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Conference moira::parenting

Notice:Previous PARENTING version at MOIRA::PARENTING_V3
Created:Thu Apr 09 1992
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1292
Total number of notes:34837

466.0. "Pregnancy Update" by POWDML::GERRITS () Thu Feb 25 1993 18:18

    I thought it would be fun to hear from those people expecting within
    the next few months as well as those who just delivered (past two
    months or so).  Such as, how are you feeling?  How much weight have you
    gained.  When is your due date?  What are you doing to occupy your
    spare time?  What are the baby's movements like?  Etc.
    I'll start.  I'm due on April 23rd and my last day of work is April 9th
    (yea!).  I'll be taking twelve weeks altogether, so depending on if the
    baby arrives on time or not, I should be back around July 6th or so.
    Being able to say "eight more weeks to go" feels great!  I'm finding it
    harder and harder to concentrate or think of anything but the baby's
    arrival!  My husband is finishing painting the baby's room, and we'll
    be putting the border up this weekend.  Next comes the window
    treatments and having the furniture delivered.  YEA!  I can't wait to
    see the room finished!  I think I also want to get one of those closet
    organizers to utilize every inch of the closet.
    Let's see.  I've gained about 28 lbs to date (am starting week 33) and
    feel great.  Slight edema, but nothing major.  Just now starting to get
    tiny stretch marks under my belly...big bummer!  My husband was the one
    who found them!  At least using moisturizer keeps me from scratching. 
    My GD test was fine.  Baby's really active and I love every minute of
    it!  It's gliding and rolling versus kicking.  It makes me laugh when
    the baby jabs a rib or something.  Just to think that it's big enough
    to startle me like that is so amazing!  I have to admit that as much as
    I can't wait to hold it in my arms and look at it's face, I'm really
    going to miss feeling this baby move inside of me.  Has anyone else
    felt this way?
    Well, I think that's it for me.  Would anyone else like to share?
    All the best to you new Moms and fello expectant Mothers!
466.1Movement was so great...EMDS::CUNNINGHAMThu Feb 25 1993 18:2917
    I know I'm not pregnant now but...
    My baby (god, seems so long ago he was a BABY) is 16 mos old, and that
    is the one thing I miss the most about being pregnant, feeling that
    baby move inside of you. It is the most wonderful experience I can
    remember. At the time, I didn't realise it as strongly as I do now that
    its over, (when youre getting punched and kicked in the ribs every
    minute its hard to think "boy, isn't this nice")... But it is one thing
    I'll always remember of my preggo months. Thinking "boy, its really in
    Good Luck to all you new Moms-to-be...
    We'll be waiting to hear your good news.
466.22nd pregnancyALLVAX::CLENDENINThu Feb 25 1993 18:5821
    My name is Lisa Clendenin I'm due May 3.  Unless they do a c-section.
    This is my second pregnancy.  All together different than the first.
    My last day at work is April 16.  And yes thinking of anything other
    than the baby is very hard.  
    This baby is a puncher, my daughter (20 months now) was a roller.  The
    movement is the most wonderful feeling in the world, the strangest is
    the day after you have the baby and realize that you don't have the
    kicking and rolling anymore.  
    They will be doing an ultrasound March 19 to get a better idea on size,
    the last doctors visit the baby did a 7 cm growth in 4 weeks, so the
    doctor is concerned due to the baby weight is all put on the last 4 to
    6 weeks and he is thinking 10 more like 11 lbs, so we will get a better
    idea of size on March 19.
    Good luck to all the new mom's and mom's to be.
466.32nd pregnancyMTADMS::FLECCHIAFri Feb 26 1993 09:4617
    I'm Karen Flecchia and I'm also due with my 2nd sometime between 
    June 27 - July 14.  I say July 4 but hey who am I -)
    My first (Michele)is almost 8 years old now (July 3) and this pregnancy 
    is totally different.  I am in my 21st week (if you go with the July 14
    date) and I'm still wearing normal pants.  I've only put on 5lbs. so
    far.  I am in maternity tops.  Baby movement is way different, I've
    already had an ultrasound and we know we are going to have a boy. 
    Michele wasn't too happy about it but is getting better.
    I work in a warehouse environment and the guys here are great! The
    hours are sometimes a killer 6:00 AM - 12:30 (just can't handle the
    40 hours too tiring on my back and feet)
    Good luck to all you 1st time moms!
466.4Baby number 3SELLIT::SUDSY::Conferencing-UserFri Feb 26 1993 11:0727
Pat Koczwara due with my third BOY on May 17th. Kevin will be 6 
on April 9th and Michael will be 2 on May 14th. Gotta love those 
spring babies!

Each pregnancy has been totally different.  My first was fine until
around the 7th month then I ended up sleeping upright due to the
heartburn. Also, I didn't realize I was pregnant until I was about
3 months along. Thought it was stress from building a new house.
With my second I gain LOTS and LOTS of weight. It took me a a year
to get back to my weight prior to that pregnancy. This third one I'm
doing great so far.  No frappes or ice cream have made a big 
difference this time around.  Plus chasing after a 20 month old has

The folks I work for and with are wonderful which helps a great 

This baby is a gift from my Dad. He died the month I became pregnant.
As with the first I didn't realize I was pregnant until 8 to 9
weeks along. Again I thought it was stress from Dad's death and
trying to help my mom out.

Maybe I'll see some of you at Framingham Union Hospital

Good luck to all,

Pat K.
466.5Due April 23... First babySQM::PLOURDEFri Feb 26 1993 12:1744
    I am due April 23rd too (same as base noter) and my last day of
    work is April 9th... (Actually, my last ultrasound said 4/21 but 
    the previous one said 4/25...so we're shooting right in the middle)
    The countdown is on!!!  This is my first baby and the pregnancy has 
    been very easy SO FAR.  Other than having constant bladder infections, 
    I haven't had any other real discomforts (slight tailbone pain on and 
    off).  The baby is VERY active.  Mostly during the morning/day/
    evening... seems to sleep when I do (hope that carries over once he/she 
    is born :-)  ).
    My husband and I start childbirth classes on Monday (3/1).  I
    think hubby's a little nervous, but we're both excited that the time
    is going by so quickly.  I'm not sure I'll miss being pregnant (I
    can't wait to wear a belt and fitted clothes again!!)... I WILL
    miss feeling the baby move, but I am soooo excited to meet this
    little person that the pregnancy part for me is just the beginning
    of the real excitement.
    I have gained 22 lbs (just got weighed on Monday).  My appetite
    has recently started to increase, but I find that I can't eat
    quite as much (not enough room).  I am carrying VERY low and
    all out front so I don't experience the heartburn and shortness
    of breath that a lot of other moms or moms-to-be have warned me
    about.  I do experience a lot of pressure on the ole bladder,
    which is probably what contributes to my ongoing problem with
    bladder infections.  Keeping up the Jazzercise is very difficult
    when you feel like you have to pee whenever you move  :-) .
    Oh, the baby's room is almost done... Crib and dresser/changing table
    should be in early next week and I'm psyched to see it REALLY look
    like a baby's room!  ps... I wallpapered all by myself (about a
    month ago)....only had to wallpaper half way up since we put a 
    border around the middle -- it felt like a great accomplishment, but
    it did bother my back quite a bit.
    Well, now that I've blabbed all my pregnancy details I'll be on
    my way.  This parenting notes file has been a GREAT source of info
    for me... especially since this is my first and there is soooo
    much to learn.
    Best of luck to all of you expecting and new moms!!
    Julie Plourde
466.6Framingham UnionALLVAX::CLENDENINFri Feb 26 1993 12:2010
    Oh Pat, your going to Framingham Union, thats were my daughter was born
    I decided to switch doctors and hospitals for this one since we live
    in Leominster, I decided to deliver in Leominster.  But I will miss
    Framingham Union this time, I already do miss it.  The nurses are the 
    best, it really was the place babys come from.  
466.7Due on April 10thUSCTR1::SPACYFri Feb 26 1993 13:2023
    Hi, my name is Sue Pacy.  I'm due on April 10th and my last day will
    be March 26th.
    So far, I can say I've felt really good with the usual prenancy
    symptoms.  I get so short of breath all the time though that sometimes
    my husband gets nervous, so I try to take it easy.  I've also
    experienced a couple of bladder infections and have ALOT of pressure on
    my bladder so walking around isn't so great (this is one part I won't
    So far I've gained 21 lbs and seem to be carrying low and all in front. 
    The baby moves constantly and I love it.  Last night I got a swift kick
    in my ribs and could see this lump in my stomach.  It's so exciting.
    Altogether I'll be out of work for Q4 (planned that one right!) and
    should be back in early July.  I'm already starting to look at Daycares
    and possibly nanny's in the Loeminster area.  If anyone knows of any,
    I'd love to hear about it.
    Well that's about it.  I hope everyone does terrific in the next couple
    and months.
466.8Due on August 18thWHEEL::POMEROYFri Feb 26 1993 14:2621
    Hi.  My name is Peggy Pomeroy and am expecting my 3rd around August
    18th.  This is my husband's first, so he is REALLY nervous.
    My son is 8 and my daughter is 6.  They too are excited.  They should
    be a big help too.
    I gained about 20-25 pounds with my son and 60 pounds with my daughter!
    I am really keeping an eye on my weight gain this time, I don't want
    to go through that again!
    So far I've only gained about 8 pounds!  
    I'm not sure when I will start my leave, but it will most likely be
    long before the two weeks prior my due date as I have a weak cervix.
    I started dilating with my daughter around 4 1/2 months and was put
    on disability.  Although I was not on bed rest.  Apparently, I was
    doing too much walking at work (large building).  
    Good luck to all....
466.9July 31stREFDV1::SENAHere we grow again...Fri Feb 26 1993 16:3533
    I'm due with number 3 on July 31st.  My daughter just turned 3 in
    January, and my son just turned 1 in January.

    This pregnancy is about the same as my first - no morning
    sickness.  I feel pretty good, with a couple of exceptions. My joints 
    feel particularly loose.  I think maybe that's because my body hadn't
    quite recovered from the last pregnancy before it happened again.
    I also get winded extremely easily now, and have since I've been
    pregnant with this one.  Carrying a laundry basket up the stairs is
    all it takes to get me out of breath.  Aerobics is a real scream now !
    I also have an increased sensitivity to salt.  Within an hour after
    eating/drinking something with salt, my fingers really start to swell

    I'm not sure how much weight I've gained yet.  I try to avoid the scale.
    I gained 60 lbs the first time, 35 the second, and I'm not looking
    forward to the weight gain again.....

    I had to laugh when I read :

    >> What are you doing to occupy your spare time?  

    What's that ;-) ?  In my spare time, I will do laundry, cooking, cleaning,
    chase the first two kids around..... stuff like that.

    This baby's too small yet to give any good kicks, but there's lots 
    of little movements in there.  

    Here's to another healthy little one !!


466.10Pregnancy UpdateLEVLS5::TERNULLOFri Feb 26 1993 17:3557

     This was a great idea for a note!

     I'm Karen Ternullo and I'm due with my first on April 17th, so my last
     day of work will be April 2nd.  I agree with the base noter - it's 
     great to say "only 7 weeks left"  and  I too am finding it harder to 
     think about anything but this little one.  My husband also just 
     finished painting the baby's room and we'll also be putting up the 
     border this weekend - I can't wait to see how it looks!

     I'm really psyched that I get to go to the doctors every 2 weeks now,
     and then every week.  I feel like I've been such a worrier during this
     pregnancy, and I always feel better after hearing the heart beat.
     This baby doesn't move a lot, but I love the feeling whenever he/she
     does.  I've been to the doctors twice (not scheduled apts.) just because
     I didn't feel any movement and got myself wicked nervous.  The first 
     time was in my 6th month and after hearing the heartbeat I felt fine.
     The second time was in my seventh month and again after hearing the 
     heartbeat I felt much better. (This time it was a doctor covering for
     my doctor though, so he also did a non-stress test to double check, since
     he wasn't familiar with me - I didn't think it was necessary, but it
     showed that everything was okay again)  Both times I felt a little
     stupid once I heard the heartbeat, but better safe than sorry  - and it
     helped me stop worrying.

     I've gained 28lbs to date and feel great, I do aerobics twice a week,
     but it's nothing like I use to do.  The stretching feels great though,
     especially the stretches for the back muscles.

     For about the last 3 weeks I've been very itchy when I'm trying to
     fall asleep.  My itching is driving my husband crazy.  But it seems
     to be getting better, I'm using moisturizer in the morning and night
     now instead of just the morning.

     I'm sure I'll missing the kicking I feel now, but I just can't wait
     to see what this little one looks like!!!  I also can't wait to sleep
     on my stomache and be able to tie my sneakers without loosing my breath.

     In my spare time I've been reading baby books and magazines and watching
     videos.  The health center here at the Mill has a few good videos about
     baby's.  I've just borrowed "The Miracle of Life" to watch this weekend.
     I don't have much spare time though (It seems it takes me twice as long
     to do everything, either I get out of breath or my back hurts and I have
     to do a little then rest)  I'm wondering how I'm going to do everything
     once the baby is here.  I'm usually very organized and get a lot done.
     I'm starting to come to the realization that I just can't expect to 
     do everything I do now and be content with that.

     Our first childbirth class was this past tuesday.  It was interesting,
     I'm looking forward to the tour and movies in the next few weeks.  I'm
     also signed up for a breastfeeding class because I'd like to try nursing.
     We'll be delivering at Lowell General Hospital.

     Sorry I'm so long winded - just excited!
     Good luck to everyone!
     Karen Ternullo
466.11#2 due on Jule 21stAKOCOA::BOLANDFri Feb 26 1993 17:3525
    Hi.  I'm due July 21st and I'm hoping to be late...this will be the 6th
    birthday for July and I have this thing about kids having their own 
    birthday parties.
    This is my second pregnancy.  My daughter will turn 3 next Thursday,
    March 4th.  
    This pregnancy is a little different than the first, I personally 
    don't think it has to do with the gender of the baby, but rather the
    condition of the mother ;-).  Generally I feel pretty good, just a
    little nausea during the first 3 months.  I gained 36 lbs with my 
    first and had no stretch marks.  I lost 22 lbs the first week (w/1st)
    so I'm really not to worried about weight gain.  I really haven't a 
    clue what I've gained so far. 
    I've got asthma so I get winded quickly but still use the stairs.  
    We are hoping for another little girl and I'm returning to work 
    full time.  We just told my daughter and she is convinced it's a
    girl baby....I think she's planning to be the mommy...;-)
    Good luck to all,
    Rose Marie
466.122nd one on it's wayTLE::PELLANDEat, drink and see Jerry!Fri Feb 26 1993 17:5238
    I'm due with my second baby on June 30th.  My son will be "1"
    this coming Sunday (can't believe how time flies).
    This baby is extremely active, much more than my 1st (hey, 
    maybe it's a girl!!).  With Nicholas, I was sick (vomiting)
    from month 2 to 4 1/2 months.  I have gotten sick only once
    with this baby.  My second home is the bathroom.  This baby,
    like my first is very low and seems to be laying on my bladder.
    I absolutely love being pregnant.  It's the best feeling in the
    world.  If this is a girl, we're seriously thinking about 
    not having anymore so I'm going to 'savor' the pregnancy as
    much as possible.  Even though I was 2 weeks overdue with
    Nicholas, it didn't really both me.  I think it bothered my
    friends and family more than myself.  My biggest mistake was
    telling people the 'actual' due date.  I was due Feb. 14th.
    And on Feb. 14th to FEb. 28th (that's when he finally decided
    it was time to come out) the phone was ringing off the hook asking
    me, "Have you had that baby yet???" (obviously not!!).  That
    really got on my nerves.  So I told my family that I'm not due
    until around the 4th of July.
    I'm trying not to eat any junk food.  I'm not really a chocolate
    person but I am when I am pregnant.  Wish it was the other way
    around!  I've gained more weight in my chest than in my stomach!
    I'm not really afraid to go into labor.  I wasn't really afraid
    the first time until I went into it and it wasn't what I expected.
    Now I know what to expect and I'll deal with it.  I'm actually
    more afraid of the Heprin-lock than of anything else (hopefully
    I won't get the same nurse).  I'm going to Nashua Memorial Hospital.
    I really liked the birth place there as well as the nursing staff.
    They are very competant and caring.   
    Good luck to all mom's to be
466.13TOOK::BBOOP::SCAERBoop-Boop-a-DoopFri Feb 26 1993 20:578
	I am due on June 20th with my first.  I haven't had any
	morning sickness or any problem worth mentioning except
	not being able to find a comfortable sleeping position.
	The baby moves almost constantly all day and all night
	and I can't get used to it.

466.14Am I the first?JEREMY::RIVKARivka Calderon,Jerusalem,IsraelMon Mar 01 1993 04:5914
    Rivka Calderon here,from Jerusalem-Israel.I'm due in........25
    days!!!!! March 26th to be exect.This is our second,and this time it's
    a boy.Our first,Yahli,had just turned 15 months yesterday.With her-I
    gained 11kg.This time,so far I've LOST 17kg (due to constant
    sicknesses),but my doctor is not worried so me niether. I feel ok,heavy
    (I think that second babies should come after 6-7 weeks,not 9
    months...),tired most of the time,but healthy and can't wait to see
    my little angel.He is going to be a football player-that's for sure!!!
    oh,for those of you who may be concerned about my weight loss-the baby
    is in a great wieght (around 2.5kg now,so I may expect him to be born
    around 3.5-3.9kg)
    Will be working 'till the last day.Then off I go for 3 months.
466.15First baby due at the end of JulyLINGO::MCNAMARAAlison: DEC CIT, DECNIS 400 Documentation, DTN: 830-6779Mon Mar 01 1993 10:4728
    Alison McNamara here, in Reading UK.

    My first baby is due at the end of June.  I can hardly believe I've
    only four months to go, especially when I consider the list of things
    we are hoping to accomplish in the house before the baby arrives!

    So far I've been fortunate not to suffer much from sickness, and my
    weight gain has been healthy, and on the lower end of the scale.  I'm
    glad that from the start I have only been able to eat small quantities
    at a time, because I love food, and I think this has helped me control
    the weight gain so far.

    I had a scan at 18 weeks, and could hardly believe the baby on the screen
    was mine until my husband made me laugh and the picture went out of focus.
    I loved seeing the little fists clenching.  

    I'm just getting to the stage now where my more roomy normal clothes 
    are running out (mainly bottom halves), and I'll have to start getting
    proper maternity clothes (the less said about maternity clothes in the UK,
    the better - suffice to say that having looked in the high street shops,
    (including London!), I'm about to change my shopping habits and go for
    mail order and secondhand shops).

    Good luck to everyone!


466.16#2 due AugustJUPITR::MAHONEYJust another tricky dayMon Mar 01 1993 12:0321
    Well, my daughter is now 2 1/2 yrs old. And baby #2 is due August 3rd!
    So far this pregnancy has been fine, just staring to feel the baby move
    now and Danielle is beginning to become interested in what's going on.
    Chasing a toddler around this time has been rough as comapred to my 1st
    pregnancy, I spent alot of time lying on the couch resting and reading.
    But there is really not much time for that this time around. 
    We are planning to get the new nursery in order during the next few
    months. Ceiling and wallpaper have been done, all we have to do is pull 
    out all of Danielle's old baby things from storage and decorate. 
    We would like to have a boy because all the grandchildren born on
    both our sides have been girls (4). But another girl would be nice too!
    All in all we are all very excited and looking very forward to being a
    family of four!
    Good luck all mom's 2 b!
466.17Baby #2 Due in MayLJOHUB::TURMELMon Mar 01 1993 13:4515
    Well, I'm due May 4 with baby number 2.  My son Matthew is almost 4. 
    This has been a very different pregnancy.  This child is a mover and a
    shaker!  Although the movements give me the comforting feeling of
    knowing the baby is alive and kicking, I can't WAIT to get my body
    back!  Also, I've been having alot of contractions lately, especially
    when vacuuming...My husband is panicked I'll go into early labor, so
    he's been vacuuming like crazy lately!
    I've only gained 16 pounds so far, which is much less than with my
    first.  The doctor is going to keep a close eye on me toward the end
    since Matthew was a 10lb 3 ounce baby...VERY difficult forceps
    delivery..I hope this one will be smaller!
    Good luck to all the "expectants"!!
466.18March 26thTNPUBS::MICOZZIMon Mar 01 1993 15:1426
    I am due with number 2 in 26 days!!! I have a C-section schedule for
    March 26th because my blood pressure has been very erractic. If he
    (Jack) chooses to arrive earlier than we will try for a VBAC.
    I am having alot of contractions both Braxton-Hicks and regular. Very
    different from my first where nothing happened at all (even after being
    induced for 6 hours). Maybe I won't make it until the 26th.
    This has been a very different pregnancy. I have been very sick
    throughout and very uncomfortable. The baby feels bigger. In fact,
    there are parts of my stomach that are stretched very tight and I
    can almost see the foot or elbow when the baby moves. I have had four
    bad colds and am recovering from strep throat right now.
    I have put on 3 lbs. I was overweight to begin with and I think from
    being sick etc. weight gain is not an issue. The doctor expects an
    8lb plus baby.
    I have been thinking alot about things I plan to do differently. I hope
    I can breast-feed longer and I am going to bring the baby in bed with
    us. I also want to stay at home and relax and relish in motherhood. My
    husband had us camping 6 weeks after Marisa was born. NOT AGAIN!!!
    The whole family is very excited and can't wait. Good luck to all!
466.19CSC32::S_BROOKMon Mar 01 1993 16:297
I had the opportunity while on a visit to ZKO to meet the Thomas / Nozell
household.  Wendy (SUPER::WTHOMAS) is still hanging in there, obviously
wishing it was over.  Little BIG Spencer is certainly keeping Wendy busy ...

Anyway, Wendy asked to be remembered to everyone ...

466.20SPEZKO::KILLORANMon Mar 01 1993 16:5840
    I am due July 19th with number 2.  This pregnancy has been
    different from the first.  I had alot of morning sickness,
    that finally went away about 3 weeks ago.  I have only gained
    6 pounds, but I started showing at 8 weeks.
    I had an amnio, but decided not to find out the sex.  My
    husband thinks it would be like ruining Christmas morning
    with no surprises.  It has crossed my mind more than once
    to find out and not tell him, but I can't keep a secret
    like that from him.   
    With the first pregnancy I only gained 19 pounds.  I think alot
    of it is due the to fact that I was/am on a restricted diet
    for Gestational Diabetes.   My son Ryan weighed 8 pounds even
    at birth.
    This time they tested me at 9 weeks for GD and it came out 
    positive.  I have to see an Endocronologist twice per month
    and have test my blood glucose.  At first I was very 
    depressed about this happening so early on.  But the glucose 
    counts have been great and I have found new things that I enjoy
    eating.  One of the things I miss most is ice cream, but 
    Klondike makes these great sugar free chocolate covered
    ice milk bars.  I have also come across sugar free fudgcycles,
    and eskimo pies make sugar free ice cream sandwiches. 
    The doctor allows me to have 2 nutrasweets per day, so the
    this treat in the evening is one of them.
    Right now I am at the midpoint of this pregnancy and have
    regained my energy level back.  I try to go to noontime
    aerobics 3 times per week.   Plus chasing after my 18 month
    old is an aerobics class itself.  
    Free time?  What's that?  I think I had some free time one
    day about 18 months ago. ;-).
466.21Pregnancy UpdateAWECIM::MELANSONMon Mar 01 1993 17:3420

Hi, I'm due July 6th & this is my second pregnancy.  I've been feeling just fine,
and even felt great during my first pregnancy !

My daughter Erika is almost 4 1/2 yrs. old and very excited about being a big 
sister.  She keeps telling me that she's the one who's going to change the 
diapers and feed the baby !  St. Vincent's hospital in Worcester is where I'll 
be delivering my baby offers a small class to toddlers called "the Homecoming" 
showing them where the nursery is in the hospital, changing diapers, how to hold
an infant & lots of other  neat things ! Also after their class they even get 
a diploma.  So it should be fun watching her through this.  Her question is 
always when am I going to see the baby ??  

I've been feeling alot of little movements lately and it does feel great.  We're
hoping for a boy this time but if it's a girl that's fine with us !

Good luck to all of you,

466.22Hi to Wendy!EMDS::CUNNINGHAMMon Mar 01 1993 17:3816
    re: .19
    Stuart, funny you should enter that reply, I entered a reply to this
    note earlier this morning asking just the same thing (anyone know how
    Wendy is doing?) but I hadn't specified "Thomas" so I aborted it and
    then got caught up in some work...
    Glad to know shes doing well!!!!!!  If you talk to her again, tell her 
    she is in my thoughts and prayers (for an easy delivery!)...I'm 
    dying to hear how it goes for her where she's been worried about the
    size of the baby etc..
    Thanks for writing!
466.23Mr. Wendy Thomas speaks!STAR::NOZELLMarc Nozell - OpenVMS DevelopmentMon Mar 01 1993 17:5913
Re: .22, .19

Mr. Wendy Thomas here.

So far no baby. Our(?)/her official due date is March 13, but this morning 
she called and wanted to know if I'd be at my desk for the rest of the day.
It seems she is having a number of contractions, but not at any regular 
interval. Based on Spencer's two week late arrival (and being induced)
Wendy doesn't want to get too excited until it is the real thing.

I'm looking forward to posting in the Birth Announcements note...

466.24He speaks!EMDS::CUNNINGHAMMon Mar 01 1993 18:378
    and we'll be looking forward to reading it!!!
    Send our best wishes to her and tell her we're thinking of her!
    (and you too!)
466.25I'm expecting too!CSC32::L_WHITMORETue Mar 02 1993 01:4815
    Hi I'm Lila Whitmore and I'm expecting my second baby September 1st.
    I guess that makes me 3 months along (although I feel like I've been
    pregnant forever allready!!)  I look like I'm about 5 or 6 months 
    along - my stomach is so big allready - but my doctor says it's
    bowel distention (has anyone else heard of this?).   ANyway - it's
    been a pretty easy pregnancy so far (no morning sickness) just like
    my first pregnancy. Heard the heartbeat On February 15 which was a
    great relief since I had had some spotting a couple of weeks before
    that and was scared to death that I was going to miscarriage again!
    All seems to be going ok now, though!  I'm extremely tired all the
    time (working 12 hour shifts and chasing around after a 2 year old!)
    but I'm really enjoying being pregnant!!   Good luck to all the
    other expectant mother's (and father's!) - Lila
466.26June 25MARX::FLEURYTue Mar 02 1993 10:4416
   Well I might as well record my expected arrival here as well.

   I am due with my second on June 25.  I can really relate to .25!  Although
   I think I am pretty much within expected weight gain guidelines (12 lbs
   so far) I feel like an elephant.  At 2 months I was already showing, by
   3 months I couldn't hold off the transition to maternity cloths any longer.
   And now at 5+ months, I look more like 7 months.  I don't even want to think
   about what I will look like at 9 months :-{.  Next time I would like to
   just skip this pregnancy stuff and go right to having a healthy happy

   As much as I dislike being pregnant - I am really looking forward to having
   another baby in the house.  To me - there's nothing like the sense of
   fulfillment a new baby brings.

    - Carol
466.27APRIL 10VAXRIO::LUCIAMARIATue Mar 02 1993 11:0329
466.28CSC32::M_EVANShate is STILL not a family valueTue Mar 02 1993 12:536
    the English name I think you are looking for is an IUD (Intrauterine
    device)m with a common name of the copper-T.
466.29Due May 30thCSIDE::DUPLAKTue Mar 02 1993 12:5834
	Hi!  My name is Deanna Duplak.  My husand and I are expecting our
	second child due May 30th.  This pregnancy has been identical to 
	the first - morning sickness and all.

