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Conference abbott::java

Created:Mon Nov 13 1995
Last Modified:Wed Jun 04 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:236
Total number of notes:1251

205.0. "Java JDK v1.1 - When ??" by MALM01::ALSVED () Mon Feb 10 1997 11:01

    My customer is asking for JDK v1.1 on Digital UNIX platform, v4.0b.
    When will this be available?
    Are there any beta-kit yet?
    Best regards
205.1JDK1.1 for Digital UNIXTLE::DDAVISDianne Davis - Java/C++ Product Manager * 381-6008 * ZKO02-3/N30Mon Feb 10 1997 19:3411
We are currently working on the JDK1.1.  Sun is expected to release their JDK 1.1 this week.  We plan to have a
beta release of the JDK 1.1 for Digital UNIX V4.0b approximately the end of March 1997.  We don't have dates for a
final release, but we are working on those schedules at the present time.

The JDK1.1 beta release will be available via download from the same web page as the JDK1.0.2 kit:

We will be posting schedule information and more detailed product information for JDK 1.1 when we make the beta
release available.

Dianne Davis
205.2JDK 1.1 for NT alpha and openVMS?ANNECY::LAROCHE_PNe Suze que si l'on SancerreTue Feb 11 1997 07:075
What about JDK1.1 for WNT alpha and openVMS? Is there any current work to do 
these two ports?

Thank you in advance for any answer,
205.3jammer.zko.dec.com::JackMarty JackTue Feb 11 1997 11:413
WNT Alpha is Microsoft's product.  We have no
control over whatever they may produce.  There
is a VM on their Web pages for Alpha now.
205.4Java for OpenVMSTLE::DDAVISDianne Davis - Java/C++ Product Manager * 381-6008 * ZKO02-3/N30Tue Feb 11 1997 16:324
There will be a port of the JDK V1.1 for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX.  I don't have any schedule information yet, but we
are shooting for sometime this summer.  It will be available via web download, like the UNIX JDK.

Dianne Davis
205.5any news ??TAEC::SABIANIWed Apr 16 1997 09:369
    We have received an official annoucement mail for JDK1.1 but the web
    page mentionned still refers to 1.0.2.
    When can we expect JDK1.1 on Digital Unix ? 
205.6Ready Yet??????PRMS00::bjodial1_port7.bjo.dec.com::cascioSteve Cascio, PRMS00::cascioMon May 05 1997 18:113
ditto .-1

205.7beta kit available nowTLE::C_STOCKSCheryl StocksMon May 12 1997 14:5213
The JDK 1.1 for Digital UNIX is now available for download from the
URL given in .1:


This is a beta kit.  There is info on that page (or maybe the pages
it points to) regarding the remaining schedule estimates for the 1.1 release.

Note that you must be running a minimum of version 4.0A to use this kit,
because the Java threads support relies on support only present in
Digital Unix 4.0A and later.

205.8Alpha VM and JDK?SUBSYS::DOUCETTEJim DoucetteWed May 28 1997 13:2315
    An earlier reply in this note stated that a Java VM for Alpha is
    available from the Microsoft Web pages.  I checked this out, and
    the pages seem to state that this VM will NOT work outside the
    context of Internet Explorer 3.01, 3.02, and 4.0.

    Is there a Java 1.1 VM for Alpha anywhere that will run Java
    applications without the browser?

    Also, can anyone tell me what plans are in place to port the JDK
    v1.1 to Alpha-NT?  (An earlier reply mentioned OpenVMS Alpha and

    Jim Doucette
205.9jammer.zko.dec.com::JackMarty JackWed May 28 1997 14:129
There will probably never be a Sun JDK on Alpha NT,
since Microsoft owns the rights to the platform and
they have their own VM and SDK.  (Sun does ship their
JDK on Intel NT).

I suggest you contact Microsoft with your concerns.
Ken Thomas, a product mgr in ZSO, might also be able to
shed some light, but since it's Microsoft's product,
I would guess can't make any commitments.
205.1060675::nessus.cao.dec.com::MayneMeanwhile, back on Earth...Mon Jun 02 1997 04:284
One would expect that the much touted DIGITAL-Microsoft Alliance would handle 
this kind of thing.

205.11jammer.zko.dec.com::JackMarty JackMon Jun 02 1997 13:076
> One would expect that the much touted DIGITAL-Microsoft Alliance would handle 
> this kind of thing.

I know of no reason to expect that.
205.12MPOS01::naiad.mpo.dec.com::cerlingI'm@witz.endTue Jun 03 1997 15:1023
	This is totally unofficial, and if Ken wants to defend himself or
	correct me, he is more than welcome.

	I have spent some time talking with Ken because I have a customer that
	is well down the road to deploying a business critical application on
	Alpha NT using Java.  The application developer did all the development
	on Intel systems and then we ran into the problem of 'no VM' on Alpha
	NT.  So I called Ken and talked with him.  Here is how I interpretted
	what he told me.

	1)  A VM is a VM.  You can run the VM that comes with IE as a server VM.
	(My customer has too many irons in the fire right now to have completed
	this test.  An Intel server was installed to plug the perceived hole
	and he moved on to other things.  This is still to be proven.)

	2)  Digital is interested in more than just the SDK.  They want to 
	provide a full development environment for Alpha NT.  We are not waiting
	for any other vendor to provide it.  We are doing it ourselves.  It will
	be available for testing in fja;kdjf;k;akf (since this is an open notes
