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Conference moira::parenting_v3

Created:Wed May 30 1990
Last Modified:Tue May 27 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1364
Total number of notes:23848

701.0. "All day sickness in pregnancy" by SWAM2::DERY_CH () Tue Feb 12 1991 16:31

    I'm 6 weeks pregnant and am having a tough time with all day
    sickness/nausea.  A few Cheez-it crackers will stay down, a
    few bites of dinner will stay down, but not much else.  Talked to
    my midwife who gave me a few suggestions and they didn't help
    very much.  It seems like everyone I talk to who was as sick as
    me didn't have jobs when they felt like this, so they could ride
    it out.  I was out for a week and do feel a little better, but I
    don't feel great by any means.  Anyone else out there gone thru
    the sickness and had to work at the same time?  How did you
    deal with it?  I've lost 10 pounds now, feel tired, constantly
    nauseated.  It's tough to concentrate on work.  Fortunately I have
    an understanding manager and co-workers so that makes it a little
    I'd love to hear from others who went thru this.  How long did it
    last for you? (I know this varies from person to person)
701.1Hang in there!DEMON::MARRAMATue Feb 12 1991 17:0118
    I know just what your going through!  I had morning sickness from my
    6th week up until my 5th month!  I couldn't stand to look at food! My
    husband would try and make me eat something but nothing would stay
    down.  I lost a total of 5 lbs my first trimester.  I am now in my 34th
    week of my first pregnancy!  You do get through it.  I tried crackers
    and orange soda which helped me out alot.  Try that, it might help you. 
    Also try dry toast in the morning.  When I was sick, I would try
    anything to make me feel better.  Hang in there, my ob told me that
    morning sickness was a very good sign.  I know it is very hard to
    ignore morning sickness, but take it from me the person who has the
    worst stomach, I made it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
    Good Luck!
701.2Someday You'll Look Back On This...SUBWAY::BAUMGARTNERTue Feb 12 1991 21:4365
I can sympathize with you also!!!  I had "all day sickness" from 6 weeks
through 14 weeks, lost 12 pounds and ended up in the hospital round about
week 13 due to severe dehydration (I needed IV therapy for about 5 days
to get my body back into working order).   As far as work was concerned,
I ended up having to go out on disability for about 6 weeks as I just 
physically couldn't do my job (which involves traveling and teaching) -- so
that's how I ended up handling the work situation (and believe me, I agonized
over it for a couple weeks first -- going out on disability actually was
a relief!)

    (Be thankful for your understanding manager -- maybe being at work will
    be a good distraction for you.)
I'm not trying to scare you -- just letting you know that what you have
may be more serious than just morning sickness (hyperemesis is the official
name) and you may want to track things pretty carefully if you're losing
lots of weight and not keeping anything down.

There is good news though -- 

1) The baby came through all this fine.  I had 3 ultrasounds in my 1st
trimester and all 3 indicated a normally progressing pregnancy.

2) IT ENDS!!  (And you'll never feel so good as the first time that you
realize you are hungry and food tastes good)  Lucky me, I got my appetite
back just in time for the holidays.

3) I'm 30 weeks into the pregnancy now and because I lost the weight at
the beginning, I haven't had alot of the real uncomfortable symptons (so
far, knock on wood) that people have that gain alot of weight right away.
(I've even had people tell me that I was 'lucky' to be so sick 'cause of
the weight gain issue -- that may be pushing it!)

4) I learned some things in the hospital that may help you:

-- Avoid fat (it takes lots longer to digest).  I found I could keep down
dry toast and plain grits best.  You may have to do alot of experimenting
to find what works for you.  (We ended up throwing away alot of food in
those weeks!)

-- I had alot of trouble digesting fluids (which your body needs more than
food in the early stages).  But, if I injested them slowly, things worked
much better.  Therefore crunching on ice or sipping water really slowly
worked.  Alot of people recommended flat soda.

