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Conference misery::feline

Title:Meower Power - Where Differing Opinions are Respected
Created:Wed Nov 13 1991
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1079
Total number of notes:28858

711.0. "Tetracycline Reaction experiences, please." by EMASS::SKALTSIS (Deb) Sun Feb 27 1994 12:41

    A couple of months ago, I nearly lost Eirene due to malnurishment and
    dehydration. Seems that she broke a tooth and stopped eating and I was
    so buzy with Jimmy being diabetic I didn't notice. Anyhow, one we
    found the cause of the problem, we nursed her back to health (all the
    way to 8 lbs; 7 was as big as she ever was before). Anyhow, the tooth
    needed to be pulled (it was infected; she was on amoxie for a while). 
    I brought her in to the vet on Tuesday for her presurgical physical.
    both vets thot she looked good, but due to her age, we did a complete
    workup on her blood. The blood work came back looking like that of a
    dead cat (PCV=12, for example). The vets couldn't beleive this was the
    same cat, as she was still acting very alert, although her gums weren't
    real pink. If the lab test was correct, taking blood for another one 
    could kill her, doing notheing could have killed her and putting her
    under for surgury certainly would have killed her. SO, I brought in 
    her twin brother Panther and the vets transfused her. She looked fine
    Wed morning, and I brought her home at noon. She was very active, alert
    and hungry.  
    Also during this time, Eirene has developed 2 rodent ulcers which are
    being treated successfully.
    The only thing wrong with Eirene (other than the tooth)
    was she has decided she likes to eat clean kitty litter. The vet
    checked her stool and found no parasites; Those minerals the blood
    profile showed didn't show a deficency in Calcium or zinc, so
    the vet concluded she might be harboring a bacteria in her intestine
    (that you can't accuratly test for) and put her on tetrracycline. 
    She took the first dosage at the vet fine. I gave her the second
    dose at home with no problem, but after drinking some wather after the
    3rd dosage, she threw up her supper (actually emtied her stomach). She
    still seemed fine. I gave her her morning dosage (before the vet was
    opened) and I thot I was going to loose her. She got very dehydrated,
    very letharthic, her body was very warm, her mouth and tounge white,
    and her 3rd eyelids showing. Obviously, she had a reaction to the
    tetracycline! She isn't taking it anymore, and is a lot better, but
    still isn't back to herself. I've had to give her subq fluids 3 times
    (thank goodness the vet showed me how to do this at home), and to
    get any substantial amount of food into her, I'm force feeding her
    (all she will eat on her own is 3 or 4 dry c/d pellets; she doesn't
    want baby food, and while she seems interested in cat food, she gets
    as close as sniffing it and then turns away). I've got her drinking 
    pedialite instead of water (which by some miricle she likes), and I've 
    been giving her vitimins. She has held all this down, and I do notice
    moments of alertness like bird/squirrel watching or wathing the tv.
    Oh, and she is still a bit shaky on her paws. 
    The vet has me give him twice daily updates, and he says to be patient.
    My questions:
    1. Has anyone out there had a reaction to tetracycline?
       Has anyone's pet had a reaction to tetracycline? 
    2. Do the symptom's I've described match your (or your pet's) reaction?
    3. How long before you (or your pet) felt like eating again? (do
       you think that her tummy is still upset after 4 days? Is the smell
       of food making her nauseus?
    4. How long before I stop seeing the 3rd eyelid?
    5. How long before she stops acting lethargic and isn't shaky on her    
    6. Was this an allergic reaction?
711.1Maybe allergyBPSOF::EGYEDPer aspera ad astraMon Feb 28 1994 02:5511
    I have heard rumors about tetracycline allergies in humans, it might be
    something like that. All antibiotica *may* cause special allergies, I
    have heard about people severelry vomiting from penicyllin e.g.
    Trust the problem to the vet, mayhaps consult another vet too.
    I do not think it helps much, I just wanted to help...
    I wish bettering to your baby.
711.2SUBURB::THOMASHThe Devon DumplingMon Feb 28 1994 06:2212
	Penicilin makes me really sick.

	You shouldn't give other drugs for at least 24 hours after a reaction.

	What could happen is that the stomach muscles are strained after being
	so sick, so eating a little feels uncomfortable, eating a lot makes you
	feel sick again.

	Eat little and often, make sure you take liquids.

