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Conference orarep::nomahs::sql_services

Title:SQL/Services Forum
Notice:kits(3) ft info(7) QAR access (8) SPR access (10)
Created:Thu Oct 13 1988
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2214
Total number of notes:8586

2163.0. "minimum Rdb version req'd to run sqs v7?" by BROKE::BITHER () Wed Mar 12 1997 19:57


I understand that you can install SQL/Services v7 multiversion to run
multiple versions of SQL/Services and that you can install SQL/Services
v7 standard to run a single version and still get to multiple versions
of Rdb (unlike pre-7) but is a specific version of Rdb or Rdb common
components required for sql/services v7 to be installed?  According
to the v7 install guide, pg 1-3 it says under prerequisite software:
"Oracle Rdb for..." req'd and no specific version number so assuming 
nothing req'd.  But is a minimum version req'd?

Thanks, Diane
2163.1All supported versions of Rdb are supportedSQLSRV::MAVRISSue Mavris - smavris@us.oracle.comWed Mar 12 1997 21:0411
Hi Diane,

SQL/Services V7 was tested with all "supported" versions of Rdb.  This 
includes 7.0, 6.1, and 6.0.  We expect that it will work with older versions 
of Rdb as well - but we didn't test them.

Some new features require Rdb 6.1 or higher (transaction reusable services, 
database services with database authorization set to connect username for 
