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Conference noted::windows95

Title:Microsoft Windows 95 ("Chicago")
Notice:Please read topics 1 to 22 before writing anything
Created:Mon Nov 14 1994
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2958
Total number of notes:19968

2802.0. "Word V7.0 Watermark help needed!" by KAPTIN::BLEI (Larry Bleiweiss 237-6080 SHR3-2/X17) Mon Feb 17 1997 19:15

Can anyone either point me to instructions or send me instructions that would
allow me to put a Watermark (such as the word Draft) on Word V7.0 pages?

Thanks, in advance.

2802.1RTFHOSEC::pervy.mco.dec.com::gilbertbcyberpaddlerMon Feb 17 1997 19:325
Try: Help->Index->watermark

2802.2watermark macroCGOOA::OWONGSKIWI in Canada (VAO)Tue Feb 18 1997 01:59354
    Following is a word macro ex Word V2.x that creates watermarks.  Only
    tricky thing is if you have applied a watermark and then wish to delete
    it you need to look under options, enable field code display, view the
    header and explicitly delete the field contents.
    Sub MAIN
    If SelInfo(27) Then
    	MsgBox "Command not available in a macro window"
    	Goto bye
    End If
    fViewFieldCodes = ViewFieldCodes()
    fViewOutline = ViewOutline()
    fViewPage = ViewPage()
    REM the following lists would be used with popup box
    Dim mptextfont$(2)
    mptextfont$(0) = "Courier"
    mptextfont$(1) = "Helvetica"
    mptextfont$(2) = "Times-Roman"
    maxsize = 127
    minsize = 4
    Begin Dialog UserDialog 493, 270
    	Text 18, 4, 40, 13, "&Text:"
    	TextBox 18, 18, 289, 18, .usertext
    	Text 18, 43, 40, 13, "&Font:"
    	ComboBox 18, 60, 147, 61, mptextfont$(), .userfont
    	Text 178, 43, 100, 13, "&Size: (points)"
    	TextBox 178, 60, 129, 18, .usersize
    	Text 178, 88, 71, 13, "Rotatio&n:"
    	TextBox 178, 103, 129, 18, .userrotate
    	GroupBox 338, 74, 132, 49, "Page"
    	OptionGroup  .userpage
    		OptionButton 349, 87, 48, 16, "&All"
    		OptionButton 349, 105, 105, 16, "First &Page"
    	GroupBox 18, 128, 148, 100, "Format:"
    	CheckBox 30, 142, 83, 16, "All &Cap", .usercap
    	CheckBox 30, 164, 63, 16, "Bol&d", .userbold
    	CheckBox 30, 186, 67, 16, "&Italic", .useritalic
    	CheckBox 30, 208, 91, 16, "S&hading", .usershade
    	GroupBox 178, 128, 293, 100, "Position:"
    	GroupBox 193, 146, 119, 71, "Vertical"
    	OptionGroup  .userver
    		OptionButton 203, 158, 59, 16, "T&op"
    		OptionButton 203, 177, 79, 16, "&Middle"
    		OptionButton 203, 195, 81, 16, "&Bottom"
    	GroupBox 338, 146, 117, 70, "Horizontal"
    	OptionGroup  .userhor
    		OptionButton 348, 159, 59, 16, "&Left"
    		OptionButton 348, 178, 79, 16, "C&enter"
    		OptionButton 348, 195, 69, 16, "&Right"
    	OKButton 338, 11, 130, 21
    	CancelButton 338, 39, 130, 21
    	Text 18, 244, 401, 13, "A PostScript printer must be used to print
    the results."
    End Dialog
    REM message for size too big
    msg$ = "Font size need to be between" + Str$(minsize) + " and " +
    Str$(maxsize) + " .  Do you want to make any changes?"
    msg1$ = "Degree of rotation needs to be between 0 and 90 "
    Dim dlg As UserDialog
    REM set default
    dlg.userfont = "Times-Roman"
    dlg.usershade = 1
    dlg.usercap = 1
    dlg.userbold = 1
    dlg.usersize = "90"
    dlg.userrotate = "45"
    dlg.userver = 1
    dlg.userhor = 1
    prompt: On Error Goto bye
    Dialog dlg
    On Error Goto 0
    REM  get cur values & checking parameters
    usize = Int(Val(dlg.usersize))
    urotate = Int(Val(dlg.userrotate))
    ufont$ = dlg.userfont
    If dlg.usercap Then
    	utext$ = UCase$(dlg.usertext)
    	utext$ = dlg.usertext
    End If
    ubold = dlg.userbold
    uitalic = dlg.useritalic
    ushade = dlg.usershade
    uver = dlg.userver
    uhor = dlg.userhor
    upage = dlg.userpage
    fgotoprompt = 0
    fgotobye = 0
    If usize < minsize Or usize > maxsize Then