	This baby is a kicker and seems to move mostly when I'm at work 
	where I'm less physically active and late in the evening when I settle 
	down.	 I've gained about 20 lbs so far and gained (and fortunately 
	lost) a total of 35 lbs with my first.

	The pregnancy, itself, is going great (now that the morning sickness
	is over).  I'm more tired during this pregnancy due to the fact that, 
	along with working, I'm keeping up with an active two year old, trying 
	to keep the house clean for prospective buyers and from catching every 
	cold my daughter gets (we are both currently recovering from 
	bronchitis).  I have little to no spare time but when I do find some 
	time, I try to rest.

	We have transitioned our daughter to a 'big-girl' bed and have gone
	from koala bears and balloons to the little mermaid decor in her bed-
	room (they grow up so fast!).  The baby will sleep in our room until 
	we find a larger home for our growing family.

	I, too, love feeling the baby move.  It always makes me smile,
	especially in meetings.  I feel so full of life and healthy (even 
	with bronchitis) when I'm pregnant.  I know that I'll feel that 
	same emptiness inside me that I experienced a few months after my 
	first was born.  

	I enjoy pregnancy (minus the morning sickness) but am more looking 
	forward to holding our new bundle of joy, seeing how our daughter 
	establishes herself as the 'big sister' (I think she'll do great) 
	and getting my body back to its normal size.
	Good luck to all the moms and dads -to-be!
466.30IUD - Watch out !VAXRIO::LUCIAMARIATue Mar 02 1993 13:035
466.31May 3ndSHARE::HOUGHTONTue Mar 02 1993 17:3619
    I am also expecting my second child May 3nd. This pregnancy has been
    pretty similar to the first. I am carrying low and in front; however, I
    have gained more weight this time. I gained 25lbs with my first and so
    far I have gained 21lbs with the second. I hope not to gain too much
    more. It took me an entire year to lose all the weight with the first.
    I have a boy, so I would really like to have a girl, but would not
    minding having another boy for Lukas to play with. My only hope is that
    this baby does not come on my sons second birthday, which is May 4th.
    At this point I am feeling large, uncomfortable and large. I am not a
    person who really enjoys being pregnant very much and cannot wait for
    this one to arrive. I am looking forward to having the summer off. I did
    this with my first, I came back in the middle of August. By that time I
    was very ready to come back.
    good luck to all...
466.32Yet another Prego....ACESMK::CONLONWed Mar 03 1993 16:159
    I'm Martina Conlon and I'm expecting my first on April 2nd.  I've had
    it really easy...no morning sickness or any other major complaint, but
    I'm ready to have my body back!  I'm looking forward to having the 
    summer off ("off" - I know, I'm having dillusions of granduer) and
    spending as much time as possible down the Cape (Cape Cod).  My husband 
    and I are taking a 1 day crash birthing course this Saturday, so my 
    dillusions of wisking my newborn off to the beach will probably come 
    to an abrupt end!                         
466.33New born at the CapeALLVAX::CLENDENINWed Mar 03 1993 17:047
    No Martina, we took our 4 week old newborn daughter to the Cape
    with us,  we kept her in long lite cotton pants and under umbrelia's
    it was a wonerful vacation.
    Best of luck Lisa
466.34SPEZKO::KILLORANWed Mar 03 1993 18:2318
    Fisher Price makes a Baby Cabana.  It has mesh on two 
    sides and nylon on the others.  We used that with my
    son Ryan last summer.  It's great for toddlers too
    because after they come out of the water, you strip
    off their clothes and let them dry off in there sand
    free.  Then put a dry diaper on them afterwards.  If
    your a beach going family like we are, you will want
    to try this out.  Also it is very light weight - less
    than a regular umbrella.  
    Good luck,
466.35RICKS::PATTONWed Mar 03 1993 19:277
    Happy memories -- when my daughter was three weeks old
    we took her to the Cape for a week. It worked out very well. 
    I'm not a sun worshipper anyway, so I tended to keep her inside
    during the middle of the day. We took many walks with her in the 
    Snuggli in the mornings and late afternoons.
466.36Beach BabyACESMK::CONLONWed Mar 03 1993 20:1510
    Thanks!  This is great to hear!  Some of my relatives have
    the (unsolicited) opinion that a baby can't go on the beach
    at all until after 3 months.  I'll just ignore them as usual.
    I have the Snugli ready to go  and plan on picking up a 
    Baby Cabana.
    Thanks again,
466.37And baby makes 6 ...GLINDA::SMARTThu Mar 04 1993 16:0024
    My husband and I are expecting our fourth baby on May 29 ... my
    birthday.  We feel like a blast from the past ... but what the heck.  Our 
    other children are an 11 year old boy ... who by the way, wants to help 
    deliver his newest sibling, a 9 year old girl, and a 6 year old boy.  
    The neatest outcome (besides the baby, of course) is how our children
    are participating in the entire experience.  They have gone to ultra-
    sounds and doctors' appointments and just about everything else we have
    had to do with having a new baby.  It really has boosted my opinion on
    having older siblings.
    But, because there are so many years between my youngest and the baby,
    we have NOTHING!   Actually, that's had now.  We have had to go out and
    buy all kinds of stuff, which I thought I'd never have to buy again. 
    We had given everything away ... take my advice ... unless you are 
    beyond positive that you will never have anymore children, just
    temporarily lend stuff to your friends and family.
    Good luck to all of you.
466.38Any news from Wendy or Mr. Thomas? :)TLE::PELLANDEat, drink and see Jerry!Thu Mar 11 1993 14:1611
    Just wondering...has anyone heard any news about Wendy Thomas?
    Did she have her baby yet?  I've been checking in the birth
    announcements topic but haven't seen anything yet.
    Hope she's o.k. (I'd say "comfortable" but I know she's not!)
    My fingers are crossed
466.39I have!STAR::NOZELLA.K.A. Mr. Wendy ThomasThu Mar 11 1993 16:328
>    Just wondering...has anyone heard any news about Wendy Thomas?

No baby yet. The official due date is this Saturday, but we aren't getting
to excited about it. Spencer was two weeks late and Wendy had to be induced.
She is doing as well as can be expected.

466.40CSC32::DUBOISDiscrimination encourages violenceThu Mar 11 1993 18:0710
<          <<< Note 466.39 by STAR::NOZELL "A.K.A. Mr. Wendy Thomas" >>>

>    Just wondering...has anyone heard any news about Wendy Thomas?

<                                  -< I have! >-

Gee, I'm glad she's been updating you, Marc.  ;-)

        Carol  :-)  :-)

466.41<Pregnancy Update>CRONIC::KOCHANSKYThu Mar 11 1993 18:3827
    My name is Cynthia Kochansky.  I am due May 14, last day is April 30.
    I will use a combo of STD and vacation and return end-August.  This
    is my third try and ultrasound 2 weeks ago puts everything at ease
    and she -Cassandra Faith is doing just fine.  I'm soooo relieved!
    We plan to have several weekends at the Cape/beach this summer with
    Cassandra and relatives before I have to return to work.  This
    Fisher Price Cabana, is it like a "turtle tent"?  I'll have to look
    one up ... sounds perfect.  We also have the Snuggli ready to go.
    I will be delivering at Framingham Union around May 14th if anyone
    else is, let me know!  
    I have 8 weeks to go and gained 27 lbs already...trying to watch it
    now...hard to believe since I had been really sick two weeks ago,
    hardly eat much and the heartburn makes we sleep sitting up with
    pillows jacked all around...
    It's tough at the end now, since I had been sick I never bounced
    back and now on additional supplements and iron etc. etc.  
    Seem to tire very easily, but my partner is so helpful.  I was thrilled
    that I have "graduated" up to the every-two-weeks Dr. visits and we
    find child birth class really interesting.
466.42Due 5/17 at FUHSELLIT::SUDSY::Conferencing-UserFri Mar 12 1993 12:187
Cynthia the nurses at FUH are going to have time pronouncing 
our names if we end in Framingham Union at the same time.
As I mentioned in my previous note I'm due May 17th and plan
on delivering at FUH.  Maybe we see each other there?

Pat K. (Koczwara) 

466.43SPEZKO::KILLORANFri Mar 12 1993 13:3920
    re .41
    I have never seen a "Turtle Tent".  The baby cabana is
    blue and is shaped like a dome tent.  It pops open like
    an umbrella and has a built in floor - all one piece.
    It has a door opening that you can unzip.  It comes
    with a mat for the floor.  It also comes with steaks
    to secure the cabana so it doesn't blow away.   
    We have also brought this to cookouts.  It's a great
    way to keep little people from getting near a hot 
    bar-b-que grill.
466.44<couple more questions>CRONIC::KOCHANSKYFri Mar 12 1993 18:1413
    re .42
    By the time I get to FUH, my last name will be Hodsdon...in the
    midst of name change now.  I'll be looking for you or Baby "Koczwara" name
    plate while I'm there, you can look for "Cassandra Faith Hodsdon"...
    Do you know what you are having?  Whose your Dr., if I might ask?
    re .43
    The Fisher Price Cabana: never seen it in the stores, and boy! do
    I do alot of shopping, is it still too early or do you get the
    cabana at "outdoor" stores or camping stores?
466.45SPEZKO::KILLORANFri Mar 12 1993 18:4813
    We bought it at Rich's in Nashua last winter.  Perhaps
    you could call TOYS R US and see if they plan to carry
    it this year.  I can't imagine it being discontinued.
    Or if anyone has the 1-800 number for Fisher Price, you
    could call them directly.
    I 'll keep my eyes open.
466.46NITEB4::COOPFri Mar 12 1993 18:522
    Dial 800 information at 800-555-1212
466.47My Three Sons!!!SELLIT::SUDSY::Conferencing-UserFri Mar 12 1993 19:0113

It's a boy according to the tests we had. So, I will definitely be 
outnumbered at my house. This is my third boy. No name as of yet.
It's going to be tough decision since we had such a hard time 
naming the second one.

Dr. DeLoge is my gyn/ob.  Both my other two were only a day or
two off from my EDD dates so hopefully this one will be the same.

Hope to see you at FUH,

Pat K.
466.48hope to make it to EDD dateCRONIC::KOCHANSKYMon Mar 15 1993 14:4214
    Our ultrasound 3 weeks ago shows us a girl, 90% sure...first each side
    of families were buying girl (my side) boy stuff (his side) so it's
    quite a surprise it's a girl (his side had 6 boys in family tree with
    only 2 girls to count) so Cassandra will even it out more.  I am
    still on schedule for 5/14...did previously have delivery 8 weeks
    early, long ago, Melissa didn't make it...but I'm feeling that
    Cassandra is very content now and won't be *too* early, if at all.
    Three boys!  Wow!  We may have one more if this all goes well this
    time and a boy would be nice....but it isn't easy being prego at
    36!  But I'm not complaining, everything is perfect and on schedule...
466.49Wendy Thomas updateSTAR::NOZELLA.K.A. Mr. Wendy ThomasThu Mar 18 1993 16:425
Well, Wendy is now officially fives days post term. It looks like this little 
guy is going to have to be induced like his brother...

466.50Was that supposed to be a secret???ASIC::MYERSThu Mar 18 1993 16:536
    Wendy said that you knew the sex of the baby but wasn't telling us. 
    Are you telling us it's a boy??????  8^)
466.51Picking nitsSTAR::NOZELLA.K.A. Mr. Wendy ThomasThu Mar 18 1993 17:176
> Wendy said that you knew the sex of the baby, but wasn't telling us. 

I believe she said we knew the sex of the baby, but *she* wasn't telling...

466.52FP Cabana-discontinued/found oneCRONIC::KOCHANSKYThu Mar 18 1993 17:539
    re:  .41.43.44 :
    Did find out that the Fisher Price Cabana has been discontinued!
    But did call the FP 800 number (thanks zillion for suggestion) and
    found that Service Merchandise was one of last stores to carrry
    it.  Called several SM and got the cabana used as floor model in
    SM Auburn...! PHEW so glad to have it!  Glad I didn't wait any
    longer to find it...most are out of stock now.  Got great price
    too.  Thanks to you both for helping me find it!  
466.53SPEZKO::KILLORANThu Mar 18 1993 18:0120
    I know the sex, but Wendy swore me to secrecy ;-).  Tell 
    her that we are all thinking of her.
    re: .52
    Wow, it was discontinued.  I guess I was lucky to get
    one last Winter.  One thing we did was set it up in
    the livingroom last Winter so my son could get used
    to it.  He would play hide and seek in it.  Then when
    we took it to the beach he was very happy inside of 
    it.  It draws alot of attention to passer's by.  More
    people stopped and wanted to know where to get one.
466.54Come on baby! :)TLE::PELLANDEat, drink and see Jerry!Thu Mar 18 1993 18:5316
    RE. 52
    Please tell me that they are not going to wait the full two
    weeks to induce Wendy and will only wait one week due to
    the size of Spencer.  They said that they would only wait
    for me to be 1 week over due because this baby will probably
    be just as mammoth as my son.
    Tell her we are all routing for her and to hang in there
    (easier said than done!).
466.55Wendy ThomasSTAR::NOZELLA.K.A. Mr. Wendy ThomasTue Mar 23 1993 13:4214
Tomorrow is the big day for us! The midwife is going to induce Wendy bright
and early and both of us are glad the waiting is finally over.  As an added
bonus, the new procedure calls for having a steady drip in the epidural for
the *entire* labor.  Last time the pain medicine ran out right before hard

-marc nozell
[a.k.a. Mr. Wendy Thomas]

Funny story: Last week when Wendy went to the hospital for a check, the
hospital's record keeping clerk came up to her room and said in her best
diplomatic voice: "We have down that Marc Nozell is the father, but we don't
have your husband's name".
466.56Good Luck!!KAOFS::M_FETTalias Mrs.BarneyTue Mar 23 1993 13:4810
    Good luck to all the Thomas/Nozell family.
      >>	"We have down that Marc Nozell is the father, but we don't
      >>	have your husband's name".
    I sympathize!
    This is the kind of nonsense that prompted me to *FINALLY* take my
    husband's name!
    Monica (I give up) Barney 
466.57Still waiting...how 'bout you?POWDML::GERRITSThu Apr 29 1993 14:5419
    Would anyone care to provide an update here who is expecting soon?  I
    am the base noter, and am still waiting for my bundle of joy to arrive. 
    I've almost completed my third week at home, and am starting to go
    bonkers.  How clean can a house get?  I've read three books (in my
    first week home for that matter), mingled with the stay-at-home moms in
    my neighborhood, walked, caught up on soaps, and cooked a lot.  Nothing
    more to do but wait!
    I had a non-stress test done this past Tuesday which showed the baby to
    be perfectly fine.  I'm 3 cm dilated, 80-90% effaced and the baby's
    head is at station -1.  Talk about ready!  And it seems that everyone
    I've talked to from my childbirth class went early!  
    Any other updates or announcements?
    Good luck to all you expectant Moms and Dads!
466.58My Three SonsSELLIT::SUDSY::Conferencing-UserFri Apr 30 1993 12:1316
Today is my last day at work. I'm expecting 5/17/93.  Yesterday
evening I had my doctor's appointment and it doesn't look like
I will be delivering any time soon. 

This is getting to be a good time to spend time at home. My
almost 2 year old for the first time exhibiting separation 
anxiety when I leave the house in the morning.  Hopefully, I'll
be able to spend some individual time in the morning with just 
him before his older brother comes home from kindergarten.

Now, if we can only decide on a name for our third son before
he arrives.

Good Luck,

Pat K.
466.59Six weeks to go...BAHTAT::CARTER_AAndy Carter..Morph the BorgMon May 10 1993 10:567
    My wife, Helen, had her last day on Friday & is due June 20th. The
    hospital says the baby is currently diagonal across her tummy, and if
    it doesn't move round soon, a ceasarian is on the cards. A bit
    worrying, but the baby itself is OK. (I hate referring to it as 'it'
    but we don't know what 'it' will be!)
466.60LINGO::MCNAMARAAlison: DEC CIT, DECNIS 400 Documentation, DTN: 830-6779Tue May 11 1993 12:439
    And another one due towards the end of June!  Our baby is due on 25th
    June, with this Friday my last day at work before the big event.

    Now that the baby is moving a lot, and I've graduated to appointments with
    the doctor/midwife every two weeks, everything seems very real and close,
    and we have a greater sense of urgency to get ready.  We still have a lot
    to do, but at least it looks manageable now!

466.61Here we go again.SWAM2::MASSEY_VIIt's all in the cueThu Jun 03 1993 15:5714
    I guess I should start a note here.
    I found out yesterday that I am about 6 weeks pregnant.  I had gone to
    the hospital for a sore throat and fever.  It turned out that I was
    anemic and my blood presure was too low.  The doc asked if I was
    pregnant and I told him I wasen't sure and they did a blood test.  I
    was married on April 24th and that night I got pregnant.  Don't ask how
    I know, I just do.
    So, I am going through the sickness but it isn't too bad.  I have my
    first appointment next week and will update as things progress.  This
    my second child and I am looking forward to it.
466.62NASZKO::DISMUKEWANTED: New Personal NameThu Jun 03 1993 20:486
    My aunt and one of her sons both have "honeymoon" babies!  It happens!
    Good luck with you pregnancy!
466.63No more practice.SWAM2::MASSEY_VIIt's all in the cueFri Jun 04 1993 15:395
    Thanks Sandy.
    I guess we did it right then.  :-)))
466.64CSLALL::LMURPHYFri Jun 04 1993 15:536
    I wish i didn't know til 9 weeks!!! for the last 2 months I have felt
    like Hell!  I am 10 1/2 weeks along...hoping it subsides!!!  I have my
    first appt today (first real one..last one was ins and blood test only)
    I am dying to hear the heart beat...they picked it up at 11 weeks last 
    time.....It will be something nice to experience in this so far
    terrible pregnancy!  I don't think I'll go for three!
466.65feeling better and outta here...CSLALL::LMURPHYTue Jun 22 1993 14:5010
    I am feeling better finally 14 weeks along....not great but ALOT
    better!!  I am due at Christmas and very excited.  Today is my 
    last day at DEC and I feel kinda lucky to have one on one time 
    with my Lindsay before # 2 comes along!!  Lots of house projects
    to do if the heat doesn't bring me down too much!  I have got alot
    of good ideas and advice thru reading this file and appreciate it
    I will miss it alot!  Good luck to all you other preggies and I 
    hope you all feel better soon!  Bye everyone and thanks...
466.66Matthew is born!POWDML::GERRITSWed Jun 23 1993 01:0571
    Better late than never, but I'm writing to update you all that I've
    obviously had my baby!  Matthew Joseph Gerrits was born at 2:07 am on
    Saturday, May 1st (my original due date by the way!)!  Matthew weighed
    in at 9 lbs. 9 oz. and measured 23" long!  Big boy indeed!  He's
    perfect in every way!
    I went into labor at home the night before, around 7:30 pm with pretty
    mild contractions.  I was sitting down for about an hour with my
    husband, Mother-in-law and Sister-in-law as the contractions were
    coming ten minutes apart.  They soon left so that my husband, Michael
    and I could concentrate on the upcoming event.  As soon as I stood up,
    the contractions started coming faster and harder.  By 9pm they were
    averaging 3-5 minutes apart!  We waited until they were steady, and
    proceeded to call the hospital.  Believe it or not, the labor nurse on
    the phone doubted that I'd be admitted if I went in since it was my
    first birth.  Since we only live five minutes from the hospital, we
    decided to take the chance...knowing damn well that this was the real
    Once I got to the room, I lost my mucus plug.  The contractions were
    coming faster and harder, but fortunately manageable.  Would you
    believe she had me hooked up to the fetal monitor for an hour?  At this
    point, I knew I was in transition, because I was getting the double
    peaked contractions!  And sure enough, when she FINALLY checked me, I
    was 5 cm, and ten minutes later, up to 7!  They decided to admit me.  
    So now we're around 11 pm.  I had a little back labor, so I laid on my
    side most of the time.  Fortunately the contractions were making things
    progress quickly or I would have asked for something for the pain, but
    as it turned out, the little guy didn't want to wait that long for his
    arrival!  Shortly before midnight, after begging them to let me push,
    they noticed that what was 9cm dilation was regressing due to my
    bulging bag of waters.  So the doctor broke my waters and we were off
    and running.  I then started a two hour pushing session.  Everything
    was going great until the baby started to crown.  The doctor had been
    massaging my perinium versus cutting me since everything seemed to be
    stretching well.  Unfortunately, he didn't account for such a large
    baby!  The last few pushes were the worst since I felt as if the baby
    was tearing me apart, which as it turns out, he was.  Second degree
    tear.  Once his head emerged, it felt like the rest of him was stuck
    inside me for ages...I just wanted to push him out, but they wouldn't
    let me!  As it turns out, there had been some rather OLD meconium in
    the sac, and they had to work hard and fast to suction it out.  I later
    learned that the baby had been under distress the whole time because of
    that and the cord being around his neck.  His heartrate went as low as
    90 and as high as 180.
    However, all is well that ends well!  Matthew is a joy and so advanced,
    probably due to his size!  In his first week of life, he started
    holding his head up from a stomach down position, he "stands" and
    "walks" with assistance...his legs are unbelievably strong.  He rolled
    over from stomach to back at 5 1/2 weeks and has been smiling and
    laughing for about 2 1/2 weeks now!  It's amazing! 
    By the way, Matthew has a full head of brown hair, and hasn't lost any. 
    When I was a baby, I had a full head of black hair, which didn't fall
    out, and by a year of age, had turned blond.
    He is now 7 1/2 weeks old, weighs just over 12 pounds and measures at
    least 25".  
    Thanks for letting me share with you!  Best of luck to all you
    expectant mothers and fathers out there!  By the way, could someone
    please instruct me as to how to cross-post this in the announcement
    note?  thanks.
    Take care!
466.67update from V2SUPER::WTHOMASMon Jul 12 1993 13:3459
    	This is an update from Parenting V2.

    	So many people have and continue to ask and send mail about my
    sister that I thought I'd put an update in here about her.

    	My sister, Pat, is the woman who after the birth of her fourth
    child went home with half of the placenta inside of her (the Dr.
    thought the nurse checked, the nurse thought the Dr. checked).

    	In any event, nine days after delivering, she hemorrhaged *very*
    badly and had to have immediate surgery and required quite a few blood
    transfusions. It was literally touch and go there for a few days.

    	Well, it's been about 2 and 1/2 years since then (can you believe
    it?) and although she is still severely traumatized by what happened,
    she had made a few references about it to me.

    	The morning after she had her surgery, she bottomed out and
    although I don't really know what happened, she said that all of a
    sudden a million nurses were in her room running all over the place.
    She required immediate units of additional blood and I *suspect* that
    her heart may have stopped but I'm not sure (I'm just going by her
    guarded description) she did tell me (making me swear not to think she
    was crazy) that she wasn't scared during this particular episode as she
    saw the visions of our grandmother and father floating and talking to
    her (both are dead and both adored Pat). Pat said that if she was going
    to die, she would miss the kids but was not afraid. I absolutely believe
    that Pat was close to death at that point, we have always been a bit on
    the psychic side and I have been "out of my body" twice as well, once
    when I drowned, and once following complications from surgery.

    	Pat, after a very long time, did recover to some degree.

    	You see, she was so frightened by the experience afterward that she
    *never* went back for a checkup.

    	She is now dealing with extreme exhaustion, probably anemia, and is
    afraid to be tested for AIDS because "she might have it". This is not
    some flighty little girl here, this is a 39 year old woman with four
    kids and two college degrees who is literally frightened into inactivity.

    	Supposedly she has an appointment with the Dr. sometime this week,
    so if she had something that can be fixed medically at least they can
    start (she also may be starting menopause which could explain a few

    	On the other hand if nothing shows up medically then she is going
    to have to start dealing openly with what happened, what was triggered
    and try to work through the fear. I've invited her up to New Hampshire
    (where we live and where she used to live a million years ago) for a
    break from the kids and a chance to talk and be heard.

    	I really, really hope she comes up. I'm not sure that she
    understands that she doesn't have to endure this all alone.

    	Boy sometimes I ache, I miss my sister so much.

466.68Alittle moody, not me!FMAJOR::WALTERused to be AquiliaMon Jul 19 1993 15:5143
    Hi, my name is Carla Walter.  I'm due with my first child on October
    5th but I believe it to be more like September 29th.  I have debated
    this with the doctor since my first visit.  We'll see who is right as
    the time goes by. :)
    Unfortunately for me, the entering of my third trimester has left me
    with severe left leg and back pain.  I have had to cut my hours down to
    six and possibly four.  I am extremely frustrated at the doctors
    attitude (stay off your feet, sometimes these things happen) and
    patiently await an appointment tomorrow. 
    I find myself getting increasingly emotional.  Outburst of tears and
    anger without any forwarning has my husband ready for the mental
    institution (never mind myself).  I suppose alot has to do with the
    fact that I feel real quilty about not being able to work normal hours
    and having a house that is very dirty (and I *hate* dirt) and not being
    able to do anything about it.   I wonder if I am going to start gaining
    too much weight because I can't exercise and basically, worry about
    everything.  My husband doesn't seem to understand either.  I don't
    alot of times myself.  The statement, "I'm pregnant" isn't washing
    So, besides the glorious glides and kicks that I feel all day long
    (specially after the word pizza is heard from the little nipper) I feel
    frustrated.  I enjoy being pregnant but because of the regular
    limitations and now other ones just can't get into the great mood that
    I was in the last five months.
    Family is saying its a boy and work is saying its a girl.  Although I
    secretly wish for a girl I would be happy with a boy.  My husband has
    much more experience with girls and that is why I think he would bond
    quicker with one.  He is also one of those men who says "I can't pick
    em' up till they are around a year, I might break them" but obviously,
    we'll kick that habit in 10 weeks! :)  As for names, we have gotten
    down to two for boys which is why it will probably be a girl.  I have
    about 10 I like but Keith says, "let's wait until they get here and
    then decide".  Will we have enough time?
    I am so looking forward to having the baby, even though I know the
    pain of labor will be awful I look forward to starting over.
466.69GOOEY::ROLLMANMon Jul 19 1993 16:0528

re: -1

Pregnancy is very hard, both mentally and physically.
Hormones are always messing with your mind and
emotions.  You can't sleep because of the aches and
pains.  You get tired much more easily than you used
to, because of the mental and physical stresses.

Most pregnant women have trouble keeping up with the
housework;  it can be worse after the baby is born,
since you are even *more* tired.  (From the lack of
sleep and the physical recovery from delivery).

Don't be hard on yourself.  The statement "I'm
pregnant"  *DOES* wash.  The changes that are
happening to you are tremendous, and you need time
to adjust to it all  (thank god pregnancy takes
9 months, one needs it to emotionally and physically
prepare for parenthood).  And so does your husband.

And personally, I think a person in constant severe
pain has a right to become emotional...

