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Conference vaxuum::document_ft

Notice:**New notesfile (DOCUMENT.NOTE) now available (see note 897)**
Created:Mon Feb 09 1987
Last Modified:Thu Oct 31 1991
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:897
Total number of notes:4397

188.0. "Uniqueness in \symbol_names)" by TOPDOC::GREENBERG () Thu Apr 02 1987 15:27

    Could someone explain exactly how symbol names are read when processed?
    I use the following symbol names throughout the chapters of a book:

    and get the following error messages:
    "%TAG-W-DUPSYMBOL,at tag <SYMBOL_TABLE_ENTRY> on line XYZ in file
    The symbol SYMBOL is defined twice
    The earlier definition is replaced by the new definition"

    Why aren't these symbols recognized as unique?
188.1dunnoVAXUUM::KOHLBRENNERThu Apr 02 1987 16:1211
    The symbols that you typed in your example ARE unique.
    Don't know why you would get a complaint about those symbols.
    Are you sure that the actual symbol that it is complaining
    about is unique?
    If a symbol is being declared in a file that is <include>d,
    and you include the file in more than one place, then it won't
    be unique.  Are you including a file that declares a symbol
    more than once?
188.240 lashes!!!TOPDOC::GREENBERGThu Apr 02 1987 18:567
    My humblest apologies.  I have figures and tables in all these chapters
    and halfway through I started to give "fig" symbol names to both
    the figures and the tables!
    Thank you for your quick reply.