711.3yogurt?ISLNDS::WHITMOREMon Feb 28 1994 09:0715
    I'm allergic to tetracycline - very very wierd reaction - my pupils
    dilate to the point where they look like someone dropped belladonna in
    them (like they do when you go to the eye doctors), and my skin on my
    hands and feet peels.  I get very very warm and a slightly nauseous
    tummy (althop all antibiotics make me slightly nauseous -  more of a
    reaction to the flora in your gut being killed off than anything else). 
    My doctor says that my reaction can get worse over time if I am exposed
    to it again, so its offlimits completely for me.
    One thing that helps me whenever I'm on an antibiotic is to eat yogurt
    - the active cultures in yogurt supposedly help recolonize the gut with
    the buggies that help you digest food.  Possibly this might help your
    poor kitty?
711.4AKOCOA::LEINONENMon Feb 28 1994 09:5918
    Tetracycline is a general/all purpose antibiotic so it tends to rid
    the system of all types of bacteria. Some of the bacteria it combats
    are necessary to digestion and "normal" life. Maybe the dosage is a
    little too high? Vets try to gauge the amount by body weight, etc.
    but it doesn't always work out right. My 18lb kitty could only handle
    the dosages for a 5lb or he was always sick.
    Maybe you could discuss cutting the dosage back a little with the vet?
    I used to alternate times of dosage (ie. if it said twice a day, I
    only gave it once, or every other day, etc.).
    The yogurt is a great idea! My kitties love the stuff and it will
    certainly help her digestion.
    Paws are crossed for the both of you!
711.5Do what you will, but I say no to yogurt.STOWOA::FALLONMon Feb 28 1994 12:4315
    If you want to take the route of adding good bacteria, enzymes back
    into the stomach:
    1. In general give after medication is finished (in this case now might
    be good, otherwise if you take it while still on the meds it is killed)
    2. Better than yogurt, you can get acidopholis cultures in capsule form
    at any GNC or health food store.  Some of them contain more than one
    form of enzyme.  You can even get them mixed with powdered goats milk.
    I would caution the use of the actual yogurt because of the fat content
    and also because of the possibilty of lactose intolerance.  You can
    take a sick cat and make it much worse!!!  If the cat is already
    stressed and sick, it certainly won't be helped when the diahrhea
    starts.   The powdered form of the enzymes is much safer with no side
711.6Good News this AM!!!EMASS::SKALTSISDebMon Feb 28 1994 15:5328
    Everyone, thanks for all the info and support. Someone spoke about eye
    puples getting real big; this happened to Eirene,too. And someone
    mentioned the dosage; the vet had prescribed a dosage about 1/2 what
    was reccommended for her size. She must be *very* sensitive.
    well, Eirene seems to have gotten a lot better after I wrote that note.
    Sunday night she started eating moist food by herself (just a little
    but it was a start. she woke me at 3:30 this Am because she was hungry
    again, and once again she ate a couple of spoonfuls. She also ate a
    couple of spoonfuls this morning. And last night she was drinking the
    pedialite like there was no tomorrow; between Sat & sunday she drank
    nearly .75 liters. (Pedialiyte is available in the baby food asile; it
    is basicly sugar water with a few minerals that you give babies after
    vomiting or diarreha so their electrolites don't get screwed up should
    the V&D cause dehydration.) I took a chance last night and didn't give
    her sub-q fluids, and this morning she was still hydrated, not wobbly
    and very alert (though a bit tired). And her mouth/tounge is still pink
    And she used the box!! (she had been putting her front feet in it and
    must have thot she was there since she would then start urinating. I
    had plastic down around the box in her "range".) **She still seems a bit
    sensitive when I pick her up, however. Is this to be expected?**
    Please keep your fingers crossed that everything is OK when I get home!
    P.S. I think that this pedilyte stuff is great! I suggest that everyone
    keep some around in case to prevent dehydration. Eirene is getting
    flavorless, but it comes in various flavors, too. 
711.7paws crossed OK!BPSOF::EGYEDPer aspera ad astraTue Mar 01 1994 08:451
711.8She seems to have turned the corner!HELIX::SKALTSISDebMon Mar 07 1994 12:3930
    thanks, Nat.
    I took last week off to nurse her back to health, and I think that we
    have made progress. She can eat on her own now (although she prefers
    to be spoon fed). She is putting on weight and purring. She isn't
    wobbly anymore when she walks, and she can bath herself without falling
    over.  She has a bed which is a fake fur "tube" that is closed on one
    end. I realized she was feeling better on Saturday when I noticed she
    had rolled the tube so that the opening was directly in front of the
    open window, and that her little tail moving to the beat of the oldies
    music I had on the radio. 
    Last night she decided to make her first trip outside of my
    bedroom. She went across the hall and sat on my weight bench. Then at
    some point, she went down stairs (all I know is that I was awoken at
    3AM by a loud crash in the living room next to a guilty looking Billy
    and Artie). Eirene was on the kitchen counter looking out the window. I
    brought her back up stairs with me, and when I got up at about 7, she
    was gone. I found her hanging out in the garden window chirping at the
    squirrel on the corn feeder.
    Anyhow, I think that she has turned the corner. Now all I have to be 
    concerned about is that her next blood test comes back ok. If the last
    one wasn't a lab screwup, it could have pointed to hemobartonella,
    which is why she got the tetracycline. Does anyone know anything about
    this disease?
    thanks for all the good thots,
711.9Great News!AIMHI::SPINGLERMon Mar 07 1994 12:4410
    Hi Deb,
    So nice to have good news on a Monday!  Thanks for the update, I'll
    Look up this blood disease and if I find it in my texts, will post some
    info some time this week!
    Feline Glad that Erienne is better!
    Sue & Panther & Spots & Cinnyman
711.10Jo wrote a note about it.STOWOA::FALLONMon Mar 07 1994 12:515
    Hi Sue!!  I haven't seen your name in here in a dogs age!
    Back to the program,
    Jo had written a note in here specifically on hemo bartinwhatsis.
    If you go back you can find it in this version.
711.11HELIX::SKALTSISDebMon Mar 07 1994 13:024
    in this conference or FELINE_V1?
711.12Haemobartonella FelisJULIET::CORDES_JAFour Tigers on my CouchMon Mar 07 1994 13:433
    Deb, I found it.  It's note 251.0 in this file.
711.13HI DEB - How is the FIRM?AIMHI::SPINGLERTue Mar 08 1994 16:146
    Way to go, I don't have to post anything unless it is in addition!
    Feline Fine,
    Sue (Who is glad to be back!)
711.14Eirene's statusHELIX::SKALTSISDebMon Mar 21 1994 13:2333
    The past couple of weeks have been a bit of a rollercoaster with
    Eirene. Her PCV is up to 27 (and seems to be holding there), which is 
    borderline of normal and anemic. The blood smears show no sign of
    the haemobartonela (or anything else abnormal). The recurrent mouth
    infection has cured on Saturday. Her mouth had a horrible stench, and
    she had been on anti-biotics for almost 2 months. I've been cleanign
    her mouth nightly with a wash cloth, and applied a hot compress on 
    Friday night. To make a long story short, now with the absess reduced
    in size, the vet ws able to really look at the tooth at the gumline and
    found a bone sliver wedged between Eirene's tooth and gum.
    (Interstingly enuff, about 3 weeks ago I called KalKan to complain
    about howmany bones I've been noticing in their food lately, as Eirene
    stopped eating cat food on her own when she bit ont a bone.) Anyhow,
    she seems like a new cat; alert, playing, purring, friendly to Billy
    and Arty (whom she used to hate) and EATING.
    Naturally, there is bad news, too. She also has kidney problems
    (cronic renal failure), and the anemia is a symptom of it. Her urine is
    like water (Specific Gravity =1.014), but she is drinking well, not
    vomiting and her stools are solid and well formed. Because of the SG of
    her urine being so low, her prognosis is not good. If I take real good
    care of her, the vet thinks she might have 1 or 2 years left in her,
    but I am going to do everything I can for her. She is now on K/D, and
    I will give her sub-q fluids once a week (for now). Eirene has always
    had this habit of drinking water after urinating, so as a result, she 
    keeps herself pretty well hydrated. She will also get a monthly PCV
    check (in case she gets real anemic so we can transfuse ASAP), and a
    biannual CBC. Anyhow, I will do everything I can for her.
    P.S. Does anyone how if Tufts or Angell do dialysis ?
711.15JUPITR::KAGNOMon Mar 21 1994 13:366
    Deb, I'm sure Eirnene will thrive under your care.  She is certainly in
    the best hands possible right now!  Please keep us udated, and hang in
711.16I may even get a good night's sleep tonight ...HELIX::SKALTSISDebMon Mar 21 1994 16:198
    Thanks Roberta. I know you have done a lot of business with Tufts; do
    you know if they do kidney dialysis?
    And Sue, the FIRM seems fine now (finally). They have been having their
    ups and downs since Thanksgiving but (knock on wood) I think that
    things will settle down for a little while.
711.17JUPITR::KAGNOMon Mar 21 1994 16:256
    Hmm, I'm not sure if Tufts does dialysis, but I have a hunch they do. 
    Contact the small animal hospital... someone there would definitely
    Good luck!
711.18DSSDEV::DSSDEV::TAMIRTue Mar 22 1994 09:356
Ah, ya, they do....you want to talk to Dr. Linda Ross.  She's the best there
is.  She pulled Blue thru a very rough time.  She's an internist and is
Chief of Staff at the small animal hospital.  Phone # is (508)839-5395.  Ask
for the front desk...

Mary, who has reserved seating at Tufts....
711.19I'm confusedHELIX::SKALTSISDebTue Mar 22 1994 11:418
    I'm hearing from an internet friend that sub-q fluids is the 
    kitty eqivalent of dialysis. Is that true, or did they hook Blue
    up to a machine like they do with a human on dialysis?
711.20My UnderstandingLJSRV2::FEHSKENSlen - reformed architectTue Mar 22 1994 13:0315
    Subcutaneous fluids are used to rehydrate a cat that's become
    dehydrated; dehydration stresses the kidneys, alters ion balances
    (which has adverse neurological consequences), and other similar bad
    things.  Dialysis involves "filtering" blood through an artificial kidney,
    in order to remove accumulated metabolic toxins (which is what properly
    functioning kidneys do).  Subcutaneous fluids can only dilute these
    toxins (which may allow failing kidneys to do an adequate job of
    removing them), it does not remove them as dialysis does.  Dialysis and
    rehydration via subcutaneous fluids are not equivalent therapies,
    though they may be therapeutic options for the same clinical condition;
    dialysis is a much more aggressive intervention.
711.21Eirene is doing real well!HELIX::SKALTSISDebThu Mar 24 1994 14:0428
    Thanks for the info. I think that I will check with Tufts just in case
    we ever need to do it, and in the interim continue with 1 to 2 sub-q
    therapies /week.

    However, I must say, that in the last week since she was diagnosed and
    we have made the dietary changes she is looking and doing fantastic.
    The backbone area is filling in, as are her leg muscles; she is
    remaining hydrated entirely on her own; to look at her, she doesn't
    look like a cat that is in kidney failure (i.e., you can't see her
    backbone). And she is playful and more friendly to  the other cats than
    she has ever been (and interacts with the others more than she ever
    did, too)

    I'm giving her w/d krunchies in the morning (the vet says that they are
    similar enough to K/D dry not to matter that much and that way I don't
    have to buy a 3rd prescription diet), and canned K/D at night. I wind
    up hand/force feeding her at night (she doesn't like the taste), but
    she does eat the dry on her own with no  problem (so at least I am able
    to get to work a bit earlier now). 

