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Conference misery::feline_v1

Title:Meower Power is Valuing Differences
Notice:FELINE_V1 is moving 1/11/94 5pm PST to MISERY
Created:Sun Feb 09 1986
Last Modified:Tue Jan 11 1994
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:5089
Total number of notes:60366

1421.0. "Tail-chasing furface!" by LAIDBK::RESKE (Life's a mystery & I haven't a clue) Thu Jun 02 1988 14:36

    I've had my furface Rocco for a couple months now (he's about 8
    months old I think) and he's developing two funny habits.
    First of all is his games of tail-chasing.  This guy will run in
    circles, do sumersaults (sp) etc trying to catch his tail which
    really isn't that long.  I can't wait to see what he does if he
    ever catches it! :^) Do any of your pals do the same?? 
    His second fun habit is that he sits like a little squirrel.
    You know, sits on his back legs and holds his front paws curled
    against his tummy.  He sits this way as oppose to laying down ...
    he'll stay that way for 20 minutes or more.  It's really hysterical
    to see him sit and watch T.V. that way (which he does quit often).
    I've had more people comment that they had never seen a cat do
    that.  Any one else have a cat who is part squirrel?

    Just in case anyone wonders .... he's very healthy according to
    the vet.  He's just chamingly eccentric. ;^)
    Donna (T.C. and Rocco's mommy)
1421.1Oh yes..DRFIX::IVESThu Jun 02 1988 15:3613
    Mocha sits on his honches (sp) for a long time, although his
    front paws are mostly just out in front of him. He can also
    sit like this for a long time, even swiviling his head around
    like an owl and not falling over. By sitting like this he has
    the advantage of seeing what's going on better, especially when
    I am getting dinner or food is being prepared in the kitchen.
    He does this too when we are unloading  the groceries. Mocha
    seems to know how cute he is when he does this, and it's a
    perfect time for a treat for an adorable cat.
    Aren't our cats fun?
1421.2SquirrelsAIMHI::OFFENThu Jun 02 1988 16:057
    DejaVu sits up and plays with her string (my string belt) but not
    for twenty minutes.  She would much rather chase it.  She does sit
    up and look out the window or over the bags.
    Sandi (Lightning's & DejaVu's mom)
1421.3If she catches the wrong tail...TRILGY::WILDEGrand Poobah's first assistant and Jr. WizardThu Jun 02 1988 17:1512
Hannah chases her tail and also her best buddy Nick's tail...which she
nips quite smartly when she catches it.  The other day, I watched her
chase Nick's tail for awhile and then chase her own, catch it, and bite
down quite smartly....she immediately yelled from the pain, looked
around, and walked out of the room with great dignity....with the look
we all know so well..you know, the one that says, "I intended to do that"
on her face.

			I laughed anyway...


