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Conference hydra::dejavu

Title:Psychic Phenomena
Notice:Please read note 1.0-1.* before writing
Created:Wed Jan 22 1986
Last Modified:Tue May 27 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2143
Total number of notes:41773

521.0. "Is she just imaginative?" by DANUBE::C_JALBERT () Thu Oct 08 1987 13:28

    This is my first time writing in notes, so I apologize up front
    for any errors... I only hope it gets posted.
    I have been an on/off reader of this note for the past year, and
    I have thought of entering a note for some input.  It is about my
    daughter, who is presently 10 years old.  She is very artistic
    sensitive AND imaginative, so I have hesitated about entering any
    thing that she has said, but, an incident happened over this past
    week-end and I would like some ideas.
    To begin... several years ago, when she was almost 7, she informed
    me one day that she had lived before, she described the house,,
    a large, almost Southern -plantation type and the name of the place
    where she lived, Holiday Hills?!  I took this as her imagination
    at play, but in the back of my mind there were questions.  From
    time to time she will tell me that she "feels like she isn't here,
    that she is "floating"... I have taken her for neurological exams,
    but there is nothing physically wrong.  This past week-end I went
    to a psychic fair, she came with me and has been with me before
    to one and has enjoyed herself.  This time, she chose not to wait
    for me...after, she stated that she was VERY uncomfortable in the
    hall, AND, that when she had come back in to see if I was through,
    when she left, she felt if she were being pushed out the door. 
    I made light of it to her, but it raised my curiosity factor...
    Do you think she is highly imaginative or could she have felt "another
    factor?  Any help??
521.1BUMBLE::PAREWhat a long, strange trip its beenThu Oct 08 1987 14:075
    I've heard it said that the souls being born today are very old
    and talented beings... come to help with the transition to the 
    New Age.  I'd say you had a talented child there.  She probably
    is psychically sensitive too and may astral project.  Don't discourage
    her and teach her how to protect herself.
521.2NRADM1::CONGERThu Oct 08 1987 15:145
    	Have you done any research about her past life? There is a 
    Holly Hills in Fla - sounds very similar to me, and it is and
    old town....
521.3DANUBE::C_JALBERTThu Oct 08 1987 15:5126
    No, I haven't done any research on her past life.  When she had
    made the comment about "having lived before", and described her
    house...she had also added that I was a part of her life then...
    Now, understand, this child at the time had just turned 7 years
    old, and I thought she probably had had a dream, which in her 
    imagination seemed like something else??!!  However, I would like
    to add that of my two biological children (I have three, one is
    adopted) as much as I love them, this one...Kristina, has been,
    from birth more than just a part of me, something I could never
    explain... she has also, from infancy, HATED the song Rock a bye
    Baby... I would sing it to her, before she could even understand
    the words, and she would only HEAR the tune and start to wail...
    As she got older, and could speak (she started talking at 8 months)
    I would try to sing it... and she would cry, No mommy don't sing
    that ... I always attributed that to my singing ability, or lack
    thereof...  Could there be a tie?
521.4Perhaps a Soul Travel ExperienceCAMLOT::COFFMANUnable to Dance, I will crawlThu Oct 08 1987 17:3482
< Note 521.0 by DANUBE::C_JALBERT >
    To begin... several years ago, when she was almost 7, she informed
    me one day that she had lived before, she described the house,,
    a large, almost Southern -plantation type and the name of the place
    where she lived, Holiday Hills?!  I took this as her imagination
    at play, but in the back of my mind there were questions.  From
    time to time she will tell me that she "feels like she isn't here,
>    that she is "floating"... I have taken her for neurological exams,
    but there is nothing physically wrong.  This past week-end I went
    to a psychic fair, she came with me and has been with me before
    to one and has enjoyed herself.  This time, she chose not to wait
>    for me...after, she stated that she was VERY uncomfortable in the
>    hall, AND, that when she had come back in to see if I was through,
>    when she left, she felt if she were being pushed out the door. 
    I made light of it to her, but it raised my curiosity factor...
>    Do you think she is highly imaginative or could she have felt "another
>    factor?  Any help??


I would suggest that your daughter is in touch with a part of her that 
is very special.  It is a part that is not overruled and confused by 
the mind.

You see, we as adults have alot of education and training behind us.  
Those of us here at DEC (especially in this file) are well educated 
and have highly trained minds.  We depend on them, we need them to do 
our work.

