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Conference bulova::decwindows

Notice:DECwindows Motif V1.2-4 SSB kits: note 5519
Created:Thu Nov 29 1990
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:5861
Total number of notes:24081

5814.0. "? on howto modify keymap in CDE" by RULLE::BRINGH () Wed Mar 26 1997 15:13


I am confused about keymapping in CDE and DigitalUNIX v4.0B. A customer is
having problems with a PCXAL-NF keyboard that he wants to configure as
a Swedish keyboard. Everything seems to work except that he is missing
the key, code 0x53, supposted to be ' and *. xmodmap -pke says that 0x53(83)
is defined and is ' and * but nothing happens. We have replaced the keyboard,
nothing wrong with the keyboard. I don't know if this specific keyboard is
supported, SPD just states that PCXAL-xx is supported. I borrowed a PCXAL-JA
to be able to troubleshoot this and I am having no problems with that one.
In v3.2x I used to change the keymaps in /usr/lib/X11/keymaps in order to
make a permanent system wide changes. man dxkeyboard says that 
/usr/lib/X11/keymaps is read. But I can remove every keymap in
/usr/lib/X11/keymaps. But that doesn't bother dxkeyboard. Can anyone
explain to me how this works? Or point to some documentation.
And also, if the customer doesn't want to create a xmodmap for every user,
where is the best place to put systemwide keyboard customizations.
I have read note 623 but I would like to have an answer if someone can
give me one. I don't beleive that man dxkeyboard is very clear, or correct,
since dxkeyboard seems do skip /usr/lib/X11/keymaps.

I have posted this question also in HJUXB::CDE, note 626.0. I will follow
their advice and test from xdm.


Mikael Bringh,
Unix-support, Sweden.