-- Also, I was told not to eat and drink at the same time and that seemed
to help.  I would get up in morning and drink a glass of water SLOWLY (it
took me over an hour to get down 8 ounces!).  Then I'de wait AT LEAST 1/2
hour and have some dry toast.  Then I'de wait an hour and drink another glass
of water.

-- I saw a nutritionist who told me to make sure I stayed vertical (sitting
or standing) for 2 hours after I ate.  That way gravity was on my side.  That
seemed to help too.

-- I couldn't stand milk, so my Dr. told me to take TUMS for the calcium.
Plus they are an antacid and may help your stomach.

-- Chewing gum helped me too.  Who knows?

Hang in there -- it is tough, but this too shall pass.

701.3It won't last foreverCUPMK::TAKAHASHIWed Feb 13 1991 12:1318
    Hang in there.  My all day sickness lasted for the first trimester (I
    think that's pretty typical).  There's not much you can do at work
    except grin and bear it.  If it makes you feel any better, I had to run
    out of the cafeteria several times (dropping my tray and everything)
    because the smells got to me.
    Some of the foods that stayed down the best were things like granny
    smith apples and chocolate pudding.  EAt really small meals frequently
    so that you don't overload your stomach at once, and don't pressure
    yourself to eat.  My Dr. said that a fetus in the first trimester
    really only requires about 50 calories a day.  
    I bet your sickness will go away, or at least start to subside, in
    about 4 weeks!!!!!  
    Good luck and see you over at AMC.
701.4It will pass....NAC::E_JESURAJWed Feb 13 1991 16:2115
    This will go away.  I was very sick for my 3rd pregnancy.  I could not
    keep anything down.  I lost about 18lbs, got dehydrated and was admitted 
    in the  hospital.  I was there for 10 days.  I went on short term disability
    for 6 weeks.  My manager was very kind and understanding.
    For my 1st 2 pregnancies I was sick and lost about 10 lbs, but it
    lasted for 3 weeks only.  
    The best time of the pregnancies were the 2nd and 3rd trimester.  All
    the  3 children were born healthy. 
    Hang in there.  
    - Elizabeth
701.5oh boy DNEAST::BELANGER_DEAWed Feb 13 1991 23:3618
      DO I ever know what you are going through! I am now 13 weeks and
    I havnt gotten sick for a week now. What a relief!! I still get
    car sick though. Boy could I tell you some storys .... like 
    spending Christmas day in the bathroom. well almost the rest I 
    spent in the hospital drinking Gator Aid I cant even stand the taste
    of this normaly, but I guess it was the best way to bring my sodium
    level back up and keep from dehydrating...I also spent a week out of
    work. I felt so guilty but there was no way I could get up with out
    loosing it. Just keep up the courage it does stop ...... thank god!
    Good luck 
701.6papaya?TALK::P_PIPERThu Feb 14 1991 13:107
A friend of mine was advised to take papaya pills, available
from Health Food stores.  Had never heard of that remedy so
check with your Ob.  My friend said it helped, but I believe 
it was around the 12th week when she started taking papaya, 
which is when things get better for many women anyways.

