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Conference hydra::dejavu

Title:Psychic Phenomena
Notice:Please read note 1.0-1.* before writing
Created:Wed Jan 22 1986
Last Modified:Tue May 27 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2143
Total number of notes:41773

2097.0. "Looking For Mr. Goodbar" by STRATA::WOOLDRIDGE (Pleasure, Spiked With Pain) Mon Jan 29 1996 14:30

    A strange thing happened onthewaytothestore.  Actually it was the ski
    lodge.  I saw my brothers twin.  Problem is, he does not have one.
    I wanted to say something to the guy, felt compelled to actually, but
    didn't.  I figured he'd think I was a weirdo.  Anyway, the experience
    was freaky. I didn't like it.
    	       	Dr. Emilio Lizardo 
2097.1DoublesNETCAD::CREEGANTue Jan 30 1996 15:161
    See 2074.0 concerning "doubles".
2097.2STRATA::BARROWSSat Feb 10 1996 15:0312
    	I bet you are regretting not saying something. Maybe you can go
    back and try to find him agian? Bring your brother with you. It could
    be a wild experince talking and comparing. You didn't like the
    experience because it was a shock, maybe he does have a twin. I have
    always believed every person has a look-a-like somewhere on the planet,
    and to actually meet him/her....is a one in million chance.
    	Do you want to find him again? If so, if it's still bugging you. Do
    it! What do you have to lose?? 
    			kt 8)
2097.4Keep_LookinWMOIS::MAZURKASon_Of_A_GunMon Feb 12 1996 21:566
    I Believe in this Twin_Thang.
    And I Hope That Some_Day I Might be Lucky Enough to MeeThe Twin of
    A Buddy of mine who Died when we were 14.