T.R | Title | User | Personal Name | Date | Lines |
2.1 | RMS-F-DEV | MQOSWS::M_LEBEL | Cultural Clash!!!????!!!! | Mon Sep 21 1992 17:57 | 5 |
2.2 | DBI$PUBLIC | BROKE::SERRA | A technology is a terrible thing to waste | Mon Sep 21 1992 20:35 | 2 |
2.3 | Problem accessing public directory | ORAREP::UNTADB::IBRODIE | | Tue Apr 23 1996 14:25 | 9 |
2.4 | Broke is not reachable from Easynet | BROKE::LAWLER | | Tue Apr 23 1996 19:20 | 10 |
BROKE:: is no longer on Digital's network. (The machine you
connected to is for temporary mail forwarding only.)
There is no longer a DBI$PUBLIC area available to Digital.
(If you're looking for something specific, please contact us
directly, and we'll figure out the best way to help...)
2.5 | kit on ORACLE network???? | itvms1.it.oracle.com::MRESNATI | | Tue Apr 30 1996 07:10 | 10 |
| Hi,
< BROKE:: is no longer on Digital's network........
I'm sorry but is there a public area on Oracle network where I can
find DBI kits????
Thanks in advance.
/Massimo Resnati (Oracle RDb Support).
2.6 | The usual location on the Oracle network | BROKE::ABUGOV | | Tue Apr 30 1996 11:24 | 7 |
| On the Oracle network the kit information in note 36 is valid, ie. for
a DBI kit you can look at dbi$vaxvms_kits:. If you would like the new
FT software for DBI V7 then drop us a mail.