701.7PHAROS::PATTONThu Feb 14 1991 13:4813
    I'm now about 18 weeks and was very ill for the first 15. I tried
    everything: ginger tea, various drinks (hot, cold, room-temp, 
    carbonated, non-carbonated), papaya enzyme pills, vitamin B6,
    crackers at dawn, even acupuncture. Bottom line: I never found
    a magic bullet, but some of the tricks worked some of the time.
    The best cure was time, just like everyone said. 
    Check out the note entitled something like "Surprised with #2 -
    Nauseated all day" earlier in this version of the file. It always 
    helps to know you're not alone. That note helped me before I was 
    ready to go public with my own problems.
701.8Voice of (recent) experienceICS::NELSONKThu Feb 14 1991 15:1335
    Take courage, my dear....it will end.
    Some things that helped me:
    Soda crackers (try the new fat-free variety from Nabisco Premium
    Ginger ale
    Ice chips
    Potatoes -- mashed or baked
    Cottage cheese (low-fat)
    Low-fat or non-fat yogurt
    Home-made chicken soup (write me off-line for my cheat-n-eat recipe)
    Above all, listen to your body.  Some days, cheese and crackers stayed
    down; other days, I couldn't face any dairy products.  Sometimes I
    had good luck with ginger ale; other days it was Coke (yes, I know,
    the baby needs the caffeine like it needs a hole in the head); other
    days it was 7-Up.  In general, stay away from coffee and tea; eat only
    those bland foods you know from experience won't gross you out or upset
    your stomach.
    My nausea disappeared like magic the Saturday after Thanksgiving.  I
    was in Texas (minus my husband and son) for my youngest brother's
    wedding, and I woke up on Saturday morning STARVING.  We went to brunch
    and I wolfed down a quantity of food that would have embarrassed the
    hell out of me if I hadn't been pregnant.  Honestly, it was like
    someone shut off a switch.  Sometimes I think it was getting out of
    Dodge by myself that helped.  If you can arrange three or four days
    away from work, spouse/SO, kids, parents, siblings, etc., do it -- it
    might work wonders!
    Kate (author of "Surprised with #2, Nauseated All Day" and "What Should
    a Pregnant Woman Eat?")
701.9Reply from the basenoter...SWAM2::DERY_CHFri Feb 15 1991 15:089
    Thanks for all the replies.  Good news is I'm feeling almost
    normal again.  Bad news is I've gained back 3 of the 10 lbs
    I lost last week....oh well!  
    Hopefully I only had a week long bout of sickness......I'm 
    keeping my fingers crossed!
701.10sorry if this is gross, but...CSSE32::RANDALLPray for peaceFri Feb 15 1991 19:2213
With my first, I was sick for the first 7 months.  All day, too.  A 
smell would be enough to set me off.  A couple of times I was napping in 
a chair and woke up throwing up. I lost 14 pounds, but could usually 
keep down water so I never got dehydrated enough to need the hospital.  
With #2 it was really bad for about a month, and with #3 for about 6 weeks.

With #2, I found that a small cup of coffee did help settle my stomach.
The third time around that didn't work, but it did make me so upset that
I'd throw up as soon as I finished half of it, and then I'd be fine for
hours.  My mother said she used to do the same thing -- just go ahead and
throw up rather than trying to fight it all day.  

701.11grumble grumble grumble.....SWAM2::DERY_CHWed Feb 27 1991 19:329
    Oh Bonnie, sick for 7 months??  That's awful!  I thought I was
    past the rough stage, silly me.  I swear I'll never feel normal
    again.....it's not as bad as it was when I wrote the basenote, but
    the bad days are more frequent than the good days.  I know this is
    all worth it, but it'll be so nice when food actually tastes good 
701.12SUPER::WTHOMASMon Mar 04 1991 13:4421
    	I also suffered (actually I still suffer) from vomiting and nausea.
    I do not believe it was morning sickness as much as it was recovering
    from bronchitis with an already stressed (pregnant) system. Little
    difference really, it's just interesting to note that the vomiting and
    nausea started *after* the bronchitis.

    	At it's worst, I was vomiting several times a day and had a
    difficult time looking at food let alone eating it.

    	In desperation, I went to an acupuncturist and got *remarkable*
    results. The nausea would stop for a few days before it would come
    back. I was able to eat again. Now, I find myself vomiting only every
    2-3 days which is absolutely magnificent.

    	I don't know whether the results were truly acupuncture related,
    whether they was co-incidental, or whether they psychologically induced,
    but it makes little matter to me, I have finally found some relief.


