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Conference specxn::decevent

Title:DECevent -- keywords KIT* and PAK are available
Notice:DECevent V2.2 available - SHOW KEY/FULL to find note numbers
Created:Fri Jan 07 1994
Last Modified:Thu Jun 05 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:307
Total number of notes:1463

271.0. "Cann't find UNSUP_TAP & UNSUP_DSK" by ATZIS1::SCHIESSER () Fri Jan 31 1997 11:52

	Have installed DECEVENT V2.3 on several systems, platforms.

	So, I suspected the same  Analysis Thresholds on every system, but
	sometimes I can find UNSUP_TAP & UNSUP_DSK, sometimes not!
	Is there any reason for that behavior?

	The same problem I have seen with DECEVENT V2.2.

	Thank's a lot for any help!

271.1OLD1S::SYSTEMPM&D PSE Tools SupportFri Jan 31 1997 17:2727

  We need you to run a test for us.

  Perform a show knl command and capture the output.

   Next perform the following steps

  set default to dia$library
  Rename the FMG_ANA__PRM_STATE_DB.KNL to something new  like 



  creating a new perm state db. 

   Next execute the show threshold command and report the result.

   Once complete, copy the previous  FMG_ANA__PRM_STATE_DB.old to               
    FMG_ANA__PRM_STATE_DB.KNL returning the system to it's normal state. 


271.2Test resultsATZIS1::SCHIESSERMon Feb 03 1997 05:0180
	here are the results:
>>	Perform a show knl command and capture the output:

dia> shw knl

                            Knowledge File Information

 File name          Version        Build Date                    Platform
                    KNL023.0       Mon Nov  4 12:49:33 1996      FULL
                    KNL023.0       Mon Nov  4 10:21:00 1996      FULL
                    KNL023.0       Mon Nov  4 10:44:55 1996      FULL
                    KNL023.0       Mon Nov  4 12:23:24 1996      FULL
                    KNL023.0       Mon Nov  4 12:36:59 1996      FULL
                    KNL023.0       Mon Nov  4 17:13:14 1996      FULL
                    KNL023.0       Mon Nov  4 17:12:43 1996      FULL
                    KNL023.0       Mon Nov  4 17:12:43 1996      FULL
                    KNL023.0       Mon Nov  4 15:39:02 1996      FULL
                    KNL023.0       Mon Nov  4 17:13:24 1996      FULL
                    KNL023.0       Mon Nov  4 15:38:25 1996      FULL
                    KNL023.0       Mon Nov  4 10:40:56 1996      FULL
                    KNL023.0       Mon Nov  4 15:44:58 1996      FULL
                    KNL023.0       Mon Nov  4 16:00:46 1996      FULL
                    KNL doesn't contain version information, may be pre-V2.2
>>	set default to dia$library



>>	Next execute the show threshold command and report the result:

 Analysis Thresholds:

                    -- Hard ---     -- Soft ---     -- Info ---     -- Media --
 Device             Cnt DSE Cus     Cnt DSE Cus     Cnt DSE Cus     Cnt DSE Cus
 UNKN_UNK           0   1   0       0   0   0       0   0   0       0   0   0
 UNSUP_TAP          0   1   0       0   6   0       0   0   0       0   5   0
 UNSUP_DSK          0   1   0       0   6   0       0   0   0       0   5   0
 UNKN_IOS           0   1   0       0   0   0       0   0   0       0   0   0
 UNKN_CPU           0   1   0       0   0   0       0   0   0       0   0   0
 AlphaSrv_1000A_EV450   1   0       0   1   0       0   1   0       0   1   0

. . . . .

>>	Once complete, copy the previous  FMG_ANA__PRM_STATE_DB.old to
>>	FMG_ANA__PRM_STATE_DB.KNL returning the system to it's normal state. 

