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Conference rdvax::grateful

Title:Take my advice, you'd be better off DEAD
Notice:It's just a Box of Rain
Created:Thu Jan 03 1991
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:580
Total number of notes:60238

281.0. "The Summer of Love - 1967" by --UnknownUser-- () Fri Aug 07 1992 17:39

281.1Thanks, Mom!DRINKS::WEISSEight Canadian dollars I'll never spend.Fri Aug 07 1992 17:5110
The Summer of '67.

I spent the summer floating around in a nice warm dark comfy place
known as my mom's womb...

Details are sorta fuzzy, tho! :-)

Dave  (born 10/26/67)

(guess Winter of '67 the "The Winter of Love" for Mom and Dad!) :-)
281.2I was -2 years oldLJOHUB::GILMOREA Fly can't Bird but a Bird can FlyFri Aug 07 1992 17:5113
    But looking back on history and stories, it was one of the greatest
    times of change for America.
    I can't imagine what it would be like today if it weren't for all
    those brave souls who spoke their minds risking getting killed with
    billy clubs (bully clubs?) by the cops.
    Also the year my sister's Ford Mustang was made (now since departed 
    from this world, kinda like a King Krimson song) -- camary yellow,
    8-track player, the little chain steering wheel.  First time I ever
    heard Supertramp was in that car.  I loved that car.
281.3I was 12.NAC::TRAMP::GRADYShort arms, and deep pockets...Fri Aug 07 1992 18:0623
It was the summer before eigth grade.  I was listening to Beatles endlessly.
I hadn't liked them in the early sixties because they sounded so bubble gum
to me at the time - I Wanna Hold Yer Hand.  You know.  In '67 it was the
White Album and Sgt. Pepper, and (soon) Abbey Road ('68?).  Back then, it
was the Beatles vs. the Stones (referencing the similar discussion here -
some things never change).

I was at the height of my interest in poetry, reading tons of e.e. cummings
and Lawrence Ferlinghetti.  Even wrote a little.

My whole family and I went to Ocean City New Jersey for vacation - before 
the Casinos were up the road in Atlantic City, and before the whole area 
began it's gradual slide into economic decay.  I think it has since recovered

To tell you the truth, it was the year later, '68, that changed my life.
67 just woke me up to see what was coming.  68 brought Bobby Kennedy, 
the Chicago Democratic Convention.  Nixon.  Abbey Hoffman.  High School.
The whole world changed in 1968, and it will never be the same.

Fond memories.

281.4CSLALL::HENDERSONThis could be the last timeFri Aug 07 1992 18:1126

 Hmmm...well, I was 17, living in the SF Bay Area, in love for the first time,
 and just getting turned on to the music that was coming out.  I got interested
 in the Dead primarily because I was interested in Blues..bought the first 
 album when it came out and started getting introduced to the scene...went to
 theh first Human Be In in GG Park and I was hooked.

 Most of my friends also were interested in the whole scene and it became a
 usual thing to hop on a bus and ride up to SF to hang out..There's a lot
 I don't remember, but I know I was blown away by the whole scene and the
 feelings I had back then seem to come back everytime I see some 60's 
 retrospective featuring SF and the Haight on the tube (when I watch it of

 I think what also blew me away back then was it seemed like everyday new music
 was coming out ...the Doors, Love (one of my favorites)..I loved the Live in
 Europe album by Otis...

 A great time to be growing up in SF.

281.5RDVAX::MOLLENHAUERWisdomisrespectedHatredisrejectedFri Aug 07 1992 18:143
    I was conceived during the summer of '67!
281.6EZRIDR::SIEGELThe revolution wil not be televisedFri Aug 07 1992 18:157
Well, I was about to turn 1 year old in the summer of '67.  I have absolutely
no memories of this time!  I can't tell you a thing about anything before
around 1969! (I remember watching the moon shot).

A dollar in 1967 is worth less than 20 cents now.

