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Conference foundr::firearms

Title:God made man, but Sam Colt made men equal
Notice:Welcome to the firearms conference!
Created:Tue Mar 04 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:6616
Total number of notes:49869

6073.0. "The NRA and me." by MIGHTY::WILLIAMS (Bryan Williams) Thu May 26 1994 18:42

6073.1you are as anti-gun as Sarah is pro-gunTIS::HAMBURGERArmies of godless sociopathic barbariansThu May 26 1994 19:228
6073.2I've noticed as wellSNOC02::HAGARTYDMein Leben als HundFri May 27 1994 02:466
6073.3SOLVIT::ALLEN_RSun May 29 1994 09:3621
6073.4The JBT letter and my contributionsDECWET::LOWEBruce Lowe, DECwest Eng., DTN 548-8910Tue May 23 1995 17:0841
6073.5STAR::OKELLEYKevin O'Kelley, OpenVMS DCE SecurityTue May 23 1995 18:1918
6073.6maybe I will, hmmmmTAMDNO::WHITMANthe 2nd Amendment assures the restTue May 23 1995 18:508
6073.7MIGHTY::WILLIAMSBryan WilliamsWed May 24 1995 21:4917
6073.8Have to vent today.....SIPAPU::KILGOREThe UT Desert Rat living in COFri Aug 02 1996 17:2716
6073.9SUBSYS::NEUMYERYour memory still hangin roundFri Aug 02 1996 17:526
6073.10it does seem a waste of $$$$$LUDWIG::BINGFri Aug 02 1996 18:2011
6073.11A little friday humor :-)RAGE::ROLLERLife member of the NRAFri Aug 02 1996 18:304
6073.12CSC32::HADDOCKSaddle RozinanteFri Aug 02 1996 19:3110
6073.13SUBSYS::NEUMYERYour memory still hangin roundFri Aug 02 1996 20:029
6073.14FABSIX::J_RILEYThe older I get,the better I was.Sat Aug 03 1996 02:0810
6073.15I support terrorism on the mediaHOTLNE::BURTMon Aug 05 1996 13:509
6073.16$0.02FOR200::JOHNSMon Aug 05 1996 14:0318
6073.17Mailings Work!NETCAD::MCGRATHMon Aug 05 1996 18:3813
6073.18One answerMINOTR::BANCROFTMon Aug 05 1996 21:074
6073.19NRA Legion of HonorCSC32::HADDOCKSaddle RozinanteThu Nov 14 1996 03:526
6073.20HERE::INGRAHAMYou are HERE::Thu Nov 14 1996 12:1814
6073.21yes, $125; 1-800-nra-3888, choose option3, give nice lady your credit card #FIEVEL::FILGATEBruce Filgate SHR3-2/W4 237-6452Thu Nov 14 1996 13:321
6073.22Price went upCSC32::HADDOCKSaddle RozinanteThu Nov 14 1996 13:413
6073.23ALFSS1::NEWSHAMJames Newsham @ALFThu Nov 14 1996 14:035
6073.24PEAKS::OAKEYThe difference? About 8000 milesFri Nov 15 1996 18:216
6073.25CSC32::HADDOCKSaddle RozinanteFri Nov 15 1996 19:078
6073.26ALFSS1::NEWSHAMJames Newsham @ALFFri Nov 15 1996 19:1612
6073.27CSC32::HADDOCKSaddle RozinanteFri Nov 15 1996 19:487
6073.28you don't need the letter..just call...FIEVEL::FILGATEBruce Filgate SHR3-2/W4 237-6452Fri Nov 15 1996 19:520
6073.29FABSIX::J_RILEYLegalize FreedomFri Nov 15 1996 23:376
6073.30Party at HQ Friday....VMSNET::RRICKI'd rather be fishing!Mon Nov 18 1996 00:018
6073.31Upgrade to Benefactor NOW if you can afford it!PEAKS::OAKEYWed Dec 11 1996 15:2820
6073.32FABSIX::J_SADINFreedom isn't free.Wed Dec 11 1996 15:385
6073.33Or whatever that Parchment said...OGOPW1::MICHAELSONThu Dec 12 1996 18:144
6073.34they didn't advertise the extra levels, nor does NRA officially have such programs!FIEVEL::FILGATEBruce Filgate SHR3-2/W4 237-6452Thu Dec 12 1996 20:549
6073.34DECWET::LOWEBruce Lowe, DECwest Eng., DTN 548-8910Mon Mar 31 1997 17:347
I've been hearing some about the duel between Knox and LaPierre - but there
is almost always more to these things than meet the eye. What is the real 
scoop? Is Knox the good guy here? I for one was very disappointed when 
LaPierre caved to Clinton on the Jack-Booted-Thugs letter business.