    I do have one question, though. I've heard that when a cat is anemic,
    s/he doesn't have a large appetite. Eirene eats on her own only about
    1/2 as she needs (i.e., she needs a full cup of food a day, but will
    only eat 1/2 on her own). What can I do to make her want to double her
    intake (other than a transfusion)?

711.22Maybe meds?STOWOA::FALLONThu Mar 24 1994 14:097
    You may want to ask your vet if it is appropriate to give her
    medication to increase appetite.  Valium works very well as does
    another calle cy...blah blah.  I have the name at home.  But it starts
    with a "C"!  Sometimes just once is enough to kick in the good ol'
    appetite.   Don't let your guard down at any rate.
711.23Believe Hill's Prescription Diet A/D is also supposed to boost the appetitePTPM06::TALCOTTThu Mar 24 1994 15:247
  It comes in a single variety for dogs and cats.  We got a sample box from
Hill's a while ago. Haven't seen many animals particularly excited about it,
however. Usually when they're sick enough to stop eating we go for baby food,
cheese, chicken, or in the case of the vet's resident cat, my wife, myself and
our mascot each get 1/3 of a sirloin steak every month.

711.24Eirene is being transfused againHELIX::SKALTSISDebMon Apr 11 1994 13:4835
    To make a long story short, Eirene is baing transfused again today.
    Last week she was throwing up a lot, and i think it was due to my
    forcefeeding her too much. Anyhow, Thursday night she fell out of her
    perch and brised her arm; it was so swollen I took her to the vet on 
    Friday. The vet suggested she get some additional fluids this week end
    and ironiclly, as I was heating up her lactated ringers, she fell off
    the bench and went into shock. Luckily, I was moving her bowl of
    pedylite on to her bench when I saw it happen. I quickly grabbed an
    oral syringe that was there (that I had been feeding her with) and
    pumped 4 tsp of pedylite into her mouth and it seemed to ressurrect
    her. I called the vet at home and he told me to dive her 200 lactated
    ringers, and if she seemed ok, bring her in on monday first thing (as
    luck had it, she had a 9am appointment for her PCV anyway). (if that
    didn't help I was to either rush her into Angell or call him back and
    he'd see her, which ever I felt more comfortable with. He said that the
    fact that she responded to the pedylite indicated her electrolytes were
    out of balance. Anyhow, she made it thru the night quite well, but her
    PCV was down to 19 (no surprize; we had thot we might need to transfuse
    her on Thursday when we were going to elevate her bad tooth out). So, I
    brought her twin brother Panther in as a doner and they will transfuse
    her this noon time. She was stable and looking good when I left her.
    I beleive that when she collapsed she was in a medical state of shock.
    She fell on her side, her limbs straight out and couldn't move; her
    pupils wide open. She was totally limp when I picked her up, and I had
    to pry open her mouth to get the pedilyte in. I am thankful I was there
    when it happened, and that I know how to give subcutaneous fluids, and
    that I had them on hand to give.
    Anyhow, since she has been transfused before from the same doner, and
    she is in pretty stable shape right now, the vet isn't too worried
    about the procedure (unless of course he just told me that so I
    wouldn't worry). 
711.25ELWOOD::FEASEAndrea Midtmoen FeaseTue Apr 12 1994 08:156
         Oh, Deb, what a weekend you had!
         Here's sending healing kitty vibes to Eirene (and Panther too, the
    brave soul he is 8-) ).  Hope Eirene is feeling better soon!
    					- Andrea
711.26MAYES::MERRITTKitty CityTue Apr 12 1994 09:1510
    Hugs to you and Eirene.   Thank god you reacted so fast...and thank
    god she pulled through once again.    Please keep us posted.
    I bought Mr. Meow some Pediolite this weekend...but the old man
    wouldn't even lap it!!  I kept putting it under his nose..and
    he would turn his head and walk away with disgust!!   I'm going
    to keep a unopened bottle just for emergency cases.
    Deb...is it true that once you open it you need to use it all
    up within 48 hours??
711.27JUPITR::KAGNOTue Apr 12 1994 10:157
    Deb, I think God sends you these cats for a reason... because you take
    such great care of them!
    Glad Eirene is holding her own again.
711.28Big hugs going out too!AIMHI::SPINGLERTue Apr 12 1994 13:588
    Sending out healing messages over the Kitty net to eriene, and to her
    human Mom! We hope all goes well!
    Feline Hopeful for a good ending,
    Sue $ Crew
711.29Eirene, Panther and Deb are doing much betterHELIX::SKALTSISDebTue Apr 12 1994 16:2120
    Thanks for all the kind words and good thots. Eirene has pulled thru
    just fine. Her PCV is at 30 this afternoon, and (most exciting of all,
    I brought Panther home at noon, but they want to observe Eirene this
    afternoon just as a precaution (and since I had to come to work, I feel
    better knowing someone is wathcing her while I'm at work). This evening
    we are going to go over her follow up care, which is going to include
    more agressive fluid therpy.
    Deb (who has forgotten what normal kitty life is)
    P.S. Sandy, the Pedylite only lasts about a couple of days even when
    refrigerated; because of the sugar, it starts to ferment. I was
    speaking to my dentist (another sucker for any hard-luck fur face) and
    he tells me that he used to use Pedylite in these cases but his vet
    suggested that if the cat/dog would drink Gaterade instead, it is the
    same thing but cheaper. Luckily for him, his cats will drink it (he has
    a pair of 18 yr old Siameese). Eirene doesn't like the flavored
    Pedylite, so I doubt that she would willing ly drink the Gaterade.
711.30Eirene is eating!!!!HELIX::SKALTSISDebWed Apr 13 1994 12:3517
    Eirene came home last night and seems to be doing well. We hung out in
    my bedroom most of last night, and was sitting on my legs, purring and
    kneeding. She let Jimmy groom her, and let Arty play with her tail (and
    then swatted him :-) ). She picked up the fuzzy mouse a couple of
    times, put it in her mouth shook it and gave it to me. She is eating
    on her own, and drinking a lot of water. I was even able to leave her
    alone this morning while I was getting dressed and she ate all of her
    food; no coaxing necessary. She is still alert, very hungry and
    playful. I only gave her a 1/4 cup of food this morning, though,
    because I am just afraid that if I overfed her she might throw up. 
    Oh, and one other thing I noticed; her urine is now light pale yellow
    and has a urine like odor to it; I had been like water with no smell at
    all. I'm wondering if her kidneys are regenerating or at least starting
    to function again?
711.31Great news!JARETH::GOGOLINThu Apr 14 1994 00:4010
    Deb, I'm glad to hear Eirene is doing so well. I'm sure your care 
    made all the difference in the world.

    You sure have had your share of trouble! I know what a toll it takes to 
    deal with a seriously sick cat. I guess if you want to find something 
    positive in it, it's given you lots of experience to handle the problems 
    if they arise again. And sharing what you've learned helps us help our 
    cats when we need to. Thank you!