281.7covers alittle more than 69CXDOCS::BARNESFri Aug 07 1992 19:2621
    I was 12, living in Great Falls Mont. no-where's-ville. My dad was
    spending his first tour in VietNam. I remember the vivid news every
    nite, VietNam in your living room...i remember the articles in Life and
    LOOK about this strange new substance that was changing the minds of
    anyone who took it, some said even then, for the better.
    Then my dad came home...something I'll never forget. We moved to
    Germany so, i found out later, my dad would escape another tour of
    Southeast asia. 3 years in Europe hid alot of what was going on in
    America from me, no television, Armed Forces radio mostly, the lack of
    willingness for my dad to talk about VietNam....but I did turn on to
    Sgt Peppers then, and Blind Faith....seniors in High School started
    singing Alices rest. at lunch...slowly I realized what was happening.
    the end of 1969 we returned to the states, upstate N.Y.....WOW!!!!  
    Hippies everywhere! on the street, in school, in stores and even in the
    military in disguise! Talk of peace and a greater cause!
    6 months later my dad was sent back to S.E. Asia...I've been a skeptic
    of our govt ever since, it took watergate to do the same for my dad. 
281.8lets see what we can dredge up hereSTAR::SALKEWICZIt missed... therefore, I am Fri Aug 07 1992 19:4129
    '67,.. I was 7/8...
    I can remember getting a football Jersey for my eighth birthday
    witha big blue "8" on it...
    I remember vivdly like randy Vietnam in my living room,.. or rather
    my parents/grandparents living room,.. good ole Walter Cronkite saying
    "and 50,000 more dead today from thej bombings in Cambodia"..
    I can remember asking why these people were dying and all of my elders
    nt really having anything that resembled a decent explanation,.. now
    that I'm a bit older,.. I realize there can be no decent explanation
    for such stupidity...
    What else? The older kids on my block were definitely doing the hippy
    thing. They let me play in their band (charity case I think :-) and
    I can remember playing some Clapton and some Beatles,... wow,..thats
    a long time ago (creak!),... It would be another five years or so
    before these older kids would start "turning me on" so to speak....
    I do remember that all the adults were pissed at almost all the (hippy)
    kids and I also remember that the hippy kids had no problems with that!
    Oh well,.. foggy memories at best...
281.9GNPIKE::HANNANBeyond description...Fri Aug 07 1992 19:508
	I was about 7 or 8 around that time too.   Don't remember a 
	whole helluva lot except lots of Vietnam on the tube, astronauts
	(or was that later?), Dylan on the radio, that sort of thing.  
	I do remember going to the store to buy flower-power stickers 
	for my bicycle to get that mod look ;-)  I think I also remember 
	trying nicotine for the first time, which was a big mistake :-/

281.10flashback...VSSCAD::LARURun, or fight, or ... Dance!Fri Aug 07 1992 19:5718
    Hmmm...  I caught my first show in June in NYC at the (Cafe au GoGo?),
    on my way from Greece to California  (I was effectively a
    USAF nuclear weapons cosmetician).  Drove across the
    country in my red MGA roadster, listening to _If You Go
    to Fan Francisco (Wear Some Flowers In Your Hair_.
    Spent the summer stationed at Travis AFB, about 60 miles from 
    San Francisco...  Got caught once with a flower in my hair (under
    my cap).
    I was too hip for the AF, too straight for the Haight.
    Caught the Boyz again in Golden Gate Park, along with the
    Airplane...  Saw Donovan at the Cow Palace.
    Every time I hear _Light My Fire_, I'm back there...
    I would have stayed there, but a family crisis brought me
    back to the east coast.
281.11CSLALL::HENDERSONThis could be the last timeFri Aug 07 1992 20:0515

RE:       <<< Note 281.10 by VSSCAD::LARU "Run, or fight, or ... Dance!" >>>
                               -< flashback... >-

   >    Airplane...  Saw Donovan at the Cow Palace.

   Hey!  So did I!  Was that the show where the Buckinghams opened?

281.12and incense, too, I think...VSSCAD::LARURun, or fight, or ... Dance!Fri Aug 07 1992 20:165
    Don't remember the Buckinghams...  just lots of flowers...
281.13CSLALL::HENDERSONThis could be the last timeFri Aug 07 1992 20:356