    	Select Case MsgBox(msg$, 3)
    		Case - 1	REM yes, go back and change value
    			fgotoprompt = 1
    		Case 0	REM no, continue
    		Case 1  	REM cancel
    			fgotobye = 1
    	 End Select
    End If
    If fgotoprompt <> 1 And fgotobye <> 1 Then
    	If urotate < 0 Or urotate > 90 Then
    		Select Case MsgBox(msg1$, 1)
    			Case - 1REM yes, go back and change value
    				fgotoprompt = 1
    			Case 0REM cancel
    				fgotobye = 1
    		End Select
    	End If
    End If
    If fgotoprompt Then Goto prompt
    If fgotobye Then Goto bye
    REM get page margins
    Redim dlg As FilePageSetup
    GetCurValues dlg
    utop = Val(dlg.TopMargin)
    uleft  = Val(dlg.LeftMargin)
    uright = Val(dlg.RightMargin)
    uwidth = Val(dlg.PageWidth)
    uheight = Val(dlg.PageHeight)
    ubottom = Val(dlg.BottomMargin)
    REM setup printing
    REM set the height of char
    uhyp = usize - 10
    If ushade  Then
    	shade$ = ".96 "
    	shade$ = ".96"
    End If
    text$ = "Print \p page " + Chr$(34)
    REM setting font-format
    If ufont$ = "Times-Roman" Then
    	If ubold Then
    		If uitalic Then
    			text1$ = "/Times-BoldItalic"
    			text1$ = "/Times-Bold"
    		End If
    	ElseIf uitalic Then
    		text1$ = "/Times-Italic"
    		text1$ = "/Times-Roman"
    	End If
    ElseIf ufont$ = "Helvetica" Then
    	If ubold Then
    		If uitalic Then
    			text1$ = "/Helvetica-BoldOblique"
    			text1$ = "/Helvetica-Bold"
    		End If
    	ElseIf uitalic Then
    		text1$ = "/Helvetica-Oblique"
    		text1$ = "/Helvetica"
    	End If
    ElseIf ufont$ = "Courier" Then
    	If ubold Then
    		If uitalic Then
    			text1$ = "/Courier-BoldOblique"
    			text1$ = "/Courier-Bold"
    		End If
    	ElseIf uitalic Then
    		text1$ = "/Courier-Oblique"
    		text1$ = "/Courier"
    	End If
    End If
    REM setting left and right margin and print routine
    text2$ = " findfont " + Str$(usize) + " scalefont setfont " + Chr$(13)
    text3$ = "/LM " + Str$(0) + " def" + Chr$(13)
    text4$ = "/RM " + Str$(uwidth  * 72) + " def" + Chr$(13)
    text5$ = "/dlength {(" + utext$ + ") stringwidth } def" + Chr$(13)
    text6$ = "/psize {RM LM sub} def" + Chr$(13)
    text7$ = "/printDraft {0 0 moveto (" + utext$ + ") show } def " +
    text8$ = "/halflen { dlength pop 2 div} def" + Chr$(13)
    text17$ = "/adjmt {90 " + Str$(urotate) + " sub sin 80 mul 2 div} def"
    + Chr$(13)
    REM positioning: horizontal
    Select Case uhor
    	Case 0
    		REM left align
    		text9$ = "/ucos {" + Str$(urotate) + " cos} def" + Chr$(13)
    		text9$ = text9$ + "/uadj{halflen ucos mul}def" + Chr$(13)
    		text9$ = text9$ + "/ucos1 {90 " + Str$(urotate) + " sub cos
    } def" + Chr$(13)
    		text9$ = text9$ + "/uadj1 {uhyp ucos1 mul}def" + Chr$(13)
    		text9$ = text9$ + "uadj1 uadj add" + Chr$(13)
    		text9$ = text9$ + Str$(uleft * 72) + " add" + Chr$(13)
    		If urotate = 90 Then text9$ = text9$ + "8 sub" + Chr$(13)
    	Case 1
    		REM center
    		text9$ = "psize 2 div" + Chr$(13)
    	Case 2
    		REM right align
    		text9$ = "/ucos {" + Str$(urotate) + " cos } def" +
    		text9$ = text9$ + "/uadj {halflen ucos mul} def" + Chr$(13)
    		text9$ = text9$ + "RM  uadj sub" + Chr$(13)
    		text9$ = text9$ + Str$(uright * 72) + " sub" + Chr$(13)
    End Select
    REM positioning : vertical
    Select Case uver
    	Case 0
    		REM top
    		text10$ = "/uvcos { " + Str$(urotate) + " cos} def" +
    		text10$ = text10$ +  "/uvadj { uhyp  uvcos mul} def" +
    		text10$ = text10$ + "/uvsin1 { " + Str$(urotate) + " sin }
    def " + Chr$(13)
    		text10$ = text10$ + "/uvopp { halflen uvsin1 mul} def" +
    		text10$ = text10$ + Str$((uheight - utop) * 72) + " uvadj
    uvopp add sub"
    		If ushade Then text10$ = text10$ + " 6 sub "
    		text10$ = text10$ + " translate" + Chr$(13)
    	Case 1
    		REM middle