Hang in there,

466.70You're not aloneBUSY::BONINAMon Jul 19 1993 17:0929
    Your normal!!  Think of the time your forced to relax and rest as
    special time for you.  This baby is very important and so are
    you...take the time to take care of you......the house work will always
    be there.  I too was bothered by the messy house (I was raised by a very
    loving Mrs. Clean) - but since I couldn't do it - I asked my husband to
    pick up the slack.  If he doesn't do the chores now, starting him now
    will get him in practice for when you come home from the hospital.
    My husband felt very very nervous about taking care of the newborn, but
    my C-Section meant I needed rest and when the baby cried (for something
    other than a nursing) he wanted to help me out more than he was nervous.  
    He now admits how wicked unsure he felt as well as feeling like the baby 
    just didn't respond to him like she did me.  But because he had both feet 
    in at the early days he's extremely close to our daughter today. .....I've 
    heard the same thing of other men too.
    The emotional rollercoaster isn't easy but we all go through it and we
    do understand. :-)  I felt like a big heart with feet! ;-)
    Oh by the way, my legs were bad when I was prego, so every moment I
    could my feet were in the air and I was reading about baby stuff.
    I kept saying, "why do people do this, why didn't anyone warn me"! 
    After a week of my little bundle I knew that having this baby girl
    was worth every difficult moment that proceeded.....honest & truly!
466.71Maybe a housekeeper temporarily could help?DECWET::WOLFEMon Jul 19 1993 19:5710
    If your finances permit, how about a housekeeper for the last couple
    months your pregnant and the first couple of months the baby is there?
    It probably seems like a real luxery with all the baby expenses but
    could give you back some time and sanity when you have other things to
    do and think about.
    Just to give you an idea of cost - we pay $10 an hour and use 4 hours
    every 2 weeks.
466.72if only men had babiesFMAJOR::WALTERused to be AquiliaFri Jul 23 1993 12:1922
    Some great suggestions ladies, thanks!
    We have actually (or I should say I) have already thought of the
    housecleaning idea.  I thought about a month before the baby is 
    due, I could have some people come in and due the baseboards, mop and
    wax the hardwoods and really clean out the bathrooms.  My mother in law
    thinks my mom and she can do it but I don't want them to.  I don't
    think its their responsibility however, feel free to give donations
    mom's at shower time! :) :)  They said the whole house (all 6 rooms)
    would be about $100.  I don't know.. but I'm going to do it, If I can
    hold out another 6 weeks.  
    I am glad that I can read about other women in the same shoes and
    patiently await what all this is for.  When I hear ladies saying, "Its
    going to be worse when the baby gets here.  You think your tired now?"
    I only remind them about their child and they know its all well worth
    it which helps.  Whoever said its like they are a big heart with feet
    put it just right.  
    TGIF everyone! 
466.73zzzzzz's!!!SALES::LTRIPPMon Jul 26 1993 15:5422
    YES!  it does get better.  It's that first innocent grin in the
    morning, no matter how old your "baby" is. 
    Trouble is, old habits die hard.  AJ is finally sleeping just a
    *little* later in the mornings, and I still find myself getting up at
    6:30a.m. no matter what day of the week it is.  Ordinary work days I
    need to be up by 5:00a.m.
    I guess I just enjoy the quiet before everyone else gets up, and get
    one civilized cup of coffee and time to myself!
    Fatigue?  I guess I'll fully catch up on my rest when he's married and
    off on his own!  As for mother inlaw helping with the house, UH UH-NO
    WAY!  I'll deal with it myself, thank you.  MIL is a clean freak, with
    a natural instinct to throw away everything SHE doesn't deem necessary! 
    She's accused me more than once of being a "packrat"!
    But in retrospect, I did appreciate sneaking in a few quick zzz's when
    he was an infant and napping for a little while!
    Enjoy, these are really the special times in your life!
466.74and baby makes FOURSWAM1::HERRERA_LIThu Aug 19 1993 16:3223
    Well, I thought I'd put in a reply here since I've started becoming
    more active in this conference again.  I'm 14 weeks (tomorrow) along 
    in my second pregnancy--my 3 yr.old Alex is going to be a big brother!
    My husband and I are looking forward to having a _baby_ around again,
    Alex seems like such a little man now.  
    So far this pregnancy has been aweful....I hate to say.  I've been
    incredibly sick since the very beginning, but I'm starting to feel
    a bit better.  (At least I've stopped vomitting in the past week!)
    I had a preterm labor and some major back problems with Alex, so 
    I'm just trying to take this one day at a time.  I'll be put on 
    bed rest soon enough....
    Even though I've been through this before, I still have so many 
    questions.  I'm glad this conference is so active--it's going to
    help me get through this, I know.
    Looking forward to welcoming a new little sweet-tart,
466.75I am going crazy worrying over "everything"!FMAJOR::WALTERused to be AquiliaMon Aug 23 1993 15:5034
    Hi all,
    Hope everyone is doing better than I am.  I am a nervous wreck.  At 34
    weeks my doctor has told me that baby is in position and to be
    completely ready for anything after September 5th.  Although my due
    date still holds at October 5th, I think he is finally beginning to
    realize that the baby might indeed be here sooner (I say last week in
    September).   He still has yet to give me an ultrasound.   I only had
    one at 9 weeks to determine due date.  Will I receive another?  He felt
    the baby's head and that is how he knew it was in position.  Still, I
    would like to know the baby's size and anything else that they can
    inform me of as soon as possible.  I'm just too excited and want to
    know everything that I can NOW.
    I have gotten through the nesting instinct that my house must be
    scrubbed from top to bottom by hiring a cleaning crew to come in and
    have my mother and grandmother help with the little things and then
    plan on moving baby items in Labor day weekend.
    Now I have begun to worry about knowing what to do once the baby
    arrives.  Is there any notes that people can point me to that I can
    read up on about how the first few weeks are when you come home? 
    Although my mom and friends say "everything comes naturally" of course
    I don't believe them.  My husband is going crazy because it seems as
    though if I don't have something to worry about, I create something but
    I feel this particular worry and all my others for that matter are
    justified.  I just can't explain it to him.  I wish I could stop
    worrying too because I am losing sleep over "if I have enough crib
    sheets" and that to me, is alittle much.  Is it really though?  
    Thanks for any help you can offer,
466.76sounds normal to meDELNI::GIUNTAMon Aug 23 1993 16:3238
Hi Carla,

I think your worrying is probably normal.  I can tell you a few things,
though. An ultrasound at this point would tell you the position of the baby,
but don't count on getting an accurate size.  There are lots of notes in 
here about ultrasound sizing being all over the place (my sister-in-law just
had an 8 lb. 10 1/2 ounce baby on Friday that the ultrasound determined would
be around 6 pounds), so I wouldn't put any stock in that for getting an
accurate size. It is possible that they will use an ultrasound while you
are in labor if things aren't progressing or you run into a problem to find
out more about where the baby is located.  When I had my twins, they used
an ultrasound to figure out Brad's position and why he wouldn't come out
after I had Jessica because he had been in the proper position the day 
before from those ultrasound results. Turns out he decided at the last
minute to fold up and try jack-knifing, so they had to go in and get him.

I think if you read "what to expect when you're expecting" or its counterpart
you may find some helpful hints on what to do and expect with a new baby.
And the nurses at the hospital will give you some training. They always
have classes for new mothers on bathing and caring and such. When I was
in Brigham having my kids, there was a special in-house channel on the
television that ran programs round the clock on new baby care that I found
helpful.  I never bought into that line that it all comes naturally.  It
didn't come naturally at all to me, and I always resented everyone telling
me that it would come naturally because I refused to believe there was
something wrong with me just because I didn't know how to change a diaper.
When you think about it, it always comes naturally for people who had 
younger brothers and sisters that they took care of, or perhaps from 
babysitting neither of which I ever did.  I just let the nurses teach me
everything I needed to know, and I'd say I got pretty competent at all that
stuff in short order.

I never really had to deal with all the end of pregnancy worrying that you're
experiencing as my kids were 6 weeks old by this point in your pregnancy.
Perhaps someone who went full-term can give you some advice on what it feels
like at your point in pregnancy.

466.77I remember that stage!!BROKE::NIKIN::BOURQUARDDebMon Aug 23 1993 16:5644
My little one is just over a year old now (where did that time go!! :-) but
I do recall feeling quite anxious about not knowing what I'd *really* need
and not wanting to spend lots of money on stuff that I wouldn't use, but it's
so hard to tell when you haven't been through it yet just what you're going
to be desperate for.  (no grammar comments, please :-)

I also remember quite vividly the evening we came home from the hospital
with our little bundle, set her in the cradle, stared at her, stared at
each other, and said in unison "What do we do now?".

BTW, I delivered 1 hour before my due date, but I was convinced I was going to
deliver early.  The baby had dropped into position and I was already beginning
to efface at 29 weeks.  In fact, I was dilated to 3 or 4 cm at my last checkup
which was 4 days before I went into labor.

I'm not sure what helped me deal with the panicky feelings.  Maybe because
I read everything I could get my hands on.  Maybe because I had several friends
who had just had - or were about to have - their babies.  Maybe it was
when one of my male friends mentioned that Dan (my husband) should just plan
to have to run to the drug store every day for about 2 weeks for something
that we would suddenly discover that we needed.  It didn't quite happen that
way, but it may have helped me realize that I didn't have to have everything
I needed before I had the baby.  If I have any advice, it's:

	- plan to have help (if you're the kind of person who will appreciate
	- make and freeze dinners ahead of time
	- recognize that these feelings are normal
	- recognize too that you can't plan for every contingency, and you
	  may have to "make it up as you go along"

As far as the "it comes naturally" comment goes, I interpreted it to mean
something like "you'll learn what you need to because you have to".  I did
not take it to mean "you'll instinctively know what to do".  The hospital
will give you lessons and probably a video or two.  If you have friends who
have had babies in the last year or so, ask if you can borrow their babycare

If you can, try to find something to savor every day.  You'll likely be 
pregnant for only a brief portion of your life.

Best of luck!

- Deb
466.78Take your timeCSTEAM::WRIGHTMon Aug 23 1993 17:4030
    I guess I should have been worried, as you are, but for some reason I
    felt pretty serene about how I would care for my first baby.  Then, on
    my first afternoon in the hospital after he was born, and about 5
    minutes before visiting hours when his grandparents would come see him
    for the first time, he made a mess in his diaper and I was fumbling
    desperately trying to change him before the visitors arrived.  I felt
    SO imcompetent.  I rang the bell for a nurse to come help me.  She
    whisked into the room and had him cleaned up and changed in about 30
    seconds flat.  You can imagine how inadequate I was feeling by
    But when I got him home, and no one was around to watch me or notice
    how awkward or slow I was at handling things, he and I made our own
    way.  Sure, sometimes his diaper didn't get on quite right, sometimes I
    dressed him too warmly or not warmly enough, etc.  But I felt like he
    and I were learning together.  He would lie there patiently and wait
    while I figured something out, with me talking to him/myself all
    the while.  The thing was I always tried my hardest to figure out what
    was best for him, partly by reading books and talking to other parents,
    partly by observing him and seeing what made him comfortable and what
    did not.  I think the baby senses how hard you are trying and how much
    you care, and that's what really matters to the baby.  
    I guess what I'm saying is, although it doesn't necessarily come
    "naturally", you will feel better when you can take it slowly and learn
    on your own without anyone watching you.  You and your baby will
    progress together and it will strengthen the bond between you.
466.79DV780::DOROMon Aug 23 1993 17:5115
    Reminds me of the "baby blues" comic..
    Parent, dressed in rumpled pajamas, comes back into the bedroom and
    "There's a small, cranky stranger in the next room demanding food,
    shelter, and a college education.....       What do I do?!"
    Easy to say, but try to *not* worry, any small mistakes or oversights
    are unlikely to harm either you or your little one.
466.80DV780::DOROMon Aug 23 1993 17:5513
    I should also add, that when I was in the hospital with my first, and
    she began to cry, I called the nurse, with some horrible, trumped up
    excuse so that she would come in and show me what to do. 
    A week later a friend came to visit and marveled at how competent I
    seemed with the baby.
466.81USCTR1::HSCOTTLynn Hanley-ScottMon Aug 23 1993 19:254
    I found the nurses at the hospital to be very helpful, especially with
    my second child - they took all the time I needed to answer questions.
466.82what comes naturallyKAOFS::M_BARNEYDance with a Moonlit KnightTue Aug 24 1993 13:3417
    I think that you can be "informed" by reading a number of good
    books (our "bible" was "what to expect in the first year") and 
    ask a lot (I must have annoyed EVERYONE with all my questions. I 
    believe advice is free. If you get enough different opinions for
    a particular subject, you can start to consider a subjective decision).
    However, while this might help, it cannot give you the feeling that 
    now you KNOW how to handle a baby - every baby is different, has
    different wants, dislikes, behaviour. What you'll be learning (in
    the "what comes naturally" department) is what YOUR baby is like.
    You sort of take time to get used to each other, and routines and
    parental knowledge will come as a result of that.
    Be excited, not anxious!
466.83Things "coming naturally"WEORG::DARROWTue Aug 24 1993 13:5624
I'm not sure if I totally agree with your mom and grandmother on this one.
Many things did come naturally.  When the baby cries, you'll automatically pick
her up.  When she's in pain, you'll drop whatever you're doing and 
run to her.  Those things do come naturally.

The thing that didn't come naturally to me was breastfeeding.  I wanted
to do it, but we had lots of problems at first.  Breastfeeding is a
learned art.  It doesn't "just happen" among humans!  Most women of
our generation have not been exposed to women breastfeeding, so have
never learned how to do it. (The course we took before the baby
was born just wasn't adequate.) Feel free to seek help from either 
Le Leche or a lactation counsellor.  We did, and it helped
tremendously.  I'm still nursing her at 11 months, and still loving it.

Listen to what your instincts tell you.  I put the baby in her crib
in the other room for the first three weeks, and cried at being
separated from her (she cried too).  We were both much happier
when I moved her into my room.

Just keep in mind that babies are very resilient.  It's hard to do
something "wrong" to the extent that they'll be harmed.   If you exert
a common-sense amount of care, all will be fine!  The loving, which is
critical, comes easily!
466.84SOFBAS::SNOWJustine McEvoy SnowTue Aug 24 1993 14:1026
    	I would agree with the person who said breastfeeding may not come
    naturally.  I was determined to do it,
    and I did, but my baby had a REALLY hard time latching on.  (What I
    found out later was that I was too full - I should have expressed some
    milk and THEN let her try.  Also, she was probably 4-5 weeks old before
    it got to the point where she'd get it right every time.  No one told
    me that it could take up to 6 weeks to develop this skill.  Wish I had
    	Also, the one thing that helped me most those first few weeks was
    people telling me IT KEEPS GETTING EASIER/BETTER.  It was so true.  The
    first couple of weeks are easy in that the baby sleeps all the time. 
    If you can keep the guests away, you can grab some daytime sleep.  I
    found by the fourth week I was EXHAUSTED.   Having my sisters be
    completely sympathetic helped so much.  The repeatedly told me that
    every week gets a little easier, and it really, really did.  The worst
    thing people can do is tell you "Just wait, it only gets worse."  
    	Good luck those first few weeks.  Remember, it only gets easier! 
466.85CLOUD9::WEIERPatty, DTN 381-0877Tue Aug 24 1993 21:0351
    Oh yes - it *DEFINITELY* only gets easier!!!  There are still mountains
    to conquer, but for me, the hardest part was in not being able to read
    the baby's signals, or knowing what to do.  An older child might feel
    like more of a challenge at times, but at least you KNOW what it is
    they want!  I think it's much better to be disagreeing with a small
    adult than to be sitting at 3am trying to figure out why this little
    stranger is so unhappy and crying so uncontrollably, and feeling like
    you SHOULD be able to make things better.
    As for things "coming naturally" - seems to me the older I get, the
    more fond I become of sorting problems out "on paper".  Try to identify
    exactly what you're apprehensive about.  Try to Detail it.  If you're
    afraid you might slip when giving her a bath, then you can make a
    little extra effort to learn different bathing techniques.  If you
    think you won't know how to feed her, you can pay more attention to
    nursing and/or nutrition books/articles.  Feeling like "I won't know
    what to do at all!" can be so overwhelming, you just sort of get
    "stuck" there.  
    Don't assume that all that you hear is true.  If something FEELS wrong,
    then go with your gut.  Chris cried for the first 9 months of his life. 
    His Dr. said "He's just colicy" and we were supposed to live with it.
    Come to find out the REAL problem was that he was on an iron-formula
    and he was intolerant of the iron.  But being a first-time Mom, I just
    went along with the Dr.  If something doesn't feel right, you have the
    right to question it!!
    And lastly, and most important to remember .... if you do something
    "wrong", your baby won't know it's wrong.  Okay, maybe if you drop them
    they'll notice (-:  but if you give them cereal a few weeks/months too
    soon, or the bottle is a little cooler/warmer than someone else might
    give their child, it REALLY doesn't matter in the larger scope of
    things.  You will know your child best, and what works for one does NOT
    necessarily work for the other!!  Two boys, same parents.  Chris cried
    when we tried to cuddle him, till he was about 3.  Jason could never
    get enough cuddling.  They're all different .... and just when you have
    it figured out, they'll change what they want!
    It gets a LOT easier, all the time.  I think one of the hardest things
    to deal with was feeling CONFIDENT in myself, and not letting all those
    well-meaning people full of advice (and reasons why I was doing it
    "wrong"), make me feel less competent.  Try to identify what has you
    anxious, and work on it a little at a time.  Even if you don't do
    everything "perfect" (whatever THAT is!), you're not going to do
    anything so wrong as to hurt anyone as long as you use common sense.
    Good luck and try to relax .... 
466.86GOOEY::ROLLMANFri Aug 27 1993 13:0226

It's normal to worry about things.  I think it really isn't
the details, but the bigger question of "what have I done?  
How can I be completely responsible for another person?"

Try looking at this like alcoholism :-).  Take it one day at
a time, don't try to anticipate what will happen tomorrow.
If you don't have enough crib sheets, you can buy more, or
do the laundry.  (BTW, I have 6 and it is too many by about

What I found hard was playing with a baby. I was used to 
hiking, kayaking, etc, for recreation and clearly Elise 
wasn't yet ready to climb Mt Washington.

My personal opinion, based on several years of
experience, is that any behavior that makes me feel
like a total idiot is likely to be age-appropriate
for my kids.  You may have seen me in the grocery
store if you live in Nashua, NH.  I'm the mom
singing "Old MacDonald", using grocery items and
inventing bagel, paper towel, and dog food sounds.
(The sound a diaper makes is actually quite obvious :-).

466.87my turn againKAOFS::M_BARNEYDance with a Moonlit KnightWed Oct 06 1993 13:5320
	Well, Brave and Foolish as we are,
	It seems I am once again pregnant.

        (due beginning of June).

	This will be my third pregnancy, and
	hopefully we will have a healthy happy
	sibling for Charlotte who is now 17 months.

	I'm trying to decide whether I will
	have more confidence this time or whether
	I will be just as scared as when I
	was pregnant with Charlotte.

	I'll let you know, but for now, I'm
	pretty damned jubilant!

466.88DELNI::DISMUKEWed Oct 06 1993 14:045
    Congrats Monica - early June is a lovely time of year...just ask my
466.89CSC32::M_EVANShate is STILL not a family valueWed Oct 06 1993 14:391
    Congrat's and good luck Monica.  
466.90CNTROL::JENNISONJohn 3:16 - Your life depends on it!Wed Oct 06 1993 15:336
	Congratulations, Monica!

	Looks like we'll be swapping stories on our infants again soon!

466.91MCIS5::WOOLNERYour dinner is in the supermarketWed Oct 06 1993 15:523
    Oh, that's wonderful!  Congratulations!
466.92Add me to the listCDROM::BLACHEKWed Oct 06 1993 16:4211
    Monica, how wonderful!  And we'll be able to swap stories because I am
    due on May 24.
    Gina will be 4 on May 16, and we're hoping I don't go early as we would 
    rather give her that last gasp of lone attention.
    P.S.  I'm already dreaming about the delivery...not a good sign of a
    patient Mom.
466.93ACESMK::GOLIKERIWed Oct 06 1993 17:021
    Monica, Congratulations and celebrations....... Shaila
466.94CSC32::DUBOISDiscrimination encourages violenceWed Oct 06 1993 17:039
Wow, Monica and Judy!!  Congratulations to you both!!

Wow!!!  :-)

Well, Monica, last time you managed to give birth on my birthday (May 9); 
looks like this time you are trying for Shellie's (June 4).  :-)
Good time of year.  :-)

466.95Congrats to alASIC::MYERSWed Oct 06 1993 17:244
    Wow, Monica, Judy, Karen, congratulations!  I'm jealous, too, I'm
    starting to have baby hunger again 8^)
    Susan (another May '92 mom and a June 8th baby herself)
466.96Congrats Monica7361::LEGERWed Oct 06 1993 18:5911
    Congrats Monica.........And just think, you will get to have the whole
    summer off :-)
    ....I have 15 more weeks to go.....I am counting down, not because I
    want this over, or because I am anxious, but becasue I am looking
    forward to being home from work for a little while :-)
    Anne Marie
466.97you'll love it!KAOFS::M_BARNEYDance with a Moonlit KnightWed Oct 06 1993 19:1015
    Anne Marie - its a great thing to look forward to! 
    All - Thanks so very much for all the warm feelings! I got so
    hyper over everything this morning, that I kind of "ran out of 
    gas" and am ready for a nap! 
    Well, only three weeks since conception, and I ALREADY have a question:
    Today I am experiencing pain much like the dull ache of menstral
    cramps, especially around the back. Since I did not have this (or
    certainly don't recall it) with the last two pregnancies, I am 
    at a loss for rationalizing the discomfort. 
    Any body else get this?
466.98DELNI::DISMUKEWed Oct 06 1993 19:205
    I had the same thing at or around each time my period was due.  This
    was just with one pregnancy, but I don't remember which.
466.99SUPER::WTHOMASThu Oct 07 1993 01:046
    	Hey Marc, look! Everyone else in PARENTING is pregnant again. Marc,
    Marc, are you reading this? ;-)
466.100I had them, doctor said it was normalASIC::MYERSThu Oct 07 1993 11:438
    I had the same lower back, menstrual type cramps.  I was positive that
    I WASN'T pregnant because I felt like I was getting my period.  It
    lasted for about half the first trimester and then experienced it only
466.101SUPER::WTHOMASThu Oct 07 1993 12:5110
    okay, okay, geesh, as has been pointed out to me in E-mail, not
    *everyone* in PARENTING is pregnant. Boy, use a little poetic license
    and everyone gets excited. (the loudest squawkers were the men ;-))
    	Let it be known though Marc, honey, this still doesn't let you off
    the hook ;-)
466.102Add me to the list too :*)!ABACUS::WOODARDThu Oct 07 1993 12:5821
    Well first off I'd also like to add my congrats to everyone.
    Now I guess it's my turn.  I'd been trying to figure out where to put
    I'm pregnant again - 2nd try - due March 30.
    We're excited about it but we're also a little afraid of getting our
    hopes up too much (We lost our daughter, Chelsey, when I was at 41+
    weeks last year).   I guess what I'd love to hear from people is how
    they handled their fears of the unknown or maybe the known.  I'm
    finding the toughest time for me is the doctor's appointments - I feel
    like I'm holding my breath every time until I hear the heartbeat.  I
    think I'll feel better once I can feel the baby move all the time.  I'm
    15+ weeks so I'm hoping that will be soon.
    Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.
466.103i don't get it...PIET09::TRUDEAUThu Oct 07 1993 13:184
re:couple back

is Marc trying to get pregnant?!?!?  ;^)
466.104Wendy, these people must think we never talk to each other at home! STAR::NOZELLA.K.A. Mr. Wendy ThomasThu Oct 07 1993 13:287
re: .notes from SUPER::WThomas

Yes, dear wife, I do read this notesfile.  And I think you have a severe
of baby lust. Relax - it will pass.

466.105it's not the talking at home......SUPER::WTHOMASThu Oct 07 1993 13:348
    	The only way I want my baby lust to pass is with about an hour of
    pushing behind it. ;-)
466.106CNTROL::JENNISONJohn 3:16 - Your life depends on it!Thu Oct 07 1993 13:3927
	I had my third OB appointment today.  I'm halfway through this

	This has been much different than my first.  I started out with
	some sickness at the 6-8 week mark (coinciding with the "heat wave"),
	then was virtually over it.  I've had much fewer food aversions, helping
	me to gain 6 pounds more than I had by now with my first.

	Everything seems to happen sooner.  I was *exhausted* my first trimester,
	taking naps on my half-days and days off.  I had headaches for all of
	the third month (first time, this didn't happen until months 4 and 5).

	Now, my energy is rebounding, headaches have been gone for over a month,
	and if wasn't so darn big, I'd wonder if I was really pregnant!

	Yesterday was the first day I felt movement that I was *sure* was
	the baby.  Once the baby got going, he/she swam around for quite
	a while.  FINALLY!  It's always comforting to feel that rolling and

	I'm still teaching aerobics, and I walk and lift weights on the off
	days.  I find the exercise really helps my energy level.

	So, how's everyone else doing ?  Jean, Linette ?

466.107Hey, Wendy!DELNI::DISMUKEThu Oct 07 1993 16:027
    re 105....
    Move the refridgerator!!!!!!!
466.108I'm scared too!ASIC::JPOIRIERThu Oct 07 1993 16:5646
    Karen, glad to hear you doing good!  Thanks for asking, I'm right at 20
    weeks myself now.  This one started moving early, 16.5 weeks with
    slight movement but by 18 weeks it was very defined jabs.  Needless to
    say, it's so reassuring!  I've been through 2 rounds of antibiotics for
    the Strep infection then tested negative for it.  I was just tested
    again this past Tuesday, should have the results back by my appointment
    next week.  (I've got my fingers crossed.)  It will mean another round
    of antibiotics if it's positive.

    Just the past 2 weeks I've started mild, infrequent contractions.  The
    Dr has assured me that it's common and nothing to be concerned about
    since they are so infrequent.  (just out of curiosity, how common is
    this folks ??)  We've talked plenty about pre-term labor and even
    though we know what to look for, he doesn't feel I'm at risk for such. 

    I had an Ultrasound at 16 weeks, all looks good there too.  

    Donna - if you figure it out how to not be so petrified, please let me
    know too!  We lost our son Cody at 22 weeks, I'm at 20 weeks now and as
    it gets closer to that time, it seems to just get so frightening!  To
    make things even worse, I'll be just under 22 weeks on the anniversary
    of the day he was born and died, which is next week.  I wish I had some
    advice for you but maybe it'll just be a help to know that your not
    alone.  I'll agree that the Dr appointments are tough.  I see the Dr
    every week, I cried through the first dozen appointments!  Hearing the
    heartbeat every week is great and now that I'm feeling the baby move
    that's just one more plus.  I'm sure you'll feel it soon too and it will
    be a help.  Maybe your Dr could help with your fears?  Have you talked
    to him/her?  The one thing that I just love about my Dr is that from
    day one he knew that I'd be terrified and has told me over and over
    again that any time I want to just be reassured that everything is
    going ok, just call and they'll arrange to have me seen right away. 
    This is even if I just feel like I just *have* to hear the heartbeat.  
    I haven't taken them up on this yet but I'd be very comfortable doing
    so if I felt that I really needed to.  

    One thing that's helped me through the toughest times is going out and
    buying flowers, etc for Cody.  It just seems to be something to help
    get through one more day of fears.  I'm going to stop on my way home
    tonight and try to find one of those little pumpkins for him....

    Keep thinking positive!

466.109SUPER::WTHOMASThu Oct 07 1993 17:0716
    	re.107 re..105

    	Well, let's see if I move the refrigerator I might hurt my back.

    	If I hurt my back, I might have to stay flat on my back in bed for
    a few days, hmmm.........

    	Sandy, while a bit drastic, the idea certainly has merit. ;-)


    "Well you have to learn how to control your temper" said Belle to the
    Beast effectively ending the discussion.
466.110CSC32::S_BROOKDENVER A Long WayThu Oct 07 1993 18:0945
    Re Marc and Wendy ...
    Have you two considered taking up writing and acting in a Sit-com ...
    this is better than anything I've seen in years!!!!
    (Soap was probably the last!!!)
    Marc ... got any need for training ... 
    .... in Valbonne .....
    For a few months ?
    Stuart  :-)
466.111Pregnant after the loss of a childCSC32::DUBOISDiscrimination encourages violenceThu Oct 07 1993 18:1420
<                     <<< Note 466.102 by ABACUS::WOODARD >>>

Congratulations, Donna!!!!!!!!!!!