 Hmmm...did he have a band with him?  I know I saw him once at the SF Civic
Center where he had no backup band...just him sitting on the stage in a white
robe with flowers all around him and lots of  incense and stuff.  That was
a nice show too
281.14LJOHUB::RILEYNamer of chaotic individuals everywhere!Fri Aug 07 1992 20:5911
    Wow...  I'm four days younger than Dave Weiss!  Party on!
    Anyway I spent the Summer of 67 the same place that Dave did, well,
    actually I was inside my mother's womb, not his mother's...
    Always wish I was around back then to see and be a part of everything 
    going on...  
281.15i remember a lot from those times... more than i'd care to sometimes...LUDWIG::DWESTif wishes were horses...Fri Aug 07 1992 21:0133
    i wuz just a kid...  like /, 7... i remember vietnam a lot...  i remember
    my cousin who went to vietnam...  i remember cousins who joined before
    being drafted so they could pick service in places other than
    vietnam...  i remember someone who looked a lot like my cousin coming
    back from vietnam, and everyone trying to understand him...  i remember
    thinking that everyone looked up to heroes who came back wounded... 
    and i wondered why privately everyone thought Ricky was an asshole
    since he came home...  the death counts on the news and thinking it was 
    like a score card and as long as more of them died than ours, we were 
    winning...  i remmebr thinking war was just a fact of life, and thinking 
    i knew all about it cuz i saw movies on tv...  i remember back to
    school shopping...  i remmeber seeing a picture of woodstock in the
    paper...  there was a "hippie" wearing a loin cloth, and Mom said
    something to the effect of "he must think he's really something" and
    being kinda disgusted...  i remmeber wanting to grow my hair cuz it was
    cool and being told that it was absolutley not cool and what did i know 
    cuz i was only a kid...  i remember there were definitely "rules" for
    real life that helped you know who were the good guys and the bad
    guys...  only unlike the movies, they weren't always in white hats...
    i remember Mom teaching me that "it's what's inside that counts...  the
    outside doesn't matter at all" and wondering why it would be so bad for
    me to grow my hair...
    					da ve_who_remembers_wishing_Ricky_
    ps.  i also remember loving dinosaurs...  :^)  and my best friends were
    Joe Gaffney and Patrick Dillon and how cool it was for us to steal
    cigarettes from the market and go for a smoke...
281.16Well, I'm certainly impressed...NAC::TRAMP::GRADYShort arms, and deep pockets...Fri Aug 07 1992 21:059
Jum and Bruce - what a long strange trip.

It strikes me what an impressive cross section of people we have here.
You guys just blow me away sometimes.

Have a grate weekend everybody - see ya around Wednesday (I likes my long

281.17motsSSGV02::STROBEL&amp; now for something completely different...Fri Aug 07 1992 21:2316
I remember hanging out (I guess that's what we did a 7 year olds) with Kelly
Hayes (RIP old friend) listening to the Beatles and trying to figure out why
he could talk his mom into letting him have long hair and I had shorter hair
than I do now. The next year we tried to convince our fellow classmates to vote
(or get their folks to vote) for Humphrey. My younger, now bigger, brother was
born. My cousin Dave went off to Viet Nam in the Navy. Had the task of cruising
the Mei Cong river, looking for snipers. Now the man can't do anything strenuous
thanks to Agent Orange. Bob Gibson outdueled Jim Lomborg in the '67 series
I think I survived on Tang, twinkies and the crush I had on a girl named Moira

I count never figure out why they gave body counts on the news and I never liked
watching Lawrence Welk at my grandparents', although playing at their farm was

281.18therefore,.. it isSTAR::SALKEWICZIt missed... therefore, I am Fri Aug 07 1992 21:2715
    What year was Woodstock? (does this make me psychadelically challenged?
    I can remember all my older hippy friends packing up into a VW bus
    or some such thing and kinid of inviting me to go,.. but at 7/8/9
    years old I think I would have missed out on the point,.. also
    probably would have missed out on quite a few afternoons of fun in
    ths sun with my friends once my mother and father got hold of me upon
    my return .... :-/
    	I should have went for it,.. I didn't have the nads back then
    that I have now :-/
281.19CSLALL::HENDERSONThis could be the last timeFri Aug 07 1992 21:5415

 Well I remember the war too of course, but at the time didn't really under-
stand what was going on or who was right and who was wrong.  At my age then
17 it didn't really hit home, until my stepbrother went in to the Navy, but
somehow he managed to miss Vietnam..but then I started becoming aware of
what was happening, but eve then it didn't hit home til I got out of high
school in 68 and I realized I was old enough to go..then it became real.  I
remember getting in all sorts of discussions with my Dad about it (arguments 
really ) and my Dad swore that the teachers in my school were all commies 
brainwashing us.

I also right about that time discovered an herbal product that was increasing-
ly popular at the time...and the rest as they say is history :-)
281.20Ah!! Childhood!!LEDS::MRNGDU::YETTOdiscover the wonders of natureFri Aug 07 1992 23:3128
Well I was not quite two so I don't really remember the Summer of Love but I
have later memories of the idealistic, free spirit child in me who would grow to
be this idealistic free spirit.....

I remember associating black outs with my brother's visits home from the
service because I think we had one the first time he came home (and effectively
when I first met him from my perspective) ... I remember wanting to be an
Indian Girl and have a cool name like "Sunshine Flower" ... I remember making
up songs as I sang them until I cried ... I remember getting our puppy when I
was three and laying on the floor with her, sleeping ... I remember getting yeld
at by Dad, "Don't sleep with the dog - don't let the dog lick your face!" ...
I remember playing with the neighborhood attack dogs while the neighborhood 
watched from inside thier houses ...I remember having curly strawberry blonde
hair with one blonde streak in the middle and feeling like a skunk ... I
remember my boyfriend, Tony Viola - we were going to get married when we were
16 and have 22 kids, I remember Tony and I spying on his next door neighbor
cause she kept her bushes so high, I remember playing "Tony is going to save
Lisa from some certain peril" and letting him tie me to the tree with my dog's
(rusted) leashe to set the stage, but having to cut much of my hair off to get
untangled ;^( ... I remember how unhappy my Mom was about that .... I
remember going to the nursery school that I would later work at and crying my
eyes out until they took me home...

but actually none of this was 1967 - sorry for the rambling, but they were
such fun memories to recall.  Thanks!