What do others think?
6073.35I don't like LapierreNEWVAX::WHITMANgun control = 5% gun + 95% controlMon Mar 31 1997 17:4927
Long before this flap with Neal Knox erupted I was saying that LaPierre was 
not a good spokesman for the NRA.  I had seen too many interviews where he
was unable to counter the anti-gun arguments on the fly. He had plenty of
opportunity to shut-down and squash the statements HCI was making, but instead
he opted to simply hammer home the prepared rhetoric he brought with him. I
don't have any inside track to the NRA regarding how the money is being spent,
but Lapierre dose not think fast on his feet. He seems incapable of debating
the opposition verbally, which where we will win or lose the public opinion

I do like Marion Hammer and Tanya Metaksa. I think it's good that we have a
pair of grandmothers at the head of the NRA. The NRA has a public image
problem as a bunch of right-wing red-necks who are only interested in saving
the firearms industry's customer base.  Marion and Tanya present a much softer
image of "regular people" that we really are.

Neal Knox appears to be an ultra-conservative, give no quarter, type of guy
who is unwilling to compromise away our God-given rights as guaranteed in the
US Constitution. He seems to be VERY concerned about the financial state of the

From my perspective the only "fly in the ointment" so to speak is Lapierre
and if Knox claim that we're paying him $190K/year is true, then he's 
significantly over paid for what the membership is getting from him.


6073.36An Endowment NRA member's commentMINOTR::BANCROFTTue Apr 01 1997 18:566
    I have written to the NRA, blasting them  long ago for for waterless
    firing ranges in the desert, and recently for fancy new headquarters.
    The replies were very "tough, that's what we did".  That si why I now
    contribute to CCRKBA and other such organizations.
    Neal can stick it to the fancy headquarters and compromise crew and get
    my applause.
6073.37Neal Knox is 2nd VP.NETCAD::MCGRATHWed Apr 02 1997 13:1318
    I agree with the last few... LaPierre should never be allowed to
    debate - send Tanya.  She never loses her cool and always has a good
    come back.  Marion Hammer is also pretty good.  
    Neal Knox is, in my opinion, doing what he feels must be done.  He
    is a hard and true 2nd amendment believer, and does not believe in 
    compromises.  Others like to label him as extreme, but I think we
    really need his input.  He likes to call them the way he sees them,
    no fluff.
    He says he does not want Wayne LaPierre's job (Exec. VP).  But,
    sounds like he really would like to be President of the NRA, after
    Marion Hammer's term(s) expire.  I would like to see someone else,
    besides Wayne as EVP, and apparently so would Neal and his supporters.
    How is Neal live as a debater/spokesman? 
6073.38Ballots?ZEKE::SMITHWed Apr 02 1997 14:0712
     Has any/everyone recieved thier voting ballots ?
     My wife & I are both members and neither of us recieved ours...
     I sent E-mail to the NRA early last week & got no response.
     Was thinking of making a phone call today to find out where they are.
     I belive the ballots must be in by April 13th...
6073.39PEAKS::OAKEYWed Apr 02 1997 16:209
Re: <<< Note 6073.38 by ZEKE::SMITH >>>
>>     Has any/everyone recieved thier voting ballots ?