1421.4T.K.s latest anticsMYVAX::LUBYlove them furry terroristsThu Jun 02 1988 17:3545
    	T.K. gets in these moods sometimes and will suddenly spot his
    	tail and attack it for being so rude and following him.
    	One of our favorite games is for me to hold him on his back
    	and grab his tail and shove it in his face.  He tries to bite
    	it and grab it with his front paws.  Its alot of fun.  He
    	hates it though when I bite it.  Bandit is not at all interested
    	in tails but will periodically find T.K. stalking his plume.
    	T.K. is an all around nut.  I was washing the kitchen floor
    	the other day when he got really hyper and started racing around
    	the condo, up and down the stairs, streaking through the kitchen
    	and sliding across the kitchen floor, smashing into walls. 
    	He thought that this was so much fun I couldn't get him out
    	of the kitchen.  So much for my clean floor with this wet and
    	wild kitty sliding all over it!!!
    	Then there is T.K.s facination with open windows.  Open a window
        and T.K. comes running as fast as he can.  Then he sits in the
    	open window for hours just staring.  A couple of weeks ago I opened
    	the window in my bedroom and the two cats were sitting on the sill 
    	watching out the window.  I was just picking up my room or
        something.  I heard something and looked over at the window.  T.K. 
        had worked loose a corner of the screen and was half-way out the 
    	second floor window.  I didn't realize that there was a small bit 
    	of roof (covering the entrance) right there and I thought he was 
    	taking a jump all the way to the ground!!  He is facinated with
        the outdoors and finds a way to escape at least once a week.  I
        went running over and in my haste to grab him, I knocked the
        screen completely out of the window.  I was still afraid he might
    	jump from the roof.  I hauled him inside and Bandit, who was on the
    	sill beneath me was heading out the window.  So I grabbed him too.
    	There weren't too happy with me, especially T.K. who had to
    	put up with all this cuddling afterwards.
    	Whew!  My heart is beating faster just thinking about it.  And
    	you guys all thought that Bandit was the wild one.  Not so!!!
    	Bandit never gets into any trouble any more.  Once those claws
    	of his were gone his fluffy little head couldn't think of any
    	more ways to be a pest!!
1421.5in my mind..... :^)TPVAX2::ROBBINSThu Jun 02 1988 18:0911
    Re. 4
          Even though I've heard the story once Karen it still makes
    me laugh.....  Just picturing it in my mind.... :^)
    P.S. -I can even picture them now that I've got the pictures....
          And are they GORGEOUS...  guess who's my favorite.....
          could it be Bandit....  or could it be T.K.  or could it be......
    Ha ha!!!
1421.6Mine too think they're squirrelsNAC::LACOURThu Jun 02 1988 20:2415
    Both Barney and Ben will sit like a squirrel sometimes, Barney
    inparticular.  He's done this since kitten-hood and it's always
    amazed me.  He'll watch TV or look out the front door.  Ben does
    it when something catches his attention.  Both Ben and Barney are
    Tiger cats.  Gonezo doesn't do this and is a big, fat, white and
    black cat.  Could the Tiger-ness have something to do with this
    trait?  Oh - Barney doesn't do this much anymore - he got too fat
    and now when he tries, he falls over backwards!  
    As for chasing their tails.... Ben doesn't chase his tail, but
    chases his hind feet.  When he catches them, he starts biting
    his foot!  
1421.7Mine looks more like a groundhogSCRUZ::CORDES_JABy the shards of my dragon's eggFri Jun 03 1988 00:194
    Bailey does this sometimes.  I've always called it her groundhog
1421.8FDCV03::FRANCISCOFri Jun 03 1988 12:495
    Punjab also does the squirrel/groundhog impression.  I don't know
    where she picked it up from, but it sure looks cute !
1421.9The two madhatters...SHAPES::TAYLORSMINNIEFri Jun 03 1988 12:5630
    I really did think my boys were the only ones that were strange.
    Sammie will sit-up-and-beg on his hind legs when he wants a fuss
    or if he is hungry.  He will also bite my legs and feet whilst I
    am cleaning my teeth in the morning when he is hungry.  In fact
    one morning I was bending over the sink rinsing my teeth and Sam
    jumped onto the toilet and sunk his teeth into my rear and ran off
    (sort of "I told you what I'd do if you didn't hurry up and feed
    me!!!!).  ouch!
    He also chases his tail for a while then gets fed up and chases
    Dillan's tail then he will attack one of the wooden dining room
    chairs and when it doesn't retalliate (sp?) he rushes round the
    house crashing into walls!!!
    Then there's Dillan's facination for open windows. Although he has
    a cat flap and can come and go as he pleases, as soon as you open
    a window he is there, threatening to jump (which he has done a couple
    of times) So I am now a nervous wreck.  It was funny one time though,
    I had opened the bathroom window but forgot to shut the door behind
    me and Dillan made a dash for the window, not bothering to check
    if the toilet seat was down.....you guessed it he went straight
    They keep me ammused for hours!!
    Sharon T (UK)
1421.10No fleas, but she still needs to be de-bugged...JAWS::COTEAre you buying this at all??Fri Jun 03 1988 13:3212
             10 CHASE TAIL
             20 BITE TAIL
             30 GOSUB 100
             40 GOTO 20
            100 FEEL PAIN
            110 KICK SELF IN HEAD
            120 RETURN
    Aja gets stuck in this loop for hours until I set her interupts.
1421.11Don't ya wonder sometimes?EDUC8::TRACHMANFri Jun 03 1988 17:344
    That's a software person for ya!  That's really cute, Edd.  Sounds
    like a couple buggers I have at home.
1421.12one relaxed kitty58205::HTAYLORHave you hugged your kitty today?Thu Jun 09 1988 14:0722
    Tabbatha is too fat to sit on her hind feet like a squirrel.  She's
    lucky she can jump to get the kitty tease.  Although, since we cut
    down on the IAMS, she has been doing a lot better.  In fact, one
    of the judges at the last show actually said "There's not too much
    fat on this kitty".  All of us LAUGHED!!  And this is the one we
    call "TUBBO!"
    Silver sits like a squirrel every once in a while, but not for 20
    minutes.  She LOVES to chase her tail.  She'll run around in circles
    for a while and then finally get frustrated and lay on her back
    and grab her tail from between her legs.  It is SO funny to watch.
    Tabbatha does something else that is really funny.  When she sleeps,
    she doesn't curl up in a ball at all.  She COMPLETELY sprawls out!
    If she is in her kitty bed, she will lay on her back, her paws up
    in the air, and herr feet all sprawled out.  She looks so funny
    because she is SO relaxed!  A few of the noters have seen her. 
    You've got to see it to believe it!
    Holly, Tabbatha, Silver, Michaela, and either Bridget or Singsing