You are not alone.  You'll find that several other people in this file have
had similar experiences.  One such person who shared many of her hopes and
fears and tragedy with us was Monica.  You'll see her notes now as M_BARNEY,
but at the time her username was M_FETT.  Monica started a string in the last
version of PARENTING to talk about just such fears as you have now, and you are
welcome to start a string in this version which is devoted to that topic.
You can read her notes and the responses in DLAOCT::PARENTING-V3 987.*.
She announced that she was pregnant again in 987.41.  For Monica (hope you 
don't mind me bringing you up so much Monica), the fears continued even after
the birth of a healthy living child.  She discusses those fears in this
version of PARENTING, under 304.*.

Donna, be good to yourself.  Know that you are normal.  Know that people care.
Let us know how else we can help.

466.112Thanks, CarolKAOFS::M_BARNEYDance with a Moonlit KnightFri Oct 08 1993 10:3119
    Thanks for the introduction Carol,
    Donna, please please feel free to send me mail ANY time you need to 
    express any of that anxiety. As Carol says, the fears are still with
    me now, in the beginning of my 3rd pregnancy. Lyn Tripp is another 
    surviving parent of stillbirth, and she helped ME a lot during my 
    bad times. Our feelings and experiences were very similar and it 
    really helped me to know that there was someone else out there
    who feared and grieved too.
    Blanket advice is take one step at a time. Each day over is one day
    closer to your goal. Because of my fear and stress at work (along with
    a host of other minor medical considerations) I was able to take work
    off 5 weeks before Charlotte was due. It was WONDERFUL. I caught up
    on my sleep and was checked every week with ultrasounds and non-stress
    tests - my doc was making sure that my piece of mind was considered
    and taken care of. I was induced at 39 weeks for various reasons, and
    everything went WONDERFULLY.
    Write me any time!
466.113Thanks for the replys...BRAT::WOODARDMon Oct 11 1993 18:3641
    I want to say thanks to all who have written.  It helps to know that
    there are others out there who understand what I'm going through.  I am
    really excited about this baby.  I've gone out and bought a few things
    especially for this baby and it felt really good doing it.  I thought
    that I might be pregnant when Chelsey's 1 year anniversary came around
    and a test a week later confirmed it.  I almost feel like she's said
    it's okay to go on and that she'll be watching over us.  My husband
    said that he feels like he has a direct line to God.  
    Once in a while I think I feel some movement - I'm hoping this baby
    will be pretty active as Chelsey always seemed fairly quiet.
    Jean - I'll be thinking of you.  Your doctor sounds really great.  I'm
    hoping that after you get past that 22 week mark that things will get
    easier for you.  Anniversary time is always hard but try not to think
    about the coincidence of the timing.  Pretty soon you'll be past that
    point.  This is a whole new baby, so as you said - keep thinking
    positively (I know, easier said then done).  It sounds like you're a 
    lot like me.  In tune to every little ache, pain and feeling in the 
    "baby zone".
    Monica, congrats on your new pregnancy.  I was so excited when I read
    the news.  I've been read only for a long time and I've followed your
    stories for the past few years.  When I start to worry I think about
    the success you've had.  Right now the only time I'm really worried is
    when I go to the doctors office and they start listening for the
    heartbeat - it brings the reality of what can happen right up to the
    front of my mind.  I envy people who are able to go through pregnancy
    without all these worries - people like me the last time around.  I
    think I'll be more worried come around the time I'm due but they've
    already told me they won't let me go late.  I'm hoping my body will
    cooperate and I'll go early so I won't have to be induced but I'll do
    whatever it takes to have a healthy baby.
    Well, 110 days down, 170 to go.  I like looking at things that way - it
    feels like I've come so far already - another 30 days and it's the half
    way point!
    Well, enough of my ramblings.  Thanks for writing and for listening.
466.114confined to bed rest HELIX::ALEGERMon Nov 22 1993 12:1726
    Well, time for an update
    I am now at 31 1/2 weeks, and everything was going well, until last
    Friday evening. 
    I had major bleeding, and many contractions (1 every minute). I got 
    admitted into the hospital, and after 12 hours they got the
    contractions to stop (thank goodness).  After spending 4 days in the
    hospital under close watch, they sent me home, where I will be spending
    the rest of my pregnancy in bed so we don't have another escepade like
    last weekend.
    I now go to the doctors every week for a checkup to make sure 
    everything is where it belongs  :-)
    They said I lost some of the placenta, and the possiblity of it
    happening again is great...seems my placenta is real low (but not
    preva).  So at home I sit, passing the time away.
    I will try to drop a note when a get a chance.
    Thanks for all the support and advice I have gotten through this file,
    its made being pregnant a lot easier.
    Anne Marie
466.115CNTROL::JENNISONJohn 3:16 - Your life depends on it!Mon Nov 22 1993 16:464
	Prayers and hugs to you, Anne Marie!

466.116Same hereKAHALA::JOHNSON_LLeslie Ann JohnsonMon Nov 22 1993 19:563
I also offer my prayers and hugs.

466.117CSC32::DUBOISDiscrimination encourages violenceMon Nov 22 1993 22:557
<                      <<< Note 466.114 by HELIX::ALEGER >>>

Hang in there, Anne Marie.  If you feel like you're going to go nuts being
bedridden all of the time, there are lots of women in this file who have been
through this and are willing to help. 

466.118more good thoughts coming your waySTUDIO::POIRIERMon Nov 22 1993 23:5310
    Ann Marie,
    Make the best of your bedrest....I hope you can hang on a few more
    weeks, every day can make a big difference!!!  
    If you would like to contact me off-line, I've been through 2 premature
    births (26 and 31 weeks) hopefully, you won't go through it, but
    perhaps I can answer some questions...
466.119CNTROL::JENNISONJohn 3:16 - Your life depends on it!Tue Nov 23 1993 11:4227
	Well,  I've just completed my 26th week.

	So far so good.  Weight gain for this pregnancy is nearly 8 pounds
	heavier than at the same point in my first, but still right on
	target for "recommended" weight gain.  However, I'm carrying this
	baby even bigger than my first (and my doctor used to frequently
	joke about twins with my first... he's up to triplet jokes now).  I
	typically measure 2+ weeks further than I am.  People aren't too
	shy about letting me know, either.  Yesterday, someone announced to
	me that I was huge.  A few weeks ago, someone told my husband that
	I seem to get bigger every week (isn't that the plan ?? ;-) )

	I'm taking it in stride, though.  I suppose if my weight gain was
	a lot higher, I'd be quite uncomfortable with the comments.  For
	now, their just stories to tell other people.

	I'm still exercising 2-3 times a week.  I try to keep it steady at
	3, but the last month has been very hectic both at work and at home.
	I'm still comfortable doing aerobics, so I expect I'll be able to
	continue to the end.
	I go for my glucose test next week - yummy ;-|  !

	How're the rest of you feeling ??

466.120WONDER::MAKRIANISPattyTue Nov 23 1993 13:3116
    I'll be 28 weeks on Thanksgiving day. Basically I've been feeling
    great. My weight gain is almost identical to my first pregnancy though
    I am definitely carrying bigger. I have days where I do to much around
    the house or with my daughter. I have to learn to tell her that no, I
    can't pick her up and carry her (She's 2 1/2 and weighs 26 lbs). I too
    am going for my glucose tolerance test next week (Monday). What I
    thought worked out great is that the instructions they give you for the
    test tell you to eat 4 more bread servings a day for the 4 days before
    the test. Well for me this equates to Thanksgiving Day and the long
    weekend. This is going to be very easy. I can't believe that I start
    going every 2 weeks after for appointments. Between the holidays and
    the appointments, the rest of this pregnancy should fly, which is fine
    by me. I'm ready to see this kid.
466.121Another June baby...TOOK::L_JOHNSONTue Nov 23 1993 13:5128
    Well, since this topic is getting active again, I'll jump
    in with my news.
    We are expecting #2 in early June (same week as Monica)!
    So far this pregnancy has been extremely different from
    my first.  With Steven, pregnancy was a breeze...with
    this pregnancy I've had all day sickness, which is thankfully
    starting to get better now that the third month is almost
    over.  We also had a few scares, but I've been assured that
    the baby is fine.
    I find that I am more patient with this pregnancy (so far).
    Last time I just wanted pregnancy to be over so I could
    see his little face, this time I guess I only want the
    1st trimester over so I can eat real food :-)  I also
    want to savor this pregnancy as it will probably be the
    last and I now know how fast time flies once that baby
    is arrives.  My first baby just turned 4!
    Steven is also looking forward to finally getting a brother
    or sister and has been surprisingly patient about the arrival.
    We told him pretty early, but explained that the baby wouldn't
    arrive until after his cousin Jill's birthday (which is June 1st)
    he has been great about it so far.
    Best wishes to all of the other expectant mom's.
    Anne Marie, I wish you the best and hope the bedrest
    helps you to hold on for a few more weeks!
466.122week 17 almost 18.....POWDML::MANDILEpickles have no caloriesTue Nov 23 1993 14:4110
    I'm expecting #1 in April.  So far, so good.  No morning
    sickness at all, weight gain within acceptable levels
    (hard to do since I have a case of the "see-food" diet!)
    and other then not being too far from the restroom, things
    are fine.
466.123same old song and danceKAOFS::M_BARNEYDance with a Moonlit KnightTue Nov 23 1993 14:4746
    With me things are just about exactly the same as the 
    other two pregnancies. This is the time the headaches start,
    so I am not a happy camper - I find that I again am putting
    any sensible diet plans aside to make sure I eat what I can to
    make me feel better. I am having trouble drinking the jug of 
    water I bring to work everyday (imagine, water making you gag!)
    But don't have a problem with gingerale (my best friend!).
    I have all sorts of food quirks, no revulions, but sometimes I
    just don't feel like having one thing or another - or, more 
    likely, I have a strong wish for something in particular. 
    I find raisin danish and fig newtons a real pick me up 8-).
    I don't have any fondness for milk except maybe a glassful
    at dinner. (I try and eat more cheese instead though).
    Still gagging violently while brushing my teeth (the dentist
    is sympathetic but unrelenting!), and the occasional jaunt to
    the washroom the get rid of a meal.
    In some ways this pregnancy does not seem real to me, dispite 
    the symptoms and the fact that I am definitely showing. I think
    I will not believe it until I feel the baby moving or see it
    in the ultrasound.
    I have found out that my cousin's wife in California is also
    expecting (their third) and since we are very close emotionally,
    its a great thrill to hear the news (we talked about plans for
    babies when we visited in September - I've been waiting for their
    announcement). We're both hoping for boys, and I think we're both
    choosing the same name for a boy (both couples had chosen this
    name long ago and independantly, before any of us went through
    Some one else spoke about lifting their other child - Charlotte
    at 18 months is still a little young to understand what's happening
    to her mother, and so I find it difficult to resist her insistance 
    to be carried (all 30 pounds of her). I also dare not lie on the 
    floor to long, lest I be jumped on, and have those very tender 
    breasts mashed. 
    Well, enough rambling - I am very very impatient for June (hey,
    maybe I'll get to do this the spontaneous way this time, instead
    of induction. That should be a novelty!)
466.124CNTROL::JENNISONJohn 3:16 - Your life depends on it!Tue Nov 23 1993 15:2518

	That's interesting about your glucose test.  I wasn't
	given any instructions other than to show up, and plan to be
	there over an hour (test plus check-up) - same as my first pregnancy.
	I was just wondering this morning when the "every 2 weeks" visits
	start.  March seems so far away...

	Unlike Linda, I was incredibly patient with my first pregnancy,
	but find myself counting the days a bit more this time.  I love
	being pregnant, I'm just excited to hold this baby!  Perhaps
	it's because I don't know whether this is a boy or girl...

	Glad to hear everyone's doing well!

466.125BRUSH 'EM IN THE SHOWER!GENRAL::MARZULLATue Nov 23 1993 17:2613
    RE: Teeth brushing makes you gag...  I too had this problem and I also
    had a solution.  To brush your teeth in the shower.  Don't ask why but
    it worked for me. 
    To this day - I still occasionally gag when I brush my teeth and it is
    just because I conjer up those old feelings and gag.  I haven't been
    pregnant for over 5 years either!
    So - it was a strong urge with me and the shower worked!
466.126KAOFS::M_BARNEYDance with a Moonlit KnightTue Nov 23 1993 17:5820
    The shower trick gives only partial success. It has to do with 
    the time of day (no way 1st thing in the morning - I once tried
    this before breakfast since we were running late and I packed my
    muffin - gagged for 20 minutes - no time savings there!)
    I usually shower in the evening, and then take the opportunity to
    use that trick - works much better then. It has to do with even
    greater mucous build up that happens over night. By morning
    (with the dry air and furnace going) I often feel like I am
    ironically, I usually have breakfast which clears some of it,
    brush my teeth, gag, then proceed to eat peppermint certs all
    the way to work in order to minimize the gagging. I'm certain
    my dentist either hates me or is planning his next trip to 
    Florida at my expense 8-).
    Eating apples while driving to work is another solution.......
466.127my updateKAOFS::M_BARNEYDance with a Moonlit KnightMon Dec 13 1993 18:4219
    I'm at 15 weeks today, and after a rather surprising start
    (I "popped out" rather quickly, prompting my mother to ask
    whether or not I'd gone to the "Two for One" sale 8-) 8-) )
    I think I'm about normal for this stage.
    I am wondering whether its just THIS pregnancy, or the fact that 
    I am older (35 next month) or that I have to contend with a 19
    month old at home, but this time I feel worn out all the time.
    (and this xmas-madness isn't helping!)
    The good news is that I felt this baby quite early and can easily
    confirm when its moving around now. What's more is that we heard
    his/her heart beat last week at the doctors.
    Yes, there IS a little person in there! Will probably be doing my
    ultrasound early in the new year. Can't wait.......
466.128TOOK::L_JOHNSONMon Dec 13 1993 18:5431
    I could have sworn that you wrote that note FOR me!
    I'm 15 weeks now and this weekend those jeans DID NOT
    zip like they used to.  :-( [don't even talk about the snap!]
    I heard the baby's heartbeat last week also, but have been
    feeling "her" move around for weeks now.  Quite a change from
    last time when I heard Steven's heartbeat at 10 weeks and didn't
    feel him moving around til 17 weeks.  I thought I was going nuts
    to be feeling this baby at 11 weeks, thanks for making me sane!
    I'm sure the worn out feeling has alot to do with the fact
    that we can't just go home and "crash" anymore. I'm 
    trying not to think that age is a factor. :-)  There is
    so much more to do with a child already at home.  Luckily
    mine is 4 so that makes it alittle easier.  I've had to
    choose between Christmas shopping or cleaning for weeks now.
    If I go out to the malls, I'm so exhausted when I'm done.
    Finally, I made myself stay home yesterday and go through 
    the house and clean.
    I'm feeling ALOT better these days, I thought the nausea
    would never go away.  I hope you're feeling better too!
    I have my AFP screening next week and noticed that it also
    test for Downs Syndrome this time around.  I don't think it
    did in '89.
466.129CNTROL::JENNISONJohn 3:16 - Your life depends on it!Mon Dec 13 1993 19:1624
	No, Monica, I don't think it's age.  I'm a mere 30 ;-) and
	was also very worn out the first few months of this pregnancy.

	In fact, that was my major symptom!  I never really felt that 
	caring for Emily added to the fatigue (I mean, she never made
	me tired before I was pregnant!), but I'm sure it's part of
	the picture.  Actually, my doctor said to me at one of my first
	visits "Do you know the major difference between this pregnancy
	and your last ?"  I answered a nervous, "no", to which he replied,
	"you've got a one year old at home!"  I hadn't told him I'd been
	feeling tired, he was just preparing me for it!

	My energy increased weekly after about 16 weeks, and I hit my
	"feeling great" stride at about 22 weeks.

	re: popping out

	my joke for the last week has been:

	You know you're pregnant when:  all your pants are too short because
	they slide up to your virtual waist (somewhere right below the chest).

	Karen, with 11 weeks to go
466.130jeans? ha!KAOFS::M_BARNEYDance with a Moonlit KnightMon Dec 13 1993 19:295
    Linda, I've given in without a fight and have been wearing black
    stretch pants with large sweaters for the last 2 weeks 8-)
466.131:-)USCTR1::WOOLNERYour dinner is in the supermarketMon Dec 13 1993 20:013
    I like that, "virtual waist"!
466.132another update HELIX::ALEGERTue Dec 14 1993 00:3429
    Hi There, me again
    Well, I am still home on bed rest...and boared out of my mind :-)
    but I am enjoying my free time now, because I know that when the 
    baby comes there will be NO free time :-)
    Things have been going real well since I have been home...No 
    contractions, I have my sugar under control (it was real high 
    before) and my weight is not sky rocketing....
    We are visiting the Dr's once a week, having NST (non-stress) tests
    once a week, and Ultrasounds every other week.  I am currently
    at 34 weeks, and the Dr said that after 35 weeks, I can deliver at
    my hospital...I won't have to travel to worcester.
    I have been feeling real good until today :-(  I think the little
    one is dropping, because I feel like an extra 20lbs is sitting
    on top of my legs ...  We go to the Dr's on Wednesay, so we will
    find out then how we are holding up.
    I was a little scared a few weeks ago, but I have become more 
    relaxed as time goes by.  I am looking forward to the delivery
    of this child...
    Thanks for all the support I have recieved off line, once again
    its great to have this file, it is so full of information!
    Anne Marie
466.133new symptomsKAOFS::M_BARNEYDance with a Moonlit KnightMon Jan 10 1994 12:1425
    Well, I am now 19 weeks pregnant, and have had some new and different
    things happen to me. Up until now, my three pregnancies have been
    remarkably similar.
    This week however, I've been having symptoms I've never experienced.
    Wanted to ask if anyone else has these (any why!)
    Last week I had a bout of what I can only describe as heart palations.
    All of a sudden I felt my heart trying to beat its way out of my
    ribcage; my pulse raced and I forced to sit down - about 40 seconds 
    later everything went back to normal as suddenly as it had started.
    I felt as if I'd just run a two mile race!
    Over the weekend I was surprising short of breath, and this morning
    I've been extremely light headed and dizzy. (and this is still
    going on presently).
    Up until now I have NEVER had high blood pressure (as a matter of fact
    it's normally a little low). No diabetes (gestational or otherwise).
    Last week we had the ultrasound (and I tell you secretly - it was a 
    great relief to see everything was fine!) the only problem is that
    presently I have placenta previa - since the last pregnancy started
    low (not this low though) and moved up, no-one is really concerned.
466.134CSC32::S_BROOKThere and back to see how far it isMon Jan 10 1994 14:248

Call your Doctor ... there may be something else going on to get
checked out, that in combination with the pregnancy is producing
these symptoms.  They could well be nothing to worry about but a
call to the doc. will reassure you far more than we can!

466.135Thanks, StuartKAOFS::M_BARNEYDance with a Moonlit KnightMon Jan 10 1994 14:305
    The doc will be in after lunch - I've already made a call and 
    should be in contact with her this afternoon. 
    I hope she calls before I imagine myself into a panic! 
466.136SUPER::WTHOMASMon Jan 10 1994 14:3619
    	A minor consolation to you might be that with my second pregnancy,
    I would get very very dizzy (to the point where I felt I might pass
    out) when I mentioned this to the midwives, they were barely concerned
    and told me (Ordered me) to drink 10 (!!!) glasses of water a day
    instead of 8. (this of course meant I was in the bathroom every 10
    minutes). I don't know if the water did it or if I just "outgrew" it
    but the symptoms did get better.

    	Remember that with each pregnancy (and this is your third!) the
    muscles are weaker and so the baby will sit lower in the pelvis than in
    previous ones. This opens up a whole set of new problems, pains,
    creaks, restricted blood flow, muscle cramps, ah the maternal joys of

    	Good luck with the Doctor, and take a few deep breaths, just make
    sure you're sitting down when you do ;-)

466.137CNTROL::JENNISONUnto us, a Child is givenMon Jan 10 1994 15:4148
	I was going to enter a pregnancy update today, and one of
	the things I was going to comment on was the heart

	I had my first episode of this at ~ 5 weeks.  Mine lasted
	about 3-5 minutes.  It was within a certain time window of
	eating - do you notice any correlation to when you eat ?

	It happened about 2 more times within the next two weeks, then
	stopped for months.

	For the last month or so, it has come back.  Although the palpitations
	don't seem as strong, I feel a bit weaker, and usually try to
	sit down.  This usually happens within 30 minutes of eating
	a larger-than-normal meal.
	My blood pressure is fine, my blood sugars are fine, my baby is
	fine.  I guess I've always attributed it to digestion.

	I've never mentioned it to my doctor - I guess it keeps slipping
	my mind (another pregnancy symptom, no ?)  Let me know what the
	doctor says ??

	I've got seven weeks to go (maximum, I believe), and otherwise
	am feeling great.  

	There are still many differences between my two pregnancies.  Last
	time around, I gained weight very slowly, but carried large.  This time,
	I'm still carrying large, but gained much of my weight at the beginning.
	I've now been hovering around the same weight for about a month, putting
	me only 3 pounds heavier than I was with Emily at this point.  My
	ideal goal would be to gain 25 pounds or leas, but I'm realistically
	making 30 my top number.

	This past weekend, I had a round of nosebleeds.  I remember reading
	somewhere that this could happen, but was surprised none-the-less
	when it did.  Anyone else experience them ?

	My workouts have diminished over time, not from lack of energy, ability,
	or desire - mostly from lack of time.  I get an average of 2 workouts/wk
	in - it'll be interesting to see how or if that affects my recovery
	(last time I was getting a minimum of 3/wk and recovered very quickly).

466.138I had them tooMKOTS3::JONES_RMon Jan 10 1994 16:3546
    I had a similiar scare early in my pregnancy too.  Last winter (Wow,
    hard to believe that much time has passed), I was about 3 mos., and
    after walking around a store for about 30 min. at lunch, I was standing
    in the check-out line, and suddenly got palpatations, began feeling
    very hot, then dizzy, and felt weak and shaky.  Then, while I broke out
    in a cold sweat, my vision went - put your nose against your screen -
    that's how everything looked to me, like looking through a mesh window
    screen close up, and I almost passed out.
    This lasted about 5 min.  I was still a little weak afterwards, but
    drove back to MKO, drank a lot of water, and called my OB.  The nurse
    said not to worry, that it's common for the baby and internal organs to
    shift around at this stage after you've been active and then suddenly
    stopped, and if they come to rest on the inferior (?) vena cava - the
    artery that handles blood flow for the lower part of the body, this is
    what will happen.
    I thought she was crazy, didn't think the baby could be big enough to
    cause that kind of problem yet, but my primary dr., who's had 5
    children, and is a great-grandmother, explained that as the uterus
    grows, things get pushed around - kidneys, liver, arteries, etc. and it's
    inevitable they'll bump into one another.  She said that next time,
    change my position when it starts to hit, like bend over, lean to one
    side, raise an arm or leg, etc. to get things shifted again, and it
    would help.  She was right.
    Later, in the last trimester, I got palpatations all the time.  It was
    from the increased blood volume, and was worst when I reclined or lay
    in bed at night.  I would also notice that after these episodes, I
    would notice some mild swelling in my hands & feet a while later.  I 
    found really forcing myself to drink an 8 oz. glass of water when they 
    hit, or before bed, would do the trick - they would be gone within 10
    min., and the swelling would go away.
    It did get so bad, though, in the last 2 weeks, that I quit driving
    because I didn't feel comfortable, since I would also get dizzy with
    them sometimes.  Plus, after that glass of water, I couldn't always
    find a place to pull over and get to a restroom quickly!
    Hope this helps.
466.139CNTROL::JENNISONUnto us, a Child is givenMon Jan 10 1994 18:108
	Thanks Becky, your input is appreciated! (even though *I'm* not

	Interestingly, I do find that sitting seems to make things worse,
	yet at the same time, I feel a bit fatigued and *want* to sit...

466.140POWDML::MANDILEentering the moo cow stageTue Jan 11 1994 13:4916
    I have hit the 24 week mark today.  6 months, with 3 to go....
    Funny someone mentioned nose bleeds.  I have been having them
    quite often throughout the past 4 months, most often at work, tho'.
    It IS very dry in the office, and the air quality is poor.
    I had the heart racing bit a few times, but most often I notice
    that by the end of the day, when I'm getting ready to go to bed,
    all my veins are bulging out, especially in my hands. Sometimes my heart
    races a little, too.  I have had 2-3 bouts with swollen veins behind
    the knees, but it's been a while since the last one.
    We start childbirth classes next week.  Looking forward to being
    with a group of pregnant woman and their support persons, to chat
    about and complain about being pregnant! (8
466.141whine whineKAOFS::M_BARNEYDance with a Moonlit KnightTue Jan 11 1994 14:4416
    Lynne, I think its great to have an excepted place to complain!
    results of call to doctor:
     palpitations are considered a normal side effect of pregnancy.
    However, she thinks maybe that my shortness of breath and dizziness
    may be attributed to another flu (!!!) NOT AGAIN!
    Well, I think I have another explanation for the shortness of
    breath - I've widened out tremendously in the last two weeks,
    as a matter of fact, doing the dishes three days ago was easier than
    it was last night!
    Well, I'm in for the monthly checkup on Thursday and we'll no doubt
    discuss this and my previa condition. 
    Thanks so much for the support as always!
466.142POWDML::MANDILEentering the moo cow stageTue Jan 11 1994 16:447
    Of course, nothing wrong with this note for pregnancy related
466.143CNTROL::JENNISONUnto us, a Child is givenTue Jan 11 1994 18:1113
	Thanks for the update, Monica.

	I wonder why you don't see much mention of this in the
	pregnancy books...

	This morning, I rolled onto my back for just a few minutes, and
	I started feeling the same way as I do when I get the palpitations.

	I guess that enforces the "pressure on the vena cava" theory.

	BTW, with my daughter, I had little problem laying on my back, even
	as long as 1/2 hour.  I really am carrying this baby differently.
466.144Oh well, surprise in store, I guess......POWDML::MANDILENot unless your butt has eyesThu Jan 13 1994 17:016
    Looks like I won't be able to find out what the baby is after all.
    Due to the clamping down on ultrasounds and such, and my being in
    such good shape, there is no reason for any more ultrasounds...)8
466.145According to the Wall St. Journal...NOTIME::SACKSGerald Sacks ZKO2-3/N30 DTN:381-2085Thu Jan 13 1994 17:522
If you're willing to pay, there are people who have ultrasound "photo studios."
Now you can start Junior's album with an in utero picture.
466.146POWDML::MANDILENot unless your butt has eyesThu Jan 13 1994 18:104
    Where? Where?  MA area?
466.147NOTIME::SACKSGerald Sacks ZKO2-3/N30 DTN:381-2085Thu Jan 13 1994 18:223
I don't remember if the article mentioned any in Massachusetts.  I believe it
appeared in the WSJ shortly after Thanksgiving.  It was the human interest
story on the center column of the front page.
466.148POWDML::MANDILENot unless your butt has eyesThu Jan 13 1994 18:224
    Figures )8  
466.149what a month!KAOFS::M_BARNEYDance with a Moonlit KnightWed Jan 26 1994 15:1053
    This year was ushered in by a number of depressing events.
    - as I mentioned in another note, we've been experiencing brutally
    cold weather here (its -40C with the windchill now!). This does not 
    make one feel boyant or energetic!
    - I've been sick on and off all month. Started at xmas with a bad
    chest cold, and over the weekend developed not only a bad head cold
    but woke up monday morning with conjunctivitis. (Gosh, I look
    particularly ghoulish!)
    - I celebrated my 35th birthday (that can be considered good or bad
    depending on your point of view) and found out the next day that some
    one I have great affection for (an ex-parenting member) suffered a 
    miscarriage that day.
    - at my ultrasound I was diagnosed with placenta previa. I was okay
    with this but as time went on, I have become more and more nervous with
    this high risk condition and its probable outcome of a c-section. 
    - since the start of the month the rumours about layoffs have been
    vicious in Canada. Its made for an opressive atmosphere. 
    - Finally, I've been transitioned. Today. An hour ago. My boss is such
    a sweetheart that he's held off telling everyone to disuser me so that
    I can log in from home one last time to say 
    my most fondest and sincerest farewells to ALL OF YOU!
    This is one of the very worst parts of leaving, its the local and 
    virtual community I must abandon. The package was more than I expected
    so we won't be too bad off, but I will really miss everyone.
    To contact me, you can either:
    1/ send mail to Brenda Zinn (KAOFS::B_ZINN) my very good friend,
    ex-coworker and ex-carpool partner.
    2/ send mail to me via internet:   aj886@freenet.carleton.ca
    3/ send mail the old fashioned way:
                                        Monica Barney
    					95 Tarquin Cres,
    					Nepean, Ontario
    					tel (613)820-0753
    With affection,
    	Monica Barney
    P.S. Wendy, Carol, one day I will find a way to accept those
    dinner invitations. Just watch!
466.150SUPER::WTHOMASWed Jan 26 1994 15:2310
    Oh Monica,
    	I will miss you so, you have taught me much.
    	You can bet we'll (Marc and I) be staying in touch.
	Take care, rest, and be warm.
466.151CNTROL::JENNISONUnto us, a Child is givenWed Jan 26 1994 15:419

	You will be sorely missed.