281.21DIEHRD::CRAVENSpanish Castle MagicMon Aug 10 1992 12:145
    I was -7 at the time, not even a wisp of thought in ANYONE's mind,
    so...I can't really say anything. :)
281.22lotsa love at our houseSALEM::MARKIEWICZenfant de l'UniversMon Aug 10 1992 16:339
    Summer of 1967 was very special for me.  I was 23 years old.  Jeff my
    son was 1 year old.  I was pregnant and thrilled about it.  My "job"
    was caring for my son and our home and it was the only career I had
    ever wanted.  My husband had a good job and we had no money worries. 
    The only cloud on our horizon was Viet Nam.  My husband was in the
    National Guard and the possibly of his being activated was very real. 
    As a matter of fact he was activated in May of '68 and spent a year in
    Viet Nam.  But summer of '67 was love and music and motherhood, and it
    doesn't get any better than that!
281.23CSCMA::M_PECKARI second that electronMon Aug 10 1992 16:5451
Lesse, I was 6 yrs old.  Mom wore a "bee", Dad's thing was Junkets to Vegas c/o
Big Julie Wientraub.  My sanctuary was the basement, where "Twister" wasn't yet
a permanent fixture, but Beatles constantly resonated against the concrete
walls of our Stamford CT home in the heart of the affluent Suburban-American
Dream.  While Mom attended Tupperware parties, Dad would run the Cocktail Party
circuit: three streets down lived the real Harvey Walbanger, and just up the
street lived lived Mrs Whitelaw, whose daughter was my first love. Mrs Whitelaw
was Playboy's very first centerfold. Our Family and our neighbors were at the
very core of "Haut-America" as reported in New Yorker and Vanity Fair

	My world was Mod. Mod furniture, mod clothes, mod walpaper, mod carpet.
Mod everything: the toilet was green and so was the fridge, We had this weird 
modern sculpture everywhere, and big wooden letters mounted above the 

	As for me, Mr Rogers, Lassie, and Laugh-in were the center's of my 
indoor life. The Sand Pile was my outdoor best-friend. I hated my sister worse 
than Johnson hated Khrushchev, and my oldest brother was probably just then
contemplating sneeking his first cigarette in the woods with his friends.

	Cartoons were great back then.  I had a subscription to the Cat in the
Hat series, and I believe that each volume in that series would arrive at my
doorstep right off the presses as a first edition.  I think I got one every
month for several years, and I totally destroyed every single volume.  I
remember my Guinnia Pig escaping and eating some of them. 

	I remeber playing marbles with my friends on the sidewalk, and 
pretending we were modern-day drug dealers. We'd sort the marbles by color into 
groups like "Uppers", "downers", "Greenies", etc..

	Oh yeah! Almost forgot the R. Crumb "Ugly Car" stickers that came with 
bubble gum and the Dean Martin sticker centerfolds in Mad Magazine: The door to 
my bedroom was plastered with 'em.

	I listened to A.M. radio a lot, too. I think Imis in the morning Might
have been later, though? 1968 maybe. Remember "Instant replays"??  They don't
do much of that anymore.  :-) 

	I didn't have my own play record player yet, so I hadn't got my first
record yet, which was "The Association, The Association". Weird stuff.
	I watched a lot of T.V. My parents couldn't care less about what I
watched as long as I wasn't bothering them.  The Watts riots, the Vietnam war,
the Space Race: all that was happening in the werld was rushed by my nakkid 
eyes in a whirling dirvish. 

	Or maybe it was a twirling danish?