    		text10$ = Str$(uheight * 72) + " 2 div translate" +
    	Case 2
    		REM bottom
    		text10$ = "/uvsin { " + Str$(urotate) + " sin}def" +
    		text10$ = text10$ + "/uvopp { halflen uvsin mul} def" +
    		text10$ = text10$ + Str$(ubottom * 72) + " 8 uvopp add add"
    		text10$ = text10$ + " translate" + Chr$(13)
    End Select
    text11$ = Str$(urotate) + " rotate" + Chr$(13)
    text12$ = "0 halflen sub" + Chr$(13)
    text18$ = "adjmt add" + Chr$(13)
    text13$ = "0 translate" + Chr$(13)
    text14$ = ".96 -.02 .85 %start incr.end" + Chr$(13)
    text15$ = "{setgray printDraft -1 .5 translate} for" + Chr$(13)
    text16$ = shade$ + "setgray printDraft " + Chr$(34)
    Redim dlg As NormalViewHeaderArea
    GetCurValues dlg
    ffirst = dlg.FirstPage
    fodd = dlg.OddAndEvenPages          
    If fodd = 0 Then
    	If ffirst = 0 Then
    		fheader = 0
    		fheader = 1
    	End If
    	If ffirst = 0 Then
    		fheader = 2
    		fheader = 3
    	End If
    End If
    fheaderagain = 0
    If upage Then
    	REM watermark only on first page
     	Select Case fheader
    		Case 0	REM same header for all pages
    			NormalViewHeaderArea .Type = 0, .FirstPage = 0,
    .OddAndEvenPages = 0
    			NormalViewHeaderArea .Type = 2, .FirstPage = 1,
    .OddAndEvenPages = 0
    		Case 1	REM different first page header
    			NormalViewHeaderArea .Type = 2, .FirstPage = 1,
    .OddAndEvenPages = 0
    		Case 2	REM different odd and even page header
    			NormalViewHeaderArea .Type = 2, .FirstPage = 0,
    .OddAndEvenPages = 1
    		Case 3 	REM different first, odd and even page header
    			NormalViewHeaderArea .Type = 0, .FirstPage = 1,
    .OddAndEvenPages = 1
    	End Select
    	REM  on all pages
    	Select Case fheader
    		Case 0	REM same header for all pages
    			NormalViewHeaderArea .Type = 0, .FirstPage = 0,
    .OddAndEvenPages = 0
    		Case 1	REM different first page header
    			ctype = 0
    			cfirstpage = 1
    			coddandevenpages = 0
    			NormalViewHeaderArea .Type = ctype, .FirstPage =
    cfirstpage, \
    			.OddAndEvenPages = coddandevenpages
    			fheaderagain = 1
    		Case 2	REM different odd and even page header
    			ctype = 0
    			cfirstpage = 0
    			coddandevenpages = 1
    			NormalViewHeaderArea .Type = ctype, .FirstPage =
    cfirstpage, \
    			.OddAndEvenPages = coddandevenpages
    			fheaderagain = 1
    		Case 3 	REM different first, odd and even page header
    			ctype = 0
    			cfirstpage = 1
    			coddandevenpages = 1
    			NormalViewHeaderArea .Type = ctype, .FirstPage =
    cfirstpage, \
    			.OddAndEvenPages = coddandevenpages
    			fheaderagain = 2
    	End Select
    End If 	REM all or first page
    While fdone = 0
    	REM insert definition
    	WW2_Insert text$ + text1$ + text2$ + text3$ + text4$ + text5$ +
    text6$ + text7$ + text8$
    	REM only for vertical center alignment
    	If uver = 1 Then WW2_Insert text17$
    	REM insert horizontal alignment
    	WW2_Insert text9$
    	REM insert vertical alignment
    	WW2_Insert text10$
    	REM instruction for rotation and translate
    	WW2_Insert text11$ + text12$
    	REM only for vertical center alignment
    	If uver = 1 Then WW2_Insert text18$
    	WW2_Insert text13$
    	If ushade Then WW2_Insert text14$ + text15$
    	WW2_Insert text16$
    	If fheaderagain Then
    		fheaderagain = fheaderagain - 1
    		ctype = ctype + 2
    		NormalViewHeaderArea .Type = ctype, .FirstPage =
    cfirstpage, \
    		.OddAndEvenPages = coddandevenpages
    		fdone = 1
    	End If
    If fViewOutline Then ViewOutline
    If fViewPage Then ViewPage
    ViewFieldCodes fViewFieldCodes
    End Sub
2802.3Watermark Macro for non-postscript printersVIVIAN::RANCEhttp://vivian.hhl.dec.com/rance/Wed Feb 19 1997 18:44308
The advantage of this Macro is that it will work on any printer, the one
offered in .-1 seems to require a Postscript printer.