I would suggest that your daughter is not working from intellect but 
rather the part of her that just_knows.  There is no explanation, she 
just knows something to be the case.  It doesn't have to be explained. 
It is a personal truth.

I must say that I admire your daughter's ability to express here 
*experience*.  They are very real to her and she must trust you a 
great deal to share them with you.

I would ask her to explain these things to you in greater detail if 
she would like.  To write them down and to begin to keep a journal of 
these experiences.  This could include any drawings she might produce.
These writings may prove to be a *very* valuable aid to your 
daughter later on in her life.

She obviously cares for you very much.  I admire this part of your 
special relationship with your daughter.  I suspect she might be able 
to teach you about how she felt you had lived with her previously.

I'd also say that at some point she may say or do something that might 
create a flash back or dare I say a DEJAVU for yourself and help you 
gain some insight into all of this for self.

Journaling or keeping a diary of her and your experience is a good way 
to record and watch for patterns.  Once a pattern can be identified, 
the meaning follows soon thereafter.  This is very similar to 
recording and interpreting dreams.

As far as the floating she expressed.  I would say it may fall into 
the category of an out of body experience.   Some find this as a 
freeing experience not a restrictive or fearful one.

Mary mentioned astral projection.  As I understand it, astral 
projection is moving the physical body to another location.  An out of 
body experience or what some call a Soul Travel experience is the 
moving of one's attention/consciousness to another location.

Ask your daughter where her body is when she floats.  If she is in it, 
it is probably astral projection.  If her body is somewhere else, in 
her bed, or whatever, it is more than likely Soul Travel.

For more information about Soul Travel you may want to go to the 
library and/or bookstore and review the writings of Paul Twitchell.  
The first book that comes to mind is "In My Soul I Am Free." This book 
is actually written by Rod Steiger but is about Paul Twitchell and 
contains some of Paul's writings.

If you are interested, I can loan you a copy.