	Wishing you all the best, especially with your new baby.

	God Bless,
466.152MROA::DJANCAITISwater from the moonWed Jan 26 1994 16:053
Best of luck, Monica, with everything !!!!  We'll all miss you !!!!!!!!!

466.153good luck!RDVAX::HABERsupercalifragilisticexpialidociousWed Jan 26 1994 16:183
    Monica -- good luck!!!!
466.154it's getting to be too muchSTAR::LEWISWed Jan 26 1994 16:274
    Oh Monica - I'm so sorry to hear this. Your notes were  such a help to 
    me (bet you didn't even know it) when my sister-in-law lost a child
    late in her pregnancy. Have fun with Charlotte and enjoy the new baby!
    Sue Lewis
466.155CSC32::M_EVANShate is STILL not a family valueWed Jan 26 1994 16:377
    i don't have the words to express how I feel about this.
    Good luck in your next endeavors and with the rest of this pregnancy.  
    Meg, who really is crying over this
466.156Best of luckASIC::MYERSWed Jan 26 1994 16:508
    So sorry to hear you're leaving 8^(
    Hope only good things will come your way.  Good luck to you, Alan,
    Charlotte and the new baby (make sure we find out when it arrives!).
466.157ROAMIN::BLACHEKWed Jan 26 1994 16:5112
    I too feel a terrible sense of loss.  Your notes are always so
    considerate, so thoughtful, and so sensible.  Plus, you share your
    entire being.
    I'll miss you voice so very much.  
    Since our babies are due only a few weeks apart, you'll remain in my
466.158...and anotherTOOK::L_JOHNSONWed Jan 26 1994 17:0015
    I share Judy's sentiments.  With our babies due the same week,
    I will think of you often and hope that you will let us know
    when your new little one arrives.
    Your notes have been very helpful to me also, and there are
    many times I have laughed and cried with you, through them.
    Best wishes to you.  Enjoy this time with Charlotte and
    the new baby.
    		take care,
466.159it's warm in So. CalIVOS02::NEWELL_JOThe hills are aliveWed Jan 26 1994 17:259
    Hope you make it to So. Cal someday so we can meet.
    Not sure you have our number or address. Write me
    offline if you don't.
    Take care, stay warm and have fun!
466.160Adieu!WKEND::MACARTHURWed Jan 26 1994 17:384
    Monica - I feel I've come to know you from reading your notes.  I wish
    you nothing but the best - you deserve it!  
466.161farewellASABET::TRUMPOLTLiz Trumpolt - 223-7195, MSO2-2/F3Thu Jan 27 1994 16:1113
    I feel as if I am loosing a very dear friend.  Your notes have been
    extremly helpful and I to have laughed and cried with you while reading
    your notes.
    I wish you the very best of everything and enjoy your time with
    Charlotte and the new baby.
    Take care of yourself and don't worry everything will turn out for the
    Liz Trumpolt
466.162Best of luck - thanks for all your thoughtful notesPCBOPS::TERNULLOThu Jan 27 1994 18:0210

	I've mostly been a read only noter, I reply once in a while
	and I just joined the notes file about a year ago. But your
	notes were always very interesting and compassionate.  I
	enjoyed reading your opinion on several topics.

	Best luck with the new baby and family - your a special person.
	Karen T.
466.163POWDML::MANDILENot unless your butt has eyesFri Jan 28 1994 14:355
    Good luck, Monica!
466.164Interesting news today...WONDER::MAKRIANISPattyFri Feb 04 1994 13:3719
    Well, I had my 38 week checkup this morning and found out 2 things:
    	1) I'm already 2cm dialated...No big deal
    	2) During the exam of my cervix the doctor commented on "shaking
    	   hands" with my baby. So off to the ultrasound room we went.
    	   It seems my child has postioned one of its hands right up 
    	   near the top of its head, making for an interesting presentation
    	   for birth.
    So, has anyone had a presentation like this before??? The doctor said
    the baby could very easily pull the hand away before labor begins or
    during labor. She also said they could possibly "push" it back during
    labor so the baby comes head only first and not head and arm. If
    anyone has any info on this I would love to response. Today's my last
    day at work so any input after today I probably won't see (unless I get
    my modem working).
    Thanks, Patty
466.165NEWPRT::NEWELL_JOThe hills are aliveFri Feb 04 1994 14:2723
   >	2) During the exam of my cervix the doctor commented on "shaking
   > 	   hands" with my baby. So off to the ultrasound room we went.
   >	   It seems my child has postioned one of its hands right up 
   > 	   near the top of its head, making for an interesting presentation
   > 	   for birth.
    When I went into preterm labor (at 23 weeks) with my son, 
    the OB did an internal. She had determined that I was 
    80-90% effaced...yow!  While groping around, the OB asked
    me if I had found out the baby's sex after my amnio. I said
    "yes."  She then proceded to jokingly ask what I was going 
    to name 'him'.  I didn't understand at first so she explained
    that Michael was breech and his testicles were presented first.
    I wasn't all that concerned that he was presented breech,
    I was blown away by the fact that my cervix was thin enough for
    the doctor to identify his body parts.  It was then that I really
    knew how much trouble I was in at only 23 weeks.
    I went on to deliver a healthy boy who turned for a normal
    presentation at 36 weeks. (see note 20.***)
466.166No fun!MKOTS3::NICKERSONFri Feb 04 1994 16:3211
    My middle son, Ryan, had his hand laying against the side of his face
    as he was being born (picture Jack Benny's favorite pose!).  My midwife
    had me stop pushing (REAL fun) and she manuevered his hand around
    somehow - I don't know if she pulled the arm out or pushed it back in -
    I wasn't watching!  All I know was that it was extremely uncomfortable
    and I required alot of stitches.  Ryan decided to to come so quickly
    that there was no time for an episiotomy so that probably made the
    tearing worse.  If she hadn't been able to fix his arm she said I would
    have torn all the way into my rectum (such a pleasant thought!).
    But, I survived and went on to have a third with no problems.
466.167CSC32::M_EVANShate is STILL not a family valueFri Feb 04 1994 16:5613
    I have seen a baby come out with a hand right against her cheek.  there
    weren't any problems.  I "kind of fear" with Atlehi was the fact that she
    was always sucking her toes.  She came out just fine, head first and
    the feet last like she should have.
    With all the Ultrasounds I had, watching to see which foot was going
    to be in her mouth that week became a joke between the staff and me. 
    It was fairly entertaining, although I wasn't please when she joined
    her sisters in deciding to start labor sunny-side up.  Maybe if I have
    another I will find out what an anterior vertex presentation feels
    like.  One second thought, I'll take what I have.
466.168SEND::ROLLMANWed Feb 09 1994 14:459

my second was born with her hand covering her face.  She
was 8-1/2 pounds, and I had no trouble getting her out,
so to speak.  No tearing, episiotomy, etc.

I wouldn't worry about it.

466.169CNTROL::JENNISONUnto us, a Child is givenMon Feb 14 1994 11:4316
	Well, I'm entering the "home stretch".  Tomorrow's my last
	day at work until late May.

	I'm definitely ready for the time off.  I've got daycares to		
	visit, baby clothes to wash and sort (and retrieve from various
	family members!), and a bit of play to catch up on with my
	20 month old daughter.

	Good luck to the rest of the pregnant women (and expectant
	dads!) !!! I'll be back in to post a birth announcement
	when "Baby Jennison" is born!

466.170POWDML::MANDILENot unless your butt has eyesMon Feb 14 1994 13:335
    I hit the 7 months mark this weekend.  Time seems to be both
    flying by, and dragging at the same time. /-8
466.171My experience...HELIX::ALEGERMon Feb 14 1994 19:1257
    Well, I'm back, and made it through with flying colors...
    as for the pregnancy....
    Back in early November at 30 weeks, I went into active labor, and had
    heavy bleeding....I spent a week in Worcester Memorial, and was
    discharged to home to spend the next 10 weeks on strict bedrest...
    Since then, I stayed at home and followed the doctors orders
    completely, they gave me the go-ahead at 36 weeks to start doing
    things.  Well, 30 weeks and 1 day, I started bleeding again (real
    heavy) This was the day after christmas, I called the doctor, and was
    seen in the hospital....after getting examed I was 3cm and 50%...
    everyone thought I was going to deliver that night (would have been
    nice, it was my birthday)...well the contractions couldnt get regular,
    and I did not dialate anymore...so they sent me home on Monday morning.
    All day Monday I walked (while still bleeding) to help labor progress,
    went back to the hospital Monday evening through Tuesday morning, now
    4cm 50% but the contractions were not consistent.   Spent all day
    Tuesday at home, keeping tract of contractions...still nothing
    consistent :-(  Wednesday went for my weekly checkup, was still 4cm and
    50%...and still bleeding :-(  
    On Wednesday they sent me to the hospital for a NST (non-stress test),
    the baby was still doing fine..but  after a convo with the Dr's we
    decided to go the induction route.  So they started the Pitocin (sp?)
    at 12 noon....by 6pm they just started getting the contractions
    consistent, but they were not working.  So they shut off the medicine,
    and I spend the night to start all over again on Thrusday.  On thursday
    morning they started the meds again at 8am, broke my water at 11am, and
    I was in active labor by 11:30.  By 11:30 I could not walk, and the
    pain left something to be desired..I had front and back labor, the
    contractions were 3 minutes long and 20 seconds apart (a side effect 
    of the pitocin).  After trying to tough-it-out, I got a epidural at 
    2:30pm...Life was fine after that.  I went from 5cm to 10 cm without
    any problems.  At 4:30 they shut off the Epidural and I started to
    push, and by 5:14 I had a wonderful baby boy.... Nicholas John)
    I must say, the pushing was very easy! I couldn't believe it only took
    40 minutes of pushing.
    But after that, it was all down hill.. My placenta came out, but there
    was a piece missing :-(  They were finally able to diagnose all my 
    problems as being a dual-lobe placenta.  So, I had to undergo a D&C 
    immediately after delivering NIcholas with NO Anastesia OUCH!!! There
    was no time to administer the pain killers, so I toughed it out!
    They told me that if they had know about he placenta, they would not
    have let me go through labor, I would have had to have a C-section.
    I am glad I went through labor, it was a great experience, even with 
    all the complications!  and I wouldn't trade Nicholas for anything.
    ....today is my first day back to work, and boy is it a long day ..
    Anne Marie
466.172CNTROL::JENNISONUnto us, a Child is givenMon Feb 14 1994 20:049
	Congratulations, Anne Marie - glad to hear all turned out
	for the best!  

	Certainly not an ideal labor - I'll have to remember your
	story when I'm delivering lest I start to think *I've* got it

466.173??POWDML::MANDILEmy hair smells like hayTue Mar 08 1994 17:5815
    Called to set up the pediatrician, only to find out he is not
    taking on any new clients until after April 1st.  I'm not due
    until April 11th, so maybe I'll hang on until at least the 1st! (8
    During childbirth class, we were told that this would be a good time to
    seek out the Pedi we wanted.  When I called, they mentioned that they
    would have liked to have set up a prenatal exam.  
    (and I have to call back after the 1st, so I might not even be able
    to use this Pedi)  
    Prenatal exam?  What for?  Wouldn't contacting my OB/GYN and discussing
    my pregnancy be sufficient?
466.174Would you fit on the baby scale???ASIC::MYERSTue Mar 08 1994 18:2217
    Maybe they didn't mean examine YOU but discuss how your pregnancy has
    been, any medical conditions you or your husband and families may have,
    and to answer any questions that you have concerning the practice, etc.
    That way both of you have a handle of what to expect once the baby is
    here and you're dealing on a parent/doctor relationship and have
    squirming, crying infant on your hands.
    I interviewed our pediatrician prior to determining that she was the
    one I wanted.  We discussed medical histories, she answered a lot of
    questions I had concerning the practice.  We also talked about being a
    working parent, plus I got a video on breastfeeding and babycare.
    It's a good idea to meet the doctor and nurses ahead of time.
466.175shhhhhhSUPER::WTHOMASMon Mar 21 1994 13:1823
    Marc please hit the next unseen key,.....
    	Nope you missed, hit it again,......
    	Okay, now that he's gone,
    	I know something you don't know, but I promised Marc I wouldn't
    tell anyone yet.
	Let's just say that we may have to set another setting at the table
    for the Thanksgiving dinner.
    		:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
466.176STAR::AWHITNEYMon Mar 21 1994 14:541
466.177CNTROL::STOLICNYMon Mar 21 1994 15:004
    Yes, Wendy, congratulations!    Will that make 3 under 3??
466.178geeshSUPER::WTHOMASMon Mar 21 1994 18:548

    	Three under three?! Don't be ridiculous. What, do you think I'm

    	Spencer will be 3.1. ;-)

466.179congratsASABET::TRUMPOLTLiz Trumpolt - 223-7195, MSO2-2/F3Mon Mar 21 1994 19:1311
    Wendy,  Congratulations.
    I hope Spencer will be potty trained by then or almost done or ready
    to be trained.  I pitty if he's not, three kids in diapers, can't even
    think of it.  Are you hoping for another boy or would you like a girl
    this time.
    Again my congratulations,
466.180POWDML::MANDILEmy hair smells like hayWed Mar 23 1994 14:4117
    It _was_ a consultation, not an exam!  I suggested that they call it
    a consultation, not exam, for the next interviewee...(8
    Well, this is it.  Friday is my last day, and then it's off on
    maternity leave until August.  Only, with 3 weeks to go to the "due date", 
    I develop acute bronchitis!   The doctor won't be teasing me about
    weight gain on the next visit!  Can't eat much when you are coughing
    so hard it hurts, and are 8 months +!!!!  Thank goodness for chicken
    noodle soup and antibiotics (; ......   
    On a good note...after 4 nights of zero sleep due to the bronchitis, I 
    had the first straight 7 hours of sleep friday night in 6 months!!!
    Good luck and best wishes!
466.181Great News!IVOSS1::SZAFIRSKI_LOIVF...I'm Very Fertile!Wed Mar 23 1994 16:574
    Congrats Wendy!  What wonderful news and a due date around
    Thanksgiving... couldn't think of anything better to be grateful for!
466.182written from my padded office... :-)NOTAPC::PEACOCKFreedom is not free!Wed Mar 23 1994 18:2416
   re: Wendy,
   Oooooohhhhh... you're pregnant?!  Gee, when you said something about
   another place setting at Thanksgiving, I figured you were going to
   invite a foreign exchange student to stay with you... :-)  :-)
   btw - don't feel too bad about going crazy... for about 6 weeks, we
   had 4 kids under the age of 5 (5, 3.5, 2, newborn) !  My oldest turned
   5 about 1.5 weeks ago, and #4 is 7 weeks old.   (Its not as bad as it
   sounds... only the 2 little ones are still in diapers.)
   - Tom
   ps - Congrats!
466.183I'll introduce you to the crust dietIVOSS1::WAHL_ROWed Mar 23 1994 23:5322
                     <<< Note 466.175 by SUPER::WTHOMAS >>>
re:                                  -< shhhhhh >-


	You are one *courageous* woman! 

	$Set mode:== admiration
	I'll be giving up my self-pity therapy soon. (3 in 7.5 years)

	Many Blessings,


        P.S. Even *MY* husband assumed I'd give up working outside of
        the home after our third. {And they say hormones don't affect men!}

466.184SUPER::WTHOMASMon Apr 25 1994 19:4326
    	Well surprise, surprise, I'm pregnant (what little 'ol me?).
    	I went to the midwife and not only got full confirmation but also
    got some interested pieces of information.
    	First is that I am measuring too large but she said that it's tto
    early for the twins scare (sorry too late, you already scared me).
    	Second is that I am due the day *after* Thanksgiving and so instead
    of setting another plate at the table for Thanksgiving looks like we'll
    be hanging another stocking on the fireplace for Christmas.
    	Lastly, based on my history, Large babies, difficult deliveries and
    very post-term babies, she wants me to start thinking about being
    induced on my due date (with my history, being due the day after
    Thanksgiving means I would give birth sometime mid to late December
    	For me, it's far too early to start thinking about being induced,
    my main goal right now is to be able to go 2 hours without throwing up.
    (I had forgotten what a joy morning sickness was).
466.185REFDV1::SENAWherever you go, there you are !Tue Apr 26 1994 18:5812
    Congrats again !  
    I don't envy you - all three of my kids were post-due by 2+ weeks
    and I had to be induced EVERY time !! Not a lot of fun.  I always
    kept hoping that I would go into labor on my own.....
    Good luck !
466.186LATVMS::BRANAMThu Apr 28 1994 15:599
My wife was induced both times. The first time, the doc said he might have had
to do a C-section if he had waited. While it won't do anything for the 
morning sickness, it sure can make delivery easy. My wife gets mad when I
tell her the second was about the most relaxed delivery that I ever heard of.
She didn't even break a sweat (good epidural!). If you have problem deliveries,
I would say it would definitely be worth considering based on her experience.
She felt a little awkward about "going before her time" but it was short-lived 
concern. Our focus was on a healthy baby and a healthy mommy, without
466.187I'm back....WONDER::MAKRIANISPattyTue Jun 07 1994 17:3032
    Congrats Wendy!!!
    Hello everyone, I'm back...and I don't want to be.
    Lara Elizabeth Makrianis decided to come into this world (finally) on
    March 1 at 7:59 am (she was due Feb. 17th). When she did decided to
    come, she just blasted her way out. I woke up at 4:30 with diarrhea
    (sp), by 5:30 I realized this was it. Got the bag packed and Anna to
    the babysitters and didn't think I was going to make it to the
    hospital. Got to the hospital at 6:45. At about 7:05 they checked me
    and I was at 5 cm. I was screaming for some painkillers but they had
    to wait for the doctor to get there (she had just left and missed the
    call that I was coming in). The doc got there at 7:35 and said we can't
    give you anything you're at 9cm. She broke my water and then had me get 
    on my hands and knees to get the baby to move around cause she could feel 
    the cord. A few minutes and 3 pushes later out came Lara Elizabeth, all
    8 pounds 8 ounces and 21 inches of her. She was rather battered looking
    from coming out so fast, but I felt great. I walked to my room 45
    minutes later. The worst thing (besides dialating so quickly) was that
    they had to manually help the placenta cause it was so old it was
    starting to fall apart. 
    She is an absolute doll. Looks very much like her sister except she is
    fair where Anna is more olive toned and she has blue eyes where Anna
    has chocolate brown ones. She's a wonderfully tempered baby. Happy all
    the time. Breaks into grins and giggles when you change her dirty
    diaper...now if she just would sleep through the night...
    Gotta go...talk later...
466.1881/2 way there and counting...TOLKIN::OSHAUGHNESSYLet LIFE be your GOALMon Aug 15 1994 18:1724
	Well time for an update... #3 is well on the way !!!

	20 weeks down/20 weeks to go...  I thought that I was impatient with
	#2, this one I'm even more impatient.  Come on January 1...

	#3 will join two brothers, Ryan who will be almost 10 and Robert who
	will be 25 months.

	Lately I've been feeling, like what am I nuts, how am I going to go 
	through this again, how am I going to handle another baby!  Robert 
	was a 9lb. 15oz. VBAC.  Panic is starting to really kick in, but I
	know that I'll be over it soon enough.

	So far this has been the easiest of all three pregnancies.  A little
	queasy stomach in the beginning, but definitely better than the first
	two.  I've gained alot less weight so far also.  I'm trying to be 
	very conscious about what I'm eating and choosing healthy foods.  
	Both other pregnancies were about a 60 lb. gain, I'm really trying 
	to keep it to a reasonable 35 lbs. or so (only 12 so far).

	Anyone else due in the near future ???

	Laurie O
466.189New Years babyBRAT::FULTZDONNA FULTZMon Aug 15 1994 18:3512
    	I am due on the same date.. !  It's great to be half way now I am
    getting curious on what he/she going to look like.. 
    	I haven't put on any weight - Which the doctor is very glad about
    since I went into the pregancy over weight.
    	I take alot of cat naps but, other than that I feel great.. .. 
    	I am having my baby at lowell general (hoping to be the frist baby
    of the new year and get all those free presents..)
466.190late September due dateRDVAX::VONCAMPEMon Aug 15 1994 19:0415
    I'm in the home stretch with six weeks left to go.  So far I've gained
    25 pounds and I hope I don't gain much more, because I feel huge!  
    This will be our first and luckily I have felt well throughout the
    pregnancy.  My only complaint was some first trimester fatigue, which
    seems to be returning.  This hot summer hasn't been too pleasant
    either, but I've just been dressing light, going only where it is air
    conditioned, and taking lots of showers...and I'm still hot!  But I
    guess that goes with being pregnant.
    We are having a girl and I cannot wait to meet her!  She's quite
    active, and I find that the feeling of her moving around inside of me
    is the greatest feeling in the world.
466.191another January baby!ODIXIE::RICHARDSONAre we there yet??Mon Aug 15 1994 20:2619
    You dogs! - I'm jealous since I'm not not due until Jan 18 (which isn't
    so far, but seems REAL far away).  This is also my third (what am I,
    Crazy?? - sometimes I wonder).  We haven't found out boy or girl yet
    but should know by the end of the week (had an amnio a week and a half
    I already have 2 girls and would love another one - Dad feels the same
    way.  Then again, a little boy would be a nice change and a new
    challenge so I won't be disappointed either way.  I just want to have
    a healthy baby and am already tired of being pregnant.  I'm also 
    gaining much less weight this pregnancy - gained about 45 for the first 
    2 and have only gained 9 so far.  Hopefully that will continue but who
    knows - I'll probably gain 30 pounds the last 4 months!
    But I shouldn't complain, it's so far a very easy pregnancy (again) and
    we're all really looking forward to January - it can't come fast
    enough for me.
466.192Add one for FebruaryWIZSKI::TERNULLOWed Aug 17 1994 13:5737

	Well, I guess I have the longest to go... so far.  Our due date
	is Feb 10th.  This will be our second.  Our daughter Kristen will
	be 22 months when the new baby arrives and I guess that's what
	has me the most worried (how she'll handle it)  She's adjusted
	well to all the minor changes that have happened in her life so far,
	so we're hoping she'll do fine with this one too.

	My first pregnancy was a breeze, only a little nausea and felt
	great!! (I was actually a little disappointed the baby was born
	1 week early - I was looking forward to more time off to get things
	done at home)  This pregnancy still doesn't quite seem "real"
	yet.  The whole month of July I felt pretty crummy, much more
	nausea and exhausted, but I think this had a lot to do with the
	heat too!  Now that I'm entering the 2nd trimester I feel almost
	like myself again.  The best thing is that we heard the baby's 
	heart beat a few weeks ago and that brought the biggest smile
	to my face!  Now I'm just really anxious to feel some movement.
	I didn't feel Kristen moving until 22 weeks but I've heard you
	usually feel movement sooner with the 2nd, so I'm hoping and waiting.
        We're at week 15 now.	

	I exercised a lot with the first pregnancy and haven't been doing
	as well with this one.  But now that it's getting a little cooler
	and I don't feel exhausted or sick to my stomach, I'm starting
	to do a little more.  I'm hoping this will make me feel better 
	overall and help with the delivery.

	I'm not at the point were I'm sick of being pregnant, I'm just enjoying
	it and actually hoping that time goes by slowly.  Because I'm not
	sure how I'll handle the cute little one we have now PLUS another
	adorable little face.
	Congratulations to all!

	Karen T.
466.193halfway thereAPSMME::PENDAKFri Aug 19 1994 17:1628
    I'm about half-way there.  My due date is Jan. 11, though it might be
    adjusted.  At my last visit with the midwife an ultrasound was ordered
    because I "measured" a little larger than I should.  The ultrasound
    showed only one fetus (much to our relief and disappointment!), but the
    technician said it the measurements were about a week ahead of what my
    dates say.  If they want to adjust the due dates to Jan. 4, I'd have no
    complaints!  I guess I'll find out next week at my next appointment.
    Except for just a little bit of morning sickness, the tendonitus in
    both arms (which has eased up enough that I've decided to only wear the
    wrist splints at night, as of next week), and some cramps over the last
    day or so, it's been uneventful.  So far I've gained about 7 pounds,
    that includes a two pound gain in one week!  I haven't figured that one
    out yet, I didn't think I ate any differently that week, but the
    following week I only gained about 1/2 pound, so hopefuly that was just
    a fluke!  I'll just monitor that as well...  I'm about at the point
    where my books says I should start gaining a pound or so a week for the
    next 7 weeks (I think).
    Isn't it amazing.  It used to be people would immediately ask which you
    wanted, a boy or girl.  Now they ask if you know what you're going to
    have.  The ultrasound gave us a really good idea of what we're going to
    have, but I won't be sure until there's a little wriggley body in my
    arms and I can see first hand!  Until then I'll only tell a few people
    what I think it is...
466.194Due August 29!MSE1::MORRISSat Aug 20 1994 17:5523
    Well, I'm due in nine days.  The nine months really do go by fast -
    well, at least the last five do.  I had severe morning, noon and night
    sickness the first four months.  I was out of work for six weeks
    straight, plus some partial weeks, and lost 10 pounds (which I couldn't
    afford to lose).  But, eventually I was able to start eating well and
    am now 25 pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight.  I felt movement very
    early - the first flutters at 15 weeks and regular kicking by 17 weeks. 
    This baby has been very active the whole pregnancy.  We suspect we're
    in for many sleepless nights! 

    This is our first and we don't want to know the sex.  We had an
    ultrasound at 17 weeks to rule out twins and we told the technician if
    she knew what it was not to tell us.  We want that "it's a boy/girl!!"
    moment after all that labor!

    I had my 38-week appt. Tuesday and my midwife says I'm 60-70% effaced
    and 1cm dilated, so hopefully I won't go late.  I'm just starting my
    second  week of maternity leave and am just about finished getting
    everything ready.  Hopefully I'll have a few days to rest! 

    Best wishes to all!  Anyone else due in the next few weeks?

