T.R | Title | User | Personal Name | Date | Lines |
1492.1 | What is your SGA ? | SALEM::MOITRA | | Thu Jan 09 1997 14:58 | 7 |
1492.2 | Oracle7.1.6 on DUnix 4.0? | AMCUCS::KKDAS | Let's Train The Trainers | Fri Jan 10 1997 15:57 | 5 |
1492.3 | same problem | NNTPD::"christiane.schmidt@frs.mts.dec.com" | Christiane Schmidt | Tue Apr 22 1997 07:50 | 53 |
| Hello,
I have the same problem running ORACLE7 Server Release on DIGITAL
UNIX 3.2G. Whenever I try to run sqlplus, I get the same error message:
ERROR: ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
ORA-07429: smsgsg: shmget() failed to get segment.
DEC OSF/1 (AXP) Error: 2: No such file or directory
My system parameters are the following:
msg-max = 8192
msg-mnb = 16384
msg-mni = 64
msg-tql = 40
shm-max = 8388608
shm-min = 1
shm-mni = 128
shm-seg = 32
sem-mni = 32
sem-msl = 160
sem-opm = 32
sem-ume = 32
sem-vmx = 32767
sem-aem = 16384
num-of-sems = 60
max-kernel-ports = 22487
port-hash-max-num = 1124350
port-reserved-max-num = 22487
set-max-num = 1029
max-proc-per-user = 200
max-threads-per-user = 256
per-proc-stack-size = 2097152
max-per-proc-stack-size = 33554432
per-proc-data-size = 134217728
max-per-proc-data-size = 1073741824
max-per-proc-address-space = 1073741824
per-proc-address-space = 1073741824
autonice = 0
open-max-soft = 4096
open-max-hard = 4096
ncallout = 455
ncallout_alloc_size = 8192
round-robin-switch-rate = 0
round_robin_switch_rate = 0
sched-min-idle = 0
sched_min_idle = 0
give-boost = 1
give_boost = 1
Thanks for any help
[Posted by WWW Notes gateway]
1492.4 | check your instance first | ALFAM7::GOSEJACOB | | Tue Apr 22 1997 12:47 | 31 |
| re .3
>Whenever I try to run sqlplus, I get the same error message
Maybe a stupid question but did you check that your instance is up and
running and that your ORACLE_SID points to the right instance?
Otherwise a message like:
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Apr 22 14:39:55 1997
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1979, 1994. All rights reserved.
ERROR: ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
ORA-07429: smsgsg: shmget() failed to get segment.
DEC OSF/1 (AXP) Error: 2: No such file or directory
Is the 'normal' way of sqlplus telling you that your instance is not
available when you try to connect to a local instance. Sooooo check
the status of your instance first.
BTW. usually 'oerr <facility> <error code>' provides you with some idea
of what might be going wrong; e.g. try
oerr ora 1034
oerr ora 7429
Hope this helps
1492.5 | | EPS::VANDENHEUVEL | Hein | Tue Apr 22 1997 14:29 | 17 |
>I have the same problem running ORACLE7 Server Release on DIGITAL
Maybe, mabye not. You may have the same messages, but those specific
messages can have a lot of different causes. So you may well have a
completely different underlying problem.
> My system parameters are the following:
> shm-max = 8388608
The system params are only really useful in conjuction with the ORACLE
SGA params that act on them. Still, that shm-max appears too low.
good luck,