This macro tested on Word 2.0, 6.0, 95 and 7.0

To remove the watermark just run it and enter a new blank watermark.



REM Define Dialog Box for Watermark text color
Dim DropListBox1$(16)
DropListBox1$(0)  = "Windows Default"
DropListBox1$(1)  = "Black"
DropListBox1$(2)  = "Blue"
DropListBox1$(3)  = "Cyan"
DropListBox1$(4)  = "Green"
DropListBox1$(5)  = "Magenta"
DropListBox1$(6)  = "Red"
DropListBox1$(7)  = "Yellow"
DropListBox1$(8)  = "White"
DropListBox1$(9)  = "Dark Blue"
DropListBox1$(10) = "Dark Cyan"
DropListBox1$(11) = "Dark Green"
DropListBox1$(12) = "Dark Magenta"
DropListBox1$(13) = "Dark Red"
DropListBox1$(14) = "Dark Yellow"
DropListBox1$(15) = "Dark Grey"
DropListBox1$(16) = "Light Grey"
Begin Dialog UserDialog 470, 198, "Watermark"
	Text 104, 72, 121, 13, "Watermark Text", .Text1
	TextBox 238, 68, 167, 18, .TextBox1
	Text 126, 91, 281, 13, "(Delete this text to Erase Watermark)", .Text2
	Text 97, 34, 136, 13, "Watermark Colour", .Text3
	DropListBox 239, 32, 182, 108, DropListBox1$(), .DropListBox1
	OKButton 100, 134, 88, 21
	CancelButton 303, 130, 88, 21
End Dialog

REM Define Data Record for data to and from Dialog Box
Dim UserData As UserDialog

REM Define Data Records for finding page setup values
Dim PageData As FilePageSetup
Dim GeneralData As ToolsOptionsGeneral   REM Used for changing units

REM If we are in a Macro then tell user and exit
If SelInfo(27) = - 1 Then
	MsgBox "Can't add watermarks to a Macro window", "Error"
	Goto ErrorExit
End If

REM Set default color to be current watermark color
OldWaterMarkColor$ = GetDocumentVar$("WaterMarkColor")
If OldWaterMarkColor$ = "" Then
	REM Set default color to be Dark Grey
	UserData.DropListBox1 = 15
	UserData.DropListBox1 = Val(OldWaterMarkColor$)
End If