466.195Sept. 18CADSE::KHERSo many books, so little timeMon Aug 22 1994 15:236
    I have four more weeks to go. Several people have told me that first
    babies are often late, so I'm trying not to get fixated on the due
    date. Except for all day morning sickness in the first trimester I've
    had a fairly easy pregnancy. I've gained 30 lbs so far.
466.196COMING SOONBRAT::WALSHTue Aug 23 1994 13:0914
    I am not scheduled to go till September 19.  I went to the doctor on
    August 19 and she said that I was already 60% effaced and that she
    felt that I would not make it till my due date.  Everyone keeps telling
    me that it will never happen cause first baby's area always late.
    The doctor says she won't stop labor if it starts now because 
    our little Courtney Lauren is already close to 6 lbs.  She also told
    me that the baby's head is only 1" away!  I would think that that this
    is a clear indication she wants out!  My husband and I too can't wait
    to meet our new little bundle of love that we created.
    Anybody else been told anything like this from the doctor and went
    early of came late?
466.197CSC32::M_EVANSskewered shitakeTue Aug 23 1994 13:158
    I was told this at 37 weeks and Lolita made her debut at 41 1/2 weeks.  
    this was over 20 years ago and ultrasound wasn't available here in the
    sticks, but she came flying into the world at 6 lbs 12 oz.
466.198First ones not always lateASIC::MYERSTue Aug 23 1994 13:226
    With my first I made it to 37.5 weeks.  My doctor hadn't even scheduled
    an internal until my 38 week visit.
    Good luck,
466.199I was ready, he wasn'tDTRACY::ANDERSONThere's no such place as far awayTue Aug 23 1994 13:358
    Hate to be the party pooper but......
    I was 90% effaced and 1 centimeter dialated at least 2 weeks before my
    due date.  I was induced 2 weeks *after* my due date (and at one point
    they were considering sending me home to rest!).  Russell weighed a
    hefty 10 lbs 3.5 oz.
466.200RE: .196 - I was 3.5 weeks early with the 1stDECWET::WOLFETue Aug 23 1994 16:2414
    RE: .196
    Our Lauren came early at 36.5 weeks.  She is my first child and
    everyone also told me it would never happen.  With that thought in mind
    my husband went to Housten on business.  In fact I dropped him off at
    the airport and went into labor that night.  
    I called the hospital when I noticed "leaking" and drove myself there.
    The nurses assumed it was a bladder infection since "this was my first
    and I still had 3.5 weeks to go".  3.5 hours later Lauren was delivered
    at 5 lbs 12 oz and my husband caught the next plane home.  She was
    healthy and there were no complications.
    Good luck!!!
466.201When do doctors do internals?CADSE::KHERSo many books, so little timeTue Aug 23 1994 17:166
    I'm guessing you have to have an internal to know how much you're
    effaced and dilated. When did you start having internals? My doctor
    doesn't do one till the last week, unless of course there are some
    other signs.
466.202Internal?TAEC::MCDONALDWed Aug 24 1994 09:196
    What is an internal? Is it when the doctor checks if
    the cervix is dilated? In France they do this at every visit.
    My French doctor said that the Americans don't do this because
    they are prudes. I would think that it would be a good idea
    to do this at every visit, just in case there was early dilation.
466.203CNTROL::JENNISONTroubleshootin' MamaWed Aug 24 1994 12:3214
	My doctor starts at 36 weeks.

	Carol, many doctors here feel it is an unnecessary risk (I believe
	that the risk would be infection, but I'm not sure...).  Most of
	my friends' doctors don't start until 38 weeks.


	PS - I have a friend who was 3 cm dilated at her 39 week visit.
	The doctor told her not to go very far, and that she probably
	wouldn't last to the weekend (2 days away) - I think she
	was 50% effaced.  A week later, she still hadn't gone into
466.204just another anecdoteGEEWIZ::BOURQUARDDebWed Aug 24 1994 13:1916
I believe I was walking around for 3 weeks at 50% effaced and 1-3 cm. dilated.
At my last visit (40th week), I was 4 cm dilated.  My doctor recommended
that I head for the hospital when the contractions were 10 minutes apart
(instead of the typically recommended 5 minutes apart) though she also
predicted that I wouldn't have the "luxury" of 10-minute contractions.

She was right -- my contractions started at 2-5 minutes apart.  I was
relieved that I was out shopping with a friend in Nashua, just a few miles
from the hospital.  

BTW, my internal exams started at 27 weeks but that's because my sister
had delivered a preemie because of premature rupture of the membranes.  
At my first internal, they determined that the baby had already "dropped"
(was at 0 station) and I had already begun to efface.  Everybody in my
LaMaze class expected me to deliver first, but Noelle arrived only 1 hour
before her due date.
466.205RDVAX::VONCAMPEWed Aug 24 1994 13:2413
    For some reason, I just assumed I would have to go through an internal
    exam at every visit during pregnancy.  Wasn't I pleasantly surprised
    when they told me at my initial visit that I would receive one then
    and no more until the very end!
    At 34 weeks they did a strep B culture, which was my second internal
    exam.  At that time they took a look and confirmed that everything was
    still firmly in place.  I asked them at this time when I could start 
    expecting internals again, and was told 38 weeks.  No complaints here.
466.206No prudery, just prudenceCSC32::M_EVANSskewered shitakeWed Aug 24 1994 14:345
    Every internal exam carries some risk of both infection and premature
    rupture of the membranes, even with "sterile" gloves.  In my case being
    allergic to most antibiotics I prefer a minimal number of exams.
466.207CADSE::KHERSo many books, so little timeWed Aug 24 1994 14:476
    I can't comment on the prude aspect. My doctor basically said that it
    doesn't provide any useful information. By useful she meant anything
    that they could do something about. Personally, I prefer minimal
    interference and exams. So this suits me just fine.
466.208SPESHR::JACOBSONFri Sep 02 1994 13:5612
    Well it is finally time for me to announce. I have been a read only
    noter. I am due February 27th, so I am now in my 14th week. This is
    quite an accomplishment and relief to me seeing that I have had two 
    previous miscarriages. Other than being tired I am feeling pretty good.
    Family and friends are quite excited. My mother is still upset that I 
    won't find out the sex of the baby. She says "How will know what color
    clothes to buy". Of course Grandpa wants a grandson, you see he already
    has two granddaughters (my nieces).  Things I've learned already:
    everybody has an opinion on what you should name your child, they never
    like the names you pick, everyone wants to know how much weight you've
    gained and some people have some very strong opinions on whether you
    should go back to work. Fortuneately I am very good at ignoring people.
466.209Any November Mom's Out There?RICKS::DRURYThu Sep 08 1994 19:545
    Any November Mom's out there?  I'm due with my second baby on November
    28th.  It finally seems like there is an end in site.  Anybody else
    looking forward to a new addition?
466.210I'm due in decemberCONSLT::CHRISTIEMon Sep 12 1994 18:3515
    I'm due with my second baby dec 15.
    This pregnancy seems to be going as smoothly as the first. We can't
    wait for the newest member of our family, although it still seems like
    a long way off sometimes.
    I'm sort of hoping for a girl while Kevin would like a little brother.
    Dad doesn't care either way and as long as it's healthy. I know that's
    all that matters too but I'd still really like a daughter. 
    I've been enjoying this notes file as a read only the last couple of
    weeks, when I find time I'll sign in and hopefully participate some
466.211Due November 20ROMEOS::BUTLER_LATue Sep 13 1994 17:5815
    I've been a read only noter, but thought I'd share that I'm due
    November 20. We've decided to wait to find out if its a boy or girl.
    Our parents are going nuts with this decision - a first grandchild for
    both sets and they want to know NOW!
    My pregnancy has been going very smoothly. The first few months I had
    the typical symptoms, but I also had bad migrains
    for about two weeks. Since then everythings going great. It has gone by
    *so* fast for me!
    We're moving in 2 weeks. Can't wait to get settled and set up the
    baby's room!
466.212GirdleBRAT::FULTZDONNA FULTZWed Sep 14 1994 12:2716
    Yesterday I went into see the docotor for our annual checkup. 
    Everything is going along fine.. I have put on two pounds and I am 
    	6 month pregnant.. He isvery happy about this.. 
    Any way.. I told him that I was having these twinges what it feels like
    is someone taking a a rubber band and twisting it and then letting go 
    it's right under my belly button..
    	He told me to start wearing a maternity girdle to help support 
    	my lower back and uterus.. 
    Any one esle use this girdle and what if any help was it..
466.213LJSRV1::LEGERWed Sep 14 1994 16:158
    I haven't used the griddle, however I have seen in in the JC Penny
    catalogue, and it looked like it might really help...
    Anything is worth a try...
    Anne Marie
466.214CNTROL::JENNISONTroubleshootin' MamaWed Sep 14 1994 16:503
	I never tried one, but should probably wear one now
	(6 months post-partum)  ;-)
466.215exBOBSBX::PENDAKTue Nov 01 1994 16:2428
    Well, I'm in week number 30.  Somedays are just great, other days the
    only thing that doesn't seem to be swollen on me is my nose!
    It's kind of funny.  All this time I've heard pregnant women
    complaining about sore backs or being too hot or having swollen ankles
    and I would think, that won't happen to me (why, I don't know...). 
    Well, it's time for a really rude awakening.  Here I am at my desk with
    everyone else complaining about being cold and I'm almost ready to
    strip!  This is a really different experience, I'm the one that needs
    heat in July!  I got home from work last night and noticed that not
    only were my ankles swollen, but there was a thin bluish line going
    around the right one.  I have my next prenatal appointment tomorrow,
    I'll have to remember to mention that!
    On the other hand, this little guy is amazing.  He responds to my
    husband and my voices early in the morning.  I can always depend on
    some movement when I eat or drink certain things (like cranberry juice,
    banannas, Hershey chocolate bars w/almonds, fresh peaches...)  He's
    also gotten the hiccups lately, that's a really neat feeling! 
    According to what I've read fetus's and newborns aren't bothered by the
    hiccups the way us old folks are.  I wonder how they figured it out, do
    they give them a survey to fill out when they're born?!
    All in all, this is a positive experience.  Now to make it through the
    next couple of months!
466.216fluidsSOLVIT::HAECKDebby HaeckTue Nov 01 1994 17:0115
    This is probably not your problem, but I just have to add a caution.  

    	Keep your fluid intake up.

    I had a bladder infection in the last week of a pregnancy.  I was hot
    and swollen.  When I finally called the doctor, and was admitted to the
    hospital, my urine was deep yellow.  They immediately started a saline
    drip and that was the ONLY time in my whole life that I was glad to get
    a needle.  It was instant relief from the heat.  

    They evidently hit my husband with quite a scary story about the
    effects of dehydration, because ever since then he is adamant about 
    liquids when someone has a fever.

466.217I think it's just the harmonesBOBSBX::PENDAKTue Nov 01 1994 18:4728
    I think I'm getting enough fluids between water, juice, milk, and fresh
    fruits through the workday...The weekends are another story.  When I'm
    at work I have a set schedule, I start the morning with a couple
    glasses of milk, take a shower, drink a glass of water while getting
    ready, bring a glass with me in the car, eat a bananna or orange when I
    sit at my desk with water or cranberry juice to sip on until lunch,
    have a coke with lunch (I know...)...But the weekends are another
    story.  This weekend I probably had three or more sodas through the
    day, but only 1 or 2 glasses of water, and no juice or fresh fruit.
    Actually, I think I'm hot because my thermostat is a little off kilter. 
    Before I went off the pill to try to get pregnant, I took my pills
    before going to bed at night.  I didn't notice as much, but my husband
    noticed that through the night my body got really warm (warm enough to
    chase the poor guy out of bed and onto the floor once!).  While I
    noticed that I was warmer than usual, it wasn't uncomfortable to me. 
    I think it's my bodies way of dealing with the harmones from the pill
    and now with the harmones my body is creating naturally...of course I
    could be wrong so I'll be sure to mention that at tomorrow's
    appointment too!
    It's still neat...I just finished my banana and am in the process of
    driniking my cranberry juice.  "Thumper" has energy and is moving
    around, including pushing his rearend out as far as he can, talk about
    looking funny, I have this bulge on the right side of my abdomen, just
    sort of moving around.  I'm really going to miss this when he's born!
466.218water watchMTWASH::CLEMENTThu Nov 03 1994 09:519
        I am in my 35th week and the dr. is starting to tell me to watch my
    fluid intake now. I have no real problems except a little swelling on
    my hands in the morning and a little on my feet. Mostly my hands. My
    wedding ring still fits so it isn't THAT bad. They do start watching
    your fluid intake a little farther into your pregnancy. I think it is
    something like, no more than 8 glasses of fluids a day or something
    like that and I am not a very thirsty person so it really isn't a
    concern of mine...anyways just FYI....good luck....Mary
466.219theory : drinking lots of water helps preventing retaining waterSSPADE::BNELSONThu Nov 03 1994 17:5513
I didn't have the retaining fluids problem with my first  child, but
someone told me at the time that one can actually prevent the problem by
drinking lots of water -- that is water, not other drinks.  The idea
was that the water helps to wash out all the salts and poisons and whatever
is in  your body.  

This makes sense if you figure that your body is retaining water in order
to dilute salts.

I don't know if this theory is true, but I followed that advice and
drank lots of water.

466.220CSC32::M_EVANSperforated porciniThu Nov 03 1994 20:0712
    If I remember correctly from a book by a Dr. who did research on
    eclampsia, not drinking enough water can actually preciptate
    pre-eclampsia and swelling.  some  swelling is  to be considered normal
    if you blood pressure is staying normal.  It is a side effect of the
    expanding blood volume.  
    I think his rules were "eat to hunger, salt to taste, and drink to
    thirst."  In the 70's when I was pregnant with my first this was
    considered "radical" but a weight gain of over 18 pounds was also 
    considered dangerous.
466.22128 weekssSPESHR::JACOBSONWed Dec 07 1994 18:4425
    Just wondering how all the other winter Mom's to be are doing. I am
    now in my 28th week.  There were days I didn't think I would ever be 
    this far along. This is my first so I don't have anything to compate it
    to, but the baby is very active. It seems to roll a lot rather than 
    kicks. It is a pleasant feeling. The weight gain has been good, 16 lbs 
    and the blood pressure is good too. I had the gestation diabetes test
    last. No call from the doctor's office so I must of passed. It didn't
    even taste that bad.
    I get shortness of breath easier now, and rolling over in bed is now a
    two part process. Some days I find it hard to focus on anything but
    the baby. It well be nice to meet baby in February.
    We put the crib on lay away this weekend. We got a solid oak Child
    Craft Crib. We can't bring it home until we clean the room out. I 
    have no idea where all the junk in there is going. 
    We started childbirth classes last week.Most of the couples were about
    my age, 31, plus or minus a couple of years. I thing I found
    interesting was all the woman were afraid of slipping on the ice and 
    going into early labor. I thought I was the only one that kind of vivid
    How is everyone else doing?
466.22222 weeks - due april 8ENGPTR::ANDERSONWed Dec 07 1994 19:5918
    I was just thinking I should enter a note here.......
    I'm currently at week 22 with my second child.  While I felt great
    through the the entire 9 months for my first, this time has been the
    pits.  First there was the all day morning sickness for the first 4
    months.  And the terrible colds.  And finally, a couple of weeks ago,
    a good case of streep.  On the good side, when I went for my first
    appointment at 9.5 weeks, the Dr examined me, found the heartbeat, and
    after I got dressed and went back to his office, he informed me he
    thought I was 1 month further along.  Sure enough, an ultrasound 2 days
    later confirmed I was 13.6 weeks along.  Between the stress of looking
    and finding a new job in Digital, and all the colds, etc, I've had
    about 2 weeks that I've felt like a human being.  But things have been
    improving.  I can finally breath and eat at the same time!  The baby is
    kicking quite a bit these days.  And my Russell (4) is convinced that
    mommy is having a girl.  
466.223Here we go again...BAHTAT::CARTER_ASwirly Thing Alert!Thu Dec 08 1994 10:3912
    We went for Helen's 19 week scan yesterday. At her first appointment,
    the doctor had said she was larger than normal & had she got her dates
    right. She was adamant, and decided it must be twins. However, the scan
    proved there was just the one, and the sonographer confirmed Helen's
    The baby was moving alot (like Rowan did) and we saw it stretch and
    wave at us :-) Due date is May 4. It seems to be going a lot quicker
    this time, I think because we are having to look after an active
    toddler as well. Rowan will be 22 months when the new baby arrives.
466.2249 1/2 weeks and countingLEDZEP::TERNULLOThu Dec 08 1994 11:4621
	I'm due February 10th with my second.  Kristen will be 22months when
	the baby arrives.  I must admit I haven't thought about slipping on
	the ice or a winter deliver much.  Guess I'm too busy worrying about
	how Kristen will adjust to a new sibling.  We're also getting a new
	room ready for Kristen and want to have her moved in before the 
	baby is born.  I had a very wonderful pregnancy and recovery with
	Kristen.  This pregnancy has been a little harder (more morning
	sickness and generally more tired - but I have a toddler to take of
	now.)  The most annoying thing has been these varicose veins that
	are popping out and can be pretty painful some days.

	I'm getting very excited now with only about 9 weeks left.  After
	the holidays the time will fly by.  Mostly I'm anxious to see this
	little one, Kristen is so much fun, I can't imagine twice the fun!

	Oh, and I'm anxious to have my body back, I'm getting sick of being
	so big....

	Good luck to all the other mom's to be!
	Karen T.
466.2257 weeks to goTRACTR::HATCHOn the cutting edge of obsolescenceThu Dec 08 1994 12:4222
    I remember not wanting to post here because it was sooo long until I
    was due. But now it's only 7 weeks away, I'm due Jan. 25th. I've had
    a very easy time of it (it's my first). I am scheduled for an
    ultrasound next week. I wasn't expecting to have one, but I've been
    measuring at 28/29 cm for 5 weeks now, so they want to check things
    out. I'm not to concerned, I've been gaining weight steadily and the
    baby is very active. The Dr. thinks the baby's head may just be low
    down in the pelvis. My husband and I are excited to get a sneak
    preview, more than likely we'll find out if it's a she or he. 

    The baby's room isn't exactly finished, no curtains or boarder up yet,
    oh well, we have a crib and car seat two essentials and other things
    I've been accumulating in the one room. I'm not to concerned. 

    Childbirth classes are a bit of a bore, the price I pay for being well
    read. I don't like the Lamaze breathing exercises, hubby disagrees with
    me, I told him he can practice them if he likes. 

    I'm sure a major blizzard is in the making for mid/late January. Have
    4WD will travel. 8^)

466.2263 weeks to go... hopefully sooner !!!TOLKIN::OSHAUGHNESSYLet LIFE be your GOALThu Dec 08 1994 16:3738
    Time for an update too...  Tomorrow is my last day, thank goodness...
    This has really been the most difficult, as of two weeks ago, I feel 
    like I felt a week before delivering the last one.  I guess by the 
    the third time, things tend to relax a little.  I have alot more aches
    and pains, this time even though the weight gain (about 35 lbs.) is 
    considerably less than with my other two.
    I was out of work a couple of weeks ago because I was having some 
    pretty strong, regular contractions and was on bed rest for quite
    a few days, now that I'm 37 weeks, the Dr. doesn't seem to be to
    concerned, and I'm still having some pretty strong contractions,
    nothing regular, but enought to make sleeping at night a challenge.
    As of tuesday, 2 cm dilated... and I'm ready...  Good news is the
    Dr. doesn't seem to think that this one is as big as the last (9lb.
    15oz.)  And although I'm not actually due til Jan. 1st, he seems 
    pretty convinced that I'll deliver before Christmas (I have my fingers
    Even with all the contractions, I'm still not packed for the hospital.
    The baby's bag is all set, car seat all set.  I have a robe, a couple
    of nursing bras (just bought tuesday), underwear, slippers in a pile
    on the rocking chair in my bedroom, but not quite ready to go.
    Next week I'm on vacation before my leave starts, hopefully I'm going
    to get my Christmas shopping done (I haven't even started).  I just
    don't seem to have the energy after work, nor do I feel like fighting 
    the crowds on weekends.  Hopefully I'll get a little done each morning
    next week.
    Wishing everyone the best, hopefully my next update will be a birth 
    announcement, and not an OH NO, I'M TWO WEEKS LATE....
466.2275 or so weeks to goAPSMME::PENDAKThu Dec 08 1994 17:2538
    I'm also closing in on the home stretch.  I'm due Jan. 11, I'm about 35
    weeks along...I've been telling people I'm either going to deliver
    early or I'll have a big baby.  Of course, that means I'll go 2 weeks
    late and have a 6 pounder!
    I'm slowly getting ready for the little guys arrival.  I picked up my
    husbands baby beeper yesterday, the rental is about $20 per month,
    which is worth it since my husband can't sit by a phone all day waiting
    for me to call.  I know that we probably won't need it, but it's
    reassuring to have it.  I called Unum, our disability company, to get
    the paperwork.  They won't send it out much more than a month before
    your due date.  We need to finish painting the baby's room, though the
    little guy will stay in a bassinet in our bedroom for the first 6 weeks
    at least. 
    Physically I'm doing ok.  The little guy is way more active the past
    week or two, I think he's really getting crowded in there!  I've gained
    about 23 pounds now.  I'm getting comments from aquaintances like
    "you're not due until January, are you having twins or
    something!"...grrrrrr.  I've been carrying fairly high and mostly in
    front, my husband says I don't even look pregnant from behind (of
    course he may be trying to stay alive!).  I'm trying not to waddle, but
    I don't think I'm being successful at it!
    The good news is the little guy is starting to drop (I think).  I'm not
    having as much heartburn at night (actually it's much worse than
    heartburn, it's more of a backup just as I'm going to sleep), that's
    good.  Rolling over is all but impossible these days, as is getting up
    from sitting on the sofa!  The little guy really likes to get his back
    and but against the right side of my uterus and stretch out as much as
    possible against the left side.  After eating it's kind of funny
    watching the big bumps go across my stomach until he can't go any
    There is so much to talk about, especially since it's my first and
    is a totally unique experience (to me and my husband!).
466.228CNTROL::JENNISONNo 'ellThu Dec 08 1994 17:599

	Be sure to teach hubby how to turn on the beeper ;-)

	Karen, who beeped her husband twice before leaving a message on audix 	
	(turned out he'd forgotten to turn the beeper on !)

466.22912 weeks 'til 2nd babyLANDO::REYNOLDSMon Dec 12 1994 16:2234
    Glad to hear everyone is doing well! Hang in there! 
    I am 28 weeks along, due March 3rd and actually feeling pretty good
    lately. The second half is going by much faster than the first. I had
    morning sickness from week 8 to week 16 and was SO glad when it tapered
    off. The worst part of it all was not being able to do as much for and
    with my 22 mos old. 
    After that I caught a bad cold from my son and was sick off and on with
    a cold/congestion/the works for 4 wks. I finally went to the doctor and
    he put me on an antibiotic. Within 4 days I felt well again! And I'm so
    happy now! 
    I've gained about 18 pds and have started to get heartburn at night.
    It's the worst when I eat late and have a big, spicy meal, and then lie
    down to go to sleep. Ughhh! 
    Also, my lower (low) back which had been hurting off and on is starting
    to bother me all of the time. The doctor said it's the baby down low
    because my muscles are looser since this is my second pregnancy. 
    Other than that this pregnancy's going along just fine. I can't wait to
    see this baby but on the other hand I'm alittle sad that my son is not
    going to be the one and only anymore. And I'm alittle nervous about how
    he's going to react to the new baby once he realizes this baby's going
    to live with us. 
    For you that have almost 2 yr olds and will have another baby soon, how
    are you telling your toddler about it? I know that my son does not
    what's going on. Is there any way to prepare him for it? 
    Good luck to all of you!
466.23035 weeks (and counting!)ODIXIE::RICHARDSONAre we there yet??Tue Dec 13 1994 14:3635
    Well - I'm FINALLY at 35 weeks - due January 18.  This is my third and
    he seems to be doing just fine in there.  Very active and very
    predictable - awake from about 5:30 - 7:00a, 11:-12:30, 3:00 - 4:00p and
    then about 8:00-10:00p.  I'll be very interested to see how this
    schedule "sticks" outside the womb.
    I've VERY READY to have him.  I hate being pregnant but LOVE the
    result.  I was not a good pregnant person through my first 2
    pregnancies but it obviously wasn't too bad or this wouldn't be my
    third.  I shouldn't complain as I do have very easy pregnancies.  I
    just want my body back.
    I do think he's dropped within the past couple days, however.  I didn't
    think that was possible since he seemed to be down between my knees for
    the past 4 months but it definitely seems worse lately.  I was a little
    early on my first 2 so maybe he will be early - I certainly hope so.
    My two older girls are 7 and almost 5 so they are old enough to
    appreciate and are VERY EXCITED about little Dylan.  They are already
    fighting over who will feed him, sing to him, read to him, sit next to
    him in the car, etc., etc.,  
    I guess my biggest concern in the last few weeks here is just 
    anxiousness in seeing him and being reassured that he's a healthy baby.  
    I worried as much on the first two and we were blessed with no problems 
    there so I know I shouldn't worry, but that's just part of being a 
    mom - or a "mom-to-be".
    I do have to make a 6 hours car trip this weekend as the girls are in
    my nephews wedding. I'm not looking forward to the drive but the
    wedding should be fun. Hopefully my Dr. will give me the go-ahead on 
    that tomorrow as I would really hate to miss it.
    Good luck to everyone else who's in the homestretch now.  I never
    thought I'd make it!
466.231Good UltrasoundXCUSME::HATCHOn the cutting edge of obsolescenceWed Dec 14 1994 13:5417
    I had an ultrasound done this AM, because I'd been measuring small,
    29cm at 33 weeks. Actually the measurement hadn't changed in a month.
    The ultrasound confirmed my suspicion, the baby is not small, it is
    just not as squished as the average. 8^)

    According to head measurements and others that they do, the baby is
    measuring over 35 weeks (I'm 34 weeks today). They estimate her to be
    about 6 lbs, and will probably be well into 8 lbs by delivery. All of
    this is great to know, but it's I suspected all along. And yes, we
    found out it is a she. 8^)  

    The lesson learned here is that if you are not of average size, don't be
    surprised if your baby (and measurements) do not conform to average. I'm
    5'10", and my height is in my torso, this baby just has more stretching
    room than average. 

466.232Still hanging in thereTOLKIN::OSHAUGHNESSYLet LIFE be your GOALThu Dec 15 1994 11:1811
    Just a quick update from home.  As of Tuesday 4 cm dilated, I though 
    for sure tuesday was going to be the day, but the contractions had 
    the nerve to stop ;-((
    So back to the Dr. tomorrow, (if nothing happens between now and then).
    Still having lots of cramps and contractions, but nothing to regular. 
    It would really be nice to have the baby and be home for Christmas, I 
    guess that we'll just have to keep our fingers crossed...
    Laurie  LaurieZE
466.233Waiting game now...TRACTR::HATCHOn the cutting edge of obsolescenceTue Jan 10 1995 13:1916
    Well today is my last day of work. It feels a bit strange to be
    feeling healthy and going on disability, but hey, I didn't make up the

    As of last Wed I was measuring 33cm, I had another ultrasound, baby was
    measuring in at 38 weeks. They estimated her weight at 7lbs 14oz, I'm
    expecting her to come in close to 9lbs. I've put on about 40 lbs, 
    which is hard to believe, but not all that much of a concern to me, 
    it's just a number. They told me at the start to expect to gain 35-40,
    so I'm right on target. I can't wait to change my personal name 
    to: "I LOST 40 LBS IN 6 WEEKS" or something to that effect. 8^)

    So now I just go home and wait for something to happen. 


