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Conference misery::feline_v1

Title:Meower Power is Valuing Differences
Notice:FELINE_V1 is moving 1/11/94 5pm PST to MISERY
Created:Sun Feb 09 1986
Last Modified:Tue Jan 11 1994
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:5089
Total number of notes:60366

491.0. "Eating Soap & other wierd things" by VIDEO::USHER () Thu Feb 19 1987 15:50

    My friends cat has started doing things like licking soap and putting
    his face into ash trays and eating ashes.  She says its like the
    cat will eat anything lately.  She cant even brush her teeth without
    the cat up there after the toothpaste.  Any ideas on what caused
    this behavior??  She says the only thing that is different in her
    cats routine is a different cat food which I guess he is not to
    thrilled about.  He also has been running around the house as cats
    do for no reason alot lately acting a little nutsy but she says
    he seems healthy enough.  Anyone ever experienced this one???
491.1Mine ate cotton balls with cleanser on themPUZZLE::CORDESJAThu Feb 19 1987 15:5912
    I had a cat once that started eating the cotton balls that I discarded
    after washing my face with cleanser.  I talked with my vet about
    it and he said it was indicative of a gastro-intestinal upset and
    that I should bring the cat in.  I did, and he was ill.  I don't
    remember what the exact illness was or the medication (it was about
    five years ago).  
    Have your friend *call* her vet and ask him what he thinks.  It
    may just be that he is hungry since he doesn't like the current
    fare in his dish.
    Jo Ann
491.2clothes shredderRHODES::BAUMANNThu Feb 19 1987 18:1213
    One of my cats -- Pollux -- has, over the past 6 years, eaten
    a huge hole in a very expensive wool tweed skirt, consumed the
    straps off of a variety of underware and cleaned up any loose
    string he can find lying around the house.  Sometimes he 
    throws up.  More often he has cat box difficulties later.
    A friend of mine suggested a possible vitamin deficiency might
    be the cause, but Pollux seems healthy.  
    If your cat just started this, I would call a vet and ask about
    it.   Let me know what you find out.  Good luck.