Howard (Who is consciously learning to Soul Travel)
521.5Shirley MacLaine seriesFDCV13::PAINTERWed Oct 14 1987 14:4218
    I would like to *highly* recommend that you read the Shirley MacLaine
    series.  I'm only on her first book, however I've thumbed through
    the rest of them and think they would definitely explain a lot of
    what is happening between you and your daughter.
    It is important to read the books in order, however.  There are
    5 altogether, starting with "Don't Fall Off The Mountain", then
    not quite sure of the order, but there is also "You Can Get There
    From Here", "Out On a Limb", "Dancing In The Light" and most recently
    "It's All In The Playing".  Shirley also has a daughter, and they
    have also shared past lives together.
    Hope this helps you.
     Your daughter.,Does she speak to you about any dreams or night
    mares, or better yet, see things at night? If so, what does she
    see or dream about?
521.7who doesn't dream?ERASER::KALLISMake Hallowe'en a National holiday.Thu Oct 15 1987 11:2928
    Re .6:
    A problem here: we all dream (most of them we forget before we wake
    up), and some dreams are silly; a few others may have portent. 
    For a youngster to try to differentiate between the two would be
    As for "seeing things" at night, again, problems.  Most children
    fear shadows and darkness at night (one reason night lights are
    prevalent in children's rooms.  Many children are convinced that
    there's something under the bed waiting to get them, or that there
    are spooks in the closet, or .... [Personal anecdote:  when I was
    about 9, we moved into a house in Seattle, which was the first house
    I lived in with hot-water dadiators.  When the furnace heated them,
    the pipes gave out a _thump_ sound, repeated periodically.  The
    first time this happened was after I went to bed, after the lights
    were out, and before I went to sleep.  Having something in the room
    with me that was thumping was hardly the most settling thing for
    my nerves, and it took a lot of patient explaining by my father
    before I was able to sleep that night.]
    A number of innocent people in Salem, Mass. were hanged as witches
    because of some testimony from some overimaginative little girls.
    [If you ever get up to Salem, Mass., visit the "Witch Museum," where
    they have a _son et lumiere_ show on the witch hysteria.]  So one
    has to balance what a youngster says with a bit of adult judgement.  
    Steve Kallis, Jr.                                                  
521.8DANUBE::C_JALBERTThu Oct 15 1987 11:3943
    Yes, she does talk to me about dreams/nightmares, and she has, at
    times, the MOST unusual dreams, sometimes they are almost something
    out of STAR WARS, other times they are frightening, BUT, she had
    a dream, similar dream several times in a row, which did arouse
    some interest..because her dreams involved a house, and the description
    of this house was just like the house she told me about when she
    said she had lived before... She told me almost the same dream
    as I said, several nites a week for several weeks, and it was
    She was a younger child, probably about 4 or so and she is standing
    outside this big white house, with big columns.  This house is on
    a hill, but she can't get in the house because the door is locked,
    and no one will come to answer her knocking.  The last time she
    had this dream, the door finally opened, and inside was beautiful
    and also had a gift for her, it seems that my mother, her grandmother
    had given her a horse, and the horse was in the house!!!!??????
    Can that be explained... One other note, sometimes her dreams are
    really foggy, but these particular dreams she said seemed as if
    she were really there, that this was really happening.
    An other example of a strange dream was just the other nite...
    She dreamt that she was in a garden picking and eating of all things
    As for seeing things at night, she did when she was young, she used
    to say she saw a man in her room, but I convinced her that it was
    just the shadows along with her imagination.
    One more question, and if could be just the acoustics in her little
    room... but sometimes when I am talking to her in her room, the
    room has an "echo" like quality... not the my voice is repeating
    but a "hollowish" sound, much like being in a larger room that
    is empty of all furniture... Does that mean anything, or as I said
    before, could it just be the acoustics.
    P.S.  Referring to Cindy's note before, I have been meaning to read
    Shirley  M.'s books before, but haven't got around to it, thanks
    for reminding me.
521.9not enough knownERASER::KALLISMake Hallowe'en a National holiday.Thu Oct 15 1987 12:0927
    re .8:
    >......................................... The last time she
    >had this dream, the door finally opened, and inside was beautiful
    >and also had a gift for her, it seems that my mother, her grandmother
    >had given her a horse, and the horse was in the house!!!!??????
    >Can that be explained... One other note, sometimes her dreams are
    >really foggy, but these particular dreams she said seemed as if
    >she were really there, that this was really happening.
    It can be explained,.  Problem is, there's more than one explanation
    possible.  For instance: the house is something she's seen as picture
    of, somewhere.  It's something that's made a vivid impression on
    her, possibly because of its beauty (this could have been a picture,
    something she saw on television, a "past life" memory ["real" if
    you believe in reincarnation; "racial memory" if you don't], a
    clairvoyant image ...).  If she thought it was beautioful, she might
    have tried to associate it with something that made her happy, such
    as the horse (presuming she liked the horse).  Or, it could be a
    projection of somewhere she's likely to be some years hence.  Or
    it could be an illusion planted in her mind.  Or ...
    I guess what I'm trying to say is that there are still insufficient
    data to narrow it down.
    Steve Kallis, Jr.
521.10AKOV11::FRETTSShine your Spirit!Thu Oct 15 1987 12:2526
    Another book I would like to recommend (and you will most likely
    have to go to a library to find it) is Eileen Garrett's auto-
    biography "My Life as a Search for the Meaning of Mediumship".
    She shares a great deal about her childhood, being able to see
    playmates that noone else could see, knowing about the deaths of
    relatives before being told, etc.  She was highly sensitive
    human being.  I lean more towards accepting what your daughter
    says as actually being her experience rather than imagination,
    particularly her seeing the man in her room.  Highly psychic,
    sensitive people are more in touch with their astral bodies, and
    therefore fee and sense the more subtle energies as easily as our
    physical bodies feel the physical world.  Some children are still
    very connected to the plane that they just left before coming into
    the physical body.  Most of us shut that part of ourselves off
    very quickly, and some of us don't.  You have quite a challenge
    before you to provide your daughter with a safe environment to