466.234This is kind of rambling, isn't it??APSMME::PENDAKWed Jan 11 1995 14:1923
    Well, today is my official due date, I don't think it's going to happen
    today though.  I feel prettty good, except for the fact that I'm really
    huge!  I saw the midwife yesterday who said that she thinks I'm
    carrying a "good sized baby" and has ordered an ultrasound to get an
    idea of the weight.  I'm having that done at 1:00 today.  They are also
    already discussing having me induced.  I'm still not complete effaced,
    even though I was around 50% effaced on my 36th week!
    I've put on about 28 or so pounds so far which is about what the target
    was.  My husband, who's truly a sweet-heart, will do the grocery
    shopping and bring home lots of junkfood for me while I'm on leave for
    snacks.  I always fuss at him, he of course says that I always eat
    them, and I tell him that's why I fuss at him!!!
    I think the cat will really miss me when I return to work.  I'm
    litterally at her beck and call these days, I will even start a fire in
    the fireplace when she lays in front of it and gets that look on her
    Well, hopefully my next note will be in the announcement note!!!
466.235POWDML::AJOHNSTONbeannachdWed Jan 11 1995 15:2110
    After my "troubles" late last month, I got the results of my amnio and
    everything looks good. I'm expecting a normal, healthy boy on or around
    June 7th.
    Although we had both boy and girl names all picked out, suddenly Rick
    wants to think it over some more. Fine, we've got the time ...
    Now to start shopping in earnest ...
466.236I know what you mean!ODIXIE::RICHARDSONAre we there yet??Thu Jan 12 1995 19:4118
    re -.2
    Sandy -
    I know how you feel!  My due date is Jan 18 which isn't until next week
    but my expectations were set that this would be 1-2 weeks early (my
    first 2 were) so in my mind - I'm WAY overdue.  I'm also not a very
    patient person (to say the least).  It also doesn't help that my 2
    girls (7 and 5) ask my EVERY morning if "Dylan is going to be born
    today?".  I've tried to explain that babies "come when they're ready"
    but moms are supposed to know everything at their ages.
    I am enjoying the time off but would welcome the "focus" of a new
    little addition to our home.
    I also hope my next message is an announcement entry...
466.237maybe if I go shopping it will encourage things...APSMME::PENDAKFri Jan 13 1995 13:1930
    Well, unfortunately my message isn't in the announcement note!  I'm
    still waiting (and waiting and waiting...).  We had the unltrasound on
    Wednesday, boy was that uncomfortable.  We had one around 15/16 weeks
    and drinking and holding all of that water was a challenge, but we got
    a clear view of the whole fetus and made the upcoming months easier to
    focus on what the outcome would be.  The baby is so big now all we got
    were bits and pieces.  His head is very low (I *told* them it was!), so
    we didn't get a very good view of his head, everything else was clear,
    though.  But it was murder on my back laying there for so long.
    My poor husband, the technician said we were all set and was helping to
    clean the goo off of my stomach when she said as an afterthought, "I
    saw one kidney, maybe I'd better check for both..."  Of course it was 
    there, but Steve turned a shade of white that I've never quite seen
    before!  I feel much better knowing that he has everything he needs for
    a healthy start, including the weight.  They get a guestimate of the
    weight by taking measurements of the abdomen from different angles and
    he seems to be somewhere around 8 1/2 pounds, possibly more since one
    of the angles measured "off the scales" and couldn't be included in the
    final numbers.
    I guess if I don't go this weekend we'll be talking about inducing me
    on Monday.  Why is it, though, everyone that I've discussed induction
    with says something like "I was in induced.  Labor lasted 36 hours
    before they decided to do a ceasarian bacause I didn't progress!" 
    Fortunately I know not all of them work that way, I was labor coach for
    a good friend who was induced and it only took 6 or 7 hours before
    Andrew made is (natural) entrance into the world.
466.238Still hanging in thereAPSMME::PENDAKMon Jan 23 1995 14:4053
    I'm still waiting!  My last reply was on the 13th...My due date was the
    At my appointment on monday the midwife suggested we help my cervix to
    ripen.  We (my husband and I) went to the hospital at 1:00 or so, I
    checked in as an outpatient and they inserted a gel that helps to cause
    contractions and with the ripening process.  After 3 or 4 hours of
    contractions the midwife checked my cervix and found no difference.  We
    went home that evening and went back the following afternoon for the
    same procedure.  Unfortunately when they hooked me up on the monitor
    for an hour or so before using the gel the found that I was having
    regular contractions which prevented the use of the gel for that day. 
    So we went back the following morning to hook me up to an IV and start
    pitocin to help start labor.  I had regular contractions (fairly strong
    according to the readout on the monitor), the cervix thinned maybe a
    little, and I might possible have dialated a little, but nothing worth
    reporting.  My husband and I spent Thursday together shopping and
    trying to keep busy enough to forget the frustration.  Friday we went
    in in the morning again for the IV and pitocin.  It was the same thing,
    I spent all day hooked up, had 3 or 4 internal exams showing no
    progress.  My midwife ordered an ultrasound to find the weight of this
    stubborn little guy.  The ultrasound shows him to be around 9 lbs now. 
    I'm still quite healthy (except for some swelling and general
    discomfort from being "all baby" in front), the baby is responding
    beautifully to the contractions so there is no concern about his
    health.  The reason they're trying to induce me is bacause of the
    possible size of this little guy and the fact that I will soon be 2
    weeks past due and don't seem to be progressing on my own!
    So...we spent the weekend together doing a little shopping, the rest of
    the time trying to make me more comfortable and bring my spirits up...I
    mean, I was the labor coach for a friend who was induced, they started
    the pitocin at 8:00 and she had a baby by 2:00 that afternoon!  So I
    was feeling pretty discouraged and somewhat depressed by the whole
    thing!  I'm much better today.
    Tomorrow morning we're going back to the hospital to try the gel in the
    morning and again in the afternoon.  If that doesn't help we'll go back
    on Wednesday and try the pitocin again.  If that doesn't work we'll
    have to start discussing more drastic measures since he will be 2 weeks
    overdue and I want this little guy to start life as healthy as
    possible. I wonder how much he will really weigh.  The ultrasound the
    previous week showed the baby to weigh in at 9 lbs 5 oz (I thought it
    was around 8 1/2 lbs), the next week (different equipment and
    technician) guestimated him to be around 9 lbs.
    Ah well, hopefully my next entry really will be in the announcement
    note!  I'm curious, though.  Has anyone else been through multiple
    attempts to induce labor, and if so, what finally happened.  This
    little guy is certainly stubborn, I wonder where he gets that from!?
    sandy (still somewhat discouraged but feeling much better than I did on
466.239CNTROL::JENNISONNo turning backMon Jan 23 1995 16:5732

	After my water broke with my first child, they induced me
	with pitocin (about 24 hours later).  It took me from
	9:00 a.m to 9:00 pm to get from 1cm to 2cm dilated.

	At 12:30 a.m., they shut off the pitocin until 6:00 a.m.

	From 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, I went from 2-5 cm (and my daughter
	was not born until 10:30 pm !)

	Are the doctors giving a reason for stopping the pitocin ?  I
	always heard that the first few centimeters take the longest,
	so I didn't object when on the pitocin for so long.  Yes, I
	was frustrated at the slow progress, but since my water had
	broken, the alternative would have been a C-section.

	I've never heard of trying the pitocin then stopping.

	Both of my kids had rather large heads, and never really dropped
	down much.  My doctor said that if they'd just drop down a bit,
	it'd help out labor (the pressure combined with gravity).  
	Also, my son's large size actually inhibited my labor.  For
	a couple nights, I had regular contractions until morning, then 
	nothing for 12 hours.  The doctor surmised that Andrew's weight
	somehow slowed down my labor when I got up and walked around.

	Hang in there, and ask about the pitocin!

466.240CSC32::M_EVANSproud counter-culture McGovernikMon Jan 23 1995 17:0213
    It took Carrie three days from when my water broke to decide to get
    into gear.  (Three days with no tub baths, no leaving the house, and, 
    worst of all no sex.)  Since intercourse was how I had gotten her
    older sister to finally budge, this was frustrating.  
    However, once she decided she was ready she came in about three hours. 
    My only suggestion is a nice long walk and at least a loving massage
    between you and your partner to get any tension about your little one
    not coming out of your minds for a while.  
466.241Stopped petocin twice before baby was born - took 3 days.LETHE::TERNULLOMon Jan 23 1995 18:0222

	This happened to a friend of mine (whose daughter will be 4yrs old
	this March) so I may not have all the details straight, but:

	There was something wrong with the placenta (I think it has stopped
	or was starting to stop providing nutrients to the baby)  Anyway
	the point is that they decided to induce labor (about 1 wk early)
	with pitocin.  They started on a friday morning and by friday night
	nothing had happened.  So they stopped the pitocin and let her
	get some sleep that night (ya right - I wonder how much she could
	really sleep)  Anyway, the same thing happened Saturday, start in
	the morning, stopped at night for rest.  Then Sunday they started
	it up again.  By about 3pm Sunday she was telling the doctors -
	enough already, I'm exhausted and want a C-section.  Well, wouldn't
	you know, she started to progress after that and the baby was born
	about 3 hours later.

	So hang in there, hope we here the good news soon, that you have

	Karen T.
466.242if at first you don't succeed...APSMME::PENDAKMon Jan 23 1995 18:5217
    Thanks for the replies.  As far as stopping the pitocin, since there
    are no concerns other than the weight with this little guy, the
    midwives and ob's feel that it's better to use lower doses of pitocin
    to prevent stressing the baby or me, and I agree with them completely.  
    My water hasn't broken, in fact the mucus plug really hasn't released. 
     It's just that with the possible size of the baby, they (and I) would 
    prefer to see him born sooner rather than later.  With the ultrasounds 
    they checked the location of the placenta to make sure that it isn't 
    blocking the birthing canal and from that stand point it looks fine.
    We were all hoping I would go into labor this past weekend on my own,
    but it hasn't happened yet, so tomorrow we try again.  You don't think
    he's waiting for me to finish the quilt that I've got cut out and
    partially sewn for him, do you?!  If that's the case he'll probably be
    learning to talk inutero!
466.243CSC32::M_EVANSproud counter-culture McGovernikMon Jan 23 1995 19:069
    Try rattling car keys over your tummy.
    A friend of mine waved a visa gold at hers, and told her baby to come
    out so they could spend money together.  Maybe it ws coincidence but
    Lucy popped out 15 hours later and she was a 42 week pregnancy.
466.244LJSRV1::BOURQUARDDebMon Jan 23 1995 19:508
Or go shopping and return your infant car seat (because you
saw the same car seat for $30 cheaper somewhere else).

Before you pick up the new one, go into labor :-)

On a more serious note, good luck!

- Deb B.
466.245USCTR1::WOOLNERYour dinner is in the supermarketMon Jan 23 1995 20:004
    Deb, THAT sounds like the voice of experience!
    =8-O  :-)
466.246USCTR1::HSCOTTLynn Hanley-ScottTue Jan 24 1995 12:069
    Ask your midwife to "rim your cervix" - that's what my doctor did with
    my first, when I was 42 weeks. She simply ran a gloved finger around
    the rim of my cervix. 
    Also, have sex! Believe it or not it is a very good cervical stimulant.
    Best of luck
466.247CNTROL::JENNISONNo turning backTue Jan 24 1995 12:164
	If her baby's as big as mine was (10 lbs 4 oz at birth - ultra
	sound was coming in at 9 lbs 11 oz), the intercourse suggestion	
	is good for some laughs!
466.248Make plansASIC::MYERSTue Jan 24 1995 12:428
    Advice for next time 8^)  Plan on getting a lot of things done during
    your 2 week grace period, you'll be in labor within 12 hours for sure.
    My last day of work was a Friday, I had lots of cooking, shopping,
    cleaning, etc that I wanted to do during the next week.  I started
    labor at 4:00 Saturday morning.
466.249just had to comment on that!MPGS::HEALEYKaren Healey, VIIS Group, SHR3Tue Jan 24 1995 13:3710
    Re: -1
    Not always true.  I planned lots and got it done.  I had 20+ frozen
    casseroles/soups/spaghetti sauce done during that time.  I also made
    some gourmet meals and took a craft class and worked on a couple 
    other craft projects.  It was the last time that I actually had the
    leisure to do those things in any quantity.  I had a great time!
466.250ANOTHERGENRAL::MARZULLATue Jan 24 1995 16:003
    How about eat Mexican food and go for a bumpy ride?
    Worked for me!
466.251Last day of work - expect baby early, but who knows....LETHE::TERNULLOThu Jan 26 1995 13:1718

	Today is my last day of work.  I'm due Feb 10th.  It will be nice
	to have some time at home with Kristen (22months) before the baby
	is born.  

	I feel great, only trouble is getting comfortable to sleep.
	Kristen was 1 week early, so I'm expecting this one to be early
	too, but who knows....

	I don't have a system at home, so I probably won't be able to put
	in updates when I have the baby.  But I'll be coming in to visit
	during my leave and I'll update then.

	Good luck to Sandy, Gail and everyone else...
	Karen T.
466.252CNTROL::JENNISONNo turning backThu Jan 26 1995 13:458
	Enjoy your leave and your new baby, Karen!

	My kids are 21 months apart, and it's a nice difference.

	Best of luck with your delivery!

466.253Maybe tomorrow, maybe somedayTRACTR::HATCHOn the cutting edge of obsolescenceFri Jan 27 1995 13:1729
        Oh, is this the "I'm late" note? Remember when being late meant you
    where waiting for your period? 8^) 

    I'm two days overdue. The very first day of my leave my terminal at
    home dies, thank goodness a friend of mine has lent me another piece of
    HW, cold turkey from notes for two weeks was rough.

    Anyway, as of Wednesday the Dr. said my cervix if very soft and the
    baby's head is sitting right on it. Now I know what other woman meant by
    having a bowling ball between their legs, each time I stand up I feel
    this great weight in the pubic bone area (not between the knees)

    You ought to see me bringing in firewood! Don't blame hubby, he's
    trying to get me to stop but it makes me feel useful. 8^)

    If I make my it to my next appointment, we'll have to discuss
    induction. I really don't like the idea, because I believe the baby
    will come out when she is ready. If you start medical intervention the
    chances of a C-section are just going to multiply. Hopefully she'll
    come out to watch the superbowl!  
    New weird question I get asked: " Are you ready for the baby?" 
    hmm, as ready as I'm going to get I guess. (No, I'm not that is why
    she's late?)
466.254I'M BACKBRAT::WALSHMon Jan 30 1995 14:2422
    I'm back and it's quite difficult after being gone for 5 months.  To
    all the moms who told me that most times you don't go early even if
    your docutor says you will...Courtney Lauren Walsh did come very early. 
    She was due on 9/22/94 and was born 9/2/94.  She was so beautiful both
    my husband and I couldn't believe we created her.  We loved Nashua
    Memorial and the nurse we had was the best...I'll never forget Gail, 
    I feel like she is part of my family.  The best part was Courtney 
    decided to wait for my own favorite doctor (Sue Robinson).  
    She weighed in at 6 lbs 15 oz. She didn't have any eyelashes or brows,
    but everything else was cooked :-).
    I'm experiencing my first workweek with a sick child.  We went to
    urgent care yesterday only to find my babysitter and her kids there!
    Her baby has an ear infection and mine just has a really bad cold.
    So the doctor thought it best to put Courtney on Bactrom anyway (does
    wonders for the poops!).  
    Thanks to all of you who wished me well before I left.  Mothering is
    the most incredible experience. 
    Michelle Walsh
466.255Another early babyRDVAX::VONCAMPEMon Jan 30 1995 17:1011
    Welcome back Michelle!  My daughter Katerina was due 9/28/94, but was
    born early also on 9/4/94.  The hospital staff told me that they had noticed
    an unusually high number of early births over the summer of 1994.  They
    speculated that the heat may have had something to do with it.  
    It sure was a nice surprise to meet my daughter sooner than
    expected,,,and not to be pregnant anymore.  It wasn't so nice losing
    those two weeks of STD though.
    Kristen (back to work as of 1/16)
466.256You know what you can do with your law, Mr. MurphyAPSMME::PENDAKFri Feb 03 1995 13:467
    Well, I'll finally be able to put the announcement in with my next
    reply.  Has anyone ever heard of some guy named Murphy?  Judging from
    the past few weeks he really seems to have something against us!
    See you in the announcement note!
466.25716 AugustZENDIA::MCPARTLANFri Feb 10 1995 12:5629

My name is Donna McPartlan, and I'm due with our first on August 16th. 
Other than being tired, and a lot of nausea the first few weeks, I feel 
great!  My husband and I are really excited about our little baby.

This week we went to hear the heartbeat for the first time. 
Unfortunately, baby didn't cooperate so the Dr sent me down for an 
ultrasound and we saw the heart beating, and that baby moving. It was so 
wonderful and amazing to see this little thing inside me. I had a 
miscarriage back in August and was feeling a little uneasy about this 
pregnancy, but now I'm feeling much better!!!

We have so much to do to get the house ready for the baby, so 6 months 
doesn't really seem that far away!

This will be the first "McPartlan" grandchild and the first baby on my 

I'm starting to show, but I haven't gained any weight yet. I lost 7lbs 
due to the nausea and trying to eat right, and so far I haven't gained 
anything back. I'm really trying to eat healthy foods and do what's best 
for the baby, but I'm having a real hard time EXERCISING. Ugh. I'm 
hoping that once it warms up outside I'll be looking forward to getting 
out there and walking at lunch.

Well, that's about it. Good luck to everyone!

466.258SPESHR::JACOBSONFri Feb 10 1995 13:528
    This is my last day before I go out on leave!!! I am looking forward
    to getting my afternoon naps. I saw the doctor yesterday and I am 
    1 1/2 cm dialated. I know that doesn't mean I will have the baby 
    early, but I'm hoping. I never thought that I wouldn't care about
    losing 2 weeks maternity leave, but I'm ready to have this baby. Good
    luck to all other expectant moms out there.
466.259Good Luck!CSLALL::JACQUES_CACrazy ways are evidentFri Feb 10 1995 15:143
    Good Luck Alice!  I'll have my fingers crossed for an
    easy, speedy, delivery!
466.260A lot in commonWMOIS::LYONS_SMon Feb 13 1995 18:4719
    RE: .257 Donna,
    Wow, I can't believe how much we have in common.  I am due on August
    18th with our first child.  I also miscarried in August of 94 and today I 
    went to the doctor's to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time. 
    We too could not hear anything and due to some problems with
    spotting/bleeding that I have had during this pregnancy, they sent me
    down the hall for an ultrasound.  The technician, exclaimed "Wow, no
    womder you couldn't hear the heartbeat, the baby is so active,
    everytime the doctor placed the monitor, the baby probably moved!"  It
    was very fun and exciting to see all the movements.
    This has been kind of a stresful pregnancy seeing I lost the first and
    this one hasn't been "clean".  I've had a lot of spotting/bleeding and
    have been confined to bed rest for two weeks straight.  I seem to be
    over the "hump" though now and I am very excited to watch the next six
    months pass and watch all the exciting things that happen.
466.261ZENDIA::MCPARTLANMon Feb 13 1995 19:078
Wow, Serena, I guess we do have a lot in common!!  So far, I haven't had 
any problems with spotting (knock on wood). It's scary when you have a 
little history of things to worry about. Sometimes its hard for me not to 
panic every time I  feel a little twinge or a little pull...

Good luck!
466.262POWDML::AJOHNSTONbeannachdMon Feb 13 1995 20:2325
    My update:
    I came off the high-risk list, officially, Monday 30-January. I was
    surprised that it took so long as I've been feeling great since just
    after the New Year.
    I did have a painful, if essentially benign, bout with dehydration the
    second week-end in January; but what myself again within a week.
    Right now, I'm having a more or less routine, boring pregnancy. I'm
    very thankful to have it so.
    I was really bummed to find out that I probably won't have another
    ultrasound. Rick is SERIOUSLY bummed as right now I'm the one feeling
    all the movement -- he's feeling a bit put out and left out. He was
    trying to convince the midwife that another look would particularly
    nice, thank you; but she just laughed.
    So now we're down to the serious business of shifting and nesting and
    I'm growing more unwieldy by the day.
    3 months, 21 days to June 7th.
466.263CNTROL::JENNISONNo turning backTue Feb 14 1995 13:456
    	Glad to hear you're doing better, Annie!  Enjoy the "boredom"
    	while it lasts!
466.264I'm ready now!ENGPTR::ANDERSONThere's no such place as far awayThu Mar 09 1995 13:3516
    Well, I've got exactly 1 month to go!  Finally!  Any others out there
    almost ready to go on leave?
    I'll be glad to be able to relax for a little before this one is born.
    This pregnacy has been filled with little anoying things that have made
    it seem like and eternity.  Things like 4 months of nausea, catching
    streep from my husband, failing the 1 hr glucose test (5 needles later,
    I passed the 3 hr test), my husband having pnumonia while the 4 yr old
    had an ear infection and I had a serious "sitting" problem.  The baby
    feels like it's droped some, so now I can breathe, *but* she's sitting
    on a nerve in my back, so it hurts to walk sometimes.  It just seems
    like there's only been a few weeks that something hasn't hurt.  
    Oh well, it will be over soon!
466.2659 wks to go...STRATA::RDOZOISjustice will prevail...Tue Mar 14 1995 15:3112
    Hi all,
      This is my first offical pregnancy update.  Only 9 weeks to go...it
    seems like yesterday that I was saying I'm 9 weeks pregnant.. *8) 
    Anyway I did the glucose test last week at the doctors.  It gave me a
    headache from all the sugar....anyway the next visit he's doing an
    ultrasound...anyone else have this done at the 8th month???
    Everything else seems fine....I hope everyone else is doing great...
466.266I LOVE ultrasounds!CSLALL::JACQUES_CACrazy ways are evidentTue Mar 14 1995 15:5719
    Because of a past problem pregnancy, I had five ultrasounds with
    Angeline.  I loved them!  But I must say, the very last one, which
    was toward the end of my eigth month was a bit disappointing.  The
    baby is just so big by then that it's hard to distinguish much on
    the screen.  Although they did show her breathing, and that was
    pretty fascinating.  It was like watching the rainclouds on those
    really grapic weather reports.  They do whatever they do to show
    her "breath".  
    I don't know if you've been informed, but when they start estimating
    the babies weight from these "late" ultrasounds, they have only a
    20% accuracy rate.  That is, again, because of the size of the baby
    it is difficulty to get accurate measurements that help determine
    the weight.  It could go 20% either way.
    Good luck, and enjoy!
    						cj *->
466.26717 down, 23 to go!SWAM2::GOLDMAN_MAWalking Incubator, Use CautionThu Mar 30 1995 19:5920
    First update for me...
    I am now all of 17 weeks pregnant, due September 5, 1995.  
    Had my "fancy" ultrasound and amnio day before yesterday.  I'm 36 and
    having a fairly normal pregnancy so far, as was my last, so the amnio 
    was just a routine "suggestion", not a necessity.  
    It looks like we're having a male child (#2!  My son will be 7 on 6/20/95!), 
    and seems to be pretty  big for 17 weeks, big head, too.  Very active baby,
    the doctor had a great time trying to get all of his pictures, 'cause baby 
    wouldn't sit still long enough to get a clean shot.  I remember the 
    ultrasound we did for my son last time, at approximately the same time.  
    He didn't move even half as much at this stage, but he sure made me 
    miserable with all his kicking, punching and rolling later on!  I 
    can't even begin to imagine how much movement I'll be feeling toward
    the end with this wiggle worm inside me!
466.268POWDML::AJOHNSTONbeannachdMon Apr 03 1995 16:5239
    Wednesday will be 31 weeks for us.
    My blissful & boring interlude came to an end last Wednesday when I
    heard the the placenta is ahead of the baby. Rah! It's not time to
    panic as:
       1 - These things move. [Well, yes. In fact this one moved from way
           up my right side to between the baby and the cervix between 16
    	   and 29 weeks]
       2 - I'm not having any symptoms to cause concern.
       3 - This is not an insurmountable obstacle to a healthy baby.
    So, I'll keep having ultrasounds to check on the position and we'll
    hope that it migrates -- again. If not, we'll schedule a surgical
    delivery. I don't want a surgical delivery. [who does?]
    Beyond that, my son-in-progress is _rarely_ still, is of 'good size,'
    and eagerly awaited.
    His room is not _completely_ ready, but the paper and paint are done
    and the crib and changing table are assembled. I have linens,
    toiletries, and medicine chest stuff. If nothing else gets done before
    the birth, we'll do fine. I've still got the window valances to make,
    maybe this next weekend, and some shams & a duvet cover for the other
    bed in the room.
    Saturday, I _finally_ finished the quilting on the first quilt for him.
    [The second is ready to quilt, but I'm taking a brief respite to
    accomplish other things. The third will have to wait, probably a year]
    Sunday, I got a start on his Christmas stocking. I doubt that it will
    be completed prior to June 7th, but then I suppose I have until
    Rick tells me I've been pregnant long enough and he's anxious to meet
    the baby. Despite the heartburn, constant internal pummelling, and
    trouble getting comfortable, I'd just as soon wait out this last 9
466.269UHUH::BNELSONMon Apr 03 1995 19:488
    My babies are surprising everyone, too.  I'm due this Saturday (April
    8th) with twins, and have been told that most twins are born by 38
    weeks.  Noone thought I would get this far, as I've been having fairly
    regular contractions for over 3 months.  But we're still waiting.
    We're happy and pleased that we've held out so long.
466.27034 weeks and counting....STRATA::RDOZOISjustice will prevail...Thu Apr 06 1995 17:5816
    Hi all,
      I just did my 34 week check up...YEAH!!!!  My doctor did an
    ultrasound, which was really intresting..he thought the baby might me
    small from my size...but in the last month I've put on 8 lbs. which
    brings me up to 144 and the baby is of regular size according to his
    measurements..My husband was alittle upset that we couldn't tell the
    sex (this is after I fought with him in February to find out the sex
    and he didn't..so I didn't...MEN!!! *8)  )..Anyway he said we're right
    on schedule and that from now on I'll be going every two weeks for
    internal checks.  This sounds scary to me... All else is going great,
    except that I tire more easily/faster..
    Oh well....
466.271CSC32::M_EVANSproud counter-culture McGovernikThu Apr 06 1995 18:288
    the only thing the internal checks are for is to check the cervix for
    effacement and dialation.  these can be signs of impending labor,
    although I had a freind who sat a 4cm and 80% effacement for about 5
466.272I'M READY NOW!!!!ENGPTR::ANDERSONThere's no such place as far awayFri Apr 07 1995 14:3713
    I'm also due this saturday, the 8th.  I've been home these last couple
    of weeks and I'm bored to tears.  The baby's room is all set, the house
    is relatively clean, and most of the laundry is done.  It hurts too
    much to do much driving or walking so I'm quietly going insane.  It
    looks like I'm stuck at 50% effacement.  My dr thinks juniorette here
    is about 8-8 1/2 lbs already, so I'd really like to deliver SOON!  My
    last one was 2 week late (I was induced), and weighed over 10 lbs.  At
    this point, I'd like to be induced now - my induction last time wasn't
    that bad..... 
    	good luck to everyone!
466.273POWDML::AJOHNSTONbeannachdWed Apr 19 1995 16:079
    It looks like today is my last day.
    I'm at 33 weeks [today] and my due date is still June 7th.
    However, between being placenta praevia, my commute, asnd the nature of
    my job the mid-wife team and consulting physician feel it best to
    disable me now before my "complication" becomes truly hazardous.
466.274Good LuckWMOIS::LYONS_SWed Apr 19 1995 16:215
    Best of luck to you Annie!  Look forward to seeing an announcement come
466.275Six months and doing fineWMOIS::LYONS_SWed May 10 1995 17:4933
    Well, I had my sixth month check-up yesterday.  Mom and baby are doing
    fine.  The baby's heart rate was at 160 and I was told that I am
    measuring a week ahead of schedule.
    Starting to get the occassional queasiness back, mostly when I'm trying
    to sleep and I go to move.  I feel like I'm going to get sick
    sometimes.  The doctor said that that was normal at this stage of the
    game and that I should try to stop eating at least two hours before
    going to bed so there is no vile in my tummy.  Also to try and sleep
    almost sitting up.
    I'll try these remedies and see if they help.  Any other suggestions
    from those with experience?
    All in all, feeling pretty good. Supposed to start Lamaze class the end
    of next month. 
    Also....anyone else no of the old wive's tale about the heartrate
    determining the sex of the baby.  My sister in law has me call her
    after my appointments and tell her what the heartrate is.  She says
    that the following held true for all four of her kids:
    low heartrate @ 130's was a girl 
    high heartrate @150's was a boy
    (held true for all her kids)
    So she thinks I'm having a boy!  (Just curious what other's knew about
    the tale).
                  Healthy and Happy wishes to everyone
466.276I thought it was low heartrate boy, high heartrateAPSMME::PENDAKWed May 10 1995 18:103
    RE: heartrates
    Aaron's heart rate was consistantly in the 130's and he's all boy!
466.277heart, shmeart! means nothing, if you ask me!SWAM2::GOLDMAN_MAWalking Incubator, Use CautionWed May 10 1995 18:406
    My doctor told me on my March visit that the heart rate "sounded like a
    girl".  The ultrasound and amnio two weeks later revealed that this is
    very much a boy.  
466.278Activity level effects it, tooASIC::MYERSWed May 10 1995 19:148
    The heartrate, too, depends upon the activity level of the baby prior
    to your doctor checking.  On one of my last visits I thought the
    heartbeat sounded faster than on a previous visit and the doctor asked
    if the baby had been moving around within the past few minutes or if I
    had eaten recently (baby had been moving alot), he said that a baby at
    rest or an active one can cause the heart rate to vary.
466.279LJSRV1::LEGERThu May 11 1995 20:1611
    With all the complications I had while carring Nicholas, I got to have
    his HR monitored quite a bit...
    It stayed steady in the 150's....I knew he was a he :-)
    But, like everyone else said....the baby could have just been real
    active, however if it keeps up there....who knows?
    Anne Marie
466.280High=girl, Low=boyODIXIE::RICHARDSONAre we there yet??Thu May 25 1995 19:438
    I always heard just the opposite - A high heartrate meant a girl and a
    low heartrate meant a boy.
    Now, for MY experience, all 3 of mine were above 160 everytime they
    were monitored and I had 2 girls and 1 boy, so who knows...  I have a
    really fast heart rate so I just assumed they would too.
466.281countdown - 2 weeks to goZENDIA::MCPARTLANMon Jul 31 1995 16:0030
Well, tomorrow's my last day before I start my maternity leave. I'm 
getting really nervous and excited. At my last dr visit, the baby was 
still way up there and cervix hasn't started to change. I've been having 
braxton-hicks contractions (I think) and I'm doing ok, except some swelling 
in my feet & ankles, but the dr's not concerened about that. Blood 
pressure and all that are great.  I gained 5.5 lbs in the last 2.5 weeks 
but they are attributing that to the water retention. Nothing to be 
concerned about. 