281.24I had hair back then too ...CUPTAY::BAILEYSeason of the WinchMon Aug 10 1992 18:1521
    Summer of '67 I was 15, between 8th and 9th grades.  We lived in Summit
    NJ, not far from Newark, where National Guardsmen were patrolling the
    streets trying to keep people from burning, looting, and killing ...
    and there was not too much love going around the area that summer. 
    It was a time of growth and change for me, as many aspects of life and
    issues of the day took on a whole new meaning ... Martin Luther King
    became more significant than a name in the news, brothers of friends
    were becoming casualties in Vietnam, girls were ... well ... more fun
    than they used to be, and I could finally down a beer without gagging.
    Life was good.  I worked as a caddy at a golf course, and that was the
    year they held the USGA Open there ... I actually got to caddy for Gary
    Player during a practice round ... nice guy, even to a 15-year old kid
    who talked too much.
    And oh yes ... I was captain of our church's Bible quiz team, and the
    Monkees were my favorite band ... my, how some things have really
    ... Bobbb
281.25DEDHED::SpineTom SpineMon Aug 10 1992 18:1812
>    And oh yes ... I was captain of our church's Bible quiz team, and the
>    Monkees were my favorite band ... my, how some things have really
>    changed.
>    ... Bobbb

Uh, lemme guess at just how some things have really changed.  Hmmmmmm...

OK, I got it!  You aren't on the Bible quiz team anymore, but the
Monkees still beat the h*ll outta the Stones and the Dead.  Eh, Bobbb? ;-)

281.26TLE::ABBOTJ. R. &quot;Bob&quot; Dobbs in 92Mon Aug 10 1992 19:4345
    Well, West Lebanon, NH, wasn't exactly the cultural crossroads in 1967. 
    Being one town from Dartmouth College I saw what the college kids were
    into, but being just 7 years old it was like they were another
    generation so their activities didn't really catch my interest.
    What I remember from the summer of '67:
    My tent in the back yard.  Great fun with me, my brother Kevin, my
    friend Paul from up the street, and Mitzi.  Mitzi was an unusual type,
    your classic example of a tomboy.
    Batman! That was real big. On tv two nights a week, and I think older
    repeats in the morning too.
    Underdog.  We used to play underdog.  I liked to be Simon Bar Sinister.
    Reading tons of Charlie Brown books and drawing my own Charlie Brown
    comics with my best friend Barry.
    Creepy crawlers!  They even had an edible kind of goop.
    My brother finally got a bicycle so I had someone to ride with (I got
    my Montgomery Ward 24" the previous summer)
    Making plaster of paris casts and all sorts of neat stuff at an arts &
    crafts summer thing at the playground of the Seminary Hill school.
    My Dad trading in the '62 Olds Cutlass F85 (real hot car) for a white
    '66 4-door Dynamic 88.
    Hot dogs, onion rings and mugs of root beer at the A&W, back when they
    still had car hops (my babysitter Judy was one), and the tray that hung
    on the car door.
    The drive-in.  I think that was the year we saw "Thoroughly Modern
    Millie" and I thought her car was real cool, with the bathtub in the
    Other cool TV shows: The Monkees, the Green Hornet, Hogan's Heroes, Get
    Smart, Lost In Space, Land of the Giants, Voyage to the Bottom of the
    Missed out on most of the cool tunes because the two local radio
    stations were pretty bland.  Nothing more adventurous than the Beatles
    or the Rolling Stones. I didn't own a radio then, so it was up to what
    my mother wanted to hear.  I did get my own record player for my 7th
    birthday, although the only records I had were the kiddie types.
    And spending a great week or two with my aunt and uncle and cousins at
    their house in Cotuit on the Cape.  Dug claims, went sailing, all kinds
    of stuff I never did before.  I didn't want to go home.
    I've always felt that was my best summer when I was a kid.
281.27and ants, recentlyCXDOCS::BARNESMon Aug 10 1992 19:452
    ya! edible creeper crawlers!!!!! no wonder there's blue star!!!
281.28DEDSHO::CLARKMon Aug 10 1992 20:227
The only thing I've ever found I'm allergic to is the stuff that Creepy
Crawlies (the non-edible kind) were made out of ... I think it was called
Plastigoop (tm).

Just thought you'd want to know that.

281.29its a chromatic thangSTAR::SALKEWICZIt missed... therefore, I am Mon Aug 10 1992 20:4114
    Hey Scott,..
    		You didn't miss out on the best tunes,..
    		The theme song to trhe green Hornet (Flight of the
    Bumblebee) is a calssic.
281.30TECRUS::FROMMThere is no way to peace;peace is the way.Tue Aug 11 1992 17:588
RE: *.21

>I was -7 at the time

i was up to the ripe non-age of -2; glad to know that i'm not the youngest
person here