    share these experiences and feelings, not to make her feel "different"
    because of them, and to also give her solid ground to stand on.
    I wish you both well.
521.11DANUBE::C_JALBERTThu Oct 15 1987 12:2718
    Thanks for the input.  It does help to make one think
    more,unfortunately it creates more questions for me.  I have very
    mixed feelings about "things" I don't truly understand, there is
    that person in me that is absolutely fascinated by psychics, and
    unexplained phenomenon, but then there is the skeptic who starts
    to filter too much LOGIC into any "unexplained" happenings.  Some
    of this is perhaps because I am afraid to find out, because the
    part of me that gives in to believing, feels that for whatever GOODNESS
    is "out there", there is the balance, the badness, and that if you
    go to far in exploring, you could get somewhere that you don't want
    to be.
    Sorry for the ramblings,
521.12some thoughtsINK::KALLISMake Hallowe'en a National holiday.Thu Oct 15 1987 13:5171
    Re .11:
    Carla --
    Glad to help.  On your point,              >I have very
    >mixed feelings about "things" I don't truly understand, there is
    >that person in me that is absolutely fascinated by psychics, and
    >unexplained phenomenon, but then there is the skeptic who starts
    >to filter too much LOGIC into any "unexplained" happenings.
    Yes, but what I said isn't being skeptical.  One thing we all have
    to be careful about is pushing our fascinations and desires onto
    others -- particularly children.  
    Suppose someone's walking along a dark road near a cemetary, and
    thoughts of the dead make that person think of someone who's departed.
    Then, as the person walks, he or she sees a figure inside the fence of the
    graveyard.  As that person approaches, the figure appears to be
    that of the departed person, though it's indistinct because of the
    darkness.  Depending on the perspecytive, the person could think:
    1) "it's an illusion." (The rationalist, who suspects what he or
       she's reeally seeing is a post or monument that imagination
       has distorted to look like the departed one;
    2) "it's a ghost." (The spiritist, who believes that the spirits
       return, and that thoughts of them can draw them;
    3) "it's an entity manifesting itself in a familiar form so as not
       to frighten me." (the occultist that suspects that spirits don't
       manifest themselves on this plane, but that other things do;
    4) "it's an extrasensory preception of the departed person." (a
       parapsychological type who thinks the image is really percei-
       ved, and relates it to a psi function;
    5) "it's a telepathic image from a space alien who tuned in to
       my thoughts and is trying to communicate with me." (a UFOlogist
       who's certain that it's a real image;
    6) "it's a devil who's trying to entrap me." (The religionist who
       suspects _anything_ connected with the paranormal is inherently
       diabolic; and
    7) "it's a hallucination." (The person who really isn't sure what's
       happening, but is certain there's no such thing as the paranormal.)
    Which one is correct?  Maybe any of them; maybe none.
    Some of the above are mild burlesques, but one hopes, are useful
    to get the idea across.  
    >....................................................... Some
    >of this is perhaps because I am afraid to find out, because the
    >part of me that gives in to believing, feels that for whatever GOODNESS
    >is "out there", there is the balance, the badness, and that if you
    >go to far in exploring, you could get somewhere that you don't want
    >to be.
    Caution is always lauditory, but if you've got an itch, you'll find
    different ways of scratching it.  My concern is that if you want
    to find out more about any goodness "out there," do it in terms
    with what you're comfortable with.  Religion, to be sure, is one
    way.  Careful reading, taking everything (including this response)
    with a grain of salt, is another.
    My only cautionary is read note 12.
    Good luck.
    Steve Kallis, Jr. 
      The reason I asked that because your daughter seems to be a very
    blessed and gifted person; she has something that's not going to
    be reveal until a later part of her life. The most of her dreams
    have a very strong definition to them; I encourage you that, when
    ever she wants to talk about what she has seen, LISTEN to her; keep
    what she say in the back of your mind, please don't doubt or discourage
    her, let her be able to depend on you to be there when she wants
    to talk, and again PLEASE LISTEN; there's a great blessing for her
    later in life. Warning!!: The gift that she has can also be can
    be a problem if not used in the correct manner! There's a lot that
    you are not going to understand until later in life, so STAND FAST!!
521.14Some children have the "gift"YODA::HOPKINSThu Oct 15 1987 15:1318
    My daughter also had "quite" an imagination which was one of the
    very special things about her.  From the beginning we had a *very*
    special bond.  People who didn't even know us could see it.  It
    just seemed to shine.  When she was about 5 she used to tell me
    a story all the time about "before when we lived together" she
    was the mother and I was her daughter.  Though her body has left
    this earth, I know we are now and will always be together.  I also
    believe with all of my heart, that this time was not the first time
    we were together and will not be the last.  She also used to tell me
    about her birth and got every detail right.  I truly believe there
    are some children who are more "gifted"  than others in the way your
    daughter is.
521.15The only thing to fear.....CLUE::PAINTERThu Oct 15 1987 20:5826
    Just my 2 cents - Jung said it in "The Unexplored Self" that Christians
    are taught from a very early age to 'eschew evil' (I believe this
    is also in the Bible though I forget the verse).  While this is
    certainly good information, the problem is that one is typically
    afraid of something that 'appears' to be evil, but upon closer
    examination turns out not to be.  The best example I can think of
    is stereotyping.  It's easier to be afraid of 'them' when you know
    nothing about 'then' except the negative comments which you've been 
    hearing most of your life from others who don't know anything more
    about 'them' than you do, yet believe what was told to them......  
    When you let the walls down for a minute and read about or actually 
    meet and talk with one of 'them', the situation becomes much less 
    frightening and most of the time you look back on your fear and think, 
    "Now what was it that I was supposed to be afraid of?"
    Do take precautions as mentioned before, however be very careful
    not to let any of your fear become apparent to your daughter because
    she will probably be able to pick up on that just from your body 
    language.  Read, talk, find out as much as you can.....which you are 
    already doing, and that's good.  I wish you both well.
    RE: .15
       My question to you, is,; What does Christians and what we are
