May 13 1993 17:489
859.7AvalonAIAG::WISNERThe world must be peopled!Wed Jun 23 1993 19:4834
859.8SHARE::BEAUPREDuck and CoverWed Jun 23 1993 20:022
859.9RAB::KARDONYou want fries with that?Wed Jun 23 1993 20:0434
859.10AIAG::WISNERThe world must be peopled!Wed Jun 23 1993 20:061
859.11AIAG::WISNERThe world must be peopled!Wed Jun 23 1993 20:108
859.12RAB::KARDONYou want fries with that?Wed Jun 23 1993 20:2211
859.13EMDS::OWENDon't spray silly string into the windWed Jun 23 1993 20:3215
859.14RAB::KARDONYou want fries with that?Wed Jun 23 1993 21:0023
859.15CDHeadDKAS::JAMMIN::JBOrepeat until smoothWed Jun 23 1993 21:156
859.16Brief blabbing about last nightRANGER::CERQUAWed Jun 23 1993 21:2120
859.17Frank Black as a backup actRANGER::CERQUATue Jun 29 1993 11:1716
859.18Is Frank touring Europe?JURA::BURKEYes, we have no bananas!Mon Sep 12 1994 08:0314
859.19BSS::EPPERSONBig, green, and hairyThu Mar 28 1996 04:153
859.20ARDC00::MINARDIThu Apr 03 1997 16:205
does anyone know what Frank has been up to this year?

I heard that he was part of the Bowie pay-per-view, and I 
can't find any new info since the Cult of Ray release on
859.21CPEEDY::CERQUAThu Apr 03 1997 17:0211
    > does anyone know what Frank has been up to this year?
    > I heard that he was part of the Bowie pay-per-view
    I don't know what else he's done, but I saw the Bowie pay-per-view and
    was a bit disappointed in the Frank Black section.  He merely sang
    backing vocals on a couple of songs -- not very distinctive, it really
    could have been anyone.  Too bad; he was one of the main reasons I
    wanted to see the pay-per-view.  All the other "special guests" seemed
    to have a more substantive role in their sections.
                                 - Paul
859.22Bowie pay-per-view infoDECC::SULLIVANJeff SullivanTue Apr 08 1997 00:2251
Yes, I saw part of that (wouldn't personally pay for that show, but...). I also
thought that the Frank Black part was a bit uninteresting. I actually couldn't
guess who it was until the end. I was leaning more toward Bob Mould at the time.

Although I'm not a Bowie fan, I thought his guests were interesting. I got the
set list off http://www.davidbowie.com

Madison Square Garden Set List 

                                       Little Wonder
                                       Hearts Filthy Lesson 

                                       Frank Black
                                       Scary Monsters

                                       Telling Lies 

                                       Foo Fighters
                                       Hello Spaceboy
                                       7 Years in Tibet (Dave Grohl) 

                                       Man Who Sold the World 

                                       Robert Smith
                                       Last Thing You Said

                                       Battle for Britain

                                       Sonic Youth
                                       I'm Afraid of Americans 

                                       Looking for Satellites Under

                                       Lou Reed
                                       Queen Bitch
                                       Waiting for the Man
                                       Dirty Boulevard
                                       White Light 

                                       Moonage Daydream 

                                       Billy Corgan
                                       All the Young Dudes
                                       Jean Genie 

                                       Space Oddity