- rich
281.31Now Rich, don't blow it off like the lunch party!LJOHUB::GILMOREA Fly can't Bird but a Bird can FlyTue Aug 11 1992 18:3411
    Argh!  And I thought I was the only one born in '69!!!  ;-)
    So, your b-day is Wednesday, that makes you 114 days older 
    than me!  Ha!
    Let me be the first to buy you a bday drink on Wednesday.
    (That is *if* you figure out who I am!  Just look for the
    darts that are out of control . . . I'm on the throwing end
    of 'em.)
281.33Seven marbled eyed transitory dream dolls..SANFAN::SCOTT_ROLet there be songs to fill the airWed Aug 12 1992 21:5113
    1967, summer of love it was..my parents got married that June.  They
    were NOT your typical 60's child tho, matter of fact, I don't even know how
    the hell I could be their kid!!
    Anyway, I wish I could of been there.. In a way, I AM there..this is my
    summer of love...started it with the Vegas ramble..all three days. 
    Can't beat that! (well, I GUESS you could with MSG shows. but well...)
    When I think of The Summer of Love, I feel a free-spiritness come over
    me.  A happy feeling.  I wish we REALLY could be back to that summer,
    or even that era again, it was the best of times...IMHO   
281.34Yes, I am showing my ageGRANPA::TDAVISThu Aug 13 1992 01:366
    I was just about to be a senior in High School, I remember the music
    well, at that time I was into the Beatles, and always watched with
    amazement the going on's between the Hippie Movement, and the
    Vietnam war, etc... My highschool was located in the suburbs of
    Philadelphia, and was very conservative, all I wanted was to
    graduate, and go on to college, far away from home. Great Times.
281.35PCOJCT::TURNOFGreetings from the Big AppleThu Aug 13 1992 13:1133
    Let's see what do I remember about the Summer of '67?  My brother had
    graduated from High School that year and everyone was worried that the
    gov't would end student deferments and he would be forced to go to Vietnam. 
    The family talked alot about whether or not he would go to Canada or 
    Israel.  (Remember this was right after the '67 war there).  He felt 
    that if he had to fight, at least he'd fight for something he believed
    in in Israel. My father being a WWII vet took awhile to understand the 
    error of the USA being in SE Asia, but once he did, he fully supported 
    our antiwar acitivies and told my brother whatever he decided to do he 
    would fully support this adult decision.
    On a musical note...Sgt Pepper's had made such an impact!  I have an
    old Polaroid of my best friend Judy holding open the album standing
    outside my apartment building.  The picture is dated 6/2/67!  Had to be
    first on the block with the tunes!
    I also remember the articles in Time or Newsweek about the Bay Area and
    all the happenings there.  It just seemed so cool and I wanted to be
    there rather than stuck in the hot, steamy Bronx.
    Instead my parents took their first vacation in years (Dad had his own
    business and no work, means no $$), left my brother at home to party
    with his friends and took me to Florida for 3 weeks.  It was so cool,
    my first plane ride and hotel stay.  Met great people and took tours
    all around Miami Beach.  My parents had lived there in the late 40's
    (the bro was born there) and we went to visit old friends and take
    those trips down memory lane.  I picked up a jumbo size coconut from
    the street which I didn't throw out for about 10 years!  We saw it drop
    from a tree right infront of our car = great scene!
    Ah, to be 13 again!
281.36random recollectionsDEMING::CLARKWheels of ConfusionThu Aug 13 1992 14:1010
    I turned 10 that summer. Mostly I remember Yaz and Lonborg. My mom got
    me records by Dino, Desi, and Billy and by Gary Lewis and the Playboys.
    We thought it was cool that somebody would have 'Playboy' as part of a
    band name. My dad was an Air Force officer who monitored solar flares
    for NASA. He didn't say too much about hippies; I guess he was too busy
    trying to make ends meet with 6 kids and another on the way. Later he
    made us stand up when they played the national anthem for televised
    ball games. He mellowed out when he retired and switched to teaching
    high school. I still had a whiffle hair cut because my mom thought I
    looked cute that way. 
281.37VERGA::STANLEYwhat a long strange trip it's beenThu Aug 13 1992 14:5612
    I graduated from High School in 1963 and went off to a Catholic Girl's
    college.. ended up back in my hometown at Fitchburg State.
    '67 was the summer I fell in love with my ex-husband John.  I'd never
    loved anyone before... it was great.
    I loved everything and everyone that year.... the counter-culture was
    great, the music was great, the war sucked but the Vietnam Veterans Against 
    The War were my heros and I used to watch them protest in awe and
    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
281.38if the horse don't pull you got to carry the loadDEVMKO::MCCLELLAN&quot;In the clearing stands a boxer.....&quot;Tue Aug 25 1992 21:1029
Wicked topic....... 	Wow! 

I can't begin to explain all the different emotions I've experienced in 
trying to enter a reply. In the Summer of 67, I was 12 years old. 

I guess the most vivid memories of that year are of the Vietnam war.
I could, (and did in my first attempt to reply), go on and on about Vietnam
because I just didn't understand why and what for. I still don't. Guess I'm 
not alone on this.