    taught has to do with the question she asked, and the responses
    that were given? You know, the response that was made by you seem
    to be, is self, "STEREOTYPING", SO you should be very careful on
    how you judge.. (CHRISTIANS)
521.17But Judge carefully!PBSVAX::COOPERTopher CooperFri Oct 16 1987 13:2415
RE: .16
    Not a fair response, LORENZO, read what she said again.  She said
    that Christians are taught to eschew evil (as are people from most
    other cultures).  It is therefore a characteristic of our culture,
    which draws much of its cultural roots from Christianity, to seek
    to avoid evil.  This is not criticized, and applies to non-christians
    in our culture who have learned to accept this doctrine.
    The problem comes about when people mis-identify what is truly evil
    because of *human* (not specifically Christian) failings such as
    a tendency to stereotype.  I see no critiscism of Christianity nor
    do I think one was intended.
521.18ResponseSCOPE::PAINTERFri Oct 16 1987 15:499
    RE. Last few
    Thank you, Topher.
    Lorenzo, I *am* a Christian, and therefore speak for myself and 
    from my own experience being raised as such. 
      Well, I sorry. OK! :^)
521.20That's alrightCLUE::PAINTERFri Oct 16 1987 20:284
    RE.19  No problem! (;^)  
521.21If you keep crawling, you will someday Dance.GLORY::WETHERINGTONFrom the great white NorthTue Oct 20 1987 20:5426
    I just started reading this note today...I'm in kind of a hurry
    and was reading to see if anyone else was going to say what I was
    before I replied...and I had no further to go than .10 who was much
    more eloquent than I probably would have been...I guess I come on
    kind of like a bull in a china shop sometimes...sorry, people.
    I believe children are indeed more in touch with their inner selves
    having just come here from the other side, and not having had time
    to "unlearn" what they intuitively know...your daughter is indeed
    a lucky little girl to have someone like you.  
    From Matthew Chapter 18
    1. At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is
       the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven?
    2. And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the
       midst of them.
    3. And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and
       become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom
    4. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child,
       the same is greatest in the kingdon of heaven.
    5. And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth
    Doug Wetherington
521.22any ideasDANUBE::C_JALBERTMon Nov 23 1987 11:3929
    Remember Kristina, my imaginative 10 year old?  Have had another
    unique experience with her and I would like to present it here
    for some input.  Yesterday morning, while breakfast was getting
    started, Kris asked me if I had ever heard of someone named
    DANIEL MILLIE ANDERSON, to which I answered NO, and asked WHY?
    She went on to tell me about an unusual dream she had.  She 
    dreamt she was in a library, but it wasn't like our local library,
    and she saw this big red book, with thin black stripes going
    down the side.  She said she felt she HAD to read this book, so
    she went over, opened the book and the only thing she saw was
    the first page which merely said:
              Daniel Millie Anderson
               committed suicide
    I asked her if she had read about this person in school, or in any
    of her other books she is reading, or had read.  She said... NO,
    not that she could remember.  Has anyone out there ever heard of
    this person, any ideas??
    Carla J.
521.23Check local death records for that year...just in caseDECWET::MITCHELLCRTs: Live long and phosphor!Wed Nov 25 1987 17:087
    RE: .22
    Can't help you with the name, but I was fascenated by the story.
    The name is too unusual to have been invented, I think.  Very
    John M.
521.24Well??????POBOX::CROWEI led the pigeons to the flag..Thu Sep 22 1988 23:059
    Since reading these notes (even if it is a year later) I have sincerely
    been wondering how you, Kristina and your family are.
    Please tell us what has been happening.  Has anyone found a refernece
    to Daniel Millie Anderson?
    --  Tracy
521.25thanks for askingWMOIS::C_JALBERTSun Sep 25 1988 21:5743
    RE:  521.24
    Thanks for asking!  We are fine, Kristina and her sister have
    entered Junior High this year, so boys and hairdo's are taking
    over their lives...!! Kristina is still as imaginative and
    creative as ever ... her dreams are like stories.
    As for Daniel Millie Anderson, I went to the library and looked
    over a lot of different books that dealt with the Civil War..
    I figured the time period that this person would have lived..
    Nothing... Lots of Andersons... I had thought that Millie was
    probably a mothers maiden name, OR she could have misread
    and it was Danielle Millie Anderson!?  For some reason I
    get a feeling that if this person did exist, it was probably
    in the South... Kris had told me years ago that she had lived
    before (she probably was dreaming) but the house she had
    described to me then PLUS the house she describes sometimes
    from her dreams is fitting of a Southern plantation type
    home. In her story of her "living before" she stated the
    place she lived was called Holiday Hills (I think that's what
    it was).  Another aside to this is (I can't remember if I 
    had mentioned this before (?) but a couple of years ago, I
    had gone to a flea market and while there picked up an old
    picture for 50 cents.  It was really pretty, with flowers but
    was also unusual in its appearance... being curious, I wanted
    to take it apart to see how it had been made... The frame was
    old and worn... after taking off the wooden back, I noticed
    little pieces of gold and silver "tinfoil type" material,
    the glass had been painted black and the flowers etched with
    color on that (sorry, I get so descriptive) between the glass
    and the picture back was a piece of thick black velvet (never
    saw velvet that thick) AND when removed, low and behold was
    a "tin type, or dagueerotype (please excuse spelling) of a man
    in the period dress of the civil war times??  Could there
    be any ties?? Don't know.
    Anyway, thanks for asking...  All my children are special, but
    Kris is unique! from, she is only 11 but for years she has seemed
    MUCH older and wiser.
521.26...Anytime!POBOX::CROWEI led the pigeons to the flag..Wed Sep 28 1988 16:0222
    Thank you very much for answering my inquiry.  It's easy to get
    wrapped up in what's happening in these notes and VERY frustrating
    when the noters just stop.  
    If you don't mind my asking, what part of the country are you in?
     You had mentioned that this house seemed to be Southern but you
    found no trace of the mysterious ( :^} ) Mr. Anderson at your _local_
    library.  Another thought is that a "Southern " style mansion could
    be just about anywhere.  
    When I was 11, my family moved to central Illinois and I was amazed at
     the old mansions there -- not to mention learning they were used for
     the underground railroad.  But, I digress.  Sorry.

