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Conference orarep::nomahs::dbintegrator_public_public

Title:DB Integrator Public Conference
Notice:Database Integration - today! Kit/Doc info see note 36
Created:Mon Sep 21 1992
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1171
Total number of notes:5187

2.0. "PUBLIC Directory" by WILBRY::BOURDEAU (Data Integration Product Management) Mon Sep 21 1992 16:14

2.1RMS-F-DEVMQOSWS::M_LEBELCultural Clash!!!????!!!!Mon Sep 21 1992 17:575
2.2DBI$PUBLICBROKE::SERRAA technology is a terrible thing to wasteMon Sep 21 1992 20:352
2.3Problem accessing public directoryORAREP::UNTADB::IBRODIETue Apr 23 1996 14:259
2.4Broke is not reachable from EasynetBROKE::LAWLERTue Apr 23 1996 19:2010
      BROKE:: is no longer on Digital's network.  (The machine you
    connected to is for temporary mail forwarding only.)
      There is no longer a DBI$PUBLIC area available to Digital.  
    (If you're looking for something specific,  please contact us
    directly, and we'll figure out the best way to help...)
2.5kit on ORACLE network????itvms1.it.oracle.com::MRESNATITue Apr 30 1996 07:1010
    < BROKE:: is no longer on Digital's network........
    I'm sorry but is there a public area on Oracle network where I can
    find DBI kits????
    Thanks in advance.
    /Massimo Resnati (Oracle RDb Support). 
2.6The usual location on the Oracle networkBROKE::ABUGOVTue Apr 30 1996 11:247
    On the Oracle network the kit information in note 36 is valid, ie. for
    a DBI kit you can look at dbi$vaxvms_kits:.  If you would like the new
    FT software for DBI V7 then drop us a mail.