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Conference abbott::teamlinks_windows

Title:TeamLinks for Windows
Notice:Kit and ECO locations: See replies to note 8.o note 8.
Created:Mon Aug 28 1995
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2238
Total number of notes:9650

2051.0. "V3.0 EFT1 - Problem with Nickname lookup" by WKOL10::STETSON (Think Digital Software!) Thu Mar 13 1997 06:24

    Environment: Windows 95 with Service Pack 1
    		 TeamLinks V3.0 EFT1
    		 Running in Onlind/Disconnected mode - no network
    With Create Message window launched I entered a nickname, pressed Enter
    key , and was given the choice from PAB for the nickname.  This was in
    the To: address box and is the normal expected behavior.
    I then Tab to the CC: address box and enter two additional nicknames
    and receive the same expected behavior.  Realizing that I need to enter
    a recipient who, in alphabetical order, proceeds these two entries I
    position the cursor prior to the first letter of the first name on the
    list and type the nickname for the person to be added and press the
    Enter key.  The hourglass starts spinning and after over two minutes of
    activity I press CTRL-ALT-DELETE.  TeamLinks Information Manager is
    reported as (Not Responding).  I select End Task and Windows 95 ends
    I have checked this same scenario on a system with TeamLinks V2.7-001
    and at the point that I press the Enter key having entered the nickname
    of the last person to be added at the beginning of the list in the CC:
    address box I am immediately shown the login box for my ALL-IN-1 server
    which is requesting my password in order to go out to Directory
    Services to attempt to resolve the nickname which is not in the PAB. 
    Since I'm not connected I press the Cancel button and receive the
    following dialog box:
    	Address Validation
    	?	No addresses were found that matched the recipient 
    		name "bla-bla".  Do you want to use "bla-bla" anyway?
    			Yes	No
    This is NOT happening with TeamLinks V3.0 EFT1
    Please let me know if additional detail is required.
2051.1Additional information requestXANADU::mrjoe.zko.dec.com::manana::famularoTue Mar 25 1997 19:145
Hi Rick,
What are the settings in "Setup | Mail Profile | Addressing"?

2051.2Update...WKOL10::STETSONThink Digital Software!Wed Mar 26 1997 11:4925
    re: .1
    The settings are as follows:
    Under "Address Validation:
    Search must match exactly is NOT checked
    Search Personal Address Book first is checked 
    Stop search if a match was found is checked
    Use System Defined search settings button is ON
    Searrch the following: button is OFF
    Under "Addressing"
    No Break on Enter key is NOT checked
    Handle multiple words as: Last Name
    Please let me know if your need additional detail.
    Also, are these settings stored in OFFICE.INI?  If so, where?  If not,
    where are they retained?
2051.3More questions & answers...XANADU::mrjoe.zko.dec.com::manana::famularoFri Mar 28 1997 15:2128
Hi Rick,

Thank you for the information.

I have not been able to duplicate the problem you are having.


1) Are all clients which run TeamLinks V3.0 EFT1 having this problem or is 
it only your machine?

2) What type of network transport are you using (INFOMAN | Options | 
Setup... | Network)?
3) Previous to loading TeamLinks 3.0 EFT1 on the machine having problems 
did you remove any previous version of TeamLinks on that machine?  I'm just 
wondering if somehow some old files are still around.  Did you install V3.0 
EFT1 in the default directory?

>    Also, are these settings stored in OFFICE.INI?  If so, where?  If not,
>    where are they retained?

	[TeamLinks Mail]


2051.4Update...WKOL10::STETSONThink Digital Software!Mon Mar 31 1997 14:3755
    re: .3
    Let's see if I can answer your questions:
    > 1) Are all clients which run TeamLinks V3.0 EFT1 having this problem or
    > is it only your machine?
    Only my machine because that's the only machine I've upgraded.  I have
    another local digit who will be doing the migration this week.
    > 2) What type of network transport are you using (INFOMAN | Options | 
    > Setup... | Network)?
    TCP/IP using Windows Sockets
    > 3) Previous to loading TeamLinks 3.0 EFT1 on the machine having
    > problems did you remove any previous version of TeamLinks on that 
    > machine?  I'm just wondering if somehow some old files are still 
    > around.  Did you install V3.0 EFT1 in the default directory?
    No, I install overtop of the TL V2.7.001 installation.  Yes I suspect
    there could be files left around, but I wouldn't know where to begin to
    look for those.  It might be helpful to publish a list of files and the
    directories where they SHOULD be after an install.  I believe that if I
    had such a list from each version I've installed over time I could find
    problem spots.
    No, I did not install V3.0 EFT1 in the default directory.  TeamLinks
    has been installed on my D: drive with file cabinets on the E: drive.
    >> Also, are these settings stored in OFFICE.INI?  If so, where?  If
    >> not, here are they retained?
    >>        [TeamLinks Mail]
    >>        CreateMsg_AddValidation=000011000
    I appreciate the pointer.  I looked in OFFICE.INI and I could not
    locate the setting.  This stimulates the same question as above for the
    files installed.  Is there a listing of ALL settings in OFFICE.INI and
    what there settings are and what those setting mean.  The Tony Redmond
    books did a pretty good job documenting this kind of information, and I
    recall finding some of it in the SDK as well.  Testing in a beta
    environment typically means doing thinks without the advantage of
    I will be doing a reinstall sometime in the near future to satisfy the
    concerns in note #2050.  I'll retest this after the reinstall to see
    what happens.
    Let me know if 
2051.5More informationXANADU::mrjoe.zko.dec.com::manana::famularoTue Apr 01 1997 19:0443
Hi Rick,

Thanks for the info.

It will be interesting to see if the next client you install the kit on
exhibits the same problem.

On DISK1 of the kit, you'll find a file named "Packing.lst".  This 
contains the list of files in our kit and the target directories
for each of the files.  I do know that this file needs to be updated
for the final release but it should be 99% accurate as it is.

There is no listing of all the settings in OFFICE.INI and what
those settings mean.  You might want to check the "TeamLinks Client
Admin Guide" for some additional information.

Here is the information for the CreateMsg_AddValidation fields you asked 
about.  Use caution because the field(s) could change from release to 

These constants designate the bit position in the field, the MSB being
position 1...

Const LU_SBSCRB_POSN = 1         ' Use subscriber lists
Const LU_DIR_POSN = 2            ' Use Directory services
Const LU_NICK_POSN = 3           ' Use Nicknames
Const LU_DISTLIST_POSN = 4       ' Use Server-based distribution lists
Const LU_PAB_POSN = 5            ' How to use the PAB
' Location of the server settings/choose items setting
' 0 = user chooses which items; 1 = use whatever's defined on the
' Note that if this item is 1, all other settings except LU_PAB_POSN
are ignored
Const LU_MULTIW_POSN = 7         ' How to handle multi-word addresses
Const LU_EXACT_POSN = 8          ' Exact match (1 = true)
Const LU_NOBRK_POSN = 9          ' No line break on enter key typed
mid line

Let me know how your reinstall goes.
