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Conference orarep::nomahs::sql_services

Title:SQL/Services Forum
Notice:kits(3) ft info(7) QAR access (8) SPR access (10)
Created:Thu Oct 13 1988
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2214
Total number of notes:8586

2186.0. "Doc errors" by BROKE::BITHER () Wed Apr 09 1997 12:21

Hi Rod,

Here are some more doc errors I've found in the SQL/Services documentation.
I've been saving them up to send to "nedc_doc@us.oracle.com" but if you
would prefer them in the notes file (per note 2183.4) I'll put them here.
Would you rather start one note for all doc errors and have new ones reported
as replies or do you want new notes each time?

The following comments all pertain to the "Oracle Rdb7 Oracle SQL/Services
Server Configuration Guide, Release 7.0."

1.  Page 2-9 - bottom paragraph second to last line says "newtork"
    instead of "network."

2.  Page 2-14 - first paragraph 3 lines down.  It says
    "By default, the server is uses 2000 kilobytes..."
    Not grammatical.

3.  Page 2-15 - Last paragraph.  This may not be a doc error but if not,
    some clarification is needed.  It says "The default buffer size is 1.3K
    bytes, so the minimum size for an Oracle SQL/Services client is
    15K bytes (11K bytes base + 4K bytes for message buffers).  Since
    1.3*2 = 2.6 I don't understand why they didn't round up to 3K instead
    of 4K and say ...is 14K bytes (11K bytes base + 3K bytes for message 

4.  Page 2-34 - Example 2-3 for OpenVMS VAX & Alpha.  Says the following:
              OWNER ppdb
    Should be:
              OWNER 'ppdb'
    as in the unix example.  This does not seem to be true for the

And the ones in note 2183 (SHUTDOWN and SQL version).

Thanks a lot, Diane

2186.1Update and further clarificationWEORG::WARDWed Apr 09 1997 17:0027
    Hi Diane,
    Thanks for passing these doc errors along to me. 
    If you don't mind, just adding the doc errors as a reply to this note
    would be fine by me. That way other folks who might be interested can
    also read them and this may also reduce duplicates from being entered.
    re: page 2-15 - Last paragraph. The value 1.3 was rounded up to 2 then 
        multiplied by 2. Not sure why we did it this way other than being 
        a bit more conservative in space estimation.
    re: page 2-34 - Example 2-3 
        I tested this for V7.0 on OpenVMS and entering an owner user name 
        without quotes works fine. OpenVMS will uppercase the user name 
        when you show the service. For Digital UNIX, use of quotes retains 
        the case for this case sensitive environment. If you use quotes on
        OpenVMS, case is retained as well. 
    I made the changes to both the next version of the server gd. and the
    Windows Help file for these doc errors and the documentation 
    clarifications that you requested. 
    Thanks again,
2186.2diff doc errorBROKE::BITHERWed Apr 09 1997 18:2547
Hi Rod,

>     re: page 2-34 - Example 2-3
>        I tested this for V7.0 on OpenVMS and entering an owner user name
>        without quotes works fine. OpenVMS will uppercase the user name
>        when you show the service. For Digital UNIX, use of quotes retains
>        the case for this case sensitive environment. If you use quotes on
>        OpenVMS, case is retained as well.

Oops, it's still a doc error but a different one.  I got bit by making two
changes instead of one and thinking the wrong change is what fixed it.

If you follow the example in the book exactly (substituting actual usernames
 in place of the ones in the example, here's what happens):

SQLSRV> create service ward_test default_conect_username sqluser70
_SQLSRV> attach 'filename sys$common:[sqluser70]mf_personnel'
_SQLSRV> owner sqlsrv_deflt
_SQLSRV> database_authorization connect username
_SQLSRV> default_connect_username sqluser70
_SQLSRV> min_executors 0
_SQLSRV> max_executors 2;
syntax error at ''Owner', required parameter not specified'

What I did to fix it was:
   1) remove default_connect_username from create service line, AND
   2) added quotes around the owner name.

Turns out all I needed to do was remove the default_connect_username

SQLSRV> create service ward_test  <--REMOVE default_connect_username --
_SQLSRV> attach 'filename sys$common:[sqluser70]mf_personnel'
_SQLSRV> owner 'sqlsrv_deflt'
_SQLSRV> database_authorization connect username
_SQLSRV> default_connect_username sqluser70 <-- LEAVE this here
_SQLSRV> min_executors 0
_SQLSRV> max_executors 2;

SQLSRV> create service ward_test
_SQLSRV> attach 'filename sys$common:[sqluser70]mf_personnel'
_SQLSRV> owner sqlsrv_deflt  <-- NO QUOTES WORKS TOO, JUST AS YOU SAID --
_SQLSRV> database_authorization connect username
_SQLSRV> default_connect_username sqluser70
_SQLSRV> min_executors 0
_SQLSRV> max_executors 2;

Thanks, Diane
2186.3I see what you meanWEORG::WARDWed Apr 09 1997 21:457
    Hi Diane,
    Yes, I see what you mean default_connect_username appears twice. 
    I fixed both the OpenVMS and Digital UNIX examples in Example 2-3.