REM Set default WaterMark to be current watermark
OldWaterMarkText$ = GetDocumentVar$("WaterMarkText")
If OldWaterMarkText$ = "" Then
	REM Set default Watermark text to be DRAFT
	UserData.TextBox1 = "DRAFT"
	UserData.TextBox1 = OldWaterMarkText$
End If

REM Note if we are in Print Preview mode so we can return there
InPreview = FilePrintPreview()

REM Mark the current insertion point so we can return here
EditBookmark .Name = "Temp", .SortBy = 0, .Add
numBookmarks = CountBookmarks()

REM display the dialog box and get the user input
ButtonChoice = Dialog(UserData)

REM ButtonChoice = -1 when OK button selected
REM The corresponding End If is just before the End Sub right at the end
If ButtonChoice = - 1 Then
	REM Remember if we were in a header and switch to header view
	If ViewHeader() = 0 Then
		HeaderNum = 0	REM Note that we have switched to Header view
		ViewHeader		REM Switch to Header view
		HeaderNum = 1	REM Remember that we were already in header
	End If
	REM Go to the First Header
	On Error Goto First_Header
	REM Keep stepping back through errors till we get an error
	While Err = 0
		If HeaderNum > 0 Then
			REM We will use HeaderNum to get back to correct header
			HeaderNum = HeaderNum + 1
		End If
First_Header:	REM Get here when ShowPrevHeaderFooter gets an error
	REM Re-Enable standard error handling
	Err = 0
	On Error Goto 0

	REM Delete any previous WaterMarks

	REM Add line breaks and tabs for comparing to existing headers
	OldWaterMarkPara$ = DiagonalText$(OldWaterMarkText$)

	REM Step through headers till ShowNextHeaderFooter gets an error
	REM Checking for the old watermark in each header
	While Err = 0
		WaterMarkNum = FindTextBox(OldWaterMarkPara$)
		If WaterMarkNum <> 0 Then	REM Found an old WaterMark
			EditClear				REM Delete the old WaterMark
		End If

		REM If ShowNextHeaderFooter gets an error then we are done
		On Error Goto Remove_Done
		On Error Goto 0
	Wend		REM Go back and check this header for old WaterMark

Remove_Done:	REM Finished removing old WaterMarks
	REM Re-Enable standard error handling
	Err = 0
	On Error Goto 0

	WaterMarkLen = Len(UserData.TextBox1)
	If WaterMarkLen = 0 Then
		REM Clear Document Variables so we know there's no WaterMark
		SetDocumentVar "WaterMarkText", ""
		SetDocumentVar "WaterMarkColor", ""
		Goto Exitnow
	End If

	REM Note that there is a watermark in this document
	SetDocumentVar "WaterMarkText", UserData.TextBox1
	SetDocumentVar "WaterMarkColor", Str$(UserData.DropListBox1)

	REM Add line breaks and tabs for inserting into headers
	WaterMarkPara$ = DiagonalText$(UserData.TextBox1)
	REM Step through the headers again, adding watermarks on the way
	While Err = 0

		REM Find out if this header ALREADY has the watermark
		REM (from link to previous...)
		WaterMarkNum = FindTextBox(WaterMarkPara$)
		If WaterMarkNum = 0 Then  REM No WaterMark in this header yet
			REM Note current units and set units to Points
			REM So we can calculate font size from page size/margins
			GetCurValues GeneralData
			OldUnits = GeneralData.Units
			ToolsOptionsGeneral .Units = 2   REM Units=2 is Points
			REM Get page size information in Points
			GetCurValues PageData
			PageWidth = Val(PageData.PageWidth)
			PageWidth = PageWidth - Val(PageData.LeftMargin)
			PageWidth = PageWidth - Val(PageData.RightMargin)
			PageHeight = Val(PageData.PageHeight)
			PageHeight = PageHeight - Val(PageData.HeaderDistance)
			PageHeight = PageHeight - Val(PageData.FooterDistance)

			REM If the header was previously empty then get rid
			REM of the automatically created header separator
			If GetBookmark$("\Doc") = "" Then
				FormatBordersAndShading .ApplyTo = 0, .Shadow = 0, 				.TopBorder = 0, .LeftBorder = 0, .BottomBorder = 0, 				.RightBorder = 0, .HorizBorder = 0, .VertBorder = 0, 				.TopColor = 0, .LeftColor = 0, .BottomColor = 0, 					.RightColor = 0, .HorizColor = 0, .VertColor = 0, 				.FromText = "1 pt", .Shading = 0, .Foreground = 0, 				.Background = 0, .Tab = "0", .FineShading = - 1
			End If

