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Conference share::zap

Title:Zap Technical Conference
Notice:ZAP Version 5.3 is available. See note 1.1
Created:Mon Feb 24 1986
Last Modified:Mon May 05 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:170
Total number of notes:492

146.0. "Infinite loop bug in ZAP V5.2 fills up system disk" by RTP4ME::FLACK (Swap read error. You lose your mind.) Fri Mar 18 1994 12:40


There appears to be a bug in ZAP V5.2 that when it rears itself, fills up the
system disk of the system running ZAP, eventually making the system unusable
(and depending on AUDIT server settings may force the system to crash). 

If you try to define a message that is longer than 255 characters in 
ZAP$WARNING.DAT, then the ZAP monitor will write out:

%ZAP-E-BADMSGLEN, Message length may not exceed 255 characters

into the log file continuously until the system disk is full or the process
is killed.

We discovered this accidently when somehow a few extra characters (I think 2 or
3 carriage retruns and a single extra character after these blank lines was
enough to set it off) got added to the ZAP$WARNING.DAT file!  It appears that 
the default message must total somewhere close to 250 bytes, so that any addition
to the default message will trigger this problem.

Peter Flack
146.1Infinite loop foundZAPDEV::MACONIThe Doctor is InFri Mar 18 1994 21:5011

	Yes, if the message file is greater than 254 characters, the program
gets stuck in a loop.

	The "default" message is 31 characters in length if no message file is
found and the "standard" message is 163 characters in length.

	The problem will be corrected in the next release.