Doing dia shw thr again:
 Analysis Thresholds:

                    -- Hard ---     -- Soft ---     -- Info ---     -- Media --
 Device             Cnt DSE Cus     Cnt DSE Cus     Cnt DSE Cus     Cnt DSE Cus
 UNKN_UNK           0   1   0       0   0   0       0   0   0       0   0   0
 UNKN_IOS           0   1   0       0   0   0       0   0   0       0   0   0
 UNKN_CPU           0   1   0       0   0   0       0   0   0       0   0   0
 AlphaSrv_1000A_EV450   1   0       0   1   0       0   1   0       0   1   0
 . . . .


271.3the same problemNETRIX::"dani@furka.zuo.dec.com"Daniel GaravaldiFri Feb 07 1997 10:14221
Maybe I've the same problem (DEC 3400, Digital Unix 4.0, DECevent v2.3)

 didn't manage to notify by email that my system has severe error
logged. Of course I've enabled automatic analysis and notification:

mipsli:root> ps ax |grep dia
18550 ttyp3    S  +     0:00.01 grep dia
18565 ttyp3    S        0:03.88 dia stup mipsli.zuo.dec.com

and the license is installed:

mipsli:root> lmf list
Product                   Status                     Users: Total      Active

X25-NATIVE                active                            unlimited
DECEVENT                  active                            unlimited
OSF-SVR                   active                            unlimited
OSF-BASE                  active                            unlimited
POLY-CONSOLEMGR           active                            unlimited
OSF-USR                   active                            unlimited
OSF-DEV                   active                            unlimited
ADVFS-UTILITIES           active                            unlimited

For a test I took a TK50-Tape and enabled the write protect latch.
Afterwards I tried to write  on the tape and received of course an error
(also logged in /var/adm/binary.errlog)

mipsli:root> tar cvf /dev/rmt1h /var/adm/binary.errlog
tar: write : I/O error
tar: Tape write error

The /var/adm/binary.errlog has the following entry:
( Remark: It's a severe error!)

Logging OS                        2. Digital UNIX
System Architecture               2. Alpha
Event sequence number            36.
Timestamp of occurrence              07-FEB-1997 13:38:10
Host name                            mipsli

System type register      x00000004  DEC 3000
Number of CPUs (mpnum)    x00000001
CPU logging event (mperr) x00000000

Event validity                    1. O/S claims event is valid
Event severity                    3. High Priority
Entry type                      199. CAM SCSI Event Type

------- Unit Info -------
Bus Number                        1.
Unit Number                   x0068  Target =   5.
                                     LUN =   0.
------- CAM Data -------
Class                           x01  Tape
Subsystem                       x01  Tape
Number of Packets                 9.

------ Packet Type ------       258. Module Name String

Routine Name                         ctape_wfm

------ Packet Type ------       260. Hardware Error String

Error Type                           Hard Error Detected

------ Packet Type ------       257. Device Name String

Device Name                          DEC     TZK50

------ Packet Type ------       256. Generic String

                                     Active CCB at time of error
----- Packet Type ------       256. Generic String

                                     CCB request completed with an error

------ Packet Type ------         1. SCSI I/O Request CCB(CCB_SCSIIO)
Packet Revision                  76.
CCB Address               xFFFFFC0005A4DE80
CCB Length                    x00C0
XPT Function Code               x01  Execute requested SCSI I/O
Cam Status                      xC4  CCB Request Completed WITH Error
                                     SIM Queue Frozen with this Error
                                     Autosense Data Valid for Target
Path ID                           1.
Target ID                         5.
Target LUN                        0.
Cam Flags                 x000000C0  Data Direction (11: no data)
*pdrv_ptr                 xFFFFFC0005A4DB28
*next_ccb                 x0000000000000000
*req_map                  x0000000000000000
void (*cam_cbfcnp)()      xFFFFFC0000517828
*data_ptr                 x0000000000000000
Data Transfer Length              0.
*sense_ptr                xFFFFFC0005A4DB50
Auotsense Byte Length            64.
CDB Length                        6.
Scatter/Gather Entry Cnt          0.
SCSI Status                     x02  Check Condition
Autosense Residue Length        x32
Transfer Residue Length   x00000000
(CDB) Command & Data Buf