To me the "Summer of Love" lasted much longer than one year. I don't know
when the summer of love ended, I don't know that it has. 

I remember seeing artists like Arlo Guthrie, and Phil Oches singing at
peace rallies on the Boston Common. I remember hearing Angela Davis speaking
at another of those rallies, (or was it the same one??) I remember tear gas
in Cambridge. I remember candle light marches. I remember posters and day glo
and black lights. I remember slogans, "ten for two", "turn on tune in drop out",
"make love not war".......

I remember laughter. I remember meeting people who really seemed to care
about one another. I remember the music. I remember the colors. I remember the 
highs. I remember the deep meaningful conversations with absolute total 
strangers.... I remember the sharing. I remember the caring. But mostly........
.......I remember the love.


281.39VMPIRE::CLARKEver breathe oxygen, kid?Wed Aug 26 1992 12:1910
re<<< Note 281.38 by DEVMKO::MCCLELLAN ""In the clearing stands a boxer....."" >>>
             -< if the horse don't pull you got to carry the load >-

Hi Tom;

>and black lights. I remember slogans, "ten for two", "turn on tune in drop out",

What did "ten for two" mean?

- dc who was 6 at the time
281.40to every thing turn turn turn DEVMKO::MCCLELLAN&quot;In the clearing stands a boxer.....&quot;Wed Aug 26 1992 13:004
    Hi dc who was 6 at the time,
    I believe it was areference to someone arrested for posession of two
    joints and sentenced to ten years...... Unbelievable these days.
281.41VERGA::STANLEYwhat a long strange trip it's beenWed Aug 26 1992 13:314
    Is it?
    These days your house and car can be confiscated on no evidence or
    conviction at all... 
281.42STAR::HUGHESCaptain SlogWed Aug 26 1992 15:4218
    re .38
    You must have been a much more grown up 12 year old than I was. I had
    to wait another 5 years before I got tear gassed.
    I do remember the Vietnam war, and the Australian government falling
    over itself to get involved ("all the way with LBJ", aargh!).
    I wasn't too aware of the culture other than the filtered view
    presented by TV and the newspapers. The summer of love seemed very
    strange from that distance. The Australian papers carried all the usual
    crap about chromosome damage from LSD, mellow yellow etc about that
    I also remember Apollo 7, as America returned to manned spaceflight two
    years after a tragic, avoidable disaster.
281.43STAR::HUGHESCaptain SlogWed Aug 26 1992 15:444
    Oh yeah. "Ten for two" is probably a moderately light sentence under
    the current federal minimum sentencing laws.
281.44ten for twoQUOKKA::SNYDERWherever you go, there you areWed Aug 26 1992 16:4119
    Stumbled on this while checking the file for T-shirt news.  I don't
    have time to go into details, but the "ten for two" refers to John
    Sinclair, then Chairman of the White Panther Party, being set up by a
    federal agent so that they could put him behind bars.  I was very
    active in political issues with John (I was living in Ann Arbor then)
    and know the details of this intimately.
    The short of it is that John *gave* this little weasel two joints, was
    busted, and sentenced to ten years in the slammer.  He was freed years
    later, shortly after a Free John Sinclair rally in Ann Arbor (where
    John Lennon and Yoko Ono came to give support; in fact, John Lennon
    wrote a song specifically for the event:  "It Ain't Fair, John
    Sorry to be a hit-and-run noter here, but I won't likely reply to
    replies.  Maybe in a few months, when the crunch eases (ha ha ha;
    dreaming with my eyes open again).
281.45ZENDIA::FERGUSONRoll me awayWed Aug 26 1992 18:5912
re <<< Note 281.38 by DEVMKO::MCCLELLAN ""In the clearing stands a boxer....."" >>>
              -< if the horse don't pull you got to carry the load >-

>"make love not war".......

This is part of VMS today.  Simply do the following:

	$ teco :== $teco32
	$ teco make love

/jc, who was 2 in '67

281.46:-)CSCMA::M_PECKARI second that electronWed Aug 26 1992 19:308
>/jc, who was 2 in '67

That was Grate! JC!  

Question:  how old was TECO is 1967???    :-)

281.47ZENDIA::FERGUSONRoll me awayWed Aug 26 1992 19:513
>Question:  how old was TECO is 1967???    :-)

You got me mon!
281.48I wonder who the teco programmer is?KALI::SIEGELThe revolution wil not be televisedWed Aug 26 1992 20:1712
re:             <<< Note 281.45 by ZENDIA::FERGUSON "Roll me away" >>>

>This is part of VMS today.  Simply do the following:
>	$ teco :== $teco32
>	$ teco make love

Pretty cool!  I tried it, and it works!  I had a hell of a time trying to exit
out of teco, though.  No ctrl-z, ctrl-d, 'exit', 'quit', not even ctrl-c.  Had
to ctrl-y out.  (Thank god for ctrl-y!)