They came in the AR/AH issue before last.  You need to have been a member for at
least five (or is it three?) years before you can vote, or have fully paid for a
five (three?) year membership.

6073.40PEAKS::OAKEYWed Apr 02 1997 16:25269
I find the questions that were asked *very* ambiguous, so you have to read the
questions carefully.

That said, this is in some ways very telling.



                         Keystone Firearms Coalition

    NRA Board of Directors Candidate Survey Results as of March 25, 1997

         (Candidates listed sequentially by promptness of response)

   The Keystone Firearms Coalition is pleased to present the results of our
NRA Board of Directors Candidate Survey. We present the answers to the
questions in our survey in tabular format. The questions are reproduced
below the table for your convenience, together with any notes that we have
made. We are not ``rating'' the NRA Board candidates, nor are we endorsing
any. We are merely presenting the candidates' views about questions that we
believe are important. You are heartily encouraged to vote for the
candidates whose views most closely align with your own.

   We give our heartfelt thanks and respect to those candidates who took
the time to respond to our questionnaire. We will continue to tally
responses until March 31, 1997. The final version of this page will be
distributed on April 2, 1997. Ballots must be received by Deloitte & Touche
by April 13, 1997 in order to be counted. Remember: vote for no more than 26
candidates or else your ballot will be voided and discarded!

                              Question Numbers and Responses
 Candidate                 1 2 3 4  5  6 7 8  9 10  11 12   13      Date
 Ross, Wayne               D A D D  D  A A A  A A   D   A    D     (03/05)
 Williams, Phillip         A D D D  A  D A A  A A   A   A    A     (03/08)
 Viden, Robert L.          D A D D  A  D A A  A A   A   A    D     (03/10)
 Johnson, Tom ``T.J.''             Wrote essay answers1            (03/11)
 Ross, Albert              A D A A  A  A A A  A A   A   A    A     (03/11)
 Rubega, Al                D D A D  D  A A A  A A   A   A    A     (03/11)
 Jones, David C.           A A D D  D  A A A  A A   A   A    A     (03/12)
 Knox, Neal                D A A A  U2 U A A  A D   A   A    D     (03/12)
 Ramm, James D.            D D A A  D  A A A  A A   A   A    A     (03/12)
 Stump, Wayne              D D A A  D  A A A  A A   A   A    A     (03/12)
 Veazie, Robert J.         A A D D  A  D A A  A A   A   A    A     (03/12)
 Caplan, David I.          D D D A  D  A A A  A A   A   A    A     (03/13)
 Carone, Richard           A A D D  D  A A A  A A   A   A    A     (03/13)
 Baer, Robert G.           D A D D  D  A A A  A A   A   A    A     (03/14)
 Slavonic, Michael         D D A A  D  A A A  A A   A   A    D     (03/16)
 Miller, Bill                Formally declined to participate      (03/17)
 Clark, Weldon H.          D D A U D   A A A A  D  D   D  A        (03/20)
 Reynolds, Edie                    Wrote essay answers1            (03/20)

 Key: A = Agree; D = Disagree U = Undecided; Date = Date response received


  1. We appreciate the effort Mssrs. Johnson and Reynolds put into their
     responses, but we did not want to attempt to distill definite answers
     to our questions out of their essays. We feared that if we did, Mssrs.
     Johnson and Reynolds might feel that we had misinterpreted their
     answers, and we don't want that kind of disagreement to occur. Our
     questionnaire was constructed to attempt to avoid just that kind of

  2. Mr. Knox checked both boxes for questions 5 and 6 and wrote down a
     short explanation of his answers. We appreciate his disagreement with
     the questions, but if questions 5 and 6 ever actually came up for a
     vote, voting both ways is not an option (although one could abstain).
     These questions were devised not to trick anyone, but specifically to
     pin down just where a candidate stands. We felt, therefore, that the
     fairest way to characterize his answer was ``undecided.''

