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Conference 7.286::visualc

Title:Microsoft Visual C/C++
Created:Tue Mar 16 1993
Last Modified:Wed Jun 04 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1121
Total number of notes:4385

711.0. "CListCtrl & other Windows Common Controls" by LJSRV1::SARO (Windows NT Systems) Wed May 31 1995 18:56

711.1I got it to workALFSS1::BAAHPC::lambBrad Lamb @ ALFThu Jun 01 1995 13:114
711.2LJSRV1::SAROWindows NT SystemsThu Jun 01 1995 14:3521
711.3A small sampleALFSS1::BAAHPC::lambBrad Lamb @ ALFMon Jun 05 1995 17:0422
711.4Try MSDNFORTY2::GROOMFri Jun 09 1995 07:1117
711.5OZROCK::GROHNMon Sep 11 1995 07:1418
711.6LV_ITEM?FORTY2::GROOMWed Sep 13 1995 07:425
711.7TALLIS::NELSONIt's not the years it's the mileage!Thu Sep 14 1995 18:2223
711.8OZROCK::GROHNMon Sep 18 1995 20:1410
711.9OZROCK::GROHNWed Sep 20 1995 04:0620
711.10TALLIS::NELSONIt's not the years it's the mileage!Wed Sep 20 1995 23:117
711.11Column/Subitem MappingsPAMSRC::XHOST::ZACHWIEJACool Messaging Software !Mon Nov 20 1995 03:2261
711.12What does it mean to assign a subitem to a column?MOLAR::SCAERLets do the time warp again!Wed Oct 09 1996 13:5112
711.13More CListCtrl questionKELVIN::KOUMon Mar 17 1997 15:576
    I am using the callback to automatically sort the column. However, I
    cannot figure out from the documentation how I can select the item and
    how to report it back to the app since everything is embedded in the
    LV_ITEM structure.
711.14Hmmm...IOSG::TALLETTwww-iosg.reo.dec.com/Tallett.htmlThu Mar 20 1997 16:287
    	RE: .13
    	Could you be a bit more specific?
711.15XSTACY::imladris.ilo.dec.com::grainneGrainne Ni ChoilighThu Mar 20 1997 19:46177
If you have access to the MSDN library CD (which IMHO is
pretty much a requirement for Windows development) it
includes the text and source code for the book 'Programming
the Windows '95 UI', most of which is also applicable to
Windows NT. This book has a chapter on the CListCtrl/
CListView, which includes a code sample MFCLIST which
supports sorting of column data via. an  application-defined 
comparison function called from CListCtrl::SortItems()
when the user clicks a column heading.

The essential parts of the code are attached, but you
really need the MSDN CD article or the hardcopy book
for a full explanation.

The MFCList sample is bit more complex because it manages
its own data via. an application-defined HOUSEINFO
structure. This is done by setting 
LV_ITEM.pszText = LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK. The application
supplies the data for display in response to LVN_GETDISPINFO

BTW, I don't understand your comment that:

    I am using the callback to automatically sort the column. However, I
    cannot figure out from the documentation how I can select the item and
    how to report it back to the app since everything is embedded in the
    LV_ITEM structure.

As described in the documentation for CListCtrl, all your 
application-defined comparison function has to return is  a negative 
value if the first item should precede the second, a positive value 
if the first item should follow the second, or zero if the two items 
are equivalent. You can pass an additional optional parameter to
your comparison function to tell it what column you want sorted
- in the MFCLIST example, this is determined by the sub-item
index of the column heading which the user has clicked.

LRESULT CMfclistView::NotifyHandler(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) 
	LV_DISPINFO *pLvdi = (LV_DISPINFO *)lParam;
	HOUSEINFO *pHouse = (HOUSEINFO *)(pLvdi->item.lParam);
	static char szText[64];

	if (wParam != ID_LISTVIEW)
		return 0L;


			switch (pLvdi->item.iSubItem)
				case 0:     // Address
					pLvdi->item.pszText = pHouse->szAddress;

				case 1:     // City
					pLvdi->item.pszText = pHouse->szCity;

				case 2:     // Price
					sprintf(szText, "$%u", pHouse->iPrice);
					pLvdi->item.pszText = szText;

				case 3:     // Number of bedrooms
					sprintf(szText, "%u", pHouse->iBeds);
					pLvdi->item.pszText = szText;

				case 4:     // Number of bathrooms
					sprintf(szText, "%u", pHouse->iBaths);
					pLvdi->item.pszText = szText;

            CEdit *pEdit;

            // Get the handle to the edit control.
            pEdit = m_ListCtl.GetEditControl();
            // Limit the amount of text that teh user can enter.

        case LVN_ENDLABELEDIT:
            // If label editing wasn't cancelled and the 
            // text buffer is non-NULL...
            if ((pLvdi->item.iItem != -1) && (pLvdi->item.pszText != NULL))
                // save the new label information.
	    		lstrcpy(pHouse->szAddress, pLvdi->item.pszText);

			// The user clicked on one of the column headings - sort by
			// this column.
			m_ListCtl.SortItems( ListViewCompareProc,

	return 0L;

// this is static

int CALLBACK CMfclistView::ListViewCompareProc(LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM lParamSort)
	HOUSEINFO *pHouse1 = (HOUSEINFO *)lParam1;
	HOUSEINFO *pHouse2 = (HOUSEINFO *)lParam2;
	LPSTR lpStr1, lpStr2;
	int iResult;

	if (pHouse1 && pHouse2)
		switch( lParamSort)
			case 0:     // sort by Address
				lpStr1 = pHouse1->szAddress;
				lpStr2 = pHouse2->szAddress;
				iResult = lstrcmpi(lpStr1, lpStr2);

			case 1:     // sort by City
				lpStr1 = pHouse1->szCity;
				lpStr2 = pHouse2->szCity;
				iResult = lstrcmpi(lpStr1, lpStr2);

			case 2:     // sort by Price
				iResult = pHouse1->iPrice - pHouse2->iPrice;

			case 3:     // sort by the number of bedrooms
				iResult = pHouse1->iBeds - pHouse2->iBeds;

			case 4:     // sort by the number of bathrooms
				iResult = pHouse1->iBaths - pHouse2->iBaths;

				iResult = 0;



LRESULT CMfclistView::WindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) 
	if (message == WM_NOTIFY)
		NotifyHandler(message, wParam, lParam);
	return CView::WindowProc(message, wParam, lParam);

711.16Determine the 'selected' item in ListKELVIN::KOUFri Mar 28 1997 15:3112
    I am able to sort the column following the example in the Window 95
    book. However, I am not sure how 'selected' item(s) can be reported
    to the applications. For example, I would like to know when the
    user select the item using callback. I look at the NM_CLICK message 
    but I cannot figure out the 'state' of the item and the documentation
    did not mention anything regarding the header pass with the message.
    So, what I did was to loop through every single item in the list and
    check the state using 'GetItemState()' to determine which item(s) is
    being selected. I think there must be a better way to do this.
711.17STAR::DZIEDZICTony Dziedzic - DTN 381-2438Mon Mar 31 1997 11:482
    Look at the GetNextItem function - pass it a flag value of
    LVNI_SELECTED and it will return the next selected item.
711.18TALLIS::NELSONIt's not the years it's the mileage!Mon Mar 31 1997 13:1912
    You can simplify your code a lot (depending on your application and
    needs) by handling the OnItemChanged message.  This will allow you to
    ignore a plethora of messages, except those where some item's state
    really changed.

    Once inside this routine, you can use the GetNextItem call referenced
    in the previous reply.
