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Conference specxn::decevent

Title:DECevent -- keywords KIT* and PAK are available
Notice:DECevent V2.2 available - SHOW KEY/FULL to find note numbers
Created:Fri Jan 07 1994
Last Modified:Thu Jun 05 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:307
Total number of notes:1463

278.0. "DECevent has still a few "problems"" by BACHUS::PIRLET () Wed Feb 19 1997 12:39

    	I would like to report some "problems" I have been faced with
    when installing DECevent. (Three differents.)
    1-	The message printed by the installation is wrong when it
    explains how to define environment variable for sh and/or ksh shell.
    It prints: "sh> set DIA_LIBRARY=/var/DIA"
    it should print:"sh> DIA_LIBRARY=/var/DIA"
    	Worse, the installation guide repeats the error.
    (dia230v_unix_install_guide.tx or .ps, I do not know about bookreader
    	This leads to many calls...to too many calls...(more than 2... :-))
    Another thing I have had a few time, but cannot relate to why or when
    it happens is the following.
    2-	Under GUI I "klik" down untill I get to the font choice. Sometimes
    there is no fonts displayed in the window where one can choose the font.
    A "klik" in this window will highlight a line that will then be
    readable. I have seen this under UNIX V3.2<something> and DECevent 3.2
    or 3.2-2
    3-	Another enhancement would be to have a dedicated button to test
    the font. To "klik" in the window to see the selected font has the
    effect to select another font that will be taken into account when
    accepting with ok (this will select another font, not the one
    	Thanks to take care, keep up the good work.
    		Louis Richard
278.1OLD1S::SYSTEMPM&amp;D PSE Tools SupportWed Feb 19 1997 15:1810

   Thanks for the input. I can fix the problem in the docs for the library
variable. The GUI will require recode, and I cannot guarantee when that will
take place.

278.2OLD1S::SYSTEMPM&amp;D PSE Tools SupportWed Feb 19 1997 18:4321
	The problem with the set DIA_LIBRARY =/var/DIA has been repaired.

                You must define the following environmental variable in order
                to use this product:

                  csh> setenv DIA_LIBRARY /var/DIA


                  sh> DIA_LIBRARY=/var/DIA
                  sh> export DIA_LIBRARY



278.3YES I AM SHOUTINGHELIX::SONTAKKEThu Jun 05 1997 18:306
I asked this question last year but nobody replied.

WHY IN THE WORLD DO I NEED TO SETUP that environment variable?  If it is in
/var/DIA all the time, why does it need to translate the environment variable?

- Vikas