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Conference bulean::decnetvax

Title:DECnet-VAX Conference
Notice:The WORLD's Leader in Networking
Created:Sun Feb 02 1986
Last Modified:Mon Jun 02 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:5887
Total number of notes:24029

5876.0. "DECnet Phase IV kit for Alpha 7.1?" by CSC32::MACGREGOR (Colorado: the TRUE mid-west) Wed Mar 12 1997 17:04

    I've searched the title list without success.  I have found the VAX
    OpenVMS 7.1 DECnet Phase IV kit at the location:
    However, the Alpha site
    Does not have a DECnet Phase IV kit.  Does anyone know where I can get
    Marc MacGregor
5876.1See OPENVMS-NETKIT-README.TXTXDELTA::HOFFMANSteve, OpenVMS EngineeringWed Mar 12 1997 17:5020
   Please take the time to read OPENVMS-NETKIT-README.TXT, copies are
   located in BULOVA::ALPHA$KITS:[V71_SSB] and BULOVA::SYS$KITS:[V71_SSB].

   You will find that the OpenVMS Alpha kit is restored in several steps,
   and that the necessary DECnet kits are located within the BACKUP/IMAGE
   of the Alpha PCSI CD-ROM installation kit.

   The OPENVMS-NETKIT-README.TXT file covers how to expand and restore the
   installation kit to the expected format, from which one can perform the

   If you're specifically looking for a DECnet Phase IV kit, you'll want
   to find someone in your area with the CD-ROM set.  (I would not be
   surprised to learn the kit was available to via a local InfoServer.)
   (Since the distribution kit is a compressed version of a BACKUP saveset,
   it takes a couple of steps to extricate the DECnet kit...)

   For information on acquiring a distribution kit via internal ordering
   channels, see note 8.* and 9.* over in VAXAXP::VMSNOTES.
5876.2CSC32::MACGREGORColorado: the TRUE mid-westWed Mar 12 1997 18:365
    thanks Steve.
5876.3ph IV kit on TK50 upgrade?KERNEL::VERNONDMon Mar 17 1997 15:5612
    Could you tell me if the decnet IV kit is on the TK50 VMS V7.1 upgrade.
    (Or is it an extra now? I know you get it on the CDrom upgrade).
    The cust has three tapes, two VMS and one DECNET plus. He can't find
    the kit. Systems are VAXes (all end systems). I'm sorry if this is basic, 
    but I can't get hold of a copy of the upgrade on TK50. 
    Dave Vernon,
    Comms	x3801
5876.4Please See Upgrade and Installation Manual...XDELTA::HOFFMANSteve, OpenVMS EngineeringMon Mar 17 1997 16:33120
5876.5KERNEL::VERNONDTue Mar 18 1997 07:401
    Thanks Steve, that was a great help.
5876.6What is the label on the Ph IV TK50 ?COMICS::WEIRJohn Weir, UK Country SupportThu Mar 20 1997 15:4322

I have read the manual, and also your note which appears to fairly accurately
reproduce it ;-)

The documentation states that the tape containing DECnet Phase IV should
be mounted in the TK50 drive, but it gives no clue about which tape
contains DECnet Phase IV.

I don't have a TK50 kit, so I can't check, but my Customer says that his
"kit" is only 3 tapes, viz: VMS Tape 1, VMS Tape 2, and DECnet-Plus. He
says he has no other tapes in the kit and cannot find DECnet Ph IV on the
tape (ie he has repeated the documented command for each tape in turn, and
without success).

So, please advise which tape should contain DECnet Phase IV.

Thanks very much,

	John Weir

5876.7V7.1 DECnet Ph IV on VMS TK50 #2COMICS::WEIRJohn Weir, UK Country SupportFri Mar 21 1997 07:5114
OK ... Just for those who come accross the same problem.

My Customer found the answer. He says that the DECnet Ph IV kit is on the
end of the VMS TK50 #2, and that it took 2 hours (sic!) for the tape to
wind backwards and forwards to find it.

So, if you (or your Customers) need to install DECnet Phase IV V7.1 off
TK50, I suggest you start it before lunch and just eat slowly ;-)


	John Weir

5876.8TK50 kits are seedy, and expensive...XDELTA::HOFFMANSteve, OpenVMS EngineeringFri Mar 21 1997 13:3016
:So, if you (or your Customers) need to install DECnet Phase IV V7.1 off
:TK50, I suggest you start it before lunch and just eat slowly ;-)

   Or order the CD-ROM kit and a CD-ROM drive -- consider loaning this
   customer a CD-ROM for a while, and run some prices for the cost of
   the CD-ROM distributions vs the TK50 distributions.

   If you are doing it for the customer -- bring along your own CD-ROM
   and drive.  It's certainly far faster...

   And with a CD-ROM drive and OpenVMS CD-ROM distribution, one can boot
   a read-only version of OpenVMS, and can perform maintenance and BACKUP
   operations directly on the "real" system disk.

   (Notice any recurring themes here?  :-)