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Conference decc::radio_radioes]radio_radio

Title:Alternative to what?
Notice:Boston club listings in 825.lastLA in 925, London in 991
Created:Thu Apr 28 1988
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1126
Total number of notes:31528

30.0. "The Mysteries of the Bulgarian Voice" by NHL::WIEGLEB (Former Scientist, now on wheels) Wed May 11 1988 17:04

30.1TALLIS::MORGENSTEINMovin' and groovin'Wed May 11 1988 18:486
30.2Carried in better record stores everywherePBA::WIEGLEBFormer Scientist, now on wheelsThu May 12 1988 17:2510
30.3Bulgarians found in Newbury ComicsPBA::WIEGLEBFormer Scientist, now on wheelsSun May 15 1988 16:3229