          15--<-12  11--<-08  07--<-04  03--<-00   :Byte Order
 0000:              00000000  00000002  00000010   *    ............*

Timeout Value             x0000012E
*msg_ptr                  x0000000000000000
Message Length                    0.
Vendor Unique Flags           x0000
Tag Queue Actions               x00

------ Packet Type ------       256. Generic String

                                     Error, exception, or abnormal condition

------ Packet Type ------       256. Generic String

                                     DATA PROTECT - Data protected from this

------ Packet Type ------       768. SCSI Sense Data
Packet Revision                   0.
Error Code                      x70  Current Error
Segment #                       x00
Information Byte 3              x00
            Byte 2              x00
            Byte 1              x00
            Byte 0              x00
Sense Key                       x07  Data Protect
Additional Sense Length         x06
CMD Specific Info Byte 3        x06
                  Byte 2        x00
                  Byte 1        x00
                  Byte 0        x00
ASC & ASCQ                    x0000  ASC  =   x0000
                                     ASCQ =   x0000
                                     No Additional Sense Information
FRU Code                        x00
Sense Key Specific Byte 0       x03  Sense Key Data NOT Valid
                   Byte 1       x00
                   Byte 2       x00

Addition Sense Data Size             Allocated by Driver

Count of valid bytes:            46.

          15--<-12  11--<-08  07--<-04  03--<-00   :Byte Order
 0000:    00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000   *................*
 0010:    00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000   *................*
 0020:    00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000   *................*

The threshold are set as follows:

Analysis Thresholds:

                    -- Hard ---     -- Soft ---     -- Info ---     -- Media
 Device             Cnt DSE Cus     Cnt DSE Cus     Cnt DSE Cus     Cnt DSE

 UNKN_UNK           0   1   0       0   0   0       0   0   0       0   0   0
 UNSUP_TAP          0   0   0       0   1   1       0   0   0       0   0   0
 UNSUP_DSK          0   1   0         0   0   0       0   0   0       0   0  
 UNKN_IOS           0   1   0       0   0   0       0   0   0       0   0   0
 UNKN_CPU           0   1   0       0   0   0       0   0   0       0   0   0
 AlphaSrv_1000A_EV450   1   0       0   1   0       0   1   0       0   1   0
 AlphaSrv_1000_EV4  0   1   0       0   1   0       0   1   0       0   1   0
 AlphaSrv_8x00_EV5  0   1   0       0   50  50      0   1   0       0   1   0
 DEC_7000           0   1   0       0   1   0       0   1   0       0   1   0
 DEC_4000           0   1   0       0   1   0       0   1   0       0   1   0
 AlphaSrv_2x00_EV4  0   1   0       0   1   0       0   1   0       0   1   0
 AlphaSrv_2x00_EV5  0   1   0       0   1   0       0   1   0       0   1   0
RA92               0   2   0       0   5   0       0   0   0       0   4   0
 RA90               0   2   0       0   5   0       0   0   0       0   4   0
 RA82               0   2   0       0   5   0       0   0   0       0   4   0
 RA81               0   2   0       0   5   0       0   0   0       0   4   0
 RA80               0   2   0       0   5   0       0   0   0       0   4   0
 RA73               0   1   1       0   5   0       0   0   0       0   4   0
 RA72               0   1   0       0   5   0       0   0   0       0   4   0
 RA71               0   1   0       0   5   0       0   0   0       0   4   0
 RA70               0   2   0       0   5   0       0   0   0       0   4   0
 RA60               0   1   0       0   0   0       0   0   0       0   0   0
 KDM70              0   1   0       0   3   0       0   10  0       0   0   0
 RF73               0   1   0       0   11  0       0   8   0       0   1   0
 RF72               0   1   0       0   11  0       0   8   0       0   1   0
 RF71               0   1   0       0   6   0       0   8   0       0   1   0
 RF70               0   1   0       0   11  0       0   8   0       0   1   0
 RF31T              0   1   0       0   11  0       0   8   0       0   1   0
 RF31F              0   1   0       0   11  0       0   8   0       0   1   0
RF72               0   1   0       0   11  0       0   8   0       0   1   0
 RF71               0   1   0       0   6   0       0   8   0       0   1   0
 RF70               0   1   0       0   11  0       0   8   0       0   1   0
 RF31T              0   1   0       0   11  0       0   8   0       0   1   0
 RF31F              0   1   0       0   11  0       0   8   0       0   1   0
 RF31               0   1   0       0   11  0       0   8   0       0   1   0
 RF30               0   1   0       0   6   0       0   8   0       0   1   0
 HSZ40              0   1   0       0   5   0       0   12  0       0   0   0
 HSJ40              0   1   0       0   5   0       0   12  0       0   0   0
 HSJ30              0   1   0       0   5   0       0   12  0       0   0   0
 HSD30              0   1   0       0   5   0       0   12  0       0   0   0