711.32ANybody have any ideas?HELIX::SKALTSISDebThu Apr 14 1994 14:3232
    thanks. Unfortunatnly, I may have spoken too soon. She just picked at
    her food last night; same thing this morning, although I noticed that
    once she got a crunchy in her mouth, she had a hard time holding on to
    it; it would oftn fall out before she could crack it; I don't know if
    this is because her tooth is bothering her (and I don't want to risk
    putting her under to remove it). I force fed her about a 1/6 can of
    KalKan. Of course, last night she showed no interest in the food; at
    least this morning she acted like she wanted to eat something (maybe
    she just isn't real hungry?) 
    I spoke to the vet last night and he said not to worry just yet, unless
    she still isn't eating by tomorrow. Also, a friend suggested that maybe
    I squirt the food with water and then microwave it and it might be
    easier for her to eat. I'm going to try that tonight.
    Also, last night and this morning she was making some funny noises,
    similar to somthing someone described over the past few days (and
    unfortunatly, I can't find the note). She was making that gulping
    sounds like you are trying to hold back a vomit. While she wasn't
    doing that this morning, she was making that little chattering noise,
    over and over again; the sounds took the length of words, and it was
    like she was trying to tell me something. She'd just open her mouth,
    chatter for an instant (less than a second) and do it again and again
    MEAN? (sorry for shouting, but I'm at my wits end)
    Other than the eating thing, she is alert, active and friendly.
    thanks for listening,
711.33MAYES::MERRITTKitty CityThu Apr 14 1994 15:4014
    Deb...one of our Feluk Kitties at the shelter was doing something
    similar last weekend.   Priscilla rushed the kitty to Acton Emergency
    and once they diagnosed it they found lesion in his mouth, on his
    tongue etc. (this is common for some Feluk kitties) The vet said
    they were very sore...and that was why the kitty was chattering
    and not eating!!   The kitty has been put on a very strong antibiotic..
    which seems to ease the pain and he is eating again.  
    Maybe it's just not the tooth...and maybe she has some sores in her
    mouth.  The poor baby....
    Hugs to you...
711.34Pawpats to you both :')STOWOA::FALLONMoonsta CatteryThu Apr 14 1994 16:4710
    I am proud of how you handled Eirene and her state of shock.  Your
    knowledge and common sense obviously saved her.  I hope you have had a
    chance to calm down (ya, right :'}) and Eirene is feeling better!!
    I have been having a tough time with my Josette and have had her in for
    surgery on Monday.  She is still  in the woods but we are working on
711.35I bet it is the rodent ulcer acting up!HELIX::SKALTSISDebThu Apr 14 1994 17:5617
    thanks, Karen. I do hope your Josette pulls thru; I know how exhausting
    it can be, and I know how helpless one can feel. We are all thinking
    good thots for Josette.
    And thanks to Sandy,too. We exchanged some mail back and
    forth, and it dawned on me that Eirene was rubbing her mouth against
    her water dish a lot, similar to what happened prior to her rodent
    ulcer forming. She was doign 1/2 an ovaban every 4 days, andthe last
    time she got it was a week ago, and it caused her to vomit, so it has
    been more like 1.5 weeks since she had it. I called my vet and he wants
    her to start taking 1/2 every two days and she gets a checkup on Monday
    morning. It was kind of a misunderstanding on my part that she wasn't
    getting the ovaban. So, I'm hoping this is going to help her and am a
    bit encouraged.
711.36JULIET::RUSSELLPE_STThu Apr 14 1994 18:057
    Fingers and paws crossed here in Calif for Eirene and also Josette.
    Deb, it sounds like you are a vet-in-training.  I hope I can remember
    all this good advice if it is ever necessary.
711.37Poor kitties... :'{STOWOA::FALLONMoonsta CatteryFri Apr 15 1994 11:2512
    I suppose this could work here too!
    Josette had been put on Ditrim, another type of antibiotic, and has
    not done well with it.  She has been vomiting and not wanting to 
    eat.  We have changed her over to Clavamox as I am told Amoxicillin
    can also cause upset stomachs.  She has also been given Ceproheptadine
    (if I spelled it correctly) to stimulate her appetite.  I have used
    this before with very good results.
    Antibiotics being good things, can sometimes be devastating.  I know
    how I felt once on Erythromycin, yuck!
711.38Big hugs going out from N.H.AIMHI::SPINGLERFri Apr 15 1994 13:576
    We hope all goes well for all the sick Kittys this weekend.  
    Feline grateful for 3 healthy kitties,
    Sue & Crew
711.39a cat with a sore mouth makes short chatter noisesHELIX::SKALTSISDebFri Apr 15 1994 15:2629
    Well, it turns out that when a cat gets in your face with these very
    shot chirps, it is telling you that it has a sore mouth. I rushed home
    and opened Eirene's mouth and immediatly noticed the start of a small
    leason on her lower lip. Naturally, we rushed to the vet. It was not a
    recurrence of her rodent ulcer. It was more like a canker sore, and
    there were two. These are common in cats with Feline Lukemia, depressed
    immune systems and cats with kidney failure. The first two can be given
    a strong antibiotic, but that isn't donw for kidney failure. It turns
    out that these "canker sores" in cats with kidney problems are showing
    signs of built up BUN and creitin (the toxins the kidneys normally
    filter out of the blood), and a lack of vitimin C and B. 
    We have decided that she will now get fluids EVERY NIGHT to dilute the
    creitin and cause her to excrete more. Extra fluids are especially
    important during a season change when some days are warm., Also she will be
    given a shot of B-complex and C weekely. Also, the vet gave her some
    liquid amoxie so that the sores don't get infected (liquid so that if
    she doesn't swallow the pill right the first time, she doesn't vomit
    from the bad taste it left in her mouth). 
    Also, I sprinkled water on her dry C/D, put it in the microwave for 30
    seconds. It softened it up enough for her to chew it but still be
    cruncy,  and she ate 3/8 cup last night and 3/8 cup this morning. 
    Anyhow, she goes in on Monday for her 1 week checkup (and I hope not
    until then!).
    thanks for everyone's concern and help,
711.40Eirene has put some meat on her bones!HELIX::SKALTSISDebTue Apr 19 1994 12:379
    Eirene went in for a checkup yesterday; she has gained 1.5 lbs, and
    is eating over a cup of dry K/D every day! She is drinking good, too,
    and is VERY well hydrated!  (She is even eating the K/D without heating in
    the microwave!) I knew she had gained weight because her waist got a
    bit fuller!
    I'm hopeing life can get back to quasi-normal for a while :-)
711.41JULIET::RUSSELLPE_STTue Apr 19 1994 13:503
    That's great news.  Fingers crossed that it continues.
711.42Have they been on the phone to each other;'>STOWOA::FALLONMoonsta CatteryTue Apr 19 1994 14:178
    That's great news!!!  Eating so important to the well being and health
    of a cat.
    Josette ended up back at the vets on Friday and spent the weekend
    there.  She was given Baytril along with the Clavamox, fluids and force
    hand feedings.  She came home yesterday and looked like a different
    I guess this was a good turnaround weekend for our kitties!! Yeah!
711.43I hope my saying this doesn't jinx thingsHELIX::SKALTSISDebTue Apr 19 1994 14:288
    glad to hear that Josette is better, too!
    I've got to give Eirene credit, for a small cat, the runt of her litter
    that has been a very timid, scardy cat all of her life, she has a lot
    of spunk and the will to live. I am very proud of her having pulled
    thru this very long ordeal.
711.44I have this old tape playing through my mindHELIX::SKALTSISDebMon Apr 25 1994 16:0538
Here is an update on Eirene. She weighs between 7 and 8 lbs (up from c.5).
She still likes eating, but it has tapered off a bit; she was eating 1/2 cup of
K/D twice a day, but not she is eating only about 1/4 cup 3 times a day. Still,
for a cat her size I guess this is pretty good.

She is keeping herself pretty well hydrated, but I gave her fluids yesterday
anyhow (for forms sake). I don't know if what follows is coincidental, or if I
should be worried or happy or what, but I'll mention it here in case someone
knows what it means.
For the past 2-3 years (since I adopted Billy), Eirene has preferred to hang out
upstairs, and away from the other cats. Usually hiding. Well, right before
she had her 1st transfusion, and when we thought she was looking good, she 
started hanging out downstairs, interacting with the other cats, and was
even bold enough to push some of the bigger boys away from their food. She was
like an eating machine, yet (remember) we discovered she was severely anemic.