701.13acupucture does workWONDER::BAKERMon Mar 04 1991 15:4043
    This is posted from the Holistic notes file.  Yes, acupucture
    really works, and you don't have to believe in it and it will
    still work.
            <<< VAXCAT::$1$DKA300:[NOTES$LIBRARY]HOLISTIC.NOTE;3 >>>
                              -< Holistic Forum >-
Note 592.0                   acupuncture testimonial                     1 reply
PSYLO::JOHNSON                                       33 lines  12-DEC-1990 16:29
    For what it's worth, I thought I'd pass this along...
    For two years now I've had extremely high blood pressure. It's
    been as high as 220/120 when I was hospitalized. Usually it
    floats around 170/105.
    During the two years, I've take as prescribed by a reputable
    cardiologist from Tufts the following drugs with no significant
    improvement but lots of side effects: Procadia, Inderol, Cardizem,
    Vasotec, and Lozol. I am currently taking: Tenormin, Isordil,
    and Zestril. With these three drugs my BP floats around 170/105.
    Last week I reached the end of my rope, as they say, when I heard
    my doctor say that he was reaching the end of drugs available that
    I could tolerate.
    I was roaming through this notes file and saw references to 
    acupuncture and high blood pressure. I know nothing about acupuncture.
    Out of desperation, I called, out of the blue, Cathy Umphress in
    Acton. I saw her yesterday, Tuesday. She treated me.
    This morning I had my BP checked at the nurses station at PK.
    It was 137/80, a NORMAL reading. I haven't seen those numbers
    for more than two years.
    Just thought I'd pass this on.
701.14off and onKAOFS::M_FETTSchreib Doch Mal!Tue Mar 05 1991 12:1121
    My biggest problem was and still is the congestion I am suffering.
    I do normally have a minimum amount of allergies (which the occasional
    antihistimine used to take care of). Sometimes the mucus is so thick
    that the coughing and choking started the heaving. Result: one less 
    meal. This happened a lot in the first trimester, (with the occasional
    just plain nausea) but subsided dramatically in the second. The only 
    time I would habitually heave is brushing my teeth (!) Yes, almost
    everytime I brush my teeth I throw up. Its becoming a drag to work on
    my oral hygiene....
    Now, though, since my bronchitis (me too) three weeks ago, I am still
    coughing when I am tired. Since my stomach has probably been displaced
    somewhat, the coughing easily starts the heave cycle. 
    However, luckily enough I seem to be keeping most things down (except
    dinner, because I am tired, I cough, and then I attempt to brush my
    teeth before bed.....)
701.15me tooSUPER::WTHOMASTue Mar 05 1991 12:3810
    	I can't wait to show the last note to my husband. He keeps teasing
    me because almost everytime I brush my teeth, I heave and invariably
    either vomit or come close to it.
    	And I thought I was the only one who gagged on the toohpaste!
701.16FDCV07::HSCOTTLynn Hanley-ScottTue Mar 05 1991 14:025
    For 8 weeks, day in and out, I was nauseous and/or dry heaving.
    Brushing my teeth, cooking dinner, walking outside in the cold air -
    you name it, it made me gag. I am so relieved to be through that part
    of the pregnancy.
701.17Do I have to?THOTH::CUNNINGHAMTue Mar 05 1991 14:1111
    I can't beleive I read the last 3 replies about teeth brushing!
    Although I have been lucky enough not to heave over it, I have noticed
    forthe last week or so, I am not as "anxious" to brush mine every
    morning like I used to be. I was wondering if I was just being lazy or
    what, but this weird feeling comes over me like, "do I have to?" that
    I've never had before.  I hope I don't end up like you others. I feel 
    for you!
701.18APACHE::N25480::FRIEDRICHSTake the money and run!Wed Mar 06 1991 11:517
    My wife also fought with her toothbrush every morning...  She finally
    started using a childs size brush, and then limited brushing to the
    front 4/8 teeth....
701.19or standing upKAOFS::M_FETTSchreib Doch Mal!Wed Mar 06 1991 12:069
    Makes my day too, that I'm not the only one getting strange looks
    when I explain this problem!
    Something one of the prenatal nurses suggested to me was to brush
    my teeth in the shower -- so I don't have to bend over the sink --
    this seems to help a little, depending on the day.
701.20Hmmm... Hope you're doing O.K. nowEXIT26::MACDONALD_KThe river is where I am...Wed Mar 20 1991 11:2616
    Hope you're doing much better (the rest of you, too!) but I just
    had to put this in when I saw the thing about brushing teeth:
    When my sister was pregnant, she was sick for seven months just like
    Bonnie.  She would start her day by brushing her teeth and throwing up.
    To this day, she still gags incredibly every time she brushes her teeth
    and she had her baby 21 years ago...
    I feel very fortunate that I wasn't sick or even nauseous for one
    minute of my pregnancy.  But I guess that could all change with number
    two (whenever that time comes), right?
    - Kathryn
701.21More sleep=less morning sicknessTHOTH::CUNNINGHAMWed Mar 20 1991 13:3312
    I have been finding the more sleep I get the night before, seems to
    make a difference in how much "morning sickness" I get the next day...
    If I don't get to sleep until 11pm...and get up at 5:30, I'm usually
    running to the bathroom...but if I get to bed by 9ish...I tend to feel
    better the next morning???   But its not always as easy to get to sleep 
    as early as I would like to all the time....
    Does anyone else notice this with themselves??
701.22RTL::ROLLMANWed Mar 20 1991 14:208