Please make Keystone Firearms Coalition aware of any errors at

Please cross-post to appropriate lists!


                         Keystone Firearms Coalition
              NRA Board of Directors Candidate's Questionnaire

   The questions below will not be used to formulate a ``rating'' of the
candidate. The questions and candidates' answers will be widely distributed,
so that grassroots NRA voters will be able to see how closely Board
candidates agree with their positions. Therefore, there is no need to try to
guess the ``right'' answer being sought. You must answer all of the
questions. Please be candid; those NRA members who agree with your position
will reward you with their votes.


   There are several viewpoints within the firearms rights community
regarding background checks, waiting periods, and the Brady Law. The
following four questions address some of those viewpoints. You must answer
all four questions, however, please review all four questions before
answering any of them.

1. Whether or not I support the Brady Law, I think that some type of
background check system for the purchase of firearms is justified to keep
criminals from obtaining guns through legal channels. I will vote to direct
the Executive Vice President and Institute for Legislative Action staff to
act accordingly.

Agree________         Disagree________

2. I oppose ``instant background checks'' on principle. However, I believe,
given our present political situation, it may sometimes be necessary for the
NRA to support them for political or tactical reasons. I will vote to direct
the Executive Vice President and Institute for Legislative Action staff to
act accordingly.

Agree________         Disagree________

3. I oppose ``instant background checks,'' and believe the NRA should not
support them, even for political or tactical reasons. I will vote to direct
the Executive Vice President and Institute for Legislative Action staff to
act accordingly.

Agree________         Disagree________

4. I will vote to direct the Executive Vice President and the Executive
Director of the Institute for Legislative Action to cease and desist from
any and all efforts to pass Brady ``instant checks'' at the state and
federal levels.

Agree________         Disagree________


   The ideal for many firearms rights activists is for all states to adopt
laws regarding the carrying of concealed weapons similar to those of
Vermont, where any citizen of good character may carry a firearm without
obtaining a permit or undergoing any process of prior approval. The
following three questions address some opinions regarding the adoption of
concealed carry laws by other states. Again, you must answer all of the
following three questions, but please read all of them before answering any
of them.

5. I believe that it is always a net gain for firearms rights when a state
or municipality provides for citizens to carry firearms legally if they
could not do so before. I believe this is true even when stringent licensing
requirements are imposed, such as training or fingerprinting requirements. I
believe that it is politically and tactically advantageous for the NRA to
support concealed carry laws, even if those laws place stringent, expensive,
or distasteful requirements on applicants. I will vote to direct the
Executive Vice President and Institute for Legislative Action staff to act

Agree________         Disagree________

6. I believe that passing ``something'' can, in many situations, be worse
for advancing firearms rights than passing nothing. I oppose things like
fingerprinting requirements, training requirements, and registration of
applicants as conditions for obtaining concealed carry permits. The
Institute for Legislative Action should not accept such concessions. I will
vote to direct the Executive Vice President and Institute for Legislative
Action staff to act accordingly.

Agree________         Disagree________

7. Often two or more pieces of concealed carry legislation will be
introduced at the same time. I believe the Institute for Legislative Action
should always support that legislation which places the least restrictions
on gun owners and that most closely approximates Vermont's example for
recognizing the citizens' right to carry concealed firearms. I believe the
Institute for Legislative Action should support the least restrictive
legislation, even when more restrictive legislation appears to have the
better chance of passing, and ILA should apprise NRA members of the
positions of legislators on each version of legislation. I will vote to
direct the Executive Vice President and Institute for Legislative Action
staff to act accordingly.

Agree________         Disagree________


   The following four questions concern questionnaire results, candidate
grades, and endorsements. You must answer all of the questions, but again,
please read them all before answering any of them.

