| Hi Regina,
We've seen the 06401 a number of times and it has been caused for a
variety of reasons. Below are 2 articles on this error. Unfortunately
no situation was using an externally defined Oracle user. But possibly
the following may still help. If none of the below help, could you
tell me how to define an externally identified user in Oracle and I
will try recreating the problem here.
Thanks, Diane
TITLE: -LDRV-E-ORA_DB_SUPP, ORA-01005, ORA-01017, ORA-06039
PRODUCT: Rdb Transparent Gateway to Oracle
Digital UNIX
SOURCE: Oracle Worldwide Customer Support
Attaching to Oracle using Rdb Transparent Gateway to Oracle and a
configuration file results in one of the following errors:
SQL> attach 'filename /type=oracle/config=oraconfig.dat';
4. No error - the attach hangs.
Check the format of the configuration file. Each qualifier should be on
a separate line:
The order of the above qualifiers does not matter as long as they
are placed on separate lines.
If the above qualifiers are placed on the same line in the configuration
file, one of the following errors will result depending on whether SQL*Net
or VMS mailbox is being used and depending on the order of the qualifiers:
This error translates to "invalid username/password; logon denied"
This error will occur if using VMS Mailbox and the configuration file has
all the qualifiers on a single line in one of the following orders:
This error will occur if using SQL*Net and the configuration file has
all the qualifiers on a single line in one of the following orders:
This error translates to "null password given; logon denied"
This error will occur if using VMS Mailbox and the configuration file has
all the qualifiers on a single line in one of the following orders:
This error translates to "NETDNT: connect failed" (Connect failed due
to unexpected reason.)
This error will occur if using SQL*Net and the configuration file has
all the qualifiers on a single line in one of the following orders:
4. No error - the attach hangs.
This error will occur if using SQL*Net and the configuration file has
all the qualifiers on a single line in one of the following orders:
TITLE: -LDRV-E-ORA_DB_SUPP, ORA-06401 Attaching to Oracle
PRODUCT: Rdb Transparent Gateway to Oracle
Digital UNIX
SOURCE: Oracle Worldwide Customer Support
Attaching to an Oracle database using Rdb Transparent Gateway to Oracle
results in the following error:
SQL> attach 'filename /type=oracle/node=proto/user=scott/pass=tiger';
-LDRV-E-ORA_DB_SUPP, ORA-06401: Unable to open message file (SQL-02113).
%LDRV-E-ORA_DB_SUPP, ORA-06401: (Cnct err, can't get err txt. See Servr Msgs
& Codes Manual)
The definition of the ORA-06401 error is the following:
06401, 00000, "NETCMN: invalid driver designator"
*Cause: The login (connect) string contains an invalid driver designator.
*Action: Correct the string and re-submit.
There have been several problems that we have seen that would cause this
error. All problems revolve around the tnsnames.ora file. If you encounter
this error, check your tnsnames.ora file for the following possible problems:
1. On UNIX systems, tnsnames.ora must reside in the /etc directory in
order for the Gateway to see it. So rename or copy tnsnames.ora
FROM: $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
TO: /etc/tnsnames.ora
on the node where Rdb Transparent Gateway to Oracle resides.
2. We have also seen this problem when non-privileged accounts cannot access
the tnsnames.ora file. Ensure that tnsnames.ora has world read and execute
file protections.
3. Be sure that the /NODE qualifier on your attach string is equal to a
service name defined in the tnsnames.ora file, not the physical node name
of the system where Oracle is installed.
4. Be sure that the tnsnames.ora file does not contain any errors when defining
a service. We have seen this error occur when there have been typographical
errors included in a service definition, and that service is then used for
5. Also be sure that the username issuing the attach statement has run the
orauser.com file prior to issuing the attach. ORAUSER.COM is used to set
up the Oracle environment including the setup of a logical name that
points to the location of tnsnames.ora.
| To define an external identifation (OS identifation).
Use SQLDBA. Connect internal. F14 for menu, C for security,
alter user to OS id.
SQLDBA lmode=true
connect internal
alter user RROHR identified externally