yes.  Although I wouldn't say I had much sickness (only threw up once), I
definitely felt "under the weather" when I didn't get enough rest.   Usually
this meant at the end of a workday.

I went to bed at 8PM and got up at 6AM for 16 weeks.  My husband was lonely.
When I tried to stay up and visit with him, I would fall asleep on the couch...
701.23PHAROS::PATTONWed Mar 20 1991 15:2110
    I definitely found that I felt better when I got more rest. So
    what happened? I had insomnia! Not every night, but enough to 
    really frustrate me. I got some relief from acupuncture (not for
    the nausea, unfortunately, but for the insomnia.) 
    This went on for months 2, 3 and 4. During month 5, I gradually
    got rid of the nausea, then the insomnia. 
701.24Psychosymatic?USCTR1::JTRAVERSWed Mar 20 1991 19:447
    Re:  brushing teeth
    I was sick for 6 months - all the time.  I would crawl home from work
    and lie on the couch while my husband would try to fix me something to
    eat (usually waffles or french toast).  I would watch Jeopardy.  After
    Kate was born I could not watch Jeopardy without feeling absolutely
    nauseous.  Thankfully this feeling has passed...
701.25oh no, not againSUPER::WTHOMASTue Jun 18 1991 17:5114
    	Is it possible for morning sickness to come back? (please say no.)

    	I had been feeling fine in that department for awhile but for the
    last week, mornings have been just like they were in months 2-5. I
    haven't thrown up (although I've threatened (not that again :-( )) but
    I have to sit down frequently, have nausea, dizziness, etc, and
    generally feel rotten (food does not help). The good news is that it
    seems to pass by around 11:00 - 11:30.

    	Do you think that maybe this is just a phase or is it really possible
    for nausea-from-hell to return in the later months?