Since the first transfusion, she has practically exiled herself upstairs; she
has not left the upstairs on her own. Until yesterday. I was working out in
the yard, most of the cats were watching me from the sun room. I heard a meow,
looked up and it was Eirene. She was right at the patio door, Jimmy on one
side of her, Arty on the other. She hung out there all afternoon, and went
back there after supper. I think she slept in there, too (and probably fell
off something as her left arm was a bit swollen). Anyhow, I wouldn't let the
cats in there this morning, but when I left, she was downstairs in the living
room on the top perch in the cat tree (overlooking the feeders). She whacked
Billy when he tried to climb up there, and literally tossed Arty out when he
tried to join her. Now, ordinarily, I'd think that this is great that she is
finally decided to join in with the rest of the family; maybe all the attention
she has been getting has boosted her self-esteem or something, but in the
back of my mind all I can think of is she was being out going right before
the first transfusion, and even though she looked good, I could have lost her.
On the other hand, her tongue and gums are actually pink (for the first time
in a long time). 

Sorry for babbling, but does anyone have any advice?

711.45HELIX::SKALTSISDebWed Apr 27 1994 20:387
    Unfortunatly, I was right; something was up. She didn't want to eat at
    all yesterday. I'm in a class all week at ZK, so when I rushed home, I
    decided to bring her to the vet for a shot of vitimin B and C (they
    reccommended that she get one every two weeks, anyhow, and Thursday
    would have been two weeks). Anyhow, I got there and the vet found
    another leison in her mouth4s0 {x
711.46This is one Easter week I'm not going to forgetHELIX::SKALTSISDebWed Apr 27 1994 20:5630
    Sorry about that last note. It got entered right after I re-dialed in
    and attached. As I was entering that note, Eirene was siting beside me
    on a box, and she just fell over and collapsed. I rushed her  into the
    bathroom where I forced water into her mouth and as soon as I got her
    back to life again, I called the vet. It was 3 minutes to 7 (he closed
    at 7). we rushed over there and he gave her a brief checkup, she looked
    fine although I knew better. I think she may have fallen during the day
    since she had a swollen arm (this was the case before she collapsed the
    last time, too). The vet gave her a shot of some kind of steroid and 
    I am going to let her rest and will bring her back in first thing
    tomorrow. He wants to xray her heart/kidneys and do some tests. He
    color is good, so it isn't anemia. He said that he is "intregued" about 
    the way that she is collapsing (litterally falling over on her side, 
    arms and legs totally limp but streached out and the mouth locked
    shut.) She said that there is the possibility that she is having
    mini-strokes, or throwing a clot. Basicly, I have to let her rest
    tonight  and do what ever she wants, not force anything on her. And
    I should  probably get a "safari" cage for her so that if she falls
    while I am not around, she won't hurt herself. Anyone have one of these
    things that I could borrow?
    Also, I know that there are some cats out there that have "thrown
    clots"; could anyone tell me what the symptoms are/do they come back to
    life as fast as Eirene has/do Eirene's symptom's sound like anyone's
    "throwing a clot" experience?"
711.47DSSDEV::DSSDEV::TAMIRThu Apr 28 1994 08:417
    Poor Eirene...she's been thru the wringer, eh??  I wish her well as
    The Firm would be nothing without her...
    Hang in there, Eirene!
711.48MAGEE::MERRITTKitty CityThu Apr 28 1994 09:1523
    Deb...kitty prayers for Eirene.  You both have been through soooooo
    much lately and I know the feeling of rushing home...stomach in a
    tight knot...and the constand feeling of worry.  It's a very hard
    way to live...but as you know...it's worth it! 
    Based on my experience with Mr. Meow....I would say Eirene's collapsing
    is something totoally different then the issue with the kidney or
    anemia.   Meow had alot of Eirene's other symptoms but he truly 
    never collapsed.  There were times when his tired legs would stagger
    and he would appear weak...but yet he never fell off of things or
    Even though I had a young cat die of cardiomyopathy....he never did
    throw a blood clot...so I have no experience with that.  I do remember
    other cats with heart problems that did throw clots in their back
    legs..but it seemed they were paralyzed for awhile and didn't recover
    as fast as Eirene.
    Hugs to you...and please let us know what the results are.  
711.49JUPITR::KAGNOThu Apr 28 1994 09:4912
    Deb, Sandy's right; my cats that threw clots became paralyzed in the
    hindquarters as a result.  Clots are extremely painful and the cat
    will cry out and try to "run away" from the pain.  It is sad to
    witness.  What you are describing almost sounds like a seizure of
    sorts, but I've had no experience with that.  Plus, her quick
    recoveries seem inconsistent with what happens when a cat throws a clot
    due to a heart problem.
    I will keep both you and Eirene in my thoughts.
711.50JULIET::CORDES_JAFour Tigers on my CouchThu Apr 28 1994 12:3012
    Bailey yelped and attempted to run when she threw her clot.  It
    was so sad.  Her hind legs just wouldn't cooperate as she tried
    to run.  The first clot was clearing up and she might have had a 
    chance but she threw a second clot later in her spinal cord that 
    wouldn't clear.  The only good thing about that was that it blocked
    the pain she would have felt.  The bad thing, they couldn't do 
    anything for her after that.
    Good luck, Deb.  I hope you find out what is causing this problem
    with Eirene very soon.  
711.51I think I am going to rename her LazarusHELIX::SKALTSISDebThu Apr 28 1994 17:2032
    I'll write more when I get home tonight, but basicly, last night after
    midnight she did this 3 more times, each time after some physical
    exertion (at midnight she got the crazies and bounded from the window
    sill to the bed, across the bex, over me, down the hall and then made
    the return trip to the window sill. Upon getting there, she fell over.
    I shook her back to life. About an hour later, she decided to leave the
    bed and sharpen her claws like there was no tomorrow. I dove out of bed
    and caught her just before she hit the floor. I brought her back again.
    Then I tried to put her in her carrier so she wouldn't run around anymore,
    and she got out, ran in back of the bed and collapsed. I thot I wasn't
    going to be able to revived her that time; I give her mouth to mouth
    and shoved water down her throat (I thnk she started to choak on it and
    that jump started her into movement again). Anyhow, the vet xrayed her
    heart this am and said it was normal size. I'm going there now to find
    out the results of the EKG. He did tell me that he has never heard of a
    cat collapsing falling over sideways before; Has anyone else seen that?
    Also, and I guess this is good but frustrating, she escapsed when they
    were taking the xray; the vet said she ran all over the hospital 3
    times before they got her; based on last's night's experience, he thot
    she was going to collapse but she didn't; in fact, all of her ital
    signs seemed perfect (I hate to say this but it might has been nice if
    she collapsed in front of the vet so that he could observe exactly what
    Sorry for rambling, but I'll let you folks know when I hear more. 
    P.S. They are also doing a blood chemistry; it couls also be the 
    rapid temp fluctuation we had yesterday as that is very hard on cats
    with kidney failure.
711.52JULIET::CORDES_JAFour Tigers on my CouchThu Apr 28 1994 21:437
    How's her potassium level?  No real knowledge behind the question.
    Just curious.  I'm just wondering if it could have anything at all
    to do with her falling over.
711.53EKG was "very normal"HELIX::SKALTSISDebFri Apr 29 1994 14:0243
    I was thinking the same thing (as someone with HBP I know about how it
    can drop if you have been subsisting on a diet of coca-cola and
    twinkies and no bananas/orange juice, I get a little woosy), especially
    since the problams happen right after she urinates. This too could
    explain why the pedylite brings her back to life. The vet is doing a
    blood chemistry today.
