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Posting history for user DACT53::CHUDSON

10 notes across 1 conferences

Known Personal Names (1)

Possible 2 Other Accounts for DACT53::CHUDSON

Username Total
Most Used
Personal Name
37778::CHUDSON1Wed Jan 29 1992Wed Jan 29 1992Clean Air, Clean H2O, Clean Earth
SCOBIE::CHUDSON98Thu Feb 22 1990Fri May 22 1992Clean Air, Clean H2O, Clean Earth

Summary of Posts

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Conference Title

Conference cssuk::green (GREEN)

10 posts
TOPIC 5.0 Who is who in GREEN?
5.60Fri May 04 1990 23:32 a word from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Va. 50 lines
TOPIC 8.0 Unleaded does not equal Green
8.57Fri May 04 1990 18:27 The answer to your prob is in conservation 26 lines
TOPIC 16.0 Waste Recycling
16.53Fri May 04 1990 19:50 Many uses for recycled newsprint 16 lines
TOPIC 50.0 Environmentally friendly bottles
50.15Fri May 04 1990 20:18 So, Do Something About It! 11 lines
TOPIC 69.0 Earth Day 1990 only in the US?
69.12Fri May 04 1990 20:30 Ever heard the t 21 lines
TOPIC 79.0 Light Pollution
79.1Fri May 04 1990 20:05 Another N.I.M.B.Y. Issue? 26 lines
TOPIC 80.0 NEW: 100% Biodegradable plastic...
80.3Fri May 04 1990 20:36 More info pleeeeease..... 7 lines
TOPIC83.0Fri May 04 1990 22:15 How do you feel about "Greenwash" 52 lines
83.2Thu May 17 1990 00:38 Look at the full life-cycle of the product. 29 lines
83.3Thu May 17 1990 00:46 Destroy the ozone or raise the temperature? 21 lines

Additional information

First Post:Fri May 04 1990
Last Post:Thu May 17 1990
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