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Conference kaosws::canada

Title:True North Strong & Free
Notice:Introduction in Note 535, For Sale/Wanted in 524
Created:Fri Jun 19 1987
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1040
Total number of notes:13668

164.0. "Welcome to the field!" by TROA01::DZIALOWSKI () Fri Mar 31 1989 18:19

                          -< The DEC way of working >-
Note 765.0            All Hands on DEC - Dave Grainger memo           16 replies
SMOOT::ROTH "Green Acres is the place to be..."      71 lines  28-MAR-1989 15:48

[The following memo is from Dave Grainger. I have stripped all the forwarding
 from it. Lee.]

[Start of Dave Grainger Memo]

Please ensure that the attached memorandum to all United States Field employees 
receives the widest possible distribution within your organization.




Digital's United States organization is facing one of the most challenging 
periods in its history, and it is critical that we all support the drive to 
close incremental business in FY'89 while positioning for a successful FY'90.
A key component of this goal is "All Hands on DEC," a program designed to focus 
maximum energy and resources on our Sales and Services performance.  "All Hands
on DEC" will achieve the following objectives:

o  Assist the Field through the temporary assignment of HQ and Field employees
   to Districts which have asked for help.  This temporary help may be full or
   part-time.  Districts will identify required skills, locations and timeframes
   to a HQ "Resource Command Center" which will match the requests with HQ and 
   Field talent.

o  U.S. employees with needed skills will be asked to help the Field by 
   volunteering to participate in the All Hands on DEC program.  Employees will
   return to their original organization upon completing temporary assignments
   in the Field.

o  In addition to temporary assignments, a priority will be placed on filling
   permanent openings in the Field with skilled HQ employees.  Expense targets
   for next year suggest that many of the resulting HQ vacancies may not be

o  All U.S. organizations will be refocusing their near-term priorities on 
   driving and closing business and helping the Field.  A special Sales
   Support and Business Management hotline has been set up, and the existing
   1-800-DEC-SALE hotline will be augmented.

All U.S. organizations, including Manufacturing, will be participating in the
All Hands on DEC program.  In addition, Digital's Engineering organization 
has established a special link into the All Hands on DEC program so that they
can provide a quick response to requests for information or temporary help in
the Field.

I have asked all of my managers to make this program a top priority, and I
am asking all of you to help where you can.  We need to work hard and work
smart, while maintaining Digital's longstanding commitment to Customer 
Satisfaction and Quality.  All of us need to focus on a strong finish to this 
fiscal year and a strong start in FY'90.

As we look to the future, it is clear that expense management will be
increasingly important to the ongoing success of Digital.  In particular,
we will be challenged to minimize overhead and Headquarters costs while
maintaining our investment in the Field Selling and Services functions.
Therefore, I would encourage employees to view the All Hands on DEC program
as a unique and valuable opportunity to acquire new skills and experience,
thereby enhancing their ability to contribute to Digital's future needs.

The outstanding support and enthusiasm generated by the All Hands on DEC
program is a tribute to the energy and dedication of our employees...
I applaud you, and thank you.

[End of Dave Grainger Memo]
164.1Reference:INFACT::SCHWARTZWhat shall I give? ...My heart!Sun Apr 02 1989 14:474
For all those HQ people looking for a place to go, 
please see the "SARNIA" note elsewhere in this conference.

Russ Schwartz.
164.2not enough room...KAOFS::N_BAXTERwe'll see who rusts first...Sun Apr 02 1989 19:006
    re. -1
      Cruel, unjustified, mean, rotten, punishment!  Besides, Louie
    has everything in hand.  It's getting near to beach time...what
    would two salesmen do on the same beach??