			REM Create a graphics text box behind the text plane

			REM Set Top and Left of text box at top of page and left margin
			FormatDrawingObject .HorizontalFrom = 0, .VerticalFrom = 1
			FormatDrawingObject .VerticalPos = Val(PageData.HeaderDistance), .HorizontalPos = 0
			REM Set text box size to fit exactly between margins	

			FormatDrawingObject .Width = PageWidth, .Height = PageHeight

			REM Clear borders fill and line (make text box invisible)
			FormatDrawingObject .FillColor = "0"    REM No Fill color
			FormatDrawingObject .FillPattern = "0"  REM No Pattern
			FormatDrawingObject .LineType = 0		REM No line

			REM Move text insert point into the new text box

			REM Set Font Size to fit text between top and bottom
			FontSize(PageHeight * 0.85) / WaterMarkLen

			FormatFont .Color = UserData.DropListBox1

			If WaterMarkLen > 1 Then
				REM Set tab stops to spread WaterMark across page
				TabSize = PageWidth / WaterMarkLen
				For TabCount = 1 To WaterMarkLen - 1
					TabPos$ = Str$(TabSize * TabCount)
					TabPos$ = TabPos$ + "pt"
					FormatTabs .Position = TabPos$
				Next TabCount
				REM Only one character.  So center it between margins
			End If

			REM Set Units back to original value
			ToolsOptionsGeneral .Units = OldUnits
			REM Now we finally get to put the text on the page
			Insert WaterMarkPara$

			REM Move the text insert point out of the text box again
		End If    REM WaterMarkNum = 0

		REM If ShowPrevHeaderFooter generates an error we've finished
		On Error Goto Exitnow
		On Error Goto 0

	Wend 	REM Err=0 from ShowPrev..., stepping back through headers

Exitnow:	REM Finished removing and adding headers
	REM Re-Enable standard error handling
	Err = 0
	On Error Goto 0

	REM Check to see if we were originally in a header
	If HeaderNum = 0 Then		
			ViewHeader		REM Toggle header display off again
		If HeaderNum > 1 Then
			REM	Return to the originally selected header
			If UserData.TextBox1 = "" Then
				REM Go back to the First Header
				On Error Goto First_Header_Again
				While Err = 0
			End If
			For Count = 1 To HeaderNum - 1
			Next Count
		End If
	End If
	REM Return to the original editing position
	REM Bookmarks in headers seem to generate errors
	On Error Resume Next		
	If ExistingBookmark("Temp") Then
		EditGoTo .Destination = "Temp"
		EditBookmark .Name = "Temp", .SortBy = 0, .Delete
	End If
	On Error Goto 0

	REM If we were originally in Print Preview then go back there
	If InPreview = - 1 Then
	End If

End If 	REM ButtonChoice = - 1
End Sub

Function DiagonalText$(Text$)
	REM Insert <NEWLINE><TAB> between each pair of characters in Text$
	Tmp$ = ""
	For Count = 1 To Len(Text$)
		If Count > 1 Then
			Tmp$ = Tmp$ + Chr$(11)	REM NewLine
			For SpaceCount = 1 To Count - 1
				Tmp$ = Tmp$ + Chr$(9)  REM TAB
			Next SpaceCount
		End If
		Tmp$ = Tmp$ +  Mid$(Text$, Count, 1)
	Next Count
	DiagonalText$ = Tmp$
End Function

Function FindTextBox(Text$)
		REM Locate any text box whose first paragraph is text$, return
		REM the drawing object id of the text box, or 0 if not found.
		Temp = 0
		DrawSetRange("\Doc")   REM Select entire object
		If DrawCount() > 0 Then  REM Any drawing objects?
			For Count = 1 To DrawCount()	REM For each drawing object
				If DrawGetType(Count) = 3 Then	REM It's a text box?
					If GetBookmark$("\Para") = Text$ Then
						Temp = Count
					End If
					On Error Resume Next
					On Error Goto 0
				End If   REM DrawGetType = 3
			Next Count
		End If  REM DrawCount > 0
		FindTextBox = Temp
End Function