My husband and I still haven't set up the babies room. And, we're still 
not in agreement on a baby girls name. We're in agreement if it's a boy 
though. I feel totally unprepared, like I still have so much to do and 
so much to get, I'm just not ready!!! 8^) I think we've decided on a 
pediatrician though, but I could change my mind about that too!

I'm trying to remain calm, but I sometimes feel myself slipping into a 
state of panic... this is our first and we really wanted this, but I 
haven't handled an infant in years, what else am I going to need; will I 
be a good mother; what's the mother-in-law going to be like with the baby if 
she's driving me crazy now?? I'm trying not to think about all that stuff or 
I start to break out in a sweat... but then I see a picture of a little baby 
and I get all goofy feeling inside. Talk about an emotional rollercoaster. 
I am very grateful that my husband has been completely wonderful and supportive
thru all of my mood swings. I don't know how he does it sometimes...

I'm hoping to stay out of work till January, but I'll put in a 
announcement once the baby comes! Keep your fingers crossed for us
and good luck to all the other expecting parents!

466.282Best of luck, looking forward to your announcementBOBSBX::PENDAKMon Jul 31 1995 16:2925
    Hi Donna,
    Something to keep in mind is that no matter how prepared you are, you
    really aren't ready for this little miracle you'll be bringing home. 
    If you don't have the crib ready, the baby can sleep in a well lined
    laundrey basket if necessary!  If I were to give advice it would be,
    read the books/magazines, listen to your mother/sister/in-laws/etc,
    well meaning neighbors/strangers, filter it through your buffer, and
    make your own decisions for your family!  If the well meaning advisor
    questions you, you can either explain why you made that choice or tell
    him/her to mind his/her business, you'll do what you feel is
    appropriate for your situation.
    Just trust yourself and your husband to do the best you can, and if
    others want to help you, let them cook for you and clean for you,
    so you can devote yourself to getting to know your baby.
    And Donna, I hate to tell you this, but after a long, relatively easy
    pregnancy, I was 16 days late (even though all signs showed the date
    was correct)!
    Good luck, I hope everything goes great and that your labor is easy and
    your baby sleeps well!
466.283You DO know best!TRACTR::HATCHOn the cutting edge of obsolescenceTue Aug 01 1995 17:4515
    Donna, My baby didn't use a crib for 4 months, she slept right next to 
    me in bed, sooo easy for nursing. Do you have diapers and a few
    sleepers? Your ready. Haven't handled a baby lately? Heck I'd never
    changed a baby before mine. But you know what, within 2-3 days you will
    feel like you've known all your life! 

    One bit of information that I remember that helped me, is that when the
    baby is crying for hours on end, just look at her/him and say, well for
    the next few weeks that's your job, you can't help it, and it's nothing
    personal against me. Changes, fed and comforted (and of course love)
    that's all there is to it. 
    Enjoy, they are so wonderful.
466.284I am outta here....SWAM2::GOLDMAN_MAWalking Incubator, Use CautionMon Aug 28 1995 18:3237
    The time has finally come.  I begin my maternity leave today at 5:00
    p.m.  I'm absolutely ready for the time off -- it's been a very busy
    summer, what with work and moving to a new state and getting ready for
    baby.  I still have a few more things to do to get the nursery ready,
    as well as finishing out the re-furbishment of my other boy's room. 
    He's 7 and needs a new bed (done) and new artwork, etc., so he, too,
    can feel special at this crucial time.
    According to that blasted LMP dating OBs are so fond of, I am now 38
    weeks.  My new boy is head down, but I'm still closed up tight. 
    Personally, I think this baby has been head down since about 30 weeks,
    judging by the nearly-constant leg, hip and pelvis cramping and
    pressure I've felt.  My family loves to watch my clothes jump and
    twitch as baby rolls and kicks around.  It is very, very visible this
    time, because I've only gained 18 lbs. to date, as opposed to about 37
    lbs. at this point last time.  I'm happy with that, 'cause I shouldn't
    have much of anything to lose when this is over.  My arms, legs, neck
    and face have gotten so thin, I think I look like a watermelon on
    sticks.  My mother (bless her soul, she is sooooo flattering) says it's
    more like a prize pumpkin in my tummy (thanks, Mom!).
    Anyway, our new arrival will be delivered via planned C-section (hard
    decision, that...) next Tuesday, 9/5/95, unless he decides upon a more
    grand entrance into the world this week.
    I'm planning to stay out only until about mid to late October,
    'cause I telecommute and have in-home day care (my Mom, who may not be
    flattering but *does* know how to train a baby to sleep at least 6
    hours through the night by about 7 weeks old!).  
    Good luck to all those other expectant Moms and Dads out
    there.  I'll be in and out of notes during my leave, as I've arranged
    with my manager that this account not be shut down.
466.285may not belong herePOWDML::AJOHNSTONbeannachdMon Aug 28 1995 20:4528
    OK, so it's a post-partum update.
    Today is my first day back at work. It's weird not having Evan with me
    -- that hour commute this morning was the strangest, no little guy
    smiling back at me when I looked in the rear-view mirror.
    After entering the world at 9 lbs, he dropped a bit. But he's certainly
    thriving at 14.5lbs at 12.5 weeks. He's in the 90th percentile for
    weight and the 95th for height [at ~25" tall]. This is a wonder for
    Rick and me as we are certainly not large people. I'm 5'and he's 5'9"
    I, too, am thriving. Sleep deprivation and a slightly squishy tummy
    aside, I'm in the best shape I've been in for years. At 12.5 weeks
    postpartum I weigh 25lbs less than my pre-pregnancy weight and close to
    40lbs less than June of 1994. My blood-pressure, which was already the
    envy of many, is down and I have considerably more stamina.
    My _biggest_ adjustment -- one I have to keep working on! -- is not
    being able to get as much done/how long it takes to accomplish things.
    Obviously, it is more important to spend time with my son than it is to
    finish his Christmas stocking or to work on another quilt for him; but
    oh! how I fret ... I know it's not reasonable, but sometimes I feel
    like a "bad mother" because I'm not able to lavish upon him the little
    things I had time to do for my nieces and nephews. Instead, I lavish
    myself upon him. Even though I know it's futile, I keep trying to find
    a way to manage both.
466.286Due June 15 w/ baby #2FOUNDR::PLOURDEJulie PlourdeThu Dec 07 1995 13:4447
    Back again - pregnant with #2.  I noted in here back in February
    of 1993 (note .5).
    My first was a little boy, born on April 25 (exactly 40 Wks from LMP)
    weighing 7lbs 3oz and 20 in.  Easy pregnancy, fairly easy labor/delivery 
    (8hrs total), very quick recovery.  So far with this one - the pregnancy 
    is about the same.
    One difference I've noticed is that I'm getting headaches, which I
    never got last time.  No morning sickness again - except for some
    light nausea between weeks 8 and 10.  I'm due June 15, so I'm a little
    over 12 weeks.  
    This pregnancy, we are going to try to find out the sex.  Last time
    I didn't want to know, but we had a feeling it was a boy (in fact, had
    no girls names picked out).  We really only plan to have 2 children, so I
    figure since this will likely be my last pregnancy - hey, why not
    do things a little different.  So we hope to find out if possible at the
    next ultrasound.
    First ultrasound was at 8.5 wks - everything looks great.  Heartrate
    was 169.0  -- Funny thing is it is exactly the same as my son's HR at
    the same point when I was pregnant with him.  Monday I had an appt
    and it took a while to find the hearbeat (Dr. was looking to low),
    but he finally found it.  HR was 166.  Much of this pregnancy
    feels the same as last time (so far) - hope it continues to be easy.
    I wouldn't mind having another boy, my son is such a peach -- but
    I would love to have one of each, so a girl is what I'm really hoping
    for. Mitch will be a little over 3 when this baby comes, and so far
    he is really excited and VERY into babies.  Very gentle. We'll have
    to wait and see how he reacts. 
    I'm really looking forward to another summer off!  I was out April 9
    through Aug 9 last time.  This time it will be something like May 30
    through early/mid Sept.  Hope this summer is as nice as the summer
    of 1993!  
    Sorry for rambling!  I'm very excited about being pregnant again,
    and can't wait for June to get here!  
    Anyone else due late spring/early summer?
    Best wishes to all expecting moms!
466.287June 13, 1996MPGS::HEALEYKaren Healey, VIIS Group, SHR3Thu Dec 07 1995 19:2330
    Hi Julie and others...
    I'm due two days before you (6/13) and am really looking forward to the
    summer off, especially after having a December baby (anybody
    remember how it snowed every day two winters ago?) and being housebound
    for three months.
    This pregnancy has been easy for me so far, just like the first
    one.  I've had a little dark spotting but was told "its old blood".
    Heard the heartbeat a couple of times already but I won't get
    an ultrasound until 18+ weeks.  I have no desire to find out the
    sex, mainly because I have no reason too.  I'm not redecorating
    the babys room and I have enough generic clothes for the first
    week or so after baby is born.
    Lauren will be 2-1/2 when baby is born.  She will be moving into
    her new bedroom in the spring, probably about 3 months before
    the baby is due, to free up the crib, and the baby room.  I'm
    really looking forward to redecorating her room!  I'm making a
    quilt, stenciling it, etc...  Hopefully, this big fuss over
    her will help her adjust when the baby arrives.
    The other day, a friends baby was crawling all over me and 
    Lauren threw herself in my lap saying "my mommy"!  Oh oh... I
    think I'd better read the notes about preparing siblings for
    a new baby.  The hospital offers sibling preparation classes
    but the siblings have to be 3+.     
466.288due january 28, 1996PESTO::UMBRELLOFri Dec 08 1995 11:1833
My due date is a short 6 weeks from now (1/28/96).  I have about 4 weeks
left of work and am looking forward to some time off before this baby is
born.  Doesn't matter whether it's summer, winter, spring or fall as long
as I get a break from working full time and going to night school twice a 

This will be my second - my first being a boy (now 19 months old). I had 
the amniocentisis (sp?) done (actually with both pregnancies since I
was/am over 35 for both).  We didn't want to know the sex with the first 
one, but we did find out with this one that we are having a girl!  We 
already have transitioned Corey over to a toddler bed, having read about 
the possibility of children feeling their crib was being "taken away from 
them" by the new baby.  He's such as sensitive little boy.

Corey will be moving to a new room too which we plan to paint and wallpaper
so he'll feel special too.  The new baby will go into Corey's room where
the colors are generic.   I am looking forward to buying cute little girly
outfits though!

This pregnancy has been great!!  No morning sickness, no back problems, no
swelling - My only complaint is that I am carrying sooooooooo low that I
feel like I'm squishing her when I sit.  ;-)

I have gained 13 lbs so far which is about 1/2 of what I had gained at this
point with my son, so I feel pretty good about that.

I am a little nervous after seeing a news story last nite on the tv about
a woman who gave birth to a 14+ lb baby (vaginally).....phew!  Corey was 
8lb3oz and I'm told that typically each birth is larger than the previous.

Happy pregnancy to all and to all a healthy birth!

466.289CSC32::M_EVANSruns with scissorsFri Dec 08 1995 14:329
    Don't necessarily buy the bigger with more pregnancies theory.  
    Mine were in this order:  6 lb 10 oz, 6lb 2 oz, 6 lb 14 oz, My mom's
    were 9 lb 11 oz, 8 lb 6 oz, 8 lb 11 oz, 7 lb 12 oz.  A good friends
    boys were all over 9 lbs at birth, while her largest daughter was 8
    lbs, and her 6th baby (girl) was 7 lb 2 oz.  Weight gain on all was
466.290OOYES::WEIERPatty, DTN 381-0877Fri Dec 08 1995 14:447
    Mine went 6 lbs 2 oz (5 wks early), 5 lbs 2 oz(3 wks early), 7 lbs 15
    oz.(1 wk early)  For me the clear difference was smoking (and going to
    term) .... barely at all with the first(2-3 cigs/day).  "A little" (1/2
    pack/day) with the 2nd, not at all with the 3rd.
    I gained more weight with each successive pregnancy ... 
466.291headachesLETHE::TERNULLOTue Dec 12 1995 12:5718

	Congratulations Julie and Karen. Two is a lot of fun. I found it
	harder at first (first 4 months or so) But since Stephanie has been
	sleeping through the night things are a lot of fun!  Kristen and
	Stephanie are 22 months apart.

	Julie, I got headaches with both my pregnancies starting at around
	12 weeks. I remember that just when the morning sickness ended at
	about that time, the headaches started.  This happened with a friend
	of mine too (only with her second pregnancy).  I can't complain
	the morning sickness was minimal and the headaches were too and only
	lasted a few weeks.  They lasted about a month for my friend, I'm
	not sure I ever found out what was causing them, but I took Tylenol
	and they went away, really weren't a bother.

	Best Wishes!!
	Karen T.
466.292July 13, 1996WNRWHO::WOODSWed Jan 24 1996 15:3326
    My due date for number two is July 13.  Connor will turn 2 on May 5 so
    I am anticipating a busy time ahead.  We've told Connor that when it
    gets really hot outside we will have a baby come live with us.  So far
    he doesn't comprehend.  He still thinks he's a baby even though we tell
    him he's a little boy.  
    I've had a few a ultrasounds (doctor couldn't find the heartbeat so he
    did a quick look and then I had some bleeding/spotting so he checked to
    make sure all was okay) and so far so good.  Last time I had an
    ultrasound at 20 weeks, I am assuming they will do that again.  I don't
    want to know if the baby is a boy or girl -- Doug said he does but
    won't since I don't.  I don't really care one way or the other (just
    want a healthy baby).  We didn't find out last time so I have a lot of
    generic stuff to get by for awhile.  Luckily both babies are warm
    weather babies.
    We are still looking around the house trying to figure out where to put
    a baby bed!  Last time we combined the office/junk room and guest room
    to make clear space for a nursery.  Our house is now bursting at the
    seams and we aren't able to move until December.  We both procrastinate
    (we painted Connor's room the Friday before my due date) so I'm sure
    come July 1st Doug will be moving furniture!
466.293Sick in 3rd trimesterBIGQ::LENTOWed Jan 24 1996 19:0923
    I am writing this on behalf of my sister who is pregnant with her
    second child.  My sister is in her 7th month.  She asked me this
    question earlier today.  I couldn't answer.  Maybe someone here can.
    My sister has had (I think) the worst pregnancy on record.  Ginny has
    been sick since she found out she was pregnant.  The first trimester
    had the normal morning sickness and all around uncomfortableness.  The
    second trimester she spent a week in the hospital for Salmonella
    poisoning.  She has never really got her strength back from that. Now
    that she is in her last trimester, she has started getting sick again. 
    she said only in the afternoon though.  Ginny does have a severe
    middle ear virus.  The doctors have given her medicine for vertigo. 
    But her OB/GYN didn't sound like he really wanted her to take it.
    Her question is, Has anyone in their last trimester started throwing-up
    again.  Do you think this could because her the virus in her ears?
    or from her pregancy.
    Any help or comfort you can offer would be great.  I have been very
    worried about her since she has been ill for so long.
    Thank you,
466.294Due June 15 - 4 wks and counting!FOUNDR::PLOURDEJulie PlourdeFri May 17 1996 16:5545
    Well - only 4 more weeks to go.  Thought I should get back into this
    note and give an update for the record.
    So happy that I only have 2 more weeks of work left.  The end of this
    pregnancy has been soooo much different than it was with my first (who
    just turned 3 in April).  I'm much more uncomfortable, having more
    aches and pains, lots of pressure "down there", major cramping, back
    pain, leg achiness.... etc.  I'm not miserable (yet), just upset that
    I feel this way and have 4 more weeks of this (if I don't go early).
    I have a Dr. appt on Monday and am going to ask to be checked since
    I've been having so many contractions (~2 per hour per day) and achiness
    in my pelvis).  It could be nothing, but with all the stuff I have
    going on in the next few weeks (baby showers, bachelorette dinner,
    wedding, etc), I want to know what's going on and whether these 
    pains are doing anything.  If not, it sets my mind at ease a little.
    If he does find that I'm dialating, then I can plan to take it easy
    and will have to start saying no to some of these events -- I don't
    want to be too far away from home/hospital if things are starting to
    happen.  Every now and then, I have a day where contractions start
    coming every 10 minutes or so...and they hurt quite bad thru the back
    and thighs.  Then they stop (usually after a couple of hours).  I 
    didn't experience any of this with my first, so it may just be that
    this is something I'm going to have to deal with for the rest of this
    pregnancy.  Oh well.
    I've gained about 22.5 lbs as of last appt (2 wks ago - will get weighed 
    again Monday... but have been averaging less than 1lb/wk lately - so 
    I'm hoping to not go over 28-30 lbs.)
    Baby's room is NOT done.  Haven't even painted. No curtains.  I'm
    way behind this time.  But I have enough ready to feel comfortable.
    Have a bassinet, newborn clothes are washed, have a few packages of
    diapers, my hospital bag is packed, baby bag is packed, etc.  It's 
    so different than with my first - I was all ready at about 7 months.
    But I know that my mom will be around in the beginning to help me 
    get some stuff done.  I'm considering waiting to decorate anyway
    since I want to wait to find out if we have a girl or boy.  Ultrasound
    says girl, but I'm not convinced - so it will still be a surprise.
    Well, now that I've rambled on - I'd love to hear from others who
    are due this summer!!  How are your feeling?
466.295Due June 13th - 27 days!MPGS::HEALEYKaren Healey, VIIS Group, SHR3Fri May 17 1996 17:4644
    I guess I'll check in too.
    I've got just under 4 weeks to go.  I leave work on May 30th. 
    I can't wait, especially since they laid off half my group
    today (Video on Demand group in SHR).  Its been really depressing
    around here lately and will be even worse with everyone gone
    next week.  My group really surprised me earlier this week
    with a gift certificate and cake and icecream.  Even though
    its something we've done with the pregnant women in our group
    in the past (even if 2nd child) I really didn't expect anything
    so I was really surprised.  
    Anyhow, as far as the pregnancy goes, all the differences from
    my first pregnancy can be explained by my not exercising.  I've
    gained more weight (40 pounds!), I'm more tired, I ache more.
    I really wish I had maintained my exercise program through this
    pregnancy!  Oh well, with 40 pounds to lose, I'll be exercising
    with a vengence this summer!
    I'm getting a little nervous about the delivery after what I
    experienced with Lauren (I had a 4th degree tear... to the rectum).
    However, my doctors suggested a "lateral" episiotomy should I
    need one which would head in a slightly different direction.  I'm
    not convinced that would be any better though.  I'm also worried
    about breastfeeding since it just didn't work with Lauren.  But
    this time I took a class and I think I know what went wrong
    with Lauren.  I also have someone I can call to come to my home
    for a consultation if I have problems again... last time I had
    noone to call.  
    I'm really looking forward to having the summer off with my children.
    I'm not much into the newborn stage and really had cabin fever
    when Lauren was born in December.  But Lauren will help keep me
    entertained this summer and I expect that cabin fever will not be
    an issue since the weather will be much nicer and my family will
    be around this time (my parents winter in Florida and summer on 
    Lake Winnepesaukee).  I'll spend alot of time visiting friends 
    and hanging out at the lake.  
    I hope all you other moms with summer maternity leave enjoy it!
466.296Not due until OctoberSHOGUN::LYONSFri May 31 1996 20:1620
    Well, I'm not due this summer...but I do have to go through it!  My
    second child is due October 24th.  Kathleen (our first) was born in
    August of last year...Whew! talk about hot summers!
    Folks think I'm crazy having the kids so close together, but I'm
    looking forward to it.
    This pregnancy is a lot different than with Kathleen.  I have a lot
    more energy this time around and thank goodness, no spotting problems!
    Recently had an ultrasound and they say it's a boy!  Definately keeping
    an open mind though...just in case.  Although I have to admit it would
    be nice to have one of each.
    I've been lucky and haven't gained much weight yet.  I hope it doesn't
    catch up to me all at once!
    Good luck to everyone! 
466.297POWDML::VENTURAI'm not fat, I'm pregnant!Tue Jun 11 1996 16:1622
    Well.. I'm now six months through this pregnancy.  My due date is
    September 7th.  I've had to deal with a few problems, including a 
    kidney stone and having a tooth extracted.  Yuck!  Don't know which 
    one was more painful!
    I seem to be doing MUCH better now, though.  No major problems.
    As far as weight gain, I can't believe it.. I've only gained 8.5 lbs.
    (yes, that's EIGHT AND A HALF pounds!).  I'm ALL baby.  Looking at me
    from the back, I don't look pregnant.
    Something that's really weird... I've noticed that 90% of the time that
    the baby kicks, it's on the right side.  Or kicks DOWN.  Has anyone
    ever experienced that??
    Other than that, I seem to be doing well.  I don't have the ravenous
    appetite that everyone tells me they have had.  Just eating the amount
    I would normally eat.  Weird.
    (13 more weeks to go!)
466.298November 30thASABET::DENAROTue Jun 11 1996 18:215
    Well i am not due until nov. 30th but thought i would put a note in
    anyways! as far as weight for me i have gained about 10 lbs not to bad
    i guess! Haven't had any real problems so far, but i can't wait till
    november gets here! good luck everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
466.299DECWIN::DUBOISJustice is not out-of-dateFri Jun 14 1996 17:057
<    Something that's really weird... I've noticed that 90% of the time that
<    the baby kicks, it's on the right side.  Or kicks DOWN.  Has anyone
<    ever experienced that??
Mine used to break dance on my cervix.  *Ouch!!!  :-}

466.300My bladder must have been a prime targetAPSMME::PENDAKpicture packin' mommaFri Jun 14 1996 17:1911
    Aaron's favorite target seemed to be my bladder.  In fact when they did
    the c-section they discovered that he had blocked my bladder and the
    catheter didn't drain it.
    He also liked to stretch just as I was going to sleep (my body was
    relaxing enough so he could stretch out a little).  So I'd be right on
    the edge of sleep when he'd bump my stomach and if there was anything
    in it it would come up...  I learned not to eat pasta with a tomato
    sauce before going to bed, that was the worst.
466.301POWDML::VENTURAI'm not fat, I'm pregnant!Fri Jun 14 1996 17:4910
    Yes, this little one has tapdanced on my bladder a number of times, as
    well as break dancing on my cervix.  Ouch!  I'll be riding in the car
    with my husband and all of the sudden he'll hear "OOO!!"  He'll ask
    what's wrong and I'll just reply, "I got kicked in the cervix/bladder
    Haven't gotten kicked in the stomach, though.. thank goodness!
    Holly (< 3 months to go!!)
466.302CSLALL::JACQUES_CATrust me, I'm a ratTue Jun 18 1996 12:0313
    I carried Angeline so high, most of her activity seemed to be
    fairly close to my ribs!  I can remember even leaning back
    and kind of lifting my shoulder to accomodate her when she
    decided to do a little stretch.
    And yet, at the same time, her little fingers would do little
    butterflies down by my hips.  
    The beauty of it, she pretty much left my bladder alone, sometime
    around the beginning of my seventh month, up until I delivered.
    The downside...she stayed up there and I had to have a Cesarean.
    							cj *->
466.303GIDDAY::BURTInteresting timesSun Jul 14 1996 23:096
25 weeks and counting.

TFSO'd as of 19 July.


466.304POWDML::VENTURAeight weeks to go!Thu Jul 18 1996 22:1914
    Well.. I'm almost 33 weeks now.  I had an ultrasound done on Monday
    to check the size of the baby since I haven't gained much weight.  I've
    gained a total of 15 lbs now.  But that certainly hasn't affected the
    baby!  Baby is already 4 lbs 14 oz and still supposedly has 7 more
    weeks to "cook".  Doctor says that it's going to be a BIG baby.  
    I've been feeling perfectly fine, although my back and legs are
    starting to get a LITTLE soar, and I'm getting tired very easily.  The
    heat has been taking a toll on me, but oh well.  
    Hope everyone else is doing well!
466.305WMOIS::LYONS_STue Jul 30 1996 17:3716
    RE: Holly....
    I really can't complain about the heat this time around.  Last summer,
    I roasted and boy did I swell.  I've been very greatful that it hasn't
    been as hot or humid in our area this pregnancy.
    Well, I'm 28 weeks along and I feel huge!  I also feel as if the baby
    has dropped already (too early I know, but that's how I feel).  A
    couple of people, my husband included, have commented today on the fact
    that I look "lower".  Gosh, I hope the doctor's aren't that far off!
    Continued good luck to all those "expecting".
466.306SMARTT::JENNISONAnd baby makes fiveThu Apr 10 1997 15:3718
    	I really felt the baby last night!
    	I'm 19.5 weeks, and around 18 weeks, started to feel
    	a few flutters if I was laying on my back and very very
    	Yesterday, I thought I felt a little thump during the day.
    	At night, I was sitting on the couch and felt it again.
    	So, I pressed gently on the spot, and the baby kicked me.  I
    	can only feel it from the inside right now, but it shouldn't	
    	be long before someone can feel by placing their hand on
    	my belly.  My daughter Emily is waiting anxiously for that