8. The Executive Director and staff of the Institute for Legislative Action
hold to a policy that witholds crucial political candidate information to
the NRA's grassroots membership at election time. The answers to the NRA
questionnaire given by candidates are kept secret from grassroots members
and supporters. I believe this policy is wrong because it allows politicians
to hide anti-gun positions while getting high grades, public endorsements,
and cash from the NRA Political Victory Fund. I believe this shows
politicians that NRA will not hold them accountable and will reward them for
voting against or otherwise opposing the Second Amendment. I will vote to
direct the Executive Vice President and Institute for Legislative Action
staff to carry out a policy of fully informing and trusting the grassroots
NRA membership.

Agree________         Disagree________

9. The grading system for candidates for elective office is a mystery to
many NRA members. Members assume that grades are earned based strictly upon
the answers to questionnaires and upon incumbents voting records. I believe
that the grading system should be completely objective and should be
disclosed to the membership. I will vote to direct the Executive Vice
President and Institute for Legislative Action to disclose to the membership
and to award grades solely on the basis of an objective grading system based
solely on voting records and questionnaire results.

Agree________         Disagree________

10. I believe that no candidate should have his or her grade inflated merely
because the other candidate may be ``worse'' in terms of support for an
individual's right to keep and bear arms. I will vote to direct the
Executive Vice President and Institute for Legislative Action to desist from
the practice of inflating the grade of any candidate above that which he or
she deserves based upon an objective grading system.

Agree________         Disagree________

11. I believe that no incumbent who has voted, during his or her term
immediately preceding an election, for a gun control measure -- even as an
amendment to a larger, unrelated bill -- deserves an A-rating, public
endorsement, or cash from the NRA Political Victory Fund for his next
election. I will vote to direct the Executive Vice President and the
Institute for Legislative Action to withhold A-ratings, public endorsements,
and cash from the NRA Political Victory Fund from any and all incumbents who
vote for such gun control measures.

Agree________         Disagree________


12. The Executive Director and Staff appear to have a policy of not fighting
any anti-gun legislation that they are not ``guaranteed'' to win. Anti-gun
bills have been allowed to pass with only token resistance, and sometimes
with active Institute for Legislative Action support. Politicians appear to
take advantage of this by bluffing Institute for Legislative Action
lobbyists into believing certain legislation will pass no matter what is
done. As a result, the Institute for Legislative Action refuses to mobilize
the grassroots membership, accepts trivial pro-gun amendments as
``victories,'' and defeat comes without a fight. I believe this is wrong,
and I will vote to direct the Executive Vice President and Institute for
Legislative Action staff to cease and desist this practice.

Agree________         Disagree________


13. For years, the NRA has taken an active role in addressing criminal
justice issues, even when those issues held no direct relationship to
firearms rights. Institute for Legislative Action political candidate
questionnaires often contain as many questions relating to criminal justice
issues as to firearms rights, and anti-gun candidates have received high
ratings and NRA awards for their positions on criminal justice issues.
Recent international events have demonstrated that even countries with
inherently low crime rates, such as the United Kingdom and Australia, will
experience demands for increasingly severe firearms restrictions, and that
low crime rates provide no protections for gun owners' rights. In light of
these things and the increased need for the NRA to focus and marshal its
resources, I believe the NRA should cease involvement in criminal justice
issues not related to firearms crimes. I will vote to direct the Executive
Vice President and Institute for Legislative Action staff to act

Agree________         Disagree________

Problems? Contact our webmaster: Chris BeHanna
6073.41DECWET::LOWEBruce Lowe, DECwest Eng., DTN 548-8910Thu Apr 03 1997 15:466
<--- Thanks for posting this. Yes, the ballot is in the magazine. As usual,
the envelope is too narrow :-}

Neal Know is the only name I recognize. I was going to ask if folks knew 
much about some of the others, but .40 should be very helpful.
6073.42Tough questions, how'd you answer?NPSS::WALTHALLFri Apr 04 1997 20:3211
    I tend to agree with David C. Jones and Richard Corone. Both
    voted as I would have, after carefully re-reading each question.
    1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13
    A  A  D  D  D  A  A  A  A  A   A    A   A
    But I remain open to other's opinions. :)