701.26probably nothing, but...CSSE32::RANDALLBonnie Randall Schutzman, CSSE/DSSTue Jun 18 1991 18:5811
    Wendy, I'd be sure to mention this to your doctor at the next
    appointment.  Nausea can strike at any time, even when it's been
    gone for a while, but nausea and dizziness can also be symptoms of
    late-pregnancy problems like high blood pressure or blood sugar
    imbalances.  Most likely it's nothing -- I think there's a stomach
    virus that's been going around ZKO -- but it's a good idea to have
    it checked out. 
    Maybe your accupuncture just wore off  :)
701.27Once a week or so at 5 mos...THOTH::CUNNINGHAMWed Jun 19 1991 10:3913
    I still get my morning sickness (and a new one, carsickness) about 
    once a week or so....  The first 3 months were total h*ll...   I find
    its mainly, as I've stated before, if I didn't get enough sleep the 
    night before.  The carsickness is a new one to me...seems to happen on
    an empty stomach. ???
    Good luck, and hope it goes away soon!
    (5 mos)
    Now, who can take away these headaches????!!!!  :-)
701.28I used to get ill from the rumblings of diesel engines when I was pregnantTANNAY::BETTELSCheryl, Eur. Ext. Res. Prg., DTN 821-4022Wed Jun 19 1991 11:3613
701.29HAMPS::NICHOLLSI'm off!Wed Sep 04 1991 10:4913
    I'm delighted to read about brushing teeth & gagging.  At last I don't
    feel so stupid.  I'm only 8 weeks and since Saturday have felt awful
    every day - & to think I was going to get away with it!  
    Whenever I brush my teeth in the morning I have to turn around & throw
    up!  I'm also feeling sick all day on & off.  As for food, don't talk
    to me about it.  I can't stand the thought of it - but luckily my other
    half knows me better & still prepares me something to eat - which I eat
    most of no trouble.
    I think I'll try the brushing in the shower suggestion & see what
701.30Small mealsEMDS::CUNNINGHAMWed Sep 04 1991 13:2219
    If youre getting sick all day....try eating "small" things about 8
    times a day.... Ginger ale and cheese/crackers got me through alot of
    rough times in the mornings, but I never could eat the crackers BEFORE 
    I got up like some people say.  Usually for breakfast.  A peanutbutter
    and jelly sandwich used to be nice and light for lunch sometimes??  
    But try and eat little things, all day long... bring "snacks" to work
    instead of one big lunch. Fruit, carrot sticks, crackers, etc..
    I dont' knwo what to tell ya about the teeth brushing thing, I had the 
    same thing, and actually still do! (31 weeks!) I don't get sick
    anymore, but I still seem to cringe pickin up that toothbrush every
    morning. ??
    Good luck, hope it doesn't last very long for you...
    (who had "all day" sickness for 4 months)
701.31I did try!HAMPS::NICHOLLSI'm off!Thu Sep 05 1991 07:5013
    Well I tried brushing my teeth in the shower this morning - & it
    didn't work for me - as I still threw up!
    I can't bear the thought of chomping on little snacks all day long -
    it's bad enough eating a dry biscuit before getting up in the morning!
    I've been drinking Ginger Beer (Ginger Ale in the UK has no ginger in
    it - its all flavouring!).
    I get really really hot when I do eat.
701.32VITAMIN B6 - PYRODOXINEHAMPS::NICHOLLSI'm off!Fri Oct 04 1991 08:4018
    Well, at 12 weeks things are a lot better - although I am still sick in
    the morning & sometimes at other times during the day.
    I would just like to share with you MY cure for NOT feeling sick all
    day long - one tablet of 50mg Vitamin B6 twice a day.  Its been
    fantastic not to feel sick all day long...I don't mind being sick now!
    Eating small snacks didn't really help too much - although lumps of
    cheese were great early evening.
    I am now just looking forward to not being sick at all - even when I
    brush my teeth - which can still set me off.
    I have a month left in Digital before I am rightsized - so I intend to
    study this conference carefully.
701.33What prompted you to try the B6?ESCROW::T_ROSCOEMon Oct 07 1991 18:290
701.34Why B6HAMPS::NICHOLLSI'm off!Tue Oct 08 1991 08:2111
    My mother & sister-in-laws both used it and it worked for them.  My
    sister-in-law also gave me a book Lets Have A Healthy Baby -by an
    American author - Adelaide someone - that recommened B6 as it helped to
    break down fat & protein - which she thought was a reason for nausea in
    early pregnancy.
    I'll post the paragraph if you like & the authors proper name.  I think
    the book is about 30 years old!
701.35B6USAT02::HERNDONKTue Oct 08 1991 10:4320
    Just curious....
    How long have you been taking the B6?  The reason I am asking is
    because my morning sickness stopped around 10-11 weeks by itself.
    Have you asked your Dr about taking it?  Over 500 mg can cause
    neurological disorders.  If your taking a pre-natal vitamin
    already, you may want to mention it to him/her to make sure
    your not taking any risks.  
    As far as eliminating morning sickness, B6 is a component in