    One other thing that might be significant, is that the day before the
    last two series of collapses I've noticed that her arm (where I presume
    she has fallen) has felt "doughy".
    I left her at the vet last night since I needed to get some sleep and
    at least she would be confined. The EKG looked normal. WHat happens is
    that Eirene is hooked up to this thing that looks like an old acustic
    coupler and the EKG is transmitted to these vet cardiac specialists in
    NYC. They were very intregued by her case. It showed a perfectly normal
    EKG, in fact, the speciast made the comment to my vet that it looks
    like she has a "very strong heart". He said that it would be
    interesting top hook her up during one of these episodes. I've been
    told if it happens again to try to take her pulse before it happens
    (how the h*ll am I supposed to know when it is going to happen?) and
    at the time of the immediate collapse. He wants to be kept abreast of
    anything we find out.
    I'm sorry I didn't enter her results last night but i fell asleep very
    early (and woke up every 10 minutes wondering if she was ok).
    Unfortunatly, this being Easter weekend I'm not going to be around a
    lot (I can't get out of going to my mother's on Sunday at the very
    least) so I am thinking of leaving EIrene at the vets. No one will be
    there to watch her but at least she will be forced to rest.
    This is my next strategy. I am going to post something on the CATS
    bulliten board on Prodigy and see if anyone has had a similar
    occurance. I'd like to know if anyone out there is a member of
    Compuserve or AOL or any other service that has a CATS bulliten
    board that would be willing to post for me, and then sumarize/report
    any findings back to me here. Please send me mail if you can help 
    (and I'll send you something to post).
711.54JULIET::CORDES_JAFour Tigers on my CouchFri Apr 29 1994 14:5715
    Jo is on Compuserve.  I believe you already have her address.  If 
    not, let me know and I'll send it to you.  She works for her vet.  
    If you remember, Jo was always a wealth of cat health knowledge.  
    Perhaps she has come across something like this through contacts at 
    the vet's office or through the breeders she has contact with.  
    You've probably already contacted her but I thought I'd mention it 
    in case you hadn't.
    Please let us know the results of the blood chemistry, especially
    if they show something about her condition.
    Jan (who's thinking positive thoughts for Eirene)
711.55I think she is in end phase renal failureHELIX::SKALTSISDebMon May 02 1994 18:5462
    This was a hectic weekend and I haven't written anything up about Eirene
    to post on Prodigy, etc. yet.
    We did get results of her blood test and the vet feels that she
    her BUN and Creatin levels were at toxic levels, and that she was in a state
    called "u-re-ic" (phonteic spelling), which is basicly the last phase in
    renal failure. Here are the relevant numbers (normals are in parenthesis):
    	BUN (10-30 mg/dl)		 141
    	Creatinine (0.5-1.8ml/dl) 	   6.9
    	Amylase (300-800 units)		1686
    	SGPT (10-80)			 317
    	Potassium (3.8-4.5mEql)	   4.4
    SGPT is a liver enzyme, and it looks like the liver was trying to
    compinsate for the kidney's not filtering, hense her throwing up
    earlier before the blood test. The potassium was normal, but she had
    been given lactated ringers by the time of the blood test; it could have
    been a problem at the time of the collapse. Eirene's biggest problem seems
    to be that she seems to compensate exceptionally well for all the problems
    she has.
    We have "flushed" her a couple of times and given her every-other-day
    vitimin B&C shots and she looks great, although the blood profile also
    came back as anemic (PCV 17), dispite the fact that she is eating (again),
    and her gums and tounge are red. Hopefully, we will transfuse her next
    week (that will be 30 days and Panther can donate again) Once again, the
    vet looked at the numbers and in looking at Eirene didn't think that they
    were describing the same cat. Her ability to compensate is amazing.
    However, I'm now wondering if what I am doing is right. I'm wondering about
    her quality of life. She looks great and has had no problem while at
    the vet, but I am afraid to bring her home for fear of a dramatic change in
    barometric pressure is going to cause another collapse (when I'm not
    around). Eirene has an incredible will to live, as anyone that has followed
    this string could guess. But am I doing the right thing, transfusing her
    every month? It is almost like her system seems to want to shut down, and I
    won't let it (I'm guess I'm having some guilt here over when my father died
    we had left orders not to ressatate, at his request). She seems happy when
    I'm there visiting her, and even when I'm not, everyone at the vet says she
    is in good spirits all day long (they have been taking her out to play and
    there have been no problems) and she is not in any pain at all (so long as
    she gets the vitimin C). I guess I feel bad that she isn't spending
    her last days watching birds (the one thing she loves doign more than
    anything else). Would you folks please convince me I am doing the right
    Also, cats with kidney failure have a hard time when the weather changes
    frequently. Here in New England the past couple of weeks have seen days in
    the 70s and 80s with the nights in the 40s; in fact, she collapsed the day
    that the temp was 60 at noon, 80 at 2PM and we had a sudden thunderstorm
    at 6:50 (right about the time she collapsed). I'm wondering if the fact
    that the vet hospital is climate controlled has anything to do with her
    doing well there.
711.56MAYES::MERRITTKitty CityTue May 03 1994 09:4018
    Again based on my experience dealing with those "special" kitties...
    you are not keeping Eirene alive with what your doing.  If Eirene
    didn't have the will to live...or the strength to fight it...believe
    me nothing you or the vet could do would stop the inevitable!  A
    kitty who does not want to live...will not eat, clean themselves,
    and will hide.   Mr Meow went through this state once...and
    we brought him back to a pretty healthy state where he had the
    quality of life and enjoyed living.   
    My suggestion would be when you first take Eirene home...keep her in
    a cage during the day and let her have her freedom when you are
    home to watch her closely.  Put the cage in a nice sunny spot in
    the house.  Take each day as it comes...Eirene will let you know when 
    she no longer as the will to fight...
    Hugs to you.....
711.57HELIX::SKALTSISDebTue May 03 1994 15:4210
    thanks. I've gotten some mail from others (thank you all) that basicly
    says the same thing. I know feel that I'm doingthe right thing for her.
    As for keeping her caged, do you think that a large kennel cab would be the
    right thing to put her in, or should I get a regualar (one floor) cage
    and pu it up high enuff soshe can see out the window?
711.58MAGEE::MERRITTKitty CityTue May 03 1994 15:457
    I personally like the cage type so they can still see around and
    you can place it near the window so she can sun herself and get
    some air on a nice day!!!  
711.59My weather theory is provedHELIX::SKALTSISDebFri May 06 1994 11:0314
    well, we figured that if there was going to be an other collapse, it
    would happen last night since the weather changed so much yesterday. 
    Sure enough, she collapsed at 6:45 while I was there. And the vet saw
    it. The vet described it as fainting.She came to very easily. They
    think that maybe her heart skipped a beat which caused her to pass out,
    but that even if she would have been by herself, she would have come
    out of it all right so long as there was a clear air passage (i.e., so
    long as she didn't do something like fall head first into her water
    bowl or something).
    We are expecting thunderstorms today and all weekend, so I think that
    she is going to extend her stay a bit.
711.60MAGEE::MERRITTKitty CityFri May 06 1994 12:3511
    Truly amazing Deb....and what great investigation work on your
    It does make sense that she comes to by herself...because I always
    thought it was weird that she only colapsed when you were around.
    Now my guess is that it has happened during the day when she was alone...