 Well what have I forgotten, doing wrong or misunterstood?

 Thanks for a reply

 Open System Support Ruemlang (TRUST)
  Daniel Garavaldi
   DTN 760 3526
[Posted by WWW Notes gateway]
271.4OLD1S::SYSTEMPM&amp;D PSE Tools SupportFri Feb 07 1997 11:218

   I'm not sure what your looking for. We do not have analysis for scsi devices. 
You indicate that a severe error was not reported. What type of error?

271.5OLD1S::SYSTEMPM&amp;D PSE Tools SupportFri Feb 07 1997 11:2410

   I do not find anything wrong with your system. I will talk to one the
developers and see what can be causing the incorrect display of thresholds. I
do not believe that this will cause any problems with your system.

271.6OLD1S::SYSTEMPM&amp;D PSE Tools SupportFri Feb 07 1997 11:5510

  As another test ,please verify if there any .KNL files in sys$library. At
one time the os people were putting KNL's in the wrong place. This is the only
reason we can come up with at this time. Any knl;s in sys$library should be
renamed or deleted.  I would also create a new copy of the database like you
did in the test I requested earlier.

271.7created a new FMG_ANA__PRM_STATE_DB.KNLATZIS2::SCHIESSERMon Feb 10 1997 05:3310

	have carried out my previous tests on an unix system. So I cann't find
	the directory sys$library.
	Meantime, I solved the problem by creating a new permanent dB file, 
	like we have done before.


271.8OLD1S::SYSTEMPM&amp;D PSE Tools SupportMon Feb 10 1997 11:1610
	The Unix directory logical name  is DIA_LIBRARY it should point to
/var/DIA. ?var/DIA contains all but the local param dbase. The local param
dbase is located in your login directory.



271.9When SCSI devices supported?NETRIX::&quot;dani@furka.zuo.dec.com&quot;Daniel GaravaldiWed Feb 12 1997 07:0116

Well I tried to test the notification feature of decevent v2.3 by producing 
a SCSI-CAM error (writing on write-protected tape) on a TZ30 tape device
it's an old and unsupported device for decevent). But if you say the analysis 
and probably notification too is not supported for SCSI-devices in decevent
a question arise: When will be those devices supported by decevent. 
I've customers which are interested for DSNlink and DECevent for SICL on 
AXP-Machine running Digital Unix 3.x and 4.x. Of course the only SCSI-devices!
So I've to tell them that a SCSI-error from a Tape or (more important) from a 
disk won't notify the customer (and Digital CSC). Is this correct? 

[Posted by WWW Notes gateway]
271.10OLD1S::SYSTEMPM&amp;D PSE Tools SupportWed Feb 12 1997 12:1421

  We are in the process of gathering the information to support the SCSI
devices. It was felt some years ago, that since these were basically throw away
devices that analysis was not required. All the gripping I could do would not
change mmgt's mind. Well they have changed their tune ( or listened to the
Field) and now see the need for this support. 

  I can tell you SCSI analysis is in the planning stage, but it is not at the
top of the list. 4100 and 8400 analysis is first in line. 

  Now we get to your question. As these unsup devices are part of a show
threshold command. I would expect them to be part of the notification
process. They will not generate a theory, but should report the fact that they
have exceeded the device threshold. 