    Thank you for the update -- 
      Peace to you all,
521.27GENRAL::DANIELstill hereWed Sep 28 1988 17:304
Tracy, Carla normally resides in Colorado.  She is currently vacationing in 
Europe, where she plans to be for the next ... I believe it is four ... weeks. 
She will be seeing some of the European DEJAVU noters soon, so perhaps someone 
could get a message to her from you.
521.28I'm the other CarlaWMOIS::C_JALBERTThu Sep 29 1988 11:0212
    Sorry, Wrong Carla!  I (mother of Kristina) live in Massachusetts,
    but I do wish I was vacationing in Europe!!!!!
    I must add, when Kris had talked about her feeling of living before
    she said she lived in Cleveland!!  She had never been to Cleveland
    nor is that a particular "studied" city in school.
    Carla (the other one... I can't even use my middle name to sign,
    Carla Lyn (because I believe that is the other Carla's middle name
521.29GENRAL::DANIELstill hereThu Sep 29 1988 13:295
Hi other Carla; my apologies for having not adequately checked out what I was 
saying before I said it.

Meredith (there are two Meredith's here too; I'm Meredith West, although I 
think by now Meredith East and I are just saying "Meredith"; easier to type!)
521.30Just a thought!STAFF::CACIFrank J. Caci 'N1FWI' ACO/C21 232-2571Wed May 17 1989 17:054
    	Could the book mentioned earlier in Kris's dream, have been 
    dedicated to this Anderson person.
521.31a real late replyWMOIS::C_JALBERTWed Oct 11 1989 13:4713
    Sorry for the late reply!!!  I have not been reading dejavu for a
    Regarding the book and the dedication, it certainly could have been,
    but I got the idea it was almost like a "family" bible?!
    I have searched for information on such an individual, but have
    not come up with anything...