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Conference specxn::decevent

Title:DECevent -- keywords KIT* and PAK are available
Notice:DECevent V2.2 available - SHOW KEY/FULL to find note numbers
Created:Fri Jan 07 1994
Last Modified:Thu Jun 05 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:307
Total number of notes:1463

305.0. "Supported devices and a lot of other questions" by NNTPD::"stadler@decum.muh.dec.com" (Reinhard Stadler) Thu May 22 1997 12:35


I am a little confused reading the DECevent Guides for Digital UNIX
systems (V2.3).
Refering to Appendix B of the Release Notes there is no analysis and
notification support for all SCSI devices and for most CPUs.
But when reading the "DECevent Analysis and Notification Unility ...
User and Reference Guide" there are examples for defining thresholds 
for rz devices and for unknown device types. 

So after reading the manuals, a lot of questions remain and I would be
pleased if someone could explain me some details. I am asking this, because
we want to use DECevent at a big customer, where we can't do a lot of

So can someone explain me the following:
- what can DECevent achieve for SCSI devices ?
- what does the device type UNKN_IOS and UNKN_DSK mean ?
- is there a notification for SCSI devices if a threshold for
  UNKN_DSK or UNKN_IOS is crossed ?
- what are the restrictions for unknown devices ?
- what can DECevent achieve for unsupported CPU types (like AS4100) ?
- what does the device type UNKN_CPU mean ? ...

Some other question:
- is there a Digital UNIX tool for decoding DECevent theory codes?
  The only tool I know is for VMS systems.
- what does a threshold of 0 mean: notification triggered by the first
  event or no notification performed ?
- what will be supported in the next DECevent release(s) ?
  (perhaps SCSI devices and AS4100)

For short:
What I want to know is if DECevent is a usefull tool for monitoring
AS4100's with a lot of SCSI disks in HSZ40 and SWXCR raid controllers.

Thanks in advance for answering my questions (I hope I don't find more)


[Posted by WWW Notes gateway]
305.1OLD1S::SYSTEMPM&D PSE Tools SupportThu May 22 1997 13:3855
	So can someone explain me the following:

- what can DECevent achieve for SCSI devices ?

	DECevent provide Bit to Text translation for SCSI Disks.
We are working on providing Analysis support for SCSI disks at this time.

- what does the device type UNKN_IOS and UNKN_DSK mean ?

These are devices that do not have Analysis support. Those device that are not
support by Analysis are considered type two or three. These devices get reported
when they cross the threshold. The Notification message, a copy of the customer
profile and all the error log data we can fit into the SICL mail is sent to the
CSC for problem escalation.

- is there a notification for SCSI devices if a threshold for
  UNKN_DSK or UNKN_IOS is crossed ?  Yes they all use the same Notification

- what are the restrictions for unknown devices ? 

Not that I'm aware of any restirctions at this time.

- what can DECevent achieve for unsupported CPU types (like AS4100) ?

V2.5 has anliysis support for the 4000/4100 Alpha servers. It is due to be
released on June 20th Otherwise DECevent provides Bit to text translation of the
error log entries for those devices.

- what does the device type UNKN_CPU mean ? ...

  It mean that we do not have Analysis for that CPU type. 

Some other question:
- is there a Digital UNIX tool for decoding DECevent theory codes?

 No , a future version is going to do away with the need for a Theory Decoder

  The only tool I know is for VMS systems.

- what does a threshold of 0 mean: notification triggered by the first
  event or no notification performed ?

A zero means that it will trigger on the first occurance of an error. Those with
One will fire on the second trigger.

- what will be supported in the next DECevent release(s) ?

V2.5 will have Analysis support for AS4000/4100