    prescribed ant-nausea drugs according to my Vitamin Bible...
    I never knew that...(wish I did when I was inhaling saltine
    crackers to try to get through the day)
    Just want to be sure you check with your Dr. before self-prescribing
    any vitamins.
    Thanks for the info....Kristen
701.36100mg a day kept my sickness away!HAMPS::NICHOLLSI'm off!Tue Oct 08 1991 11:4830
Re last   
>    How long have you been taking the B6?  The reason I am asking is
>    because my morning sickness stopped around 10-11 weeks by itself.
    I've been taking it since week 8 (Drs dates - 6 weeks my dates).  My
    sickness/nausea was ALL day before this -I just couldn't wait for it
    to go - I had to do something about it.
>    Have you asked your Dr about taking it?  Over 500 mg can cause
>    neurological disorders.  If your taking a pre-natal vitamin
>    already, you may want to mention it to him/her to make sure
>    your not taking any risks.  
    I was taking 100mg a day.  In the last week I am down to 50mg a day.
    I mentioned it to my Dr - & she didn't have a problem.  I am not
    currently taking any other pre-natal vitamins.
   Thanks for the info about B6, I didn't know that it was a component of
    anti nausea tablets either.
    I just hope it may help others.
701.37Is it to deal with or Treat the nausea?MCIS5::TRIPPThu Oct 10 1991 12:1519
    I'm confused, but so what else is new?  Are you taking the B6 to
    Prevent or Deal with the morning sickness/nausea?
    The reason I ask is that my OB told me that the nausea is a direct
    corellation to the level of your progesterone.  The higher the hormone
    level, the more nausea.
    In my case I have to supliment my progesterone due to a difficency. I
    find that even if I'm NOT pregnant the mere adding of the hormone
    causes nausea.  At one point I became pregnant without the hormone from
    day 18 of my cycle, I had no morning sickness at all, and subsiquently
    miscarried.  Doctor said the miscarriage was caused by my body having a
    low hormone count, and implied that the more nausea the "healthier" is
    the pregnancy!
    He did and still recommends Emetrol, a medicine primarily for
    children's vomiting, for morning sickness.
701.38Real HealthyKAOFS::M_FETTalias Mrs.BarneyThu Oct 10 1991 13:059
    >>implied that the more nausea the "healthier" is
    >>the pregnancy!
    Gee, I must be really healthy then.
    I wish it would feel like it....
701.39be sensitive to those of us who didn't get sickUSAT02::HERNDONKThu Oct 10 1991 15:4619
     >>implied that the more nausea the "healthier" is
     >>the pregnancy!
    I have to say that you should be careful when you make a statement like
    that.  I only had waves of nausea and I started to get real nervous
    that something was wrong.  Everyone told me how much 'better' it is
    to be real sick, because of the hormone levels.
    Well, I eventually asked my doctor after a few weeks worrying that
    something might be wrong with my pregnancy. He told me that no
    2 pregnancies are alike and all this stress is unnecessary.  I
    should not listen to people who tell me that because I'm not
    'deathly' ill, I might lose my baby.  Some women get sick and
    some don't and have perfectly healthy pregnancies. 
    I'm 6 1/2 months now and my baby is at about 7 months in size...
    I wish I didn't waste all that energy listening to 'myths'.
701.40be assured!KAOFS::M_FETTalias Mrs.BarneyThu Oct 10 1991 17:3824
    Oh no, Kristen....I know many many women who not only had 
    very little nausea (or none at all) but none of the other
    traditional symptoms (including some cases where the baby
    hardly ever moved!) and ALL of them had wonderful healthy 
    I don't think the note was intended to give you any worries...
    On the other hand, what mother DOESN'T worry that she might
    not have the perfect pregnancy. You can listen to all the 
    myths you want (I remember some of the doozies people seriously
    expected me to believe) but have faith in your doctor (you can
    always get him/her to right a wrong assumption) and confidence
    that things are good.
    I sort of read back that paragraph and realized: gee, I must 
    be silly trying to instill confidence in others when I am
    probably the one to worry the most now. Maybe I am trying to
    convince myself 8-) 8-).
    Ever heard the one where you are not supposed to dive under a
701.41HAMPS::NICHOLLSI'm off!Fri Oct 11 1991 07:438
    re .37
    I'm taking the B6 purely to deal with the nausea - I'm still sick most
    mornings.  But at least now I don't FEEL sick ALL day long like I did
    before I started the B6.
701.42Progesterone and nauseaWEORG::DARROWFri Mar 27 1992 21:0815
Has anyone out there had to use progesterone suppositories during
pregnancy?  I had to use 50 mg twice a day up until two days ago.
When I first started using it, my nausea got much worse.  The nausea
then developed into an on-again, off-again sort of thing for the next
7 weeks.