    but she came out of it herself!!
    Can they do "other" heart tests to find out why is skips a beat???
711.61How does one fix the weather?HELIX::SKALTSISDebFri May 06 1994 14:0219
    I can't take the credit; someone I know on the west coast whose cat has
    been in kidney failure for about a year told me about the weather
    connection. If you think about it, it makes sence. The kidneys maintain
    the hydration and electrolyte level; when the weather is warmer, she is
    drinking more and therefore passes more urine, which contains the
    minerals that make up the electrolytes. The heart is a muscle and
    therefore is sensitive to electolytes and especially electrolitic
    As for the test, if she were a dog they could do it. They have a
    special harness for an EKG that they could pick up a problem, but it
    doesn't work on cats. 
    Anyhow, I think that she will be stayign the weekend sicne we are in
    for thunderstorms. Also, the vet is trying to get some new medicatin he
    heard about yesterday at a vetenary pharmaseducials conference
711.62Here's hoping for no t-storms!JUPITR::KAGNOFri May 06 1994 15:0910
    I only heard thunderstorms for today.  The rest of the weekend is
    supposed to be nice!
    Whatever happens, I admire your perseverence and tenacity in caring for
711.63Eirene UpdateHELIX::SKALTSISDebMon May 09 1994 11:2829
    Eirene is still at the vet; she collapsed again Friday night but was
    fine on Saturday. In fact, I spoon fed her a whole jar of Gerber turkey
    and Rice (she is in "I won't eat off a plate" mode). Except for someone
    comming in to feed the animals twice a day and a vet comming in once,
    there is no full time care on Sunday, but they said she looked fine (she
    did get fluids Satuday night and Sunday as a precaution, though). 
    Also, the vet is trying to get some erithropotien to try to deal with
    the anemia, but is having a hard time finding a supplier. (I know that
    there are some other cats in this file that are taking it; if you are
    in the New England area, could you let me know who your vet is so that
    my vet can call to locate a supplier?) Anyhow, she is going to board at
    the vet for a while longer as the erithropotien is a daily injection,
    and I feel it will stress her less to be there and get it than to bring
    her in every day. (And at $9/day for boarding, I have the peace of mind
    at work knowing that she is being observed in case anything happens).
    She is also getting some rest without the other cats bothering her, so
    that is good too. I have to admit that she gets a bit stressed when
    Arty and Billy want to play with her/won't leave her alone.
    In the interm, I've bought an air conditioner for her, and a cage for
    when she comes home. I may need to get a dehumidifier, too. 
    On a funny note, I think she looks comfy and relaxed in her cage with her
    royal blue fuzzy bed. The staff, however, thinks she looks "regal";
    someone suggested that all that is missing is a little diamond studded
711.64liquid goldOPENED::SOHL_NMon May 09 1994 14:3414
    I've got a bottle of erithropotein in my refrigerator at home, but I
    know that doesn't help you much. If you're still stuck looking for it I
    will gladly contact my vet. I'm in Georgia. He gets it overnight-expressed
    to his office. I have no idea where the supplier is, but I'm sure they
    could ship to New England just as easily as they do to Georgia. Let me
    know if you want me to check.  
    We went through an injection a day for 5 days. After a week of no
    injections, the PCV value has remained good. We'll be doing one
    injection a week for a while then we'll retest. I learned how to give a
    shot and will be doing it at home. A bottle of erithropotein cost me
711.65HELIX::SKALTSISDebMon May 09 1994 14:486
    if you could ask your vet about the supplier (so I could tell my vet
    about it tonight), I'd be for ever in your debt.
711.66waiting for an updateOPENED::SOHL_NMon May 09 1994 17:026
    Just to bring closure to the last two replies, the information needed 
    was exchanged through mail and a couple of phone calls.
    Keeping all paws crossed for everyone involved...
711.67First class tiaras at FELINES BASEMENT !AIMHI::SPINGLERMon May 09 1994 18:1112
    We are keeping all our paws and fingers crossed too!
    Feline hopeful,
    Sue & Crew,
    P.S. The Princess Panther Jane has conferred the honorary degree of
    Princess upone Eriene, and it is up to the Kitty Parent, (Please read
    the contract) to supply the tiara IMMEDIATELY  ;-)
    Feline Silly
711.68HELIX::SKALTSISDebTue May 10 1994 11:126
    actually, upon having the contract read to me, I've been told that
    Filene's Basement is out, as are any sales; it is full price or
    nothing! (afterall, what kind of princess would want to admit to
    getting something on sale?)
711.69Just because it is basement does not mean cheap!AIMHI::SPINGLERTue May 10 1994 14:048
    That is of course, true.  BUT We are a PRINCESS, we don't admit
    anything, but rumor has it that one little black Regal kitty is Chair
    cat of the board at Felines Basement.   ;-)
    Feline occupied,
    Sue & Princess & Spots & Cinnyman
711.70this should work ...HELIX::SKALTSISDebTue May 10 1994 14:154
    In that case, I guess I could just purchase it at the basement anyway
    and INSIST on paying, oh, say, 15% over full (pre-markdown) price?
711.71You will make an excellent Princess Parent!AIMHI::SPINGLERWed May 11 1994 13:456
    Of coutse!  (Being the kitty parent of royalty is not easy!
    Feline Silly
    Sue & Crew
711.72decisions, decisions :-)HELIX::SKALTSISDebThu May 12 1994 13:085
    Well, I looked last night and couldn't decide which tiria was right
    for Eirene; do you think that Princess Panther would mind making the
    selection and sending me the bill for her personalized service?
711.73Deb, You have such good TASTE!AIMHI::SPINGLERThu May 12 1994 14:1115
    But of course!  You know that you will get extra purrrrrssssss from the
    Princess for your good judgement in asking her to be Eriene's Pursonal
    Shopper.  ;-)
    'Puurrrppppp, We will select the BIG one of course.  Not as big as
    mine, but none-the-less the BIG Princess tiara, and a lovely diamond
    neckless to go with it and of course a ROYAL BLUE velvet Kitty bed, and
    a trained private nurse when Mummie can not attend the patient....."
    We will send the Bill to MaMa Deb!  Purrrppppp
    Feline Shopping Service,
    Princess Panther Jane & Mummie Sue
711.74HELIX::SKALTSISDebThu May 12 1994 18:2428
    Eirene can hardly wait to recieve it!
    For a general status report;; she is eating pretty well, and we have
    found that if she is well hydrated before a cloud burst, she doesn't
    collapse. So, when I bring her home I guess she'll be getting fluids
    morning and evening. Also, she is eating pretty well. She ate a jar and
    a half of baby food for me yesterday, although she did throw up last
    night, the good news is that along with some of the food what she
    coughed up was a furball, which means she is feeling well enuff to bath
    herself! She was hungry this morning although I only fed her 1/2 a jar
    of food (she'd have taken more but I didn't want her to throw up
    again). ALso, her PCV was tested and it is holding at 17; I did have a
    scare on this; they took it the other morning and it came back as a 5;
    they retested and it was a 17-18; something went wrong with the
    centrafuge machine! 
    On another note, Eirene starts the erithropoten tonight. The vet spent
    all day yesterday looking for single viles. He called the supplier
    that Nancy told me about, but it seems that as of about a month ago,
    they are prohibited by the FDA from breaking up packages (of 10) and
    selling them seperatly. The stuff is pretty expensive (Nancy told me it
    was about $80/vile), and it contains 10 Eirene sized dosages. It would
    take over 3 years for Eirene to use all of that. Anyhow, he called
    everyone around and managed to get two bottles, which will probably
    last for about 3 - 6 months.
    Anyhow, keep your paws crossed,
711.75Good luck!KURIUS::SOHL_NFri May 13 1994 11:1111
	I'll definitely be thinking of you!  Tonight will be the first time 
	I'll be administering the erithropotein myself. I'm counting on my 
	husband help to hold Wizard for me. I don't think I could do it 
	without an extra set of hands. I'm nervous now just thinking about 
 	giving a shot.