281.49Its old...CSCMA::M_PECKARI second that electronWed Aug 26 1992 20:4934
>                   -< I wonder who the teco programmer is? >-

Here's your answer, Adam...   :-)

                <<< VMSZOO::FOLKD$:[NOTES$LIBRARY]TECO.NOTE;2 >>>
                               -<  ** TECO **  >-
Note 112.0                  Teco history documented.                  No replies
FOGGYR::MURPHY "just playing the electric violin..." 22 lines  21-DEC-1990 17:36
    Last Sunday's (12/16/90) New York Times has an article about DEC's
    PDP-1 Anniversary held a few weeks ago in Marlboro.  The article, in
    the business section and titled "Digital Fetes the 'Germ' That Began a
    Revolution"  has the following to say about the history of your
    favorite editor:

        "Among the programs written by the M.I.T. group for the PDP-1
        was one by Dan Murphy called Teco, or tape editor and corrector.
        It permitted the computer user to type at a keyboard and search
        for and replace individual characters in a line of text.  Teco
        was to become the forerunner of word processing.

        "Programs like Teco also created what was to be known as the
        hacker ethic among those who freely shared the fruits of their
        late-night work as programmers..."

    Anyone know of other mentions of Teco in general media?  Levy's
    book ("Hackers") mentions it but spells it 'Tico'.  So much for
    *his* accuracy in reporting.

281.5011SRUS::MARKWaltzing with BearsThu Aug 27 1992 00:106
	Sigh, kids these days don't know nuthin'!  :-)

	To exit from TECO, type EX^[^[ (that's four characters, the last two
being ESCAPEs, which one gets on modern digital keyboards with control-[).

281.51VMPIRE::CLARKEver breathe oxygen, kid?Thu Aug 27 1992 01:203
Gee, ctrl/y worked great for me.  ;^)

- dc who ain't afraid of any journal files even if TECO created one
281.52'67SIOG::OSULLIVAN_DFri Aug 28 1992 16:4922
    Hmmm.... 15 in '67, between childhood and adolesence. In my memory it
    all merges now...Procul Harum, the song of the summer. The Monkees
    (coming out for me meant admitting I was a Monkees fan;-]), other great
    songs in the charts.  
    We went to Mass one sunday with flowers in our hair (I think we took
    them off before going in!). Radio Luxembourg 208 was the music station, 
    hadn't heard of the Dead at that stage. I wrote a song in school which 
    was into the spirit of the times.
    ' I was walking on water, gazing at the sky, 
    when I saw a red planet aiming at my eye.  
    I looked into the sea with a lion on my knee, 
    I knew the whole time she'd return to me.  
    We touched down on an island but she wouldn't let me land,
    [forget the rest. can I hear a sigh of relief;-)]
    Have a good one.
281.53CXDOCS::BARNESFri Aug 28 1992 16:523
    I remember radio Lux! even went to the station once! remember the
    anti-war and peace stuff spray painted on the outer station walls. 
281.54TRLIAN::DUGGANBornInTheDesert,RaisedInTheLionsDenThu Jun 15 1995 16:2218
    I was in college at New Mexico State University... a co-operative
    education student, I had just come back from the Phillippine Islands
    (and was later to go to Hawaii and Argentina)... but in June 1967 a
    friend said "Let's go to Taos where the hippies are" so we hopped into
    a black VW Bug and drove to Santa Fe. Where we saw two psychedelic
    buses and a whole lot of VW buses heading up the ski hill. Well, we
    sorta fit right in in our VW Bug and all, so we tagged along.
    It was Summer Solstice; the two buses belonged to Wavy Gravy and the
    Hog Farm, and Ken Kesey's Merry Pranksters. There was this band from
    San Francisco there at Aspen Meadows; lead guitar player was this dude
    named Garcia...
    the rest (and before) is history.
    ...mike (trying to re-open as many old notes as possible today)
281.55the good old dazeWILLEE::OSTIGUYThu Jun 15 1995 16:327
    well, I was 7 in '67...I remember when my oldest brother brought home
    Sgt. Pepper's....loved it then, still just about my fave...and Expo '67
    in Montreal of course !!!  and my bro gettin' his drivers license...I
    always thought it was so cool when I got to go for a ride with him,
    lisnin' to WORC Am radio...
281.56don't remember much ;-)MROA::MCONNORSThu Jun 15 1995 18:526
    Well, I was born in '67....  :-)  Not in the summer.... but oh
    what a year!