I had high hopes that stopping the progesterone this week would
decrease the nausea.  Having felt pretty lousy all day today, though,
I'm having my doubts.

If you used progesterone, did you find the nausea got better, worse,
or stayed the same once you stopped the drugs?

701.43Not what you want to hear....NEWPRT::WAHL_ROFri Mar 27 1992 22:2427
                      <<< Note 701.42 by WEORG::DARROW >>>
                          -< Progesterone and nausea >-

<I had high hopes that stopping the progesterone this week would
<decrease the nausea.  Having felt pretty lousy all day today, though,
<I'm having my doubts.


I have no experience with progesterone supplements, but lots of experience
with nausea.

I'm sorry your feeling bad - *BUT* the nausea is a good sign that you are
naturally keeping your hormone level high without the supplements.  

I remember wanting to inflict horrible pain on my OB as he said "Nausea,
fatigue, swollen breasts - GREAT NEWS!"

A neighbor who is the mother of 5, claims that the nausea peaks at week 7.
Please tell us next week if she's right!

Good luck,


701.44No Nausea HereNEWPRT::SZAFIRSKI_LOIVF...I'm Very Fertile!Sat Mar 28 1992 22:528
    I started taking my Progesterone Shots the same day as Embryo Transfer
    (IVF) and had to take them thru the 13th week.  Never experienced any
    nausea from them, just a very sore butt!  I also haven't had any nausea
    or morning sickness in this pregnancy.  
    Hope your feeling better soon!
701.45It's nausea even if you're NOT pregnant!!AKOCOA::TRIPPMon Mar 30 1992 12:3614
From my experience, which is to take the progesterone suppositories from day 18
of my cycle, it was nausea (even though it was milder before conception) from
the first day of the dose. 

I found that almost immediately upop stopping them the nausea stopped.  What I
also discovered is almost at exactly at 3 months+1day of being pregnant the
nausea subsides quite a bit!

With my first pregnancy it was a disaster, first it was the suppositories then
from 3 months to 7 months I had to take a shot of a hormone called Delalutin
(which isn't made anymore FYI) which made me more nauseas than the suppositories.
No wonder I couldn't wait to get this thing over!!

701.46Thanks.WEORG::DARROWMon Mar 30 1992 15:3016
RE: .43 and .45 
I'm in my 14th week right now.  My personal experience hasn't been that
nausea peaks at week 7, or that it got better at 3 month plus one day.  
It did get better between weeks 10 and 12, but stopping the suppositories
seems to have had the opposite effect I'd hoped for.

I have to say, though, given the choice between the suppositories and
the shots, I'd take the suppositories any day!

I do view the nausea as a "good" sign, and am hoping this means the fetus is
now producing it's own progesterone. (A lack of progesterone was what supposedly
caused my previous miscarriages.)  I'm looking forward to feeling hungry again,