	I'm glad to hear you were able to find a smaller amount. I hope it 
	all goes well for you.

	With crossed fingers and paws,
711.76Eirene looked good this morningHELIX::SKALTSISDebFri May 13 1994 13:2711
    Good luck!   Also, my vet has read about a special renal diet (as
    opposed to K/D for kidney diet). It is a liquid, and he is going to try
    to get some for her.
    I saw her this morning and she looked good, and had a very good
    appitite.  I'll be in to see her tonight, but unfortunatly, I won't be
    able to go in on Saturday (I have to leave the house at 6 am  and won't
    be back until probably midnight.) And if everything goes well, I'll be
    bringing her home on Monday night!!!!
711.77My Day for R Words?LJSRV2::FEHSKENSlen - reformed architectFri May 13 1994 13:416
    Renal means of or pertaining to the kidneys, so I'm not sure what the
    difference would be.
711.78HELIX::SKALTSISDebFri May 13 1994 13:4914
    I'm not sure, either; all I know is that it is a liquid, fairly new and
    they (whomever "they" are) have been gettighn "excellent" results from it.
    so, I'm all for trying it (assuming I can wean her off baby food). 
    I'm wondering if it is liquid because cats in advanced stages of
    kidney/renal problems tend to have neck leisons and other teeth
    problems that are painful enuff that they don't want to eat.
    One other thing that I wanted to mention. Since we started giving her
    about 100ml of fluids every day (instead of 200 every other day) we
    havn't seen any more mouth leisons, which means that her creatin level
    must be getting lowered!
711.79Eirene's statusHELIX::SKALTSISDebMon May 16 1994 13:0923
    Eirene looked reat Friday night; she was eating well, and was pretty
    happy. Unfortunatly, I wasn't able to go in on Saturday or Sunday (this
    was convention weekend) adn around Saturday night, Eirene went on a
    hunger strike. basicly, she won't eat for anyone else. I guess someone
    force fed her Saturday afternoon, because the kennel person said that
    when she came in Sunday Morning, Eirene had thown up all over the
    place. She refused to eat anything on Sunday.
    I went in this morning and she immedialty turned around and refused to
    look at me. I guess she was mad I hadn't been in. After about a half
    hour, I finally got her to start eating; she took a half jar of baby
    food, and was allowingme to comb and pat her, and was swinging her
    tail very contentedly. What worried me is that while she is on this
    erithropoten, it is especially important that she eat because the body
    needs nutrients to build blood, and she basicly hasn't eaten for 40% 
    of the time she has been on it (40% = 2 days). They are taking a PCV
    reading tonight. I'm praying that it is up a bit. I was hoping to bring
    her home tonight, but with the weather being a lot like a rollercoaster
    ride this weekend, I'm having second thots. 
    Anyhow, I'll post a status tomorrow.
711.80Memory EternalHELIX::SKALTSISDebSat May 21 1994 19:4336
    I regret to report that Eirene passed away at about 10:30 this morning.
    She went very quickly, and naturally without any pain. I was holding
    her paw as she passed away.
    Things kind of went down hill last week. Toward the end of the week
    she started feeling cold. Her little feet were cold to the touch, and
    by the end of the week her mouth gums were even dry. She was getting
    fluids twice a day. She lost a lot of weight, but seemed still alert.
    I was told that she collapsed in front of the kennel person but she
    regained consiousness by the time the vet ran in. I managed to get
    over a jar of baby food into her Friday night but I really didn't feel
    good about leaving her, although she was purring.
    I came in Saturday morning and she seemed alert and purred when she saw
    me. Unfortunatly, while I was feeding her she collapsed, and although
    it looked just like all the other times, although she was breathing,
    she remained limp and her eyes wide open. The vet gave her a shot of a
    steriod but said he didn't hold out much hope since she seemed to be
    unconsious, although her eyes were responding to light for a little
    while, none of her other mussels moved (legs,eye lids, etc.) He said
    that there was obviously a neurological problem (which could have been
    electrolites or lack of oxegyn) that caused the collapse.She passed
    away after about 5 minutes, and while the vet offered to ressusitate
    her, I said no; she had been through enough. 
    I had so hoped to bring her home, even if only for a couple of days.
    When I came home I picked up her twin  brother Panther and tried to
    give him a hug. Usually, Panther is a pest who won't get out of your
    lap. He took one sniff of me and bolted and wouldn't come near me
    for hours. Those two always had some kind of telepathy with each other
    and I think that the sumises that his sister "Renie" isn't comming home.
711.81My condolencesELWOOD::FEASEAndrea Midtmoen FeaseMon May 23 1994 08:1810
         I'm so sorry to read of Eirene's passing.  She was a little
    trooper and fought well, but this problem was just too much for her. 
    Now she is up with all of our other kitties (and other critters)
    enjoying the sun and free of problems.
         Take care.
    					- Andrea
711.82MAGEE::MERRITTKitty CityMon May 23 1994 09:0412
    May the little girl, Eirene rest in peace with no pain and no
    more suffering.  I'm sure Mr. Meow and the rest of our cats who
    have passed before her will gently take her paw and show her the 
    love and peace of heaven.   
    She was quite the trooper....and Deb you were such a wonderful, caring
    loving mom!
711.83so sadKURIUS::SOHL_NMon May 23 1994 09:325
    I'm so sorry to hear about Eirene. I've been watching here to see how
    she was doing and was concerned when there hadn't been any news.
    You have our utmost sympathy. 
    Nancy (Wizard and Miss Marple)
711.84JUPITR::KAGNOMon May 23 1994 09:4310
    Very sorry, Deb.  I only wish I had as much strength as you did to be
    there for her right up until the end.  I have never been able to say
    goodbye to one of my cats as they passed on.  Your tenacity, patience
    and love surely paid off in giving Eirene the last few quality weeks of
    her life.
    She will be remembered.
711.85My sympathiesNRSTA2::BACHELDERMon May 23 1994 10:006
    So sorry to hear of your little ones passing.
    - Lauri
711.86sympathiesSALEM::SHAWMon May 23 1994 10:305
    Deb,  My deepest sympathies .....
711.87what spirit she had!LEZAH::BROWNOn [real]time or else...Mon May 23 1994 11:157
    I'm so sorry to hear about Eirene, Deb.  
    She was a special cat -- a real fighter, 
    just like our Jennifurr.  You and The Firm
    have our deepest sympathies.
    Jan and Ron  
711.88I'm so sorryEASI::GEENENIllud cape et ei fibulam adfige!Mon May 23 1994 12:528
    It saddens me greatly to learn of Eirene's passing.  She had a great
    mommy who was there for her always to the very end.  I'm giving my
    crew extra hugs and love tonight.  Please accept my sincerest
711.89sniffJULIET::RUSSELLPE_STMon May 23 1994 13:224
    Deb, my deepest sympathies.  You and Eirene fought quite a battle
    together, and I know she was very happy that you were by her side.  
711.90Bye Bye Little OneLJSRV2::FEHSKENSlen - reformed architectMon May 23 1994 13:497
    I know I speak for my "family" when I say how saddened we are to hear
    of Eirene's passing.  I'm sure Monkey and Wabbit and Chunky (and so
    many others of our friends who have moved on) are welcoming her.
711.91VLNVAX::PGLADDINGNoters do it with a 8-)Mon May 23 1994 14:195
    So sorry to hear of your loss of your beloved Eirene.  She's sleeping
    in peace without pain and suffering.
    take care,
711.92:(BPSOF::EGYEDPer aspera ad astraTue May 24 1994 04:303
711.93JARETH::GOGOLINTue May 24 1994 06:2510
    I'm so sorry to hear that Eirene lost the battle. You both fought 
    so valiantly! Eirene had the best life with your love and care.
    Thank you for sharing with us all you learned from this experience.
    I'm going to save this info in case I need it in the future.
    Take care,
711.94She is confering with her friends now...AIMHI::SPINGLERTue May 24 1994 13:536
    Oh Deb, so sorry, hugs and Kitty Kisses 
    Feline Sad,
    Sue Panther Spots & Cinnyman
711.95our condolences...STOWOA::FALLONMoonsta CatteryThu May 26 1994 13:123
    Deb, I too send kitty hugs from all my kitties.  I'm very sorry that
    you and Eirene lost the fight.  She can rest comfortably now.
711.96HELIX::SKALTSISDebThu May 26 1994 14:196
    I'd like to thank everyone for the words of comfort that have been
    expressed to me both in this file and in e-mail. Eirene will be intered
    at the MSCPA cemetry in Metheun, MA. on Friday. She will be joining
    Spiro, Pip and her beloved "Daddycat" Argus. 
711.97I too am very sorry....STUDIO::COLAIANNII have PMS and a handgun ;-)Wed Jun 01 1994 12:3514
     I'm so sorry to hear the news! I've been ot of notes because of
    school! I just entered the SLM list, but will add Eirene to it right
     My thoughts are with you. She fought a hard battle, but I'm sure she's
    greatful to you that you knew when to let her go. She's joining a huge
    wonderful family now, and please know she will never hurt or be in pain
711.98HELIX::SKALTSISDebWed Jun 